#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Ensure the pattern "+++ ..." never occurs when |set -x| is set, as buildkite # interprets this as the start of a log group. # Ref: https://buildkite.com/docs/pipelines/managing-log-output export PS4="++" # # Restore target/ from the previous CI build on this machine # eval "$(ci/channel-info.sh)" export EDGE_CHANNEL export BETA_CHANNEL export BETA_CHANNEL_LATEST_TAG export STABLE_CHANNEL export STABLE_CHANNEL_LATEST_TAG export CHANNEL export CHANNEL_LATEST_TAG eval "$(ci/platform-tools-info.sh)" source "ci/rust-version.sh" HOST_RUST_VERSION="$rust_stable" pattern='^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$' if [[ ${HOST_RUST_VERSION} =~ ${pattern} ]]; then HOST_RUST_VERSION="${rust_stable%.*}" fi export SBF_TOOLS_VERSION SCCACHE_S3_KEY_PREFIX="${rust_stable}_${rust_nightly}_${SBF_TOOLS_VERSION}" export SCCACHE_S3_KEY_PREFIX