# token-exchange Solana Token Exchange Bench If you can't wait; jump to [Running the exchange](#Running-the-exchange) to learn how to start and interact with the exchange. ### Table of Contents [Overview](#Overview)
[Exchange startup](#Exchange-startup)
[Trade requests](#Trade-requests)
[Trade cancellations](#Trade-cancellations)
[Trade swap](#Trade-swap)
[Exchange program operations](#Exchange-program-operations)
[Quotes and OHLCV](#Quotes-and-OHLCV)
[Investor strategies](#Investor-strategies)
[Running the exchange](#Running-the-exchange)
## Overview An exchange is a marketplace where one asset can be traded for another. This demo demonstrates one way to host an exchange on the Solana blockchain by emulating a currency exchange. The assets are virtual tokens held by investors who may post trade requests to the exchange. A broker monitors the exchange and posts swap requests for matching trade orders. All the transactions can execute concurrently. ## Premise - Exchange - An exchange is a marketplace where one asset can be traded for another. The exchange in this demo is the on-chain program that implements the tokens and the policies for trading those tokens. - Token - A virtual asset that can be owned, traded, and holds virtual intrinsic value compared to other assets. There are four types of tokens in this demo, A, B, C, D. Each one may be traded for another. - Token account - An account owned by the exchange that holds a quantity of one type of token. - Account request - A request to create a token account - Token request - A request to deposit tokens of a particular type into a token account. - Token pair - A unique ordered list of two tokens. For the four types of tokens used in this demo, the valid pairs are AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD. - Direction of trade - Describes which token in the pair the investor wants to sell and buy and can be either "To" or "From". For example, if an investor issues a "To" trade for "AB" then they which to exchange A tokens to B tokens. A "From" order would read the other way, A tokens from B tokens. - Price ratio - An expression of the relative prices of two tokens. They consist of the price of the primary token and the price of the secondary token. For simplicity sake, the primary token's price is always 1, which forces the secondary to be the common denominator. For example, if token A was worth 2 and token B was worth 6, the price ratio would be 1:3 or just 3. Price ratios are represented as fixed point numbers. The fixed point scaler is defined in [exchange_state.rs](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/blob/c2fdd1362a029dcf89c8907c562d2079d977df11/programs/exchange_api/src/exchange_state.rs#L7) - Trade request - A Solana transaction executed by the exchange requesting the trade of one type of token for another. Trade requests are made up of the token pair, the direction of the trade, quantity of the primary token, the price ratio, and the two token accounts to be credited/deducted. An example trade request looks like "T AB 5 2" which reads "Exchange 5 A tokens to B tokens at a price ratio of 1:2" A fulfilled trade would result in 5 A tokens deducted and 10 B tokens credited to the trade initiator's token accounts. Successful trade requests result in a trade order. - Trade order - The result of a successful trade request. Trade orders are stored in accounts owned by the submitter of the trade request. They can only be canceled by their owner but can be used by anyone in a trade swap. They contain the same information as the trade request. - Price spread - The difference between the two matching trade orders. The spread is the profit of the broker initiating the swap request. - Swap requirements - Policies that result in a successful trade swap. - Swap request - A request to exchange tokens between to trade orders - Trade swap - A successful trade. A swap consists of two matching trade orders that meet swap requirements. A trade swap may not wholly satisfy one or both of the trade orders in which case the trade orders are adjusted appropriately. As long as the swap requirements are met there will be an exchange of tokens between accounts. Any price spread is deposited into the broker's profit account. All trade swaps are recorded in a new account for posterity. - Investor - Individual investors who hold a number of tokens and wish to trade them on the exchange. Investors operate as Solana thin clients who own a set of accounts containing tokens and/or trade requests. Investors post transactions to the exchange in order to request tokens and post or cancel trade requests. - Broker - An agent who facilitates trading between investors. Brokers operate as Solana thin clients who monitor all the trade orders looking for a trade match. Once found, the broker issues a swap request to the exchange. Brokers are the engine of the exchange and are rewarded for their efforts by accumulating the price spreads of the swaps they initiate. Brokers also provide current bid/ask price and OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) information on demand via a public network port. - Transaction fees - Solana transaction fees are paid for by the transaction submitters who are the Investors and Brokers. ## Exchange startup The exchange is up and running when it reaches a state where it can take investor's trades and broker's swap requests. To achieve this state the following must occur in order: - Start the Solana blockchain - Start the broker thin-client - The broker subscribes to change notifications for all the accounts owned by the exchange program id. The subscription is managed via Solana's JSON RPC interface. - The broker starts responding to queries for bid/ask price and OHLCV The broker responding successfully to price and OHLCV requests is the signal to the investors that trades submitted after that point will be analyzed. Investors will initially query the exchange to discover their current balance for each type of token. If the investor does not already have an account for each type of token, they will submit account requests. Brokers as well will request accounts to hold the tokens they earn by initiating trade swaps. ```rust /// Supported token types pub enum Token { A, B, C, D, } /// Supported token pairs pub enum TokenPair { AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD, } pub enum ExchangeInstruction { /// New token account /// key 0 - Signer /// key 1 - New token account AccountRequest, } /// Token accounts are populated with this structure pub struct TokenAccountInfo { /// Investor who owns this account pub owner: Pubkey, /// Current number of tokens this account holds pub tokens: Tokens, } ``` For this demo investors or brokers can request more tokens from the exchange at any time by submitting token requests. In non-demos, an exchange of this type would provide another way to exchange a 3rd party asset into tokens. To request tokens, investors submit transfer requests: ```rust pub enum ExchangeInstruction { /// Transfer tokens between two accounts /// key 0 - Account to transfer tokens to /// key 1 - Account to transfer tokens from. This can be the exchange program itself, /// the exchange has a limitless number of tokens it can transfer. TransferRequest(Token, u64), } ``` ## Trade requests When an investor decides to exchange a token of one type for another, they submit a transaction to the Solana Blockchain containing a trade request, which, if successful, is turned into a trade order. Trade orders do not expire but are cancellable. When a trade order is created, tokens are deducted from a token account and the trade order acts as an escrow. The tokens are held until the trade order is fulfilled or canceled. If the direction is `To`, then the number of `tokens` are deducted from the primary account, if `From` then `tokens` multiplied by `price` are deducted from the secondary account. Trade orders are no longer valid when the number of `tokens` goes to zero, at which point they can no longer be used. ```rust /// Direction of the exchange between two tokens in a pair pub enum Direction { /// Trade first token type (primary) in the pair 'To' the second To, /// Trade first token type in the pair 'From' the second (secondary) From, } pub struct TradeRequestInfo { /// Direction of trade pub direction: Direction, /// Token pair to trade pub pair: TokenPair, /// Number of tokens to exchange; refers to the primary or the secondary depending on the direction pub tokens: u64, /// The price ratio the primary price over the secondary price. The primary price is fixed /// and equal to the variable `SCALER`. pub price: u64, /// Token account to deposit tokens on successful swap pub dst_account: Pubkey, } pub enum ExchangeInstruction { /// Trade request /// key 0 - Signer /// key 1 - Account in which to record the swap /// key 2 - Token account associated with this trade TradeRequest(TradeRequestInfo), } /// Trade accounts are populated with this structure pub struct TradeOrderInfo { /// Owner of the trade order pub owner: Pubkey, /// Direction of the exchange pub direction: Direction, /// Token pair indicating two tokens to exchange, first is primary pub pair: TokenPair, /// Number of tokens to exchange; primary or secondary depending on direction pub tokens: u64, /// Scaled price of the secondary token given the primary is equal to the scale value /// If scale is 1 and price is 2 then ratio is 1:2 or 1 primary token for 2 secondary tokens pub price: u64, /// account which the tokens were source from. The trade account holds the tokens in escrow /// until either one or more part of a swap or the trade is canceled. pub src_account: Pubkey, /// account which the tokens the tokens will be deposited into on a successful trade pub dst_account: Pubkey, } ``` ## Trade cancellations An investor may cancel a trade at anytime, but only trades they own. If the cancellation is successful, any tokens held in escrow are returned to the account from which they came. ```rust pub enum ExchangeInstruction { /// Trade cancellation /// key 0 - Signer /// key 1 -Trade order to cancel TradeCancellation, } ``` ## Trade swaps The broker is monitoring the accounts assigned to the exchange program and building a trade-order table. The trade order table is used to identify matching trade orders which could be fulfilled. When a match is found the broker should issue a swap request. Swap requests may not satisfy the entirety of either order, but the exchange will greedily fulfill it. Any leftover tokens in either account will keep the trade order valid for further swap requests in the future. Matching trade orders are defined by the following swap requirements: - Opposite polarity (one `To` and one `From`) - Operate on the same token pair - The price ratio of the `From` order is greater than or equal to the `To` order - There are sufficient tokens to perform the trade Orders can be written in the following format: `investor direction pair quantity price-ratio` For example: - `1 T AB 2 1` - Investor 1 wishes to exchange 2 A tokens to B tokens at a ratio of 1 A to 1 B - `2 F AC 6 1.2` - Investor 2 wishes to exchange A tokens from 6 B tokens at a ratio of 1 A from 1.2 B An order table could look something like the following. Notice how the columns are sorted low to high and high to low, respectively. Prices are dramatic and whole for clarity. |Row| To | From | |---|-------------|------------| | 1 | 1 T AB 2 4 | 2 F AB 2 8 | | 2 | 1 T AB 1 4 | 2 F AB 2 8 | | 3 | 1 T AB 6 6 | 2 F AB 2 7 | | 4 | 1 T AB 2 8 | 2 F AB 3 6 | | 5 | 1 T AB 2 10 | 2 F AB 1 5 | As part of a successful swap request, the exchange will credit tokens to the broker's account equal to the difference in the price ratios or the two orders. These tokens are considered the broker's profit for initiating the trade. The broker would initiate the following swap on the order table above: - Row 1, To: Investor 1 trades 2 A tokens to 8 B tokens - Row 1, From: Investor 2 trades 2 A tokens from 8 B tokens - Broker takes 8 B tokens as profit Both row 1 trades are fully realized, table becomes: |Row| To | From | |---|-------------|------------| | 1 | 1 T AB 1 4 | 2 F AB 2 8 | | 2 | 1 T AB 6 6 | 2 F AB 2 7 | | 3 | 1 T AB 2 8 | 2 F AB 3 6 | | 4 | 1 T AB 2 10 | 2 F AB 1 5 | The broker would initiate the following swap: - Row 1, To: Investor 1 trades 1 A token to 4 B tokens - Row 1, From: Investor 2 trades 1 A token from 4 B tokens - Broker takes 4 B tokens as profit Row 1 From is not fully realized, table becomes: |Row| To | From | |---|-------------|------------| | 1 | 1 T AB 6 6 | 2 F AB 1 8 | | 2 | 1 T AB 2 8 | 2 F AB 2 7 | | 3 | 1 T AB 2 10 | 2 F AB 3 6 | | 4 | | 2 F AB 1 5 | The broker would initiate the following swap: - Row 1, To: Investor 1 trades 1 A token to 6 B tokens - Row 1, From: Investor 2 trades 1 A token from 6 B tokens - Broker takes 2 B tokens as profit Row 1 To is now fully realized, table becomes: |Row| To | From | |---|-------------|------------| | 1 | 1 T AB 5 6 | 2 F AB 2 7 | | 2 | 1 T AB 2 8 | 2 F AB 3 5 | | 3 | 1 T AB 2 10 | 2 F AB 1 5 | The broker would initiate the following last swap: - Row 1, To: Investor 1 trades 2 A token to 12 B tokens - Row 1, From: Investor 2 trades 2 A token from 12 B tokens - Broker takes 4 B tokens as profit Table becomes: |Row| To | From | |---|-------------|------------| | 1 | 1 T AB 3 6 | 2 F AB 3 5 | | 2 | 1 T AB 2 8 | 2 F AB 1 5 | | 3 | 1 T AB 2 10 | | At this point the lowest To's price is larger than the largest From's price so no more swaps would be initiated until new orders came in. ```rust pub enum ExchangeInstruction { /// Trade swap request /// key 0 - Signer /// key 1 - Account in which to record the swap /// key 2 - 'To' trade order /// key 3 - `From` trade order /// key 4 - Token account associated with the To Trade /// key 5 - Token account associated with From trade /// key 6 - Token account in which to deposit the brokers profit from the swap. SwapRequest, } /// Swap accounts are populated with this structure pub struct TradeSwapInfo { /// Pair swapped pub pair: TokenPair, /// `To` trade order pub to_trade_order: Pubkey, /// `From` trade order pub from_trade_order: Pubkey, /// Number of primary tokens exchanged pub primary_tokens: u64, /// Price the primary tokens were exchanged for pub primary_price: u64, /// Number of secondary tokens exchanged pub secondary_tokens: u64, /// Price the secondary tokens were exchanged for pub secondary_price: u64, } ``` ## Exchange program operations Putting all the commands together from above, the following operations will be supported by the on-chain exchange program: ```rust pub enum ExchangeInstruction { /// New token account /// key 0 - Signer /// key 1 - New token account AccountRequest, /// Transfer tokens between two accounts /// key 0 - Account to transfer tokens to /// key 1 - Account to transfer tokens from. This can be the exchange program itself, /// the exchange has a limitless number of tokens it can transfer. TransferRequest(Token, u64), /// Trade request /// key 0 - Signer /// key 1 - Account in which to record the swap /// key 2 - Token account associated with this trade TradeRequest(TradeRequestInfo), /// Trade cancellation /// key 0 - Signer /// key 1 -Trade order to cancel TradeCancellation, /// Trade swap request /// key 0 - Signer /// key 1 - Account in which to record the swap /// key 2 - 'To' trade order /// key 3 - `From` trade order /// key 4 - Token account associated with the To Trade /// key 5 - Token account associated with From trade /// key 6 - Token account in which to deposit the brokers profit from the swap. SwapRequest, } ``` ## Quotes and OHLCV The broker will provide current bid/ask price quotes based on trade actively and also provide OHLCV based on some time window. The details of how the bid/ask price quotes are calculated are yet to be decided. ## Investor strategies To make a compelling demo, the investors needs to provide interesting trade behavior. Something as simple as a randomly twiddled baseline would be a minimum starting point. ## Running the exchange The exchange bench posts trades and swaps matches as fast as it can. You might want to bump the duration up to 60 seconds and the batch size to 1000 for better numbers. You can modify those in client_demo/src/demo.rs::test_exchange_local_cluster. The following command runs the bench: ```bash $ RUST_LOG=solana_bench_exchange=info cargo test --release -- --nocapture test_exchange_local_cluster ``` To also see the cluster messages: ```bash $ RUST_LOG=solana_bench_exchange=info,solana=info cargo test --release -- --nocapture test_exchange_local_cluster ```