#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")"/../.. set -x deployMethod="$1" nodeType="$2" entrypointIp="$3" numNodes="$4" if [[ -n $5 ]]; then export RUST_LOG="$5" fi skipSetup="$6" failOnValidatorBootupFailure="$7" externalPrimordialAccountsFile="$8" maybeDisableAirdrops="$9" internalNodesStakeLamports="${10}" internalNodesLamports="${11}" nodeIndex="${12}" numBenchTpsClients="${13}" benchTpsExtraArgs="${14}" numBenchExchangeClients="${15}" benchExchangeExtraArgs="${16}" genesisOptions="${17}" extraNodeArgs="${18}" set +x # Use a very large stake (relative to the default multinode-demo/ stake of 42) # for the testnet validators setup by net/. This make it less likely that # low-staked ephemeral validator a random user may attach to testnet will cause # trouble # # Ref: https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/issues/3798 stake=${internalNodesStakeLamports:=424243} missing() { echo "Error: $1 not specified" exit 1 } [[ -n $deployMethod ]] || missing deployMethod [[ -n $nodeType ]] || missing nodeType [[ -n $entrypointIp ]] || missing entrypointIp [[ -n $numNodes ]] || missing numNodes [[ -n $skipSetup ]] || missing skipSetup [[ -n $failOnValidatorBootupFailure ]] || missing failOnValidatorBootupFailure airdropsEnabled=true if [[ -n $maybeDisableAirdrops ]]; then airdropsEnabled=false fi cat > deployConfig < ~/solana/on-reboot <> ~/solana/on-reboot < oom-monitor.log 2>&1 & echo \$! > oom-monitor.pid scripts/fd-monitor.sh > fd-monitor.log 2>&1 & echo \$! > fd-monitor.pid scripts/net-stats.sh > net-stats.log 2>&1 & echo \$! > net-stats.pid if [[ -e /dev/nvidia0 && -x ~/.cargo/bin/solana-validator-cuda ]]; then echo Selecting solana-validator-cuda export SOLANA_CUDA=1 fi EOF case $nodeType in bootstrap-leader) set -x if [[ $skipSetup != true ]]; then multinode-demo/clear-config.sh if [[ -n $internalNodesLamports ]]; then echo "---" >> config/fullnode-balances.yml for i in $(seq 0 "$numNodes"); do solana-keygen new -o config/fullnode-"$i"-identity.json pubkey="$(solana-keygen pubkey config/fullnode-"$i"-identity.json)" cat >> config/fullnode-balances.yml <> config/client-accounts.yml echo "" >> config/client-accounts.yml done for i in $(seq 0 $((numBenchExchangeClients-1))); do # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # Do not want to quote $benchExchangeExtraArgs solana-bench-exchange --batch-size 1000 --fund-amount 20000 \ --write-client-keys config/bench-exchange"$i".yml $benchExchangeExtraArgs tail -n +2 -q config/bench-exchange"$i".yml >> config/client-accounts.yml echo "" >> config/client-accounts.yml done if [[ -f $externalPrimordialAccountsFile ]]; then cat "$externalPrimordialAccountsFile" >> config/fullnode-balances.yml fi if [[ -f config/fullnode-balances.yml ]]; then genesisOptions+=" --primordial-accounts-file config/fullnode-balances.yml" fi if [[ -f config/client-accounts.yml ]]; then genesisOptions+=" --primordial-keypairs-file config/client-accounts.yml" fi args=( --bootstrap-leader-stake-lamports "$stake" ) if [[ -n $internalNodesLamports ]]; then args+=(--bootstrap-leader-lamports "$internalNodesLamports") fi # shellcheck disable=SC2206 # Do not want to quote $genesisOptions args+=($genesisOptions) multinode-demo/setup.sh "${args[@]}" fi args=( --gossip-port "$entrypointIp":8001 --init-complete-file "$initCompleteFile" ) if [[ $airdropsEnabled = true ]]; then cat >> ~/solana/on-reboot < drone.log 2>&1 & EOF fi # shellcheck disable=SC2206 # Don't want to double quote $extraNodeArgs args+=($extraNodeArgs) cat >> ~/solana/on-reboot < fullnode.log 2>&1 & pid=\$! oom_score_adj "\$pid" 1000 disown EOF ~/solana/on-reboot waitForNodeToInit if [[ $skipSetup != true ]]; then solana --url http://"$entrypointIp":8899 \ --keypair ~/solana/config/bootstrap-leader/identity-keypair.json \ validator-info publish "$(hostname)" -n team/solana --force || true fi ;; validator|blockstreamer) if [[ $deployMethod != skip ]]; then net/scripts/rsync-retry.sh -vPrc "$entrypointIp":~/.cargo/bin/ ~/.cargo/bin/ net/scripts/rsync-retry.sh -vPrc "$entrypointIp":~/version.yml ~/version.yml fi if [[ $skipSetup != true ]]; then multinode-demo/clear-config.sh [[ -z $internalNodesLamports ]] || net/scripts/rsync-retry.sh -vPrc \ "$entrypointIp":~/solana/config/fullnode-"$nodeIndex"-identity.json config/fullnode-identity.json fi args=( --entrypoint "$entrypointIp:8001" --gossip-port 8001 --rpc-port 8899 ) if [[ $nodeType = blockstreamer ]]; then args+=( --blockstream /tmp/solana-blockstream.sock --no-voting ) else args+=(--enable-rpc-exit) if [[ -n $internalNodesLamports ]]; then args+=(--node-lamports "$internalNodesLamports") fi fi if [[ ! -f config/fullnode-identity.json ]]; then solana-keygen new -o config/fullnode-identity.json fi args+=(--identity config/fullnode-identity.json) if [[ $airdropsEnabled != true ]]; then args+=(--no-airdrop) fi set -x if [[ $nodeType = blockstreamer ]]; then # Sneak the mint-keypair.json from the bootstrap leader and run another drone # with it on the blockstreamer node. Typically the blockstreamer node has # a static IP/DNS name for hosting the blockexplorer web app, and is # a location that somebody would expect to be able to airdrop from scp "$entrypointIp":~/solana/config/mint-keypair.json config/ if [[ $airdropsEnabled = true ]]; then cat >> ~/solana/on-reboot < drone.log 2>&1 & EOF fi # Grab the TLS cert generated by /certbot-restore.sh if [[ -f /.cert.pem ]]; then sudo install -o $UID -m 400 /.cert.pem /.key.pem . ls -l .cert.pem .key.pem fi cat > ~/solana/restart-explorer < blockexplorer.log 2>&1 & echo \$! > blockexplorer.pid # Redirect port 80 to port 5000 sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5000 -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 5000 # Confirm the explorer is accessible curl --head --retry 3 --retry-connrefused http://localhost:5000/ # Confirm the explorer is now globally accessible curl --head "\$(curl ifconfig.io)" EOF chmod +x ~/solana/restart-explorer cat >> ~/solana/on-reboot <> ~/solana/on-reboot < fullnode.log 2>&1 & pid=\$! oom_score_adj "\$pid" 1000 disown EOF ~/solana/on-reboot waitForNodeToInit if [[ $skipSetup != true && $nodeType != blockstreamer ]]; then args=( --url http://"$entrypointIp":8899 --force "$stake" ) if [[ $airdropsEnabled != true ]]; then args+=(--no-airdrop) fi if [[ -f config/fullnode-identity.json ]]; then args+=(--keypair config/fullnode-identity.json) fi multinode-demo/delegate-stake.sh "${args[@]}" fi if [[ $skipSetup != true ]]; then solana --url http://"$entrypointIp":8899 \ --keypair config/fullnode-identity.json \ validator-info publish "$(hostname)" -n team/solana --force || true fi ;; replicator) if [[ $deployMethod != skip ]]; then net/scripts/rsync-retry.sh -vPrc "$entrypointIp":~/.cargo/bin/ ~/.cargo/bin/ fi args=( --entrypoint "$entrypointIp:8001" ) if [[ $airdropsEnabled != true ]]; then echo "TODO: replicators not supported without airdrops" # TODO: need to provide the `--identity` argument to an existing system # account with lamports in it exit 1 fi cat >> ~/solana/on-reboot < fullnode.log 2>&1 & pid=\$! oom_score_adj "\$pid" 1000 disown EOF ~/solana/on-reboot sleep 1 ;; *) echo "Error: unknown node type: $nodeType" exit 1 ;; esac ;; *) echo "Unknown deployment method: $deployMethod" exit 1 esac