import chai from 'chai'; import {Client} from 'rpc-websockets'; import {stub, SinonStubbedInstance, SinonSpy, spy} from 'sinon'; import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai'; import { AccountChangeCallback, Commitment, Connection, LogsCallback, ProgramAccountChangeCallback, PublicKey, RootChangeCallback, SignatureResultCallback, SlotChangeCallback, SlotUpdateCallback, } from '../src'; import {url} from './url'; chai.use(sinonChai); const expect = chai.expect; function stubRpcWebSocket( connection: Connection, ): SinonStubbedInstance { const socket = connection._rpcWebSocket; let mockOpen = false; stub(socket, 'connect').callsFake(() => { if (!mockOpen) { mockOpen = true; connection._rpcWebSocket.emit('open'); } }); stub(socket, 'close').callsFake(() => { if (mockOpen) { mockOpen = false; connection._rpcWebSocket.emit('close'); } }); stub(socket, 'call'); return socket as SinonStubbedInstance; } describe('Subscriptions', () => { let connection: Connection; let stubbedSocket: SinonStubbedInstance; const subscriptionMethodsConfig = { accountSubscribe: { getExpectedAlternateParams: () => [ 'C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK', { commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized', encoding: 'base64', }, ], getExpectedParams: () => [ PublicKey.default.toBase58(), { commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized', encoding: 'base64', }, ], setupAlternateListener(callback: AccountChangeCallback): number { return connection.onAccountChange( new PublicKey('C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK'), callback, ); }, setupListener(callback: AccountChangeCallback): number { return connection.onAccountChange(PublicKey.default, callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted( callback: AccountChangeCallback, ): number { return connection.onAccountChange(PublicKey.default, callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults( callback: AccountChangeCallback, ): number { return connection.onAccountChange( PublicKey.default, callback, connection.commitment || 'finalized', ); }, publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( socket: Client, serverSubscriptionId: number, ) { socket.emit('accountNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: { context: {slot: 11}, value: { data: Buffer.from(''), executable: false, lamports: 0, owner: PublicKey.default.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 0, space: 0, }, }, }); }, teardownListener( ...args: Parameters ) { return connection.removeAccountChangeListener(...args); }, }, logsSubscribe: { getExpectedAlternateParams: () => [ {mentions: ['C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK']}, {commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized'}, ], getExpectedParams: () => [ {mentions: [PublicKey.default.toBase58()]}, {commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized'}, ], setupAlternateListener(callback: LogsCallback): number { return connection.onLogs( new PublicKey('C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK'), callback, ); }, setupListener(callback: LogsCallback): number { return connection.onLogs(PublicKey.default, callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted(callback: LogsCallback): number { return connection.onLogs(PublicKey.default, callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults( callback: LogsCallback, ): number { return connection.onLogs( PublicKey.default, callback, connection.commitment || 'finalized', ); }, publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( socket: Client, serverSubscriptionId: number, ) { socket.emit('logsNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: { context: {slot: 11}, value: { err: null, logs: [ 'SBF program 83astBRguLMdt2h5U1Tpdq5tjFoJ6noeGwaY3mDLVcri success', ], signature: '5h6xBEauJ3PK6SWCZ1PGjBvj8vDdWG3KpwATGy1ARAXFSDwt8GFXM7W5Ncn16wmqokgpiKRLuS83KUxyZyv2sUYv', }, }, }); }, teardownListener( ...args: Parameters ) { return connection.removeOnLogsListener(...args); }, }, programSubscribe: { getExpectedAlternateParams: () => [ 'C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK', {commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized', encoding: 'base64'}, ], getExpectedParams: () => [ PublicKey.default.toBase58(), {commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized', encoding: 'base64'}, ], setupAlternateListener(callback: ProgramAccountChangeCallback): number { return connection.onProgramAccountChange( new PublicKey('C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK'), callback, ); }, setupListener(callback: ProgramAccountChangeCallback): number { return connection.onProgramAccountChange(PublicKey.default, callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted( callback: ProgramAccountChangeCallback, ): number { return connection.onProgramAccountChange(PublicKey.default, callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults( callback: ProgramAccountChangeCallback, ): number { return connection.onProgramAccountChange( PublicKey.default, callback, connection.commitment || 'finalized', ); }, publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( socket: Client, serverSubscriptionId: number, ) { socket.emit('programNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: { context: {slot: 11}, value: { pubkey: PublicKey.default.toBase58(), account: { data: Buffer.from(''), executable: false, lamports: 0, owner: PublicKey.default.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 0, space: 0, }, }, }, }); }, teardownListener( ...args: Parameters< typeof connection.removeProgramAccountChangeListener > ) { return connection.removeProgramAccountChangeListener(...args); }, }, rootSubscribe: { getExpectedAlternateParams: () => [], getExpectedParams: () => [], setupAlternateListener: undefined, setupListener(callback: RootChangeCallback): number { return connection.onRootChange(callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted: undefined, setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults: undefined, publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( socket: Client, serverSubscriptionId: number, ) { socket.emit('rootNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: 101, }); }, teardownListener( ...args: Parameters ) { return connection.removeRootChangeListener(...args); }, }, signatureSubscribe: { getExpectedAlternateParams: () => [ 'C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK', {commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized'}, ], getExpectedParams: () => [ PublicKey.default.toBase58(), {commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized'}, ], setupAlternateListener(callback: SignatureResultCallback): number { return connection.onSignature( new PublicKey( 'C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK', ).toBase58(), callback, ); }, setupListener(callback: SignatureResultCallback): number { return connection.onSignature(PublicKey.default.toBase58(), callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted( callback: SignatureResultCallback, ): number { return connection.onSignature(PublicKey.default.toBase58(), callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults( callback: SignatureResultCallback, ): number { return connection.onSignature( PublicKey.default.toBase58(), callback, connection.commitment || 'finalized', ); }, publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( socket: Client, serverSubscriptionId: number, ) { socket.emit('signatureNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: { context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }, }); }, teardownListener( ...args: Parameters ) { return connection.removeSignatureListener(...args); }, }, slotSubscribe: { getExpectedAlternateParams: () => [], getExpectedParams: () => [], setupAlternateListener: undefined, setupListener(callback: SlotChangeCallback): number { return connection.onSlotChange(callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted: undefined, setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults: undefined, publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( socket: Client, serverSubscriptionId: number, ) { socket.emit('slotNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: {parent: 1, slot: 2, root: 0}, }); }, teardownListener( ...args: Parameters ) { return connection.removeSlotChangeListener(...args); }, }, slotsUpdatesSubscribe: { getExpectedAlternateParams: () => [], getExpectedParams: () => [], setupAlternateListener: undefined, setupListener(callback: SlotUpdateCallback): number { return connection.onSlotUpdate(callback); }, setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted: undefined, setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults: undefined, publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( socket: Client, serverSubscriptionId: number, ) { socket.emit('slotsUpdatesNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: { type: 'root', slot: 0, timestamp: 322992000000, }, }); }, teardownListener( ...args: Parameters ) { return connection.removeSlotUpdateListener(...args); }, }, }; beforeEach(() => { connection = new Connection(url); stubbedSocket = stubRpcWebSocket(connection); }); afterEach(() => { stubbedSocket.close(); }); Object.entries(subscriptionMethodsConfig).forEach( ([ subscriptionMethod, { getExpectedAlternateParams, getExpectedParams, publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId, setupAlternateListener, setupListener, teardownListener, }, ]) => { describe(`The \`${subscriptionMethod}\` RPC method`, () => { describe('attaching the first notification listener', () => { let clientSubscriptionId: number; let listenerCallback: SinonSpy; let acknowledgeSubscription = ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars _serverSubscriptionId: number, ) => { 'Expected a function to have been assigned to `acknowledgeSubscription` in the test.', ); }; let fatalSubscription = () => { 'Expected a function to have been assigned to `fatalSubscription` in the test.', ); }; const serverSubscriptionId = 0; beforeEach(() => { .withArgs(subscriptionMethod, getExpectedParams()) .callsFake( () => // Defer the acknowledgement. new Promise((resolve, reject) => { acknowledgeSubscription = resolve; fatalSubscription = reject; }), ); listenerCallback = spy(); clientSubscriptionId = setupListener(listenerCallback); }); it('results in a subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( subscriptionMethod, getExpectedParams(), ); }); describe('then unsubscribing that listener before the subscription has been acknowledged by the server', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await teardownListener(clientSubscriptionId); }); describe('once the subscription has been acknowledged by the server', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await acknowledgeSubscription(serverSubscriptionId); }); it('results in the subscription being torn down immediately', () => { expect( subscriptionMethod.replace('Subscribe', 'Unsubscribe'), [serverSubscriptionId], ); }); }); }); describe('once the subscription has been acknowledged by the server', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await acknowledgeSubscription(serverSubscriptionId); }); describe('when a notification is published', () => { beforeEach(() => { publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( stubbedSocket, serverSubscriptionId, ); }); it('fires the listener callback', () => { expect(listenerCallback).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); }); describe('then unsubscribing that listener', () => { let acknowledgeUnsubscribe = () => { 'Expected a function to have been assigned to `acknowledgeUnsubscribe` in the test', ); }; let fatalUnsubscribe = () => { 'Expected a function to have been assigned to `fatalUnsubscribe` in the test', ); }; beforeEach(() => {; .withArgs( subscriptionMethod.replace('Subscribe', 'Unsubscribe'), [serverSubscriptionId], ) .callsFake( () => // Defer the acknowledgement. new Promise((resolve, reject) => { acknowledgeUnsubscribe = resolve; fatalUnsubscribe = reject; }), ); teardownListener(clientSubscriptionId); }); it('results in an unsubscribe request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( subscriptionMethod.replace('Subscribe', 'Unsubscribe'), [serverSubscriptionId], ); }); describe('if a new listener is added before the unsubscribe is acknowledged by the server', () => { beforeEach(() => {; setupListener(spy()); }); describe('once that unsubscribe is acknowledged by the server', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await acknowledgeUnsubscribe(); }); it('results in a new subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect(, ).to.have.been.calledOnceWithExactly( subscriptionMethod, getExpectedParams(), ); }); }); }); describe('when a notification is published before the unsubscribe is acknowledged by the server', () => { beforeEach(() => { publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( stubbedSocket, serverSubscriptionId, ); }); it('does not fire the listener callback', () => { expect(listenerCallback); }); }); describe('if that unsubscribe throws an exception', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await fatalUnsubscribe(); }); it('results in a retry unsubscribe request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( subscriptionMethod.replace('Subscribe', 'Unsubscribe'), [serverSubscriptionId], ); }); }); describe('then having the socket connection error', () => { beforeEach(() => { stubbedSocket.emit( 'error', new Error('A bad thing happened to the socket'), ); }); describe('making another subscription while disconnected', () => { beforeEach(() => {; setupListener(spy()); }); it('does not issue an RPC call', () => { expect(; }); }); }); describe('then having the socket connection drop unexpectedly', () => { beforeEach(() => { stubbedSocket.emit('close'); }); describe('making another subscription while disconnected', () => { beforeEach(() => {; setupListener(spy()); }); it('does not issue an RPC call', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('upon the socket connection reopening', () => { let fatalPriorUnubscribe; beforeEach(() => { fatalPriorUnubscribe = fatalUnsubscribe;; stubbedSocket.emit('open'); }); it('does not result in a new unsubscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect(; }); describe('then upon the prior unsubscribe fataling (eg. because its timeout triggers)', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await fatalPriorUnubscribe(); }); it('does not result in a new unsubscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect(; }); }); }); }); }); describe('attaching a second notification listener with the same params', () => { let secondListenerCallback: SinonSpy; beforeEach(() => {; secondListenerCallback = spy(); setupListener(secondListenerCallback); }); it('does not result in a second subscription request to the RPC', () => { expect(; }); describe('when a notification is published', () => { beforeEach(() => { publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( stubbedSocket, serverSubscriptionId, ); }); it("fires the first listener's callback", () => { expect(listenerCallback).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); it("fires the second listener's callback", () => { expect(secondListenerCallback).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); }); describe('then unsubscribing the first listener', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await teardownListener(clientSubscriptionId); }); it('does not result in an unsubscribe request being made to the RPC', () => { expect(; }); describe('when a notification is published', () => { beforeEach(() => { publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( stubbedSocket, serverSubscriptionId, ); }); it("does not fire the first listener's callback", () => { expect(listenerCallback); }); it("fires the second listener's callback", () => { expect(secondListenerCallback).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); }); }); }); if (setupAlternateListener) { describe('attaching a second notification listener with different params', () => { let alternateListenerCallback: SinonSpy; const secondServerSubscriptionId = 1; beforeEach(() => { .withArgs(subscriptionMethod, getExpectedAlternateParams()) .resolves(secondServerSubscriptionId); alternateListenerCallback = spy(); setupAlternateListener(alternateListenerCallback); }); it('results in a second subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( subscriptionMethod, getExpectedAlternateParams(), ); }); describe('when a notification for the first subscription is published', () => { beforeEach(() => { publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( stubbedSocket, serverSubscriptionId, ); }); it("fires the first listener's callback", () => { expect(listenerCallback).to.have.been.called; }); it("does not fire the second listener's callback", () => { expect(alternateListenerCallback); }); }); describe('when a notification for the second subscription is published', () => { beforeEach(() => { publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( stubbedSocket, secondServerSubscriptionId, ); }); it("does not fire the first listener's callback", () => { expect(listenerCallback); }); it("fires the second listener's callback", () => { expect(alternateListenerCallback).to.have.been.called; }); }); }); } }); describe('if that subscription throws an exception', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await fatalSubscription(); }); it('results in a retry subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( subscriptionMethod, getExpectedParams(), ); }); }); describe('then having the socket connection drop unexpectedly', () => { beforeEach(() => { stubbedSocket.emit('close'); }); describe('then unsubscribing that listener', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await teardownListener(clientSubscriptionId); }); describe('upon the socket connection reopening', () => { beforeEach(() => {; stubbedSocket.emit('open'); }); it('does not result in a new subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect(; }); }); }); describe('upon the socket connection reopening', () => { let fatalPriorSubscription; beforeEach(() => { fatalPriorSubscription = fatalSubscription;; stubbedSocket.emit('open'); }); it('results in a new subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( subscriptionMethod, getExpectedParams(), ); }); describe('then upon the prior subscription fataling (eg. because its timeout triggers)', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await fatalPriorSubscription(); }); it('does not result in a new subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect(; }); describe('once the new subscription has been acknowledged by the server', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await acknowledgeSubscription(serverSubscriptionId); }); describe('when a notification is published', () => { beforeEach(() => { publishNotificationForServerSubscriptionId( stubbedSocket, serverSubscriptionId, ); }); it('fires the listener callback', () => { expect(listenerCallback).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }, ); /** * Special case. * After a signature is processed, RPCs automatically dispose of the * subscription on the server side. This test asserts that RPC * unsubscribe request are only made before such a subscription has * received a notification which it knows to be final and indicative * that the RPC has auto-disposed the subscription. * * NOTE: There is a proposal to eliminate this special case, here: * */ describe('auto-disposing subscriptions', () => { let clientSubscriptionId: number; const serverSubscriptionId = 0; const testSignature = 'C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK'; const getExpectedParams = () => [ testSignature, {commitment: connection.commitment || 'finalized'}, ]; // This type of notification *is* indicative of auto-disposal. const FINAL_NOTIFICATION_RESULT = { context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }; // This type of notification is *not* indicative of auto-disposal. const NON_FINAL_NOTIFICATION_RESULT = { context: {slot: 11}, value: 'receivedSignature', }; beforeEach(() => { .withArgs('signatureSubscribe', getExpectedParams()) .resolves(serverSubscriptionId); clientSubscriptionId = connection.onSignature(testSignature, spy()); }); describe('before an auto-disposing subscription has published any notification', () => { describe('then unsubscribing the listener', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await connection.removeSignatureListener(clientSubscriptionId); }); it('results in an unsubscribe request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( 'signatureUnsubscribe', [serverSubscriptionId], ); }); }); }); describe('after an auto-disposing subscription has published a non-final notification', () => { beforeEach(() => { stubbedSocket.emit('signatureNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: NON_FINAL_NOTIFICATION_RESULT, }); }); it('should not result in an unsubscribe request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( 'signatureUnsubscribe', [serverSubscriptionId], ); }); describe('then unsubscribing the listener', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await connection.removeSignatureListener(clientSubscriptionId); }); it('results in an unsubscribe request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( 'signatureUnsubscribe', [serverSubscriptionId], ); }); }); }); describe('after an auto-disposing subscription has published its final notification', () => { beforeEach(() => { stubbedSocket.emit('signatureNotification', { subscription: serverSubscriptionId, result: FINAL_NOTIFICATION_RESULT, }); }); it('should not result in an unsubscribe request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( 'signatureUnsubscribe', [serverSubscriptionId], ); }); describe('then unsubscribing the listener', () => { beforeEach(async () => {; await connection.removeSignatureListener(clientSubscriptionId); }); it('should not result in an unsubscribe request being made to the RPC', () => { expect(; }); }); }); }); [ undefined, // Let `Connection` use the default commitment 'processed' as Commitment, // Override `Connection's` commitment ].forEach((maybeOverrideCommitment: Commitment | undefined) => { describe(`given a Connection with ${ maybeOverrideCommitment ? `its commitment overriden to \`${maybeOverrideCommitment}\`` : 'an unspecified commitment override' }`, () => { Object.entries(subscriptionMethodsConfig).forEach( ([ subscriptionMethod, { getExpectedParams, setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults, setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted, }, ]) => { beforeEach(() => { connection = new Connection(url, maybeOverrideCommitment); stubbedSocket = stubRpcWebSocket(connection); }); afterEach(() => { stubbedSocket.close(); }); if ( setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted && setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults ) { describe('making a subscription with defaulted params omitted', () => { beforeEach(() => { setupListenerWithDefaultsOmitted(spy()); }); it('results in a subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect( subscriptionMethod, getExpectedParams(), ); }); describe('then making the same subscription with the defaultable params set to their defaults', () => { beforeEach(() => {; setupListenerWithDefaultableParamsSetToTheirDefaults(spy()); }); it('does not result in a subscription request being made to the RPC', () => { expect(; }); }); }); } }, ); }); }); describe('during state machine updates', () => { beforeEach(() => { stubbedSocket.connect.callsFake(() => {}); stubbedSocket.close.callsFake(() => {}); }); afterEach(() => { stubbedSocket.emit('close'); }); /** * This is a regression test for the case described here: * * * Essentially, you want to make sure that the state processor, as it recurses * always processes the latest version of every subscription. Depending on how * you craft the loop inside the processor, you can end up in this situation. * * 1A (pending subscription with zero callbacks; gets deleted then recurses) * L 2B (pending subscription; transitions to subscribing and makes network call) * 2A (old version of subscription 2; transitions again and makes 2nd network call) * * The fact that subscription 2 made two network calls is the bug there. * What you want is this: * * 1A (pending subscription with zero callbacks; gets deleted then recurses) * L 2B (pending subscription; transitions to subscribing and makes network call) * 2A (now in the subscribing state; skipped by the processor) * * Below is a test that tries to replicate this exact scenario. */ it('the processor always operates over the most up-to-date state of a given subscription', () => { // Add two subscriptions. const clientSubscriptionIdA = connection.onAccountChange( new PublicKey('C2jDL4pcwpE2pP5EryTGn842JJUJTcurPGZUquQjySxK'), () => {}, ); connection.onAccountChange( new PublicKey('27Y78XJXG9A13pnPajrB1VYU6EF8uNSoojPZBmhKsi8C'), () => {}, ); // Then remove the first one before the connection opens. connection.removeAccountChangeListener(clientSubscriptionIdA); // Then open the connection. stubbedSocket.emit('open'); // Despite recursion inside the state machine, ensure that the second // subscription only makes *one* connection attempt. expect( 'accountSubscribe', [ '27Y78XJXG9A13pnPajrB1VYU6EF8uNSoojPZBmhKsi8C', {commitment: 'finalized', encoding: 'base64'}, ], ); }); }); });