use crate::{ cli::{CliCommand, CliCommandInfo, CliConfig, CliError, ProcessResult}, spend_utils::{resolve_spend_tx_and_check_account_balance, SpendAmount}, stake::is_stake_program_v2_enabled, }; use clap::{value_t, value_t_or_exit, App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgMatches, SubCommand}; use console::{style, Emoji}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use solana_clap_utils::{ input_parsers::*, input_validators::*, keypair::DefaultSigner, offline::{blockhash_arg, BLOCKHASH_ARG}, }; use solana_cli_output::{ display::{ build_balance_message, format_labeled_address, new_spinner_progress_bar, println_name_value, println_transaction, unix_timestamp_to_string, writeln_name_value, }, *, }; use solana_client::{ client_error::ClientErrorKind, pubsub_client::PubsubClient, rpc_client::{GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Config, RpcClient}, rpc_config::{ RpcAccountInfoConfig, RpcBlockConfig, RpcGetVoteAccountsConfig, RpcLargestAccountsConfig, RpcLargestAccountsFilter, RpcProgramAccountsConfig, RpcTransactionConfig, RpcTransactionLogsConfig, RpcTransactionLogsFilter, }, rpc_filter, rpc_request::DELINQUENT_VALIDATOR_SLOT_DISTANCE, rpc_response::SlotInfo, }; use solana_remote_wallet::remote_wallet::RemoteWalletManager; use solana_sdk::{ account::from_account, account_utils::StateMut, clock::{self, Clock, Slot}, commitment_config::CommitmentConfig, epoch_schedule::Epoch, hash::Hash, message::Message, native_token::lamports_to_sol, nonce::State as NonceState, pubkey::{self, Pubkey}, rent::Rent, rpc_port::DEFAULT_RPC_PORT_STR, signature::Signature, slot_history, stake::{self, state::StakeState}, system_instruction, system_program, sysvar::{ self, slot_history::SlotHistory, stake_history::{self}, }, timing, transaction::Transaction, }; use solana_transaction_status::UiTransactionEncoding; use solana_vote_program::vote_state::VoteState; use std::{ collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, VecDeque}, fmt, str::FromStr, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, }, thread::sleep, time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; use thiserror::Error; static CHECK_MARK: Emoji = Emoji("✅ ", ""); static CROSS_MARK: Emoji = Emoji("❌ ", ""); pub trait ClusterQuerySubCommands { fn cluster_query_subcommands(self) -> Self; } impl ClusterQuerySubCommands for App<'_, '_> { fn cluster_query_subcommands(self) -> Self { self.subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("block") .about("Get a confirmed block") .arg( Arg::with_name("slot") .long("slot") .validator(is_slot) .value_name("SLOT") .takes_value(true) .index(1), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("catchup") .about("Wait for a validator to catch up to the cluster") .arg( pubkey!(Arg::with_name("node_pubkey") .index(1) .value_name("OUR_VALIDATOR_PUBKEY") .required(false), "Identity pubkey of the validator"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("node_json_rpc_url") .index(2) .value_name("OUR_URL") .takes_value(true) .validator(is_url) .help("JSON RPC URL for validator, which is useful for validators with a private RPC service") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("follow") .long("follow") .takes_value(false) .help("Continue reporting progress even after the validator has caught up"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("our_localhost") .long("our-localhost") .takes_value(false) .value_name("PORT") .default_value(DEFAULT_RPC_PORT_STR) .validator(is_port) .help("Guess Identity pubkey and validator rpc node assuming local (possibly private) validator"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("log") .long("log") .takes_value(false) .help("Don't update the progress inplace; instead show updates with its own new lines"), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("cluster-date") .about("Get current cluster date, computed from genesis creation time and network time"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("cluster-version") .about("Get the version of the cluster entrypoint"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("fees") .about("Display current cluster fees") .arg( Arg::with_name("blockhash") .long("blockhash") .takes_value(true) .value_name("BLOCKHASH") .validator(is_hash) .help("Query fees for BLOCKHASH instead of the the most recent blockhash") ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("first-available-block") .about("Get the first available block in the storage"), ) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("block-time") .about("Get estimated production time of a block") .alias("get-block-time") .arg( Arg::with_name("slot") .index(1) .takes_value(true) .value_name("SLOT") .help("Slot number of the block to query") ) ) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("leader-schedule") .about("Display leader schedule") .arg( Arg::with_name("epoch") .long("epoch") .takes_value(true) .value_name("EPOCH") .validator(is_epoch) .help("Epoch to show leader schedule for. [default: current]") ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("epoch-info") .about("Get information about the current epoch") .alias("get-epoch-info"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("genesis-hash") .about("Get the genesis hash") .alias("get-genesis-hash") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("slot").about("Get current slot") .alias("get-slot"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("block-height").about("Get current block height"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("epoch").about("Get current epoch"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("largest-accounts").about("Get addresses of largest cluster accounts") .arg( Arg::with_name("circulating") .long("circulating") .takes_value(false) .help("Filter address list to only circulating accounts") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("non_circulating") .long("non-circulating") .takes_value(false) .conflicts_with("circulating") .help("Filter address list to only non-circulating accounts") ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("supply").about("Get information about the cluster supply of SOL") .arg( Arg::with_name("print_accounts") .long("print-accounts") .takes_value(false) .help("Print list of non-circualting account addresses") ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("total-supply").about("Get total number of SOL") .setting(AppSettings::Hidden), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("transaction-count").about("Get current transaction count") .alias("get-transaction-count"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("ping") .about("Submit transactions sequentially") .arg( Arg::with_name("interval") .short("i") .long("interval") .value_name("SECONDS") .takes_value(true) .default_value("2") .help("Wait interval seconds between submitting the next transaction"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("count") .short("c") .long("count") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .help("Stop after submitting count transactions"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("print_timestamp") .short("D") .long("print-timestamp") .takes_value(false) .help("Print timestamp (unix time + microseconds as in gettimeofday) before each line"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("lamports") .long("lamports") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .default_value("1") .validator(is_amount) .help("Number of lamports to transfer for each transaction"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("timeout") .short("t") .long("timeout") .value_name("SECONDS") .takes_value(true) .default_value("15") .help("Wait up to timeout seconds for transaction confirmation"), ) .arg(blockhash_arg()), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("live-slots") .about("Show information about the current slot progression"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("logs") .about("Stream transaction logs") .arg( pubkey!(Arg::with_name("address") .index(1) .value_name("ADDRESS"), "Account address to monitor \ [default: monitor all transactions except for votes] \ ") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("include_votes") .long("include-votes") .takes_value(false) .conflicts_with("address") .help("Include vote transactions when monitoring all transactions") ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("block-production") .about("Show information about block production") .alias("show-block-production") .arg( Arg::with_name("epoch") .long("epoch") .takes_value(true) .help("Epoch to show block production for [default: current epoch]"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("slot_limit") .long("slot-limit") .takes_value(true) .help("Limit results to this many slots from the end of the epoch [default: full epoch]"), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("gossip") .about("Show the current gossip network nodes") .alias("show-gossip") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("stakes") .about("Show stake account information") .arg( pubkey!(Arg::with_name("vote_account_pubkeys") .index(1) .value_name("VOTE_ACCOUNT_PUBKEYS") .multiple(true), "Only show stake accounts delegated to the provided vote accounts. "), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("lamports") .long("lamports") .takes_value(false) .help("Display balance in lamports instead of SOL"), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("validators") .about("Show summary information about the current validators") .alias("show-validators") .arg( Arg::with_name("lamports") .long("lamports") .takes_value(false) .help("Display balance in lamports instead of SOL"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("number") .long("number") .short("n") .takes_value(false) .help("Number the validators"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("reverse") .long("reverse") .short("r") .takes_value(false) .help("Reverse order while sorting"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("sort") .long("sort") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&[ "delinquent", "commission", "credits", "identity", "last-vote", "root", "skip-rate", "stake", "vote-account", ]) .default_value("stake") .help("Sort order (does not affect JSON output)"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("keep_unstaked_delinquents") .long("keep-unstaked-delinquents") .takes_value(false) .help("Don't discard unstaked, delinquent validators") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("delinquent_slot_distance") .long("delinquent-slot-distance") .takes_value(true) .value_name("SLOT_DISTANCE") .validator(is_slot) .help( concatcp!( "Minimum slot distance from the tip to consider a validator delinquent. [default: ", DELINQUENT_VALIDATOR_SLOT_DISTANCE, "]", )) ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("transaction-history") .about("Show historical transactions affecting the given address \ from newest to oldest") .arg( pubkey!(Arg::with_name("address") .index(1) .value_name("ADDRESS") .required(true), "Account address"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("limit") .long("limit") .takes_value(true) .value_name("LIMIT") .validator(is_slot) .default_value("1000") .help("Maximum number of transaction signatures to return"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("before") .long("before") .value_name("TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE") .takes_value(true) .help("Start with the first signature older than this one"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("show_transactions") .long("show-transactions") .takes_value(false) .help("Display the full transactions"), ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("wait-for-max-stake") .about("Wait for the max stake of any one node to drop below a percentage of total.") .arg( Arg::with_name("max_percent") .long("max-percent") .value_name("PERCENT") .takes_value(true) .index(1), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("rent") .about("Calculate per-epoch and rent-exempt-minimum values for a given account data length.") .arg( Arg::with_name("data_length") .index(1) .value_name("DATA_LENGTH_OR_MONIKER") .required(true) .validator(|s| { RentLengthValue::from_str(&s) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|e| e.to_string()) }) .help("Length of data in the account to calculate rent for, or moniker: [nonce, stake, system, vote]"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("lamports") .long("lamports") .takes_value(false) .help("Display rent in lamports instead of SOL"), ), ) } } pub fn parse_catchup( matches: &ArgMatches<'_>, wallet_manager: &mut Option>, ) -> Result { let node_pubkey = pubkey_of_signer(matches, "node_pubkey", wallet_manager)?; let mut our_localhost_port = value_t!(matches, "our_localhost", u16).ok(); // if there is no explicitly specified --our-localhost, // disable the guess mode (= our_localhost_port) if matches.occurrences_of("our_localhost") == 0 { our_localhost_port = None } let node_json_rpc_url = value_t!(matches, "node_json_rpc_url", String).ok(); // requirement of node_pubkey is relaxed only if our_localhost_port if our_localhost_port.is_none() && node_pubkey.is_none() { return Err(CliError::BadParameter( "OUR_VALIDATOR_PUBKEY (and possibly OUR_URL) must be specified \ unless --our-localhost is given" .into(), )); } let follow = matches.is_present("follow"); let log = matches.is_present("log"); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Catchup { node_pubkey, node_json_rpc_url, follow, our_localhost_port, log, }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_cluster_ping( matches: &ArgMatches<'_>, default_signer: &DefaultSigner, wallet_manager: &mut Option>, ) -> Result { let lamports = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "lamports", u64); let interval = Duration::from_secs(value_t_or_exit!(matches, "interval", u64)); let count = if matches.is_present("count") { Some(value_t_or_exit!(matches, "count", u64)) } else { None }; let timeout = Duration::from_secs(value_t_or_exit!(matches, "timeout", u64)); let blockhash = value_of(matches,; let print_timestamp = matches.is_present("print_timestamp"); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Ping { lamports, interval, count, timeout, blockhash, print_timestamp, }, signers: vec![default_signer.signer_from_path(matches, wallet_manager)?], }) } pub fn parse_get_block(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let slot = value_of(matches, "slot"); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetBlock { slot }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_get_block_time(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let slot = value_of(matches, "slot"); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetBlockTime { slot }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_get_epoch(_matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetEpoch, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_get_epoch_info(_matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetEpochInfo, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_get_slot(_matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetSlot, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_get_block_height(_matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetBlockHeight, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_largest_accounts(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let filter = if matches.is_present("circulating") { Some(RpcLargestAccountsFilter::Circulating) } else if matches.is_present("non_circulating") { Some(RpcLargestAccountsFilter::NonCirculating) } else { None }; Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::LargestAccounts { filter }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_supply(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let print_accounts = matches.is_present("print_accounts"); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Supply { print_accounts }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_total_supply(_matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::TotalSupply, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_get_transaction_count(_matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetTransactionCount, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_show_stakes( matches: &ArgMatches<'_>, wallet_manager: &mut Option>, ) -> Result { let use_lamports_unit = matches.is_present("lamports"); let vote_account_pubkeys = pubkeys_of_multiple_signers(matches, "vote_account_pubkeys", wallet_manager)?; Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::ShowStakes { use_lamports_unit, vote_account_pubkeys, }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_show_validators(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let use_lamports_unit = matches.is_present("lamports"); let number_validators = matches.is_present("number"); let reverse_sort = matches.is_present("reverse"); let keep_unstaked_delinquents = matches.is_present("keep_unstaked_delinquents"); let delinquent_slot_distance = value_of(matches, "delinquent_slot_distance"); let sort_order = match value_t_or_exit!(matches, "sort", String).as_str() { "delinquent" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::Delinquent, "commission" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::Commission, "credits" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::EpochCredits, "identity" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::Identity, "last-vote" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::LastVote, "root" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::Root, "skip-rate" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::SkipRate, "stake" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::Stake, "vote-account" => CliValidatorsSortOrder::VoteAccount, _ => unreachable!(), }; Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::ShowValidators { use_lamports_unit, sort_order, reverse_sort, number_validators, keep_unstaked_delinquents, delinquent_slot_distance, }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn parse_transaction_history( matches: &ArgMatches<'_>, wallet_manager: &mut Option>, ) -> Result { let address = pubkey_of_signer(matches, "address", wallet_manager)?.unwrap(); let before = match matches.value_of("before") { Some(signature) => Some( signature .parse() .map_err(|err| CliError::BadParameter(format!("Invalid signature: {}", err)))?, ), None => None, }; let until = match matches.value_of("until") { Some(signature) => Some( signature .parse() .map_err(|err| CliError::BadParameter(format!("Invalid signature: {}", err)))?, ), None => None, }; let limit = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "limit", usize); let show_transactions = matches.is_present("show_transactions"); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::TransactionHistory { address, before, until, limit, show_transactions, }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn process_catchup( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, node_pubkey: Option, mut node_json_rpc_url: Option, follow: bool, our_localhost_port: Option, log: bool, ) -> ProcessResult { let sleep_interval = 5; let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); progress_bar.set_message("Connecting..."); if let Some(our_localhost_port) = our_localhost_port { let gussed_default = Some(format!("http://localhost:{}", our_localhost_port)); if node_json_rpc_url.is_some() && node_json_rpc_url != gussed_default { // go to new line to leave this message on console println!( "Prefering explicitly given rpc ({}) as us, \ although --our-localhost is given\n", node_json_rpc_url.as_ref().unwrap() ); } else { node_json_rpc_url = gussed_default; } } let (node_client, node_pubkey) = if our_localhost_port.is_some() { let client = RpcClient::new(node_json_rpc_url.unwrap()); let guessed_default = Some(client.get_identity()?); ( client, (if node_pubkey.is_some() && node_pubkey != guessed_default { // go to new line to leave this message on console println!( "Prefering explicitly given node pubkey ({}) as us, \ although --our-localhost is given\n", node_pubkey.unwrap() ); node_pubkey } else { guessed_default }) .unwrap(), ) } else if let Some(node_pubkey) = node_pubkey { if let Some(node_json_rpc_url) = node_json_rpc_url { (RpcClient::new(node_json_rpc_url), node_pubkey) } else { let rpc_addr = loop { let cluster_nodes = rpc_client.get_cluster_nodes()?; if let Some(contact_info) = cluster_nodes .iter() .find(|contact_info| contact_info.pubkey == node_pubkey.to_string()) { if let Some(rpc_addr) = contact_info.rpc { break rpc_addr; } progress_bar.set_message(format!("RPC service not found for {}", node_pubkey)); } else { progress_bar .set_message(format!("Contact information not found for {}", node_pubkey)); } sleep(Duration::from_secs(sleep_interval as u64)); }; (RpcClient::new_socket(rpc_addr), node_pubkey) } } else { unreachable!() }; let reported_node_pubkey = loop { match node_client.get_identity() { Ok(reported_node_pubkey) => break reported_node_pubkey, Err(err) => { if let ClientErrorKind::Reqwest(err) = err.kind() { progress_bar.set_message(format!("Connection failed: {}", err)); sleep(Duration::from_secs(sleep_interval as u64)); continue; } return Err(Box::new(err)); } } }; if reported_node_pubkey != node_pubkey { return Err(format!( "The identity reported by node RPC URL does not match. Expected: {:?}. Reported: {:?}", node_pubkey, reported_node_pubkey ) .into()); } if rpc_client.get_identity()? == node_pubkey { return Err("Both RPC URLs reference the same node, unable to monitor for catchup. Try a different --url".into()); } let mut previous_rpc_slot = std::u64::MAX; let mut previous_slot_distance = 0; let mut retry_count = 0; let max_retry_count = 5; let mut get_slot_while_retrying = |client: &RpcClient| { loop { match client.get_slot_with_commitment(config.commitment) { Ok(r) => { retry_count = 0; return Ok(r); } Err(e) => { if retry_count >= max_retry_count { return Err(e); } retry_count += 1; if log { // go to new line to leave this message on console println!("Retrying({}/{}): {}\n", retry_count, max_retry_count, e); } sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } }; } }; let start_node_slot = get_slot_while_retrying(&node_client)?; let start_rpc_slot = get_slot_while_retrying(rpc_client)?; let start_slot_distance = start_rpc_slot as i64 - start_node_slot as i64; let mut total_sleep_interval = 0; loop { // humbly retry; the reference node (rpc_client) could be spotty, // especially if pointing to at times let rpc_slot = get_slot_while_retrying(rpc_client)?; let node_slot = get_slot_while_retrying(&node_client)?; if !follow && node_slot > std::cmp::min(previous_rpc_slot, rpc_slot) { progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); return Ok(format!( "{} has caught up (us:{} them:{})", node_pubkey, node_slot, rpc_slot, )); } let slot_distance = rpc_slot as i64 - node_slot as i64; let slots_per_second = (previous_slot_distance - slot_distance) as f64 / f64::from(sleep_interval); let average_time_remaining = if slot_distance == 0 || total_sleep_interval == 0 { "".to_string() } else { let distance_delta = start_slot_distance as i64 - slot_distance as i64; let average_catchup_slots_per_second = distance_delta as f64 / f64::from(total_sleep_interval); let average_time_remaining = (slot_distance as f64 / average_catchup_slots_per_second).round(); if !average_time_remaining.is_normal() { "".to_string() } else if average_time_remaining < 0.0 { format!( " (AVG: {:.1} slots/second (falling))", average_catchup_slots_per_second ) } else { // important not to miss next scheduled lead slots let total_node_slot_delta = node_slot as i64 - start_node_slot as i64; let average_node_slots_per_second = total_node_slot_delta as f64 / f64::from(total_sleep_interval); let expected_finish_slot = (node_slot as f64 + average_time_remaining as f64 * average_node_slots_per_second as f64) .round(); format!( " (AVG: {:.1} slots/second, ETA: slot {} in {})", average_catchup_slots_per_second, expected_finish_slot, humantime::format_duration(Duration::from_secs_f64(average_time_remaining)) ) } }; progress_bar.set_message(format!( "{} slot(s) {} (us:{} them:{}){}", slot_distance.abs(), if slot_distance >= 0 { "behind" } else { "ahead" }, node_slot, rpc_slot, if slot_distance == 0 || previous_rpc_slot == std::u64::MAX { "".to_string() } else { format!( ", {} node is {} at {:.1} slots/second{}", if slot_distance >= 0 { "our" } else { "their" }, if slots_per_second < 0.0 { "falling behind" } else { "gaining" }, slots_per_second, average_time_remaining ) }, )); if log { println!(); } sleep(Duration::from_secs(sleep_interval as u64)); previous_rpc_slot = rpc_slot; previous_slot_distance = slot_distance; total_sleep_interval += sleep_interval; } } pub fn process_cluster_date(rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let result = rpc_client.get_account_with_commitment(&sysvar::clock::id(), config.commitment)?; if let Some(clock_account) = result.value { let clock: Clock = from_account(&clock_account).ok_or_else(|| { CliError::RpcRequestError("Failed to deserialize clock sysvar".to_string()) })?; let block_time = CliBlockTime { slot: result.context.slot, timestamp: clock.unix_timestamp, }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&block_time)) } else { Err(format!("AccountNotFound: pubkey={}", sysvar::clock::id()).into()) } } pub fn process_cluster_version(rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let remote_version = rpc_client.get_version()?; if config.verbose { Ok(format!("{:?}", remote_version)) } else { Ok(remote_version.to_string()) } } pub fn process_fees( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, blockhash: Option<&Hash>, ) -> ProcessResult { let fees = if let Some(recent_blockhash) = blockhash { let result = rpc_client.get_fee_calculator_for_blockhash_with_commitment( recent_blockhash, config.commitment, )?; if let Some(fee_calculator) = result.value { CliFees::some( result.context.slot, *recent_blockhash, fee_calculator.lamports_per_signature, None, None, ) } else { CliFees::none() } } else { let result = rpc_client.get_fees_with_commitment(config.commitment)?; CliFees::some( result.context.slot, result.value.blockhash, result.value.fee_calculator.lamports_per_signature, None, Some(result.value.last_valid_block_height), ) }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&fees)) } pub fn process_first_available_block(rpc_client: &RpcClient) -> ProcessResult { let first_available_block = rpc_client.get_first_available_block()?; Ok(format!("{}", first_available_block)) } pub fn parse_leader_schedule(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let epoch = value_of(matches, "epoch"); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::LeaderSchedule { epoch }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn process_leader_schedule( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, epoch: Option, ) -> ProcessResult { let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info()?; let epoch = epoch.unwrap_or(epoch_info.epoch); if epoch > epoch_info.epoch { return Err(format!("Epoch {} is in the future", epoch).into()); } let epoch_schedule = rpc_client.get_epoch_schedule()?; let first_slot_in_epoch = epoch_schedule.get_first_slot_in_epoch(epoch); let leader_schedule = rpc_client.get_leader_schedule(Some(first_slot_in_epoch))?; if leader_schedule.is_none() { return Err(format!( "Unable to fetch leader schedule for slot {}", first_slot_in_epoch ) .into()); } let leader_schedule = leader_schedule.unwrap(); let mut leader_per_slot_index = Vec::new(); for (pubkey, leader_slots) in leader_schedule.iter() { for slot_index in leader_slots.iter() { if *slot_index >= leader_per_slot_index.len() { leader_per_slot_index.resize(*slot_index + 1, "?"); } leader_per_slot_index[*slot_index] = pubkey; } } let mut leader_schedule_entries = vec![]; for (slot_index, leader) in leader_per_slot_index.iter().enumerate() { leader_schedule_entries.push(CliLeaderScheduleEntry { slot: first_slot_in_epoch + slot_index as u64, leader: leader.to_string(), }); } Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&CliLeaderSchedule { epoch, leader_schedule_entries, })) } pub fn process_get_block( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, slot: Option, ) -> ProcessResult { let slot = if let Some(slot) = slot { slot } else { rpc_client.get_slot_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::finalized())? }; let encoded_confirmed_block = rpc_client .get_block_with_config( slot, RpcBlockConfig { encoding: Some(UiTransactionEncoding::Base64), commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::confirmed()), ..RpcBlockConfig::default() }, )? .into(); let cli_block = CliBlock { encoded_confirmed_block, slot, }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&cli_block)) } pub fn process_get_block_time( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, slot: Option, ) -> ProcessResult { let slot = if let Some(slot) = slot { slot } else { rpc_client.get_slot_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::finalized())? }; let timestamp = rpc_client.get_block_time(slot)?; let block_time = CliBlockTime { slot, timestamp }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&block_time)) } pub fn process_get_epoch(rpc_client: &RpcClient, _config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info()?; Ok(epoch_info.epoch.to_string()) } pub fn process_get_epoch_info(rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info()?; let average_slot_time_ms = rpc_client .get_recent_performance_samples(Some(60)) .ok() .and_then(|samples| { let (slots, secs) = samples.iter().fold((0, 0), |(slots, secs), sample| { (slots + sample.num_slots, secs + sample.sample_period_secs) }); (secs as u64).saturating_mul(1000).checked_div(slots) }) .unwrap_or(clock::DEFAULT_MS_PER_SLOT); let start_block_time = rpc_client .get_block_time(epoch_info.absolute_slot - epoch_info.slot_index) .ok(); let current_block_time = rpc_client.get_block_time(epoch_info.absolute_slot).ok(); let epoch_info = CliEpochInfo { epoch_info, average_slot_time_ms, start_block_time, current_block_time, }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&epoch_info)) } pub fn process_get_genesis_hash(rpc_client: &RpcClient) -> ProcessResult { let genesis_hash = rpc_client.get_genesis_hash()?; Ok(genesis_hash.to_string()) } pub fn process_get_slot(rpc_client: &RpcClient, _config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?; Ok(slot.to_string()) } pub fn process_get_block_height(rpc_client: &RpcClient, _config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let block_height = rpc_client.get_block_height()?; Ok(block_height.to_string()) } pub fn parse_show_block_production(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let epoch = value_t!(matches, "epoch", Epoch).ok(); let slot_limit = value_t!(matches, "slot_limit", u64).ok(); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::ShowBlockProduction { epoch, slot_limit }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn process_show_block_production( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, epoch: Option, slot_limit: Option, ) -> ProcessResult { let epoch_schedule = rpc_client.get_epoch_schedule()?; let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::finalized())?; let epoch = epoch.unwrap_or(epoch_info.epoch); if epoch > epoch_info.epoch { return Err(format!("Epoch {} is in the future", epoch).into()); } let first_slot_in_epoch = epoch_schedule.get_first_slot_in_epoch(epoch); let end_slot = std::cmp::min( epoch_info.absolute_slot, epoch_schedule.get_last_slot_in_epoch(epoch), ); let mut start_slot = if let Some(slot_limit) = slot_limit { std::cmp::max(end_slot.saturating_sub(slot_limit), first_slot_in_epoch) } else { first_slot_in_epoch }; let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); progress_bar.set_message(format!( "Fetching confirmed blocks between slots {} and {}...", start_slot, end_slot )); let slot_history_account = rpc_client .get_account_with_commitment(&sysvar::slot_history::id(), CommitmentConfig::finalized())? .value .unwrap(); let slot_history: SlotHistory = from_account(&slot_history_account).ok_or_else(|| { CliError::RpcRequestError("Failed to deserialize slot history".to_string()) })?; let (confirmed_blocks, start_slot) = if start_slot >= slot_history.oldest() && end_slot <= slot_history.newest() { // Fast, more reliable path using the SlotHistory sysvar let confirmed_blocks: Vec<_> = (start_slot..=end_slot) .filter(|slot| slot_history.check(*slot) == slot_history::Check::Found) .collect(); (confirmed_blocks, start_slot) } else { // Slow, less reliable path using `getBlocks`. // // "less reliable" because if the RPC node has holds in its ledger then the block production data will be // incorrect. This condition currently can't be detected over RPC // let minimum_ledger_slot = rpc_client.minimum_ledger_slot()?; if minimum_ledger_slot > end_slot { return Err(format!( "Ledger data not available for slots {} to {} (minimum ledger slot is {})", start_slot, end_slot, minimum_ledger_slot ) .into()); } if minimum_ledger_slot > start_slot { progress_bar.println(format!( "{}", style(format!( "Note: Requested start slot was {} but minimum ledger slot is {}", start_slot, minimum_ledger_slot )) .italic(), )); start_slot = minimum_ledger_slot; } let confirmed_blocks = rpc_client.get_blocks(start_slot, Some(end_slot))?; (confirmed_blocks, start_slot) }; let start_slot_index = (start_slot - first_slot_in_epoch) as usize; let end_slot_index = (end_slot - first_slot_in_epoch) as usize; let total_slots = end_slot_index - start_slot_index + 1; let total_blocks_produced = confirmed_blocks.len(); assert!(total_blocks_produced <= total_slots); let total_slots_skipped = total_slots - total_blocks_produced; let mut leader_slot_count = HashMap::new(); let mut leader_skipped_slots = HashMap::new(); progress_bar.set_message(format!("Fetching leader schedule for epoch {}...", epoch)); let leader_schedule = rpc_client .get_leader_schedule_with_commitment(Some(start_slot), CommitmentConfig::finalized())?; if leader_schedule.is_none() { return Err(format!("Unable to fetch leader schedule for slot {}", start_slot).into()); } let leader_schedule = leader_schedule.unwrap(); let mut leader_per_slot_index = Vec::new(); leader_per_slot_index.resize(total_slots, "?".to_string()); for (pubkey, leader_slots) in leader_schedule.iter() { let pubkey = format_labeled_address(pubkey, &config.address_labels); for slot_index in leader_slots.iter() { if *slot_index >= start_slot_index && *slot_index <= end_slot_index { leader_per_slot_index[*slot_index - start_slot_index] = pubkey.clone(); } } } progress_bar.set_message(format!( "Processing {} slots containing {} blocks and {} empty slots...", total_slots, total_blocks_produced, total_slots_skipped )); let mut confirmed_blocks_index = 0; let mut individual_slot_status = vec![]; for (slot_index, leader) in leader_per_slot_index.iter().enumerate() { let slot = start_slot + slot_index as u64; let slot_count = leader_slot_count.entry(leader).or_insert(0); *slot_count += 1; let skipped_slots = leader_skipped_slots.entry(leader).or_insert(0); loop { if confirmed_blocks_index < confirmed_blocks.len() { let slot_of_next_confirmed_block = confirmed_blocks[confirmed_blocks_index]; if slot_of_next_confirmed_block < slot { confirmed_blocks_index += 1; continue; } if slot_of_next_confirmed_block == slot { individual_slot_status.push(CliSlotStatus { slot, leader: (*leader).to_string(), skipped: false, }); break; } } *skipped_slots += 1; individual_slot_status.push(CliSlotStatus { slot, leader: (*leader).to_string(), skipped: true, }); break; } } progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); let mut leaders: Vec = leader_slot_count .iter() .map(|(leader, leader_slots)| { let skipped_slots = leader_skipped_slots.get(leader).unwrap(); let blocks_produced = leader_slots - skipped_slots; CliBlockProductionEntry { identity_pubkey: (**leader).to_string(), leader_slots: *leader_slots, blocks_produced, skipped_slots: *skipped_slots, } }) .collect(); leaders.sort_by(|a, b| a.identity_pubkey.partial_cmp(&b.identity_pubkey).unwrap()); let block_production = CliBlockProduction { epoch, start_slot, end_slot, total_slots, total_blocks_produced, total_slots_skipped, leaders, individual_slot_status, verbose: config.verbose, }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&block_production)) } pub fn process_largest_accounts( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, filter: Option, ) -> ProcessResult { let accounts = rpc_client .get_largest_accounts_with_config(RpcLargestAccountsConfig { commitment: Some(config.commitment), filter, })? .value; let largest_accounts = CliAccountBalances { accounts }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&largest_accounts)) } pub fn process_supply( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, print_accounts: bool, ) -> ProcessResult { let supply_response =; let mut supply: CliSupply = supply_response.value.into(); supply.print_accounts = print_accounts; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&supply)) } pub fn process_total_supply(rpc_client: &RpcClient, _config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let supply =; Ok(format!("{} SOL", lamports_to_sol( } pub fn process_get_transaction_count(rpc_client: &RpcClient, _config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let transaction_count = rpc_client.get_transaction_count()?; Ok(transaction_count.to_string()) } pub fn process_ping( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, lamports: u64, interval: &Duration, count: &Option, timeout: &Duration, fixed_blockhash: &Option, print_timestamp: bool, ) -> ProcessResult { println_name_value("Source Account:", &config.signers[0].pubkey().to_string()); println!(); let (signal_sender, signal_receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); ctrlc::set_handler(move || { let _ = signal_sender.send(()); }) .expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); let mut submit_count = 0; let mut confirmed_count = 0; let mut confirmation_time: VecDeque = VecDeque::with_capacity(1024); let (mut blockhash, mut fee_calculator) = rpc_client.get_recent_blockhash()?; let mut blockhash_transaction_count = 0; let mut blockhash_acquired = Instant::now(); if let Some(fixed_blockhash) = fixed_blockhash { let blockhash_origin = if *fixed_blockhash != Hash::default() { blockhash = *fixed_blockhash; "supplied from cli arguments" } else { "fetched from cluster" }; println!( "Fixed blockhash is used: {} ({})", blockhash, blockhash_origin ); } 'mainloop: for seq in 0..count.unwrap_or(std::u64::MAX) { let now = Instant::now(); if fixed_blockhash.is_none() && now.duration_since(blockhash_acquired).as_secs() > 60 { // Fetch a new blockhash every minute let (new_blockhash, new_fee_calculator) = rpc_client.get_new_blockhash(&blockhash)?; blockhash = new_blockhash; fee_calculator = new_fee_calculator; blockhash_transaction_count = 0; blockhash_acquired = Instant::now(); } let seed = &format!("{}{}", blockhash_transaction_count, blockhash)[0..pubkey::MAX_SEED_LEN]; let to = Pubkey::create_with_seed(&config.signers[0].pubkey(), seed, &system_program::id()) .unwrap(); blockhash_transaction_count += 1; let build_message = |lamports| { let ix = system_instruction::transfer(&config.signers[0].pubkey(), &to, lamports); Message::new(&[ix], Some(&config.signers[0].pubkey())) }; let (message, _) = resolve_spend_tx_and_check_account_balance( rpc_client, false, SpendAmount::Some(lamports), &fee_calculator, &config.signers[0].pubkey(), build_message, config.commitment, )?; let mut tx = Transaction::new_unsigned(message); tx.try_sign(&config.signers, blockhash)?; let timestamp = || { let micros = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_micros(); if print_timestamp { format!("[{}.{:06}] ", micros / 1_000_000, micros % 1_000_000) } else { format!("") } }; match rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx) { Ok(signature) => { let transaction_sent = Instant::now(); loop { let signature_status = rpc_client.get_signature_status(&signature)?; let elapsed_time = Instant::now().duration_since(transaction_sent); if let Some(transaction_status) = signature_status { match transaction_status { Ok(()) => { let elapsed_time_millis = elapsed_time.as_millis() as u64; confirmation_time.push_back(elapsed_time_millis); println!( "{}{}{} lamport(s) transferred: seq={:<3} time={:>4}ms signature={}", timestamp(), CHECK_MARK, lamports, seq, elapsed_time_millis, signature ); confirmed_count += 1; } Err(err) => { println!( "{}{}Transaction failed: seq={:<3} error={:?} signature={}", timestamp(), CROSS_MARK, seq, err, signature ); } } break; } if elapsed_time >= *timeout { println!( "{}{}Confirmation timeout: seq={:<3} signature={}", timestamp(), CROSS_MARK, seq, signature ); break; } // Sleep for half a slot if signal_receiver .recv_timeout(Duration::from_millis(clock::DEFAULT_MS_PER_SLOT / 2)) .is_ok() { break 'mainloop; } } } Err(err) => { println!( "{}{}Submit failed: seq={:<3} error={:?}", timestamp(), CROSS_MARK, seq, err ); } } submit_count += 1; if signal_receiver.recv_timeout(*interval).is_ok() { break 'mainloop; } } println!(); println!("--- transaction statistics ---"); println!( "{} transactions submitted, {} transactions confirmed, {:.1}% transaction loss", submit_count, confirmed_count, (100. - f64::from(confirmed_count) / f64::from(submit_count) * 100.) ); if !confirmation_time.is_empty() { let samples: Vec = confirmation_time.iter().map(|t| *t as f64).collect(); let dist = criterion_stats::Distribution::from(samples.into_boxed_slice()); let mean = dist.mean(); println!( "confirmation min/mean/max/stddev = {:.0}/{:.0}/{:.0}/{:.0} ms", dist.min(), mean, dist.max(), dist.std_dev(Some(mean)) ); } Ok("".to_string()) } pub fn parse_logs( matches: &ArgMatches<'_>, wallet_manager: &mut Option>, ) -> Result { let address = pubkey_of_signer(matches, "address", wallet_manager)?; let include_votes = matches.is_present("include_votes"); let filter = match address { None => { if include_votes { RpcTransactionLogsFilter::AllWithVotes } else { RpcTransactionLogsFilter::All } } Some(address) => RpcTransactionLogsFilter::Mentions(vec![address.to_string()]), }; Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Logs { filter }, signers: vec![], }) } pub fn process_logs(config: &CliConfig, filter: &RpcTransactionLogsFilter) -> ProcessResult { println!( "Streaming transaction logs{}. {:?} commitment", match filter { RpcTransactionLogsFilter::All => "".into(), RpcTransactionLogsFilter::AllWithVotes => " (including votes)".into(), RpcTransactionLogsFilter::Mentions(addresses) => format!(" mentioning {}", addresses.join(",")), }, config.commitment.commitment ); let (_client, receiver) = PubsubClient::logs_subscribe( &config.websocket_url, filter.clone(), RpcTransactionLogsConfig { commitment: Some(config.commitment), }, )?; loop { match receiver.recv() { Ok(logs) => { println!("Transaction executed in slot {}:", logs.context.slot); println!(" Signature: {}", logs.value.signature); println!( " Status: {}", logs.value .err .map(|err| err.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "Ok".to_string()) ); println!(" Log Messages:"); for log in logs.value.logs { println!(" {}", log); } } Err(err) => { return Ok(format!("Disconnected: {}", err)); } } } } pub fn process_live_slots(config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let exit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let mut current: Option = None; let mut message = "".to_string(); let slot_progress = new_spinner_progress_bar(); slot_progress.set_message("Connecting..."); let (mut client, receiver) = PubsubClient::slot_subscribe(&config.websocket_url)?; slot_progress.set_message("Connected."); let spacer = "|"; slot_progress.println(spacer); let mut last_root = std::u64::MAX; let mut last_root_update = Instant::now(); let mut slots_per_second = std::f64::NAN; loop { if exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { eprintln!("{}", message); client.shutdown().unwrap(); break; } match receiver.recv() { Ok(new_info) => { if last_root == std::u64::MAX { last_root = new_info.root; last_root_update = Instant::now(); } if last_root_update.elapsed().as_secs() >= 5 { let root = new_info.root; slots_per_second = (root - last_root) as f64 / last_root_update.elapsed().as_secs() as f64; last_root_update = Instant::now(); last_root = root; } message = if slots_per_second.is_nan() { format!("{:?}", new_info) } else { format!( "{:?} | root slot advancing at {:.2} slots/second", new_info, slots_per_second ) }; slot_progress.set_message(message.clone()); if let Some(previous) = current { let slot_delta: i64 = new_info.slot as i64 - previous.slot as i64; let root_delta: i64 = new_info.root as i64 - previous.root as i64; // // if slot has advanced out of step with the root, we detect // a mismatch and output the slot information // if slot_delta != root_delta { let prev_root = format!( "|<--- {} <- … <- {} <- {} (prev)", previous.root, previous.parent, previous.slot ); slot_progress.println(&prev_root); let new_root = format!( "| '- {} <- … <- {} <- {} (next)", new_info.root, new_info.parent, new_info.slot ); slot_progress.println(prev_root); slot_progress.println(new_root); slot_progress.println(spacer); } } current = Some(new_info); } Err(err) => { eprintln!("disconnected: {}", err); break; } } } Ok("".to_string()) } pub fn process_show_gossip(rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig) -> ProcessResult { let cluster_nodes = rpc_client.get_cluster_nodes()?; let nodes: Vec<_> = cluster_nodes .into_iter() .map(|node| CliGossipNode::new(node, &config.address_labels)) .collect(); Ok(config .output_format .formatted_string(&CliGossipNodes(nodes))) } pub fn process_show_stakes( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, use_lamports_unit: bool, vote_account_pubkeys: Option<&[Pubkey]>, ) -> ProcessResult { use crate::stake::build_stake_state; let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); progress_bar.set_message("Fetching stake accounts..."); let mut program_accounts_config = RpcProgramAccountsConfig { account_config: RpcAccountInfoConfig { encoding: Some(solana_account_decoder::UiAccountEncoding::Base64), ..RpcAccountInfoConfig::default() }, ..RpcProgramAccountsConfig::default() }; if let Some(vote_account_pubkeys) = vote_account_pubkeys { // Use server-side filtering if only one vote account is provided if vote_account_pubkeys.len() == 1 { program_accounts_config.filters = Some(vec![ // Filter by `StakeState::Stake(_, _)` rpc_filter::RpcFilterType::Memcmp(rpc_filter::Memcmp { offset: 0, bytes: rpc_filter::MemcmpEncodedBytes::Binary( bs58::encode([2, 0, 0, 0]).into_string(), ), encoding: Some(rpc_filter::MemcmpEncoding::Binary), }), // Filter by `Delegation::voter_pubkey`, which begins at byte offset 124 rpc_filter::RpcFilterType::Memcmp(rpc_filter::Memcmp { offset: 124, bytes: rpc_filter::MemcmpEncodedBytes::Binary( vote_account_pubkeys[0].to_string(), ), encoding: Some(rpc_filter::MemcmpEncoding::Binary), }), ]); } } let all_stake_accounts = rpc_client .get_program_accounts_with_config(&stake::program::id(), program_accounts_config)?; let stake_history_account = rpc_client.get_account(&stake_history::id())?; let clock_account = rpc_client.get_account(&sysvar::clock::id())?; let clock: Clock = from_account(&clock_account).ok_or_else(|| { CliError::RpcRequestError("Failed to deserialize clock sysvar".to_string()) })?; progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); let stake_history = from_account(&stake_history_account).ok_or_else(|| { CliError::RpcRequestError("Failed to deserialize stake history".to_string()) })?; // At v1.6, this check can be removed and simply passed as `true` let stake_program_v2_enabled = is_stake_program_v2_enabled(rpc_client)?; let mut stake_accounts: Vec = vec![]; for (stake_pubkey, stake_account) in all_stake_accounts { if let Ok(stake_state) = stake_account.state() { match stake_state { StakeState::Initialized(_) => { if vote_account_pubkeys.is_none() { stake_accounts.push(CliKeyedStakeState { stake_pubkey: stake_pubkey.to_string(), stake_state: build_stake_state( stake_account.lamports, &stake_state, use_lamports_unit, &stake_history, &clock, stake_program_v2_enabled, ), }); } } StakeState::Stake(_, stake) => { if vote_account_pubkeys.is_none() || vote_account_pubkeys .unwrap() .contains(&stake.delegation.voter_pubkey) { stake_accounts.push(CliKeyedStakeState { stake_pubkey: stake_pubkey.to_string(), stake_state: build_stake_state( stake_account.lamports, &stake_state, use_lamports_unit, &stake_history, &clock, stake_program_v2_enabled, ), }); } } _ => {} } } } Ok(config .output_format .formatted_string(&CliStakeVec::new(stake_accounts))) } pub fn process_wait_for_max_stake( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, max_stake_percent: f32, ) -> ProcessResult { let now = std::time::Instant::now(); rpc_client.wait_for_max_stake(config.commitment, max_stake_percent)?; Ok(format!("Done waiting, took: {}s", now.elapsed().as_secs())) } pub fn process_show_validators( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, use_lamports_unit: bool, validators_sort_order: CliValidatorsSortOrder, validators_reverse_sort: bool, number_validators: bool, keep_unstaked_delinquents: bool, delinquent_slot_distance: Option, ) -> ProcessResult { let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); progress_bar.set_message("Fetching vote accounts..."); let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info()?; let vote_accounts = rpc_client.get_vote_accounts_with_config(RpcGetVoteAccountsConfig { keep_unstaked_delinquents: Some(keep_unstaked_delinquents), delinquent_slot_distance, ..RpcGetVoteAccountsConfig::default() })?; progress_bar.set_message("Fetching block production..."); let skip_rate: HashMap<_, _> = rpc_client .get_block_production() .ok() .map(|result| { result .value .by_identity .into_iter() .map(|(identity, (leader_slots, blocks_produced))| { ( identity, 100. * (leader_slots.saturating_sub(blocks_produced)) as f64 / leader_slots as f64, ) }) .collect() }) .unwrap_or_default(); progress_bar.set_message("Fetching version information..."); let mut node_version = HashMap::new(); let unknown_version = "unknown".to_string(); for contact_info in rpc_client.get_cluster_nodes()? { node_version.insert( contact_info.pubkey, contact_info .version .unwrap_or_else(|| unknown_version.clone()), ); } progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); let total_active_stake = vote_accounts .current .iter() .chain(vote_accounts.delinquent.iter()) .map(|vote_account| vote_account.activated_stake) .sum(); let total_delinquent_stake = vote_accounts .delinquent .iter() .map(|vote_account| vote_account.activated_stake) .sum(); let total_current_stake = total_active_stake - total_delinquent_stake; let current_validators: Vec = vote_accounts .current .iter() .map(|vote_account| { CliValidator::new( vote_account, epoch_info.epoch, node_version .get(&vote_account.node_pubkey) .unwrap_or(&unknown_version) .clone(), skip_rate.get(&vote_account.node_pubkey).cloned(), &config.address_labels, ) }) .collect(); let delinquent_validators: Vec = vote_accounts .delinquent .iter() .map(|vote_account| { CliValidator::new_delinquent( vote_account, epoch_info.epoch, node_version .get(&vote_account.node_pubkey) .unwrap_or(&unknown_version) .clone(), skip_rate.get(&vote_account.node_pubkey).cloned(), &config.address_labels, ) }) .collect(); let mut stake_by_version: BTreeMap<_, CliValidatorsStakeByVersion> = BTreeMap::new(); for validator in current_validators.iter() { let mut entry = stake_by_version .entry(validator.version.clone()) .or_default(); entry.current_validators += 1; entry.current_active_stake += validator.activated_stake; } for validator in delinquent_validators.iter() { let mut entry = stake_by_version .entry(validator.version.clone()) .or_default(); entry.delinquent_validators += 1; entry.delinquent_active_stake += validator.activated_stake; } let validators: Vec<_> = current_validators .into_iter() .chain(delinquent_validators.into_iter()) .collect(); let (average_skip_rate, average_stake_weighted_skip_rate) = { let mut skip_rate_len = 0; let mut skip_rate_sum = 0.; let mut skip_rate_weighted_sum = 0.; for validator in validators.iter() { if let Some(skip_rate) = validator.skip_rate { skip_rate_sum += skip_rate; skip_rate_len += 1; skip_rate_weighted_sum += skip_rate * validator.activated_stake as f64; } } if skip_rate_len > 0 && total_active_stake > 0 { ( skip_rate_sum / skip_rate_len as f64, skip_rate_weighted_sum / total_active_stake as f64, ) } else { (100., 100.) // Impossible? } }; let cli_validators = CliValidators { total_active_stake, total_current_stake, total_delinquent_stake, validators, average_skip_rate, average_stake_weighted_skip_rate, validators_sort_order, validators_reverse_sort, number_validators, stake_by_version, use_lamports_unit, }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&cli_validators)) } pub fn process_transaction_history( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, address: &Pubkey, before: Option, until: Option, limit: usize, show_transactions: bool, ) -> ProcessResult { let results = rpc_client.get_signatures_for_address_with_config( address, GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Config { before, until, limit: Some(limit), commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::confirmed()), }, )?; let transactions_found = format!("{} transactions found", results.len()); for result in results { if config.verbose { println!( "{} [slot={} {}status={}] {}", result.signature, result.slot, match result.block_time { None => "".to_string(), Some(block_time) => format!("timestamp={} ", unix_timestamp_to_string(block_time)), }, if let Some(err) = result.err { format!("Failed: {:?}", err) } else { match result.confirmation_status { None => "Finalized".to_string(), Some(status) => format!("{:?}", status), } }, result.memo.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()), ); } else { println!("{}", result.signature); } if show_transactions { if let Ok(signature) = result.signature.parse::() { match rpc_client.get_transaction_with_config( &signature, RpcTransactionConfig { encoding: Some(UiTransactionEncoding::Base64), commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::confirmed()), }, ) { Ok(confirmed_transaction) => { println_transaction( &confirmed_transaction .transaction .transaction .decode() .expect("Successful decode"), &confirmed_transaction.transaction.meta, " ", None, None, ); } Err(err) => println!(" Unable to get confirmed transaction details: {}", err), } } println!(); } } Ok(transactions_found) } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct CliRentCalculation { pub lamports_per_byte_year: u64, pub lamports_per_epoch: u64, pub rent_exempt_minimum_lamports: u64, #[serde(skip)] pub use_lamports_unit: bool, } impl CliRentCalculation { fn build_balance_message(&self, lamports: u64) -> String { build_balance_message(lamports, self.use_lamports_unit, true) } } impl fmt::Display for CliRentCalculation { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let per_byte_year = self.build_balance_message(self.lamports_per_byte_year); let per_epoch = self.build_balance_message(self.lamports_per_epoch); let exempt_minimum = self.build_balance_message(self.rent_exempt_minimum_lamports); writeln_name_value(f, "Rent per byte-year:", &per_byte_year)?; writeln_name_value(f, "Rent per epoch:", &per_epoch)?; writeln_name_value(f, "Rent-exempt minimum:", &exempt_minimum) } } impl QuietDisplay for CliRentCalculation {} impl VerboseDisplay for CliRentCalculation {} #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RentLengthValue { Nonce, Stake, System, Vote, Bytes(usize), } impl RentLengthValue { pub fn length(&self) -> usize { match self { Self::Nonce => NonceState::size(), Self::Stake => std::mem::size_of::(), Self::System => 0, Self::Vote => VoteState::size_of(), Self::Bytes(l) => *l, } } } #[derive(Debug, Error)] #[error("expected number or moniker, got \"{0}\"")] pub struct RentLengthValueError(pub String); impl FromStr for RentLengthValue { type Err = RentLengthValueError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let s = s.to_ascii_lowercase(); match s.as_str() { "nonce" => Ok(Self::Nonce), "stake" => Ok(Self::Stake), "system" => Ok(Self::System), "vote" => Ok(Self::Vote), _ => usize::from_str(&s) .map(Self::Bytes) .map_err(|_| RentLengthValueError(s)), } } } pub fn process_calculate_rent( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, data_length: usize, use_lamports_unit: bool, ) -> ProcessResult { let epoch_schedule = rpc_client.get_epoch_schedule()?; let rent_account = rpc_client.get_account(&sysvar::rent::id())?; let rent: Rent = rent_account.deserialize_data()?; let rent_exempt_minimum_lamports = rent.minimum_balance(data_length); let seconds_per_tick = Duration::from_secs_f64(1.0 / clock::DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SECOND as f64); let slots_per_year = timing::years_as_slots(1.0, &seconds_per_tick, clock::DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT); let slots_per_epoch = epoch_schedule.slots_per_epoch as f64; let years_per_epoch = slots_per_epoch / slots_per_year; let (lamports_per_epoch, _) = rent.due(0, data_length, years_per_epoch); let cli_rent_calculation = CliRentCalculation { lamports_per_byte_year: rent.lamports_per_byte_year, lamports_per_epoch, rent_exempt_minimum_lamports, use_lamports_unit, }; Ok(config.output_format.formatted_string(&cli_rent_calculation)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{clap_app::get_clap_app, cli::parse_command}; use solana_sdk::signature::{write_keypair, Keypair}; use std::str::FromStr; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; fn make_tmp_file() -> (String, NamedTempFile) { let tmp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); (String::from(tmp_file.path().to_str().unwrap()), tmp_file) } #[test] fn test_parse_command() { let test_commands = get_clap_app("test", "desc", "version"); let default_keypair = Keypair::new(); let (default_keypair_file, mut tmp_file) = make_tmp_file(); write_keypair(&default_keypair, tmp_file.as_file_mut()).unwrap(); let default_signer = DefaultSigner::new("", &default_keypair_file); let test_cluster_version = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "cluster-date"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_cluster_version, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::ClusterDate, signers: vec![], } ); let test_cluster_version = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "cluster-version"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_cluster_version, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::ClusterVersion, signers: vec![], } ); let test_fees = test_commands.clone().get_matches_from(vec!["test", "fees"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_fees, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Fees { blockhash: None }, signers: vec![], } ); let blockhash = Hash::new_unique(); let test_fees = test_commands.clone().get_matches_from(vec![ "test", "fees", "--blockhash", &blockhash.to_string(), ]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_fees, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Fees { blockhash: Some(blockhash) }, signers: vec![], } ); let slot = 100; let test_get_block_time = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "block-time", &slot.to_string()]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_block_time, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetBlockTime { slot: Some(slot) }, signers: vec![], } ); let test_get_epoch = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "epoch"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_epoch, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetEpoch, signers: vec![], } ); let test_get_epoch_info = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "epoch-info"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_epoch_info, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetEpochInfo, signers: vec![], } ); let test_get_genesis_hash = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "genesis-hash"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_genesis_hash, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetGenesisHash, signers: vec![], } ); let test_get_slot = test_commands.clone().get_matches_from(vec!["test", "slot"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_slot, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetSlot, signers: vec![], } ); let test_total_supply = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "total-supply"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_total_supply, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::TotalSupply, signers: vec![], } ); let test_transaction_count = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "transaction-count"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_transaction_count, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetTransactionCount, signers: vec![], } ); let test_ping = test_commands.clone().get_matches_from(vec![ "test", "ping", "-i", "1", "-c", "2", "-t", "3", "-D", "--blockhash", "4CCNp28j6AhGq7PkjPDP4wbQWBS8LLbQin2xV5n8frKX", ]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_ping, &default_signer, &mut None).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Ping { lamports: 1, interval: Duration::from_secs(1), count: Some(2), timeout: Duration::from_secs(3), blockhash: Some( Hash::from_str("4CCNp28j6AhGq7PkjPDP4wbQWBS8LLbQin2xV5n8frKX").unwrap() ), print_timestamp: true, }, signers: vec![default_keypair.into()], } ); } }