use { log::*, rand::{thread_rng, Rng}, rayon::prelude::*, solana_runtime::{ accounts_db::{AccountsDb, LoadHint, INCLUDE_SLOT_IN_HASH_TESTS}, ancestors::Ancestors, }, solana_sdk::{ account::{AccountSharedData, ReadableAccount, WritableAccount}, clock::Slot, genesis_config::ClusterType, pubkey::Pubkey, }, std::{ collections::HashSet, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, }, time::Instant, }, }; #[test] fn test_shrink_and_clean() { solana_logger::setup(); // repeat the whole test scenario for _ in 0..5 { let accounts = Arc::new(AccountsDb::new_single_for_tests()); let accounts_for_shrink = accounts.clone(); // spawn the slot shrinking background thread let exit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::default()); let exit_for_shrink = exit.clone(); let shrink_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || loop { if exit_for_shrink.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } accounts_for_shrink.shrink_all_slots(false, None); }); let mut alive_accounts = vec![]; let owner = Pubkey::default(); // populate the AccountsDb with plenty of food for slot shrinking // also this simulates realistic some heavy spike account updates in the wild for current_slot in 0..100 { while alive_accounts.len() <= 10 { alive_accounts.push(( solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand(), AccountSharedData::new(thread_rng().gen_range(0, 50), 0, &owner), )); } alive_accounts.retain(|(_pubkey, account)| account.lamports() >= 1); for (pubkey, account) in alive_accounts.iter_mut() { account.checked_sub_lamports(1).unwrap(); accounts.store_cached( ( current_slot, &[(&*pubkey, &*account)][..], INCLUDE_SLOT_IN_HASH_TESTS, ), None, ); } accounts.add_root(current_slot); accounts.flush_accounts_cache(true, Some(current_slot)); } // let's dance. for _ in 0..10 { accounts.clean_accounts_for_tests(); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); } // cleanup, Ordering::Relaxed); shrink_thread.join().unwrap(); } } #[test] fn test_bad_bank_hash() { solana_logger::setup(); let db = AccountsDb::new_for_tests(Vec::new(), &ClusterType::Development); let some_slot: Slot = 0; let max_accounts = 200; let mut accounts_keys: Vec<_> = (0..max_accounts) .into_par_iter() .map(|_| { let key = solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand(); let lamports = thread_rng().gen_range(0, 100); let some_data_len = thread_rng().gen_range(0, 1000); let account = AccountSharedData::new(lamports, some_data_len, &key); (key, account) }) .collect(); let mut existing = HashSet::new(); let mut last_print = Instant::now(); for i in 0..5_000 { let some_slot = some_slot + i; let ancestors = Ancestors::from(vec![some_slot]); if last_print.elapsed().as_millis() > 5000 { info!("i: {}", i); last_print = Instant::now(); } let num_accounts = thread_rng().gen_range(0, 100); (0..num_accounts).for_each(|_| { let mut idx; loop { idx = thread_rng().gen_range(0, max_accounts); if existing.contains(&idx) { continue; } existing.insert(idx); break; } accounts_keys[idx] .1 .set_lamports(thread_rng().gen_range(0, 1000)); }); let account_refs: Vec<_> = existing .iter() .map(|idx| (&accounts_keys[*idx].0, &accounts_keys[*idx].1)) .collect(); db.store_cached( (some_slot, &account_refs[..], INCLUDE_SLOT_IN_HASH_TESTS), None, ); for pass in 0..2 { for (key, account) in &account_refs { assert_eq!( db.load_account_hash(&ancestors, key, Some(some_slot), LoadHint::Unspecified) .unwrap(), AccountsDb::hash_account(some_slot, *account, key, INCLUDE_SLOT_IN_HASH_TESTS) ); } if pass == 0 { // flush the write cache so we're reading from append vecs on the next iteration db.add_root(some_slot); db.flush_accounts_cache(true, Some(some_slot)); } } existing.clear(); } }