branches: only: - master - /^v\d+\.\d+/ notifications: email: false slack: on_success: change if: NOT type = pull_request secure: 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 os: linux dist: bionic language: minimal jobs: include: - name: "Export Github Repositories" if: type IN (push, cron) AND branch = master language: python git: depth: false script: - .travis/ web3.js/ solana-web3.js - &release-artifacts if: type IN (api, cron) OR tag IS present name: "macOS release artifacts" os: osx osx_image: xcode12 language: rust rust: - stable install: - source ci/ - PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" - readlink -f . - brew install gnu-tar - PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" - tar --version script: - source ci/ - rustup set profile default - ci/ deploy: - provider: s3 access_key_id: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID secret_access_key: $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY bucket: region: us-west-1 skip_cleanup: true acl: public_read local_dir: travis-s3-upload on: all_branches: true - provider: releases token: $GITHUB_TOKEN skip_cleanup: true file_glob: true file: travis-release-upload/* on: tags: true - <<: *release-artifacts name: "Windows release artifacts" os: windows install: - choco install openssl - export OPENSSL_DIR="C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64" - source ci/ - PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" - readlink -f . # Linux release artifacts are still built by ci/buildkite-secondary.yml #- <<: *release-artifacts # name: "Linux release artifacts" # os: linux # before_install: # - sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libudev-dev # docs pull request # - name: "explorer" # if: type = pull_request AND branch = master # language: node_js # node_js: # - "lts/*" # cache: # directories: # - ~/.npm # before_install: # - .travis/ explorer/ .travis || travis_terminate 0 # - cd explorer # script: # - npm run build # - npm run format - name: "docs" if: type IN (push, pull_request) OR tag IS present language: node_js node_js: - "lts/*" services: - docker cache: directories: - ~/.npm before_install: - source ci/ - .travis/ edge beta || travis_terminate 0 - .travis/ docs/ .travis || travis_terminate 0 - cd docs/ - source .travis/ script: - source .travis/