extern crate bincode; #[macro_use] extern crate clap; extern crate rand; extern crate rayon; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate serde_json; #[macro_use] extern crate solana; extern crate solana_metrics; extern crate solana_sdk; use clap::{App, Arg}; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use rayon::prelude::*; use solana::client::mk_client; use solana::cluster_info::{ClusterInfo, NodeInfo}; use solana::drone::{request_airdrop_transaction, DRONE_PORT}; use solana::hash::Hash; use solana::logger; use solana::ncp::Ncp; use solana::service::Service; use solana::signature::{read_keypair, GenKeys, Keypair, KeypairUtil}; use solana::system_transaction::SystemTransaction; use solana::thin_client::{poll_gossip_for_leader, ThinClient}; use solana::transaction::Transaction; use solana::window::default_window; use solana_metrics::influxdb; use solana_sdk::timing::timestamp; use solana_sdk::timing::{duration_as_ms, duration_as_s}; use std::cmp; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::process::exit; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicIsize, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::thread::sleep; use std::thread::Builder; use std::time::Duration; use std::time::Instant; pub struct NodeStats { pub tps: f64, // Maximum TPS reported by this node pub tx: u64, // Total transactions reported by this node } fn metrics_submit_token_balance(token_balance: u64) { println!("Token balance: {}", token_balance); solana_metrics::submit( influxdb::Point::new("bench-tps") .add_tag("op", influxdb::Value::String("token_balance".to_string())) .add_field("balance", influxdb::Value::Integer(token_balance as i64)) .to_owned(), ); } fn sample_tx_count( exit_signal: &Arc, maxes: &Arc>>, first_tx_count: u64, v: &NodeInfo, sample_period: u64, ) { let mut client = mk_client(&v); let mut now = Instant::now(); let mut initial_tx_count = client.transaction_count(); let mut max_tps = 0.0; let mut total; let log_prefix = format!("{:21}:", v.tpu.to_string()); loop { let tx_count = client.transaction_count(); assert!( tx_count >= initial_tx_count, "expected tx_count({}) >= initial_tx_count({})", tx_count, initial_tx_count ); let duration = now.elapsed(); now = Instant::now(); let sample = tx_count - initial_tx_count; initial_tx_count = tx_count; let ns = duration.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + u64::from(duration.subsec_nanos()); let tps = (sample * 1_000_000_000) as f64 / ns as f64; if tps > max_tps { max_tps = tps; } if tx_count > first_tx_count { total = tx_count - first_tx_count; } else { total = 0; } println!( "{} {:9.2} TPS, Transactions: {:6}, Total transactions: {}", log_prefix, tps, sample, total ); sleep(Duration::new(sample_period, 0)); if exit_signal.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { println!("{} Exiting validator thread", log_prefix); let stats = NodeStats { tps: max_tps, tx: total, }; maxes.write().unwrap().push((v.tpu, stats)); break; } } } /// Send loopback payment of 0 tokens and confirm the network processed it fn send_barrier_transaction(barrier_client: &mut ThinClient, last_id: &mut Hash, id: &Keypair) { let transfer_start = Instant::now(); let mut poll_count = 0; loop { if poll_count > 0 && poll_count % 8 == 0 { println!( "polling for barrier transaction confirmation, attempt {}", poll_count ); } *last_id = barrier_client.get_last_id(); let signature = barrier_client .transfer(0, &id, id.pubkey(), last_id) .expect("Unable to send barrier transaction"); let confirmatiom = barrier_client.poll_for_signature(&signature); let duration_ms = duration_as_ms(&transfer_start.elapsed()); if confirmatiom.is_ok() { println!("barrier transaction confirmed in {}ms", duration_ms); solana_metrics::submit( influxdb::Point::new("bench-tps") .add_tag( "op", influxdb::Value::String("send_barrier_transaction".to_string()), ).add_field("poll_count", influxdb::Value::Integer(poll_count)) .add_field("duration", influxdb::Value::Integer(duration_ms as i64)) .to_owned(), ); // Sanity check that the client balance is still 1 let balance = barrier_client .poll_balance_with_timeout( &id.pubkey(), &Duration::from_millis(100), &Duration::from_secs(10), ).expect("Failed to get balance"); if balance != 1 { panic!("Expected an account balance of 1 (balance: {}", balance); } break; } // Timeout after 3 minutes. When running a CPU-only leader+validator+drone+bench-tps on a dev // machine, some batches of transactions can take upwards of 1 minute... if duration_ms > 1000 * 60 * 3 { println!("Error: Couldn't confirm barrier transaction!"); exit(1); } let new_last_id = barrier_client.get_last_id(); if new_last_id == *last_id { if poll_count > 0 && poll_count % 8 == 0 { println!("last_id is not advancing, still at {:?}", *last_id); } } else { *last_id = new_last_id; } poll_count += 1; } } type SharedTransactions = Arc>>>; fn generate_txs( shared_txs: &SharedTransactions, source: &[Keypair], dest: &[Keypair], threads: usize, reclaim: bool, leader: &NodeInfo, ) { let mut client = mk_client(leader); let last_id = client.get_last_id(); info!("last_id: {} {:?}", last_id, Instant::now()); let tx_count = source.len(); println!("Signing transactions... {} (reclaim={})", tx_count, reclaim); let signing_start = Instant::now(); let pairs: Vec<_> = if !reclaim { source.iter().zip(dest.iter()).collect() } else { dest.iter().zip(source.iter()).collect() }; let transactions: Vec<_> = pairs .par_iter() .map(|(id, keypair)| { ( Transaction::system_new(id, keypair.pubkey(), 1, last_id), timestamp(), ) }).collect(); let duration = signing_start.elapsed(); let ns = duration.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + u64::from(duration.subsec_nanos()); let bsps = (tx_count) as f64 / ns as f64; let nsps = ns as f64 / (tx_count) as f64; println!( "Done. {:.2} thousand signatures per second, {:.2} us per signature, {} ms total time, {}", bsps * 1_000_000_f64, nsps / 1_000_f64, duration_as_ms(&duration), last_id, ); solana_metrics::submit( influxdb::Point::new("bench-tps") .add_tag("op", influxdb::Value::String("generate_txs".to_string())) .add_field( "duration", influxdb::Value::Integer(duration_as_ms(&duration) as i64), ).to_owned(), ); let sz = transactions.len() / threads; let chunks: Vec<_> = transactions.chunks(sz).collect(); { let mut shared_txs_wl = shared_txs.write().unwrap(); for chunk in chunks { shared_txs_wl.push_back(chunk.to_vec()); } } } fn do_tx_transfers( exit_signal: &Arc, shared_txs: &SharedTransactions, leader: &NodeInfo, shared_tx_thread_count: &Arc, total_tx_sent_count: &Arc, ) { let client = mk_client(&leader); loop { let txs; { let mut shared_txs_wl = shared_txs.write().unwrap(); txs = shared_txs_wl.pop_front(); } if let Some(txs0) = txs { shared_tx_thread_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); println!( "Transferring 1 unit {} times... to {}", txs0.len(), leader.tpu ); let tx_len = txs0.len(); let transfer_start = Instant::now(); for tx in txs0 { let now = timestamp(); if now > tx.1 && now - tx.1 > 1000 * 30 { continue; } client.transfer_signed(&tx.0).unwrap(); } shared_tx_thread_count.fetch_add(-1, Ordering::Relaxed); total_tx_sent_count.fetch_add(tx_len, Ordering::Relaxed); println!( "Tx send done. {} ms {} tps", duration_as_ms(&transfer_start.elapsed()), tx_len as f32 / duration_as_s(&transfer_start.elapsed()), ); solana_metrics::submit( influxdb::Point::new("bench-tps") .add_tag("op", influxdb::Value::String("do_tx_transfers".to_string())) .add_field( "duration", influxdb::Value::Integer(duration_as_ms(&transfer_start.elapsed()) as i64), ).add_field("count", influxdb::Value::Integer(tx_len as i64)) .to_owned(), ); } if exit_signal.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } } } const MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX: usize = 4; fn verify_transfer(client: &mut ThinClient, tx: &Transaction) -> bool { if client.poll_for_signature(&tx.signatures[0]).is_err() { println!("no signature"); return false; } for a in &tx.account_keys[1..] { if client.poll_get_balance(a).unwrap_or(0) == 0 { println!( "no balance {} source bal: {} {:?}", a, client.poll_get_balance(&tx.account_keys[0]).unwrap_or(0), tx ); return false; } } true } /// fund the dests keys by spending all of the source keys into MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX /// on every iteration. This allows us to replay the transfers because the source is either empty, /// or full fn fund_keys(client: &mut ThinClient, source: &Keypair, dests: &[Keypair], tokens: u64) { let total = tokens * dests.len() as u64; let mut funded: Vec<(&Keypair, u64)> = vec![(source, total)]; let mut notfunded: Vec<&Keypair> = dests.iter().collect(); println!("funding keys {}", dests.len()); while !notfunded.is_empty() { let mut new_funded: Vec<(&Keypair, u64)> = vec![]; let mut to_fund = vec![]; println!("creating from... {}", funded.len()); for f in &mut funded { let max_units = cmp::min(notfunded.len(), MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX); if max_units == 0 { break; } let start = notfunded.len() - max_units; let per_unit = f.1 / (max_units as u64); let moves: Vec<_> = notfunded[start..] .iter() .map(|k| (k.pubkey(), per_unit)) .collect(); notfunded[start..] .iter() .for_each(|k| new_funded.push((k, per_unit))); notfunded.truncate(start); if !moves.is_empty() { to_fund.push((f.0, moves)); } } println!("sending... {}", to_fund.len()); // try to transfer a few at a time with recent last_id to_fund.chunks(10_000).for_each(|chunk| { loop { let last_id = client.get_last_id(); println!("generating... {} {}", chunk.len(), last_id); let mut to_fund_txs: Vec<_> = chunk .par_iter() .map(|(k, m)| Transaction::system_move_many(k, &m, last_id, 0)) .collect(); // with randomly distributed the failures // most of the account pairs should have some funding in one of the pairs // durring generate_tx step thread_rng().shuffle(&mut to_fund_txs); println!("transfering... {}", chunk.len()); to_fund_txs.iter().for_each(|tx| { let _ = client.transfer_signed(&tx).expect("transfer"); }); // randomly sample some of the transfers thread_rng().shuffle(&mut to_fund_txs); let max = cmp::min(10, to_fund_txs.len()); if to_fund_txs[..max] .iter() .all(|tx| verify_transfer(client, tx)) { break; } } }); println!("funded: {} left: {}", new_funded.len(), notfunded.len()); funded = new_funded; } } fn airdrop_tokens(client: &mut ThinClient, leader: &NodeInfo, id: &Keypair, tx_count: u64) { let mut drone_addr = leader.tpu; drone_addr.set_port(DRONE_PORT); let starting_balance = client.poll_get_balance(&id.pubkey()).unwrap_or(0); metrics_submit_token_balance(starting_balance); println!("starting balance {}", starting_balance); if starting_balance < tx_count { let airdrop_amount = tx_count - starting_balance; println!( "Airdropping {:?} tokens from {} for {}", airdrop_amount, drone_addr, id.pubkey(), ); let last_id = client.get_last_id(); match request_airdrop_transaction(&drone_addr, &id.pubkey(), airdrop_amount, last_id) { Ok(transaction) => { let signature = client.transfer_signed(&transaction).unwrap(); client.poll_for_signature(&signature).unwrap(); } Err(err) => { panic!( "Error requesting airdrop: {:?} to addr: {:?} amount: {}", err, drone_addr, airdrop_amount ); } }; let current_balance = client.poll_get_balance(&id.pubkey()).unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("airdrop error {}", e); starting_balance }); println!("current balance {}...", current_balance); metrics_submit_token_balance(current_balance); if current_balance - starting_balance != airdrop_amount { println!( "Airdrop failed! {} {} {}", id.pubkey(), current_balance, starting_balance ); exit(1); } } } fn compute_and_report_stats( maxes: &Arc>>, sample_period: u64, tx_send_elapsed: &Duration, total_tx_send_count: usize, ) { // Compute/report stats let mut max_of_maxes = 0.0; let mut max_tx_count = 0; let mut nodes_with_zero_tps = 0; let mut total_maxes = 0.0; println!(" Node address | Max TPS | Total Transactions"); println!("---------------------+---------------+--------------------"); for (sock, stats) in maxes.read().unwrap().iter() { let maybe_flag = match stats.tx { 0 => "!!!!!", _ => "", }; println!( "{:20} | {:13.2} | {} {}", (*sock).to_string(), stats.tps, stats.tx, maybe_flag ); if stats.tps == 0.0 { nodes_with_zero_tps += 1; } total_maxes += stats.tps; if stats.tps > max_of_maxes { max_of_maxes = stats.tps; } if stats.tx > max_tx_count { max_tx_count = stats.tx; } } if total_maxes > 0.0 { let num_nodes_with_tps = maxes.read().unwrap().len() - nodes_with_zero_tps; let average_max = total_maxes / num_nodes_with_tps as f64; println!( "\nAverage max TPS: {:.2}, {} nodes had 0 TPS", average_max, nodes_with_zero_tps ); } println!( "\nHighest TPS: {:.2} sampling period {}s max transactions: {} clients: {} drop rate: {:.2}", max_of_maxes, sample_period, max_tx_count, maxes.read().unwrap().len(), (total_tx_send_count as u64 - max_tx_count) as f64 / total_tx_send_count as f64, ); println!( "\tAverage TPS: {}", max_tx_count as f32 / duration_as_s(tx_send_elapsed) ); } // First transfer 3/4 of the tokens to the dest accounts // then ping-pong 1/4 of the tokens back to the other account // this leaves 1/4 token buffer in each account fn should_switch_directions(num_tokens_per_account: u64, i: u64) -> bool { i % (num_tokens_per_account / 4) == 0 && (i >= (3 * num_tokens_per_account) / 4) } fn main() { logger::setup(); solana_metrics::set_panic_hook("bench-tps"); let matches = App::new("solana-bench-tps") .version(crate_version!()) .arg( Arg::with_name("network") .short("n") .long("network") .value_name("HOST:PORT") .takes_value(true) .help("Rendezvous with the network at this gossip entry point; defaults to"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("identity") .short("i") .long("identity") .value_name("PATH") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .help("File containing a client identity (keypair)"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("num-nodes") .short("N") .long("num-nodes") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .help("Wait for NUM nodes to converge"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("reject-extra-nodes") .long("reject-extra-nodes") .help("Require exactly `num-nodes` on convergence. Appropriate only for internal networks"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("threads") .short("t") .long("threads") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .help("Number of threads"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("duration") .long("duration") .value_name("SECS") .takes_value(true) .help("Seconds to run benchmark, then exit; default is forever"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("converge-only") .long("converge-only") .help("Exit immediately after converging"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("sustained") .long("sustained") .help("Use sustained performance mode vs. peak mode. This overlaps the tx generation with transfers."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("tx_count") .long("tx_count") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .help("Number of transactions to send per batch") ) .get_matches(); let network = if let Some(addr) = matches.value_of("network") { addr.parse().unwrap_or_else(|e| { eprintln!("failed to parse network: {}", e); exit(1) }) } else { socketaddr!("") }; let id = read_keypair(matches.value_of("identity").unwrap()).expect("can't read client identity"); let threads = if let Some(t) = matches.value_of("threads") { t.to_string().parse().expect("can't parse threads") } else { 4usize }; let num_nodes = if let Some(n) = matches.value_of("num-nodes") { n.to_string().parse().expect("can't parse num-nodes") } else { 1usize }; let duration = if let Some(s) = matches.value_of("duration") { Duration::new(s.to_string().parse().expect("can't parse duration"), 0) } else { Duration::new(std::u64::MAX, 0) }; let tx_count = if let Some(s) = matches.value_of("tx_count") { s.to_string().parse().expect("can't parse tx_count") } else { 500_000 }; let sustained = matches.is_present("sustained"); println!("Looking for leader at {:?}", network); let leader = poll_gossip_for_leader(network, None).expect("unable to find leader on network"); let exit_signal = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let (nodes, leader, ncp) = converge(&leader, &exit_signal, num_nodes); if nodes.len() < num_nodes { println!( "Error: Insufficient nodes discovered. Expecting {} or more", num_nodes ); exit(1); } if matches.is_present("reject-extra-nodes") && nodes.len() > num_nodes { println!( "Error: Extra nodes discovered. Expecting exactly {}", num_nodes ); exit(1); } if leader.is_none() { println!("no leader"); exit(1); } if matches.is_present("converge-only") { return; } let leader = leader.unwrap(); println!("leader RPC is at {} {}", leader.rpc, leader.id); let mut client = mk_client(&leader); let mut barrier_client = mk_client(&leader); let mut seed = [0u8; 32]; seed.copy_from_slice(&id.public_key_bytes()[..32]); let mut rnd = GenKeys::new(seed); println!("Creating {} keypairs...", tx_count * 2); let mut total_keys = 0; let mut target = tx_count * 2; while target > 0 { total_keys += target; target /= MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX; } let gen_keypairs = rnd.gen_n_keypairs(total_keys as u64); let barrier_id = rnd.gen_n_keypairs(1).pop().unwrap(); println!("Get tokens..."); let num_tokens_per_account = 20; // Sample the first keypair, see if it has tokens, if so then resume // to avoid token loss let keypair0_balance = client .poll_get_balance(&gen_keypairs.last().unwrap().pubkey()) .unwrap_or(0); if num_tokens_per_account > keypair0_balance { let extra = num_tokens_per_account - keypair0_balance; let total = extra * (gen_keypairs.len() as u64); airdrop_tokens(&mut client, &leader, &id, total); println!("adding more tokens {}", extra); fund_keys(&mut client, &id, &gen_keypairs, extra); } let start = gen_keypairs.len() - (tx_count * 2) as usize; let keypairs = &gen_keypairs[start..]; airdrop_tokens(&mut barrier_client, &leader, &barrier_id, 1); println!("Get last ID..."); let mut last_id = client.get_last_id(); println!("Got last ID {:?}", last_id); let first_tx_count = client.transaction_count(); println!("Initial transaction count {}", first_tx_count); // Setup a thread per validator to sample every period // collect the max transaction rate and total tx count seen let maxes = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Vec::new())); let sample_period = 1; // in seconds println!("Sampling TPS every {} second...", sample_period); let v_threads: Vec<_> = nodes .into_iter() .map(|v| { let exit_signal = exit_signal.clone(); let maxes = maxes.clone(); Builder::new() .name("solana-client-sample".to_string()) .spawn(move || { sample_tx_count(&exit_signal, &maxes, first_tx_count, &v, sample_period); }).unwrap() }).collect(); let shared_txs: SharedTransactions = Arc::new(RwLock::new(VecDeque::new())); let shared_tx_active_thread_count = Arc::new(AtomicIsize::new(0)); let total_tx_sent_count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let s_threads: Vec<_> = (0..threads) .map(|_| { let exit_signal = exit_signal.clone(); let shared_txs = shared_txs.clone(); let leader = leader.clone(); let shared_tx_active_thread_count = shared_tx_active_thread_count.clone(); let total_tx_sent_count = total_tx_sent_count.clone(); Builder::new() .name("solana-client-sender".to_string()) .spawn(move || { do_tx_transfers( &exit_signal, &shared_txs, &leader, &shared_tx_active_thread_count, &total_tx_sent_count, ); }).unwrap() }).collect(); // generate and send transactions for the specified duration let start = Instant::now(); let mut reclaim_tokens_back_to_source_account = false; let mut i = keypair0_balance; while start.elapsed() < duration { let balance = client.poll_get_balance(&id.pubkey()).unwrap_or(0); metrics_submit_token_balance(balance); // ping-pong between source and destination accounts for each loop iteration // this seems to be faster than trying to determine the balance of individual // accounts let len = tx_count as usize; generate_txs( &shared_txs, &keypairs[..len], &keypairs[len..], threads, reclaim_tokens_back_to_source_account, &leader, ); // In sustained mode overlap the transfers with generation // this has higher average performance but lower peak performance // in tested environments. if !sustained { while shared_tx_active_thread_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0 { sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } } // It's not feasible (would take too much time) to confirm each of the `tx_count / 2` // transactions sent by `generate_txs()` so instead send and confirm a single transaction // to validate the network is still functional. send_barrier_transaction(&mut barrier_client, &mut last_id, &barrier_id); i += 1; if should_switch_directions(num_tokens_per_account, i) { reclaim_tokens_back_to_source_account = !reclaim_tokens_back_to_source_account; } } // Stop the sampling threads so it will collect the stats exit_signal.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); println!("Waiting for validator threads..."); for t in v_threads { if let Err(err) = t.join() { println!(" join() failed with: {:?}", err); } } // join the tx send threads println!("Waiting for transmit threads..."); for t in s_threads { if let Err(err) = t.join() { println!(" join() failed with: {:?}", err); } } let balance = client.poll_get_balance(&id.pubkey()).unwrap_or(0); metrics_submit_token_balance(balance); compute_and_report_stats( &maxes, sample_period, &start.elapsed(), total_tx_sent_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), ); // join the cluster_info client threads ncp.join().unwrap(); } fn converge( leader: &NodeInfo, exit_signal: &Arc, num_nodes: usize, ) -> (Vec, Option, Ncp) { //lets spy on the network let (node, gossip_socket) = ClusterInfo::spy_node(); let mut spy_cluster_info = ClusterInfo::new(node).expect("ClusterInfo::new"); spy_cluster_info.insert_info(leader.clone()); spy_cluster_info.set_leader(leader.id); let spy_ref = Arc::new(RwLock::new(spy_cluster_info)); let window = Arc::new(RwLock::new(default_window())); let ncp = Ncp::new(&spy_ref, window, None, gossip_socket, exit_signal.clone()); let mut v: Vec = vec![]; // wait for the network to converge, 30 seconds should be plenty for _ in 0..30 { { let spy_ref = spy_ref.read().unwrap(); println!("{}", spy_ref.node_info_trace()); if spy_ref.leader_data().is_some() { v = spy_ref.rpc_peers(); if v.len() >= num_nodes { println!("CONVERGED!"); break; } else { println!( "{} node(s) discovered (looking for {} or more)", v.len(), num_nodes ); } } } sleep(Duration::new(1, 0)); } let leader = spy_ref.read().unwrap().leader_data().cloned(); (v, leader, ncp) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_switch_directions() { assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 0), false); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 1), false); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 14), false); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 15), true); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 16), false); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 19), false); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 20), true); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 21), false); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 99), false); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 100), true); assert_eq!(should_switch_directions(20, 101), false); } }