pub use { crate::nonblocking::tpu_client::TpuSenderError, solana_tpu_client::tpu_client::{TpuClientConfig, DEFAULT_FANOUT_SLOTS, MAX_FANOUT_SLOTS}, }; use { crate::{ connection_cache::ConnectionCache, nonblocking::tpu_client::TpuClient as NonblockingTpuClient, }, rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator}, solana_rpc_client::rpc_client::RpcClient, solana_sdk::{ message::Message, signers::Signers, transaction::{Transaction, TransactionError}, transport::Result as TransportResult, }, solana_tpu_client::tpu_client::temporary_pub::Result, std::{net::UdpSocket, sync::Arc}, }; /// Client which sends transactions directly to the current leader's TPU port over UDP. /// The client uses RPC to determine the current leader and fetch node contact info pub struct TpuClient { _deprecated: UdpSocket, // TpuClient now uses the connection_cache to choose a send_socket //todo: get rid of this field rpc_client: Arc, tpu_client: Arc, } impl TpuClient { /// Serialize and send transaction to the current and upcoming leader TPUs according to fanout /// size pub fn send_transaction(&self, transaction: &Transaction) -> bool { self.invoke(self.tpu_client.send_transaction(transaction)) } /// Send a wire transaction to the current and upcoming leader TPUs according to fanout size pub fn send_wire_transaction(&self, wire_transaction: Vec) -> bool { self.invoke(self.tpu_client.send_wire_transaction(wire_transaction)) } /// Serialize and send transaction to the current and upcoming leader TPUs according to fanout /// size /// Returns the last error if all sends fail pub fn try_send_transaction(&self, transaction: &Transaction) -> TransportResult<()> { self.invoke(self.tpu_client.try_send_transaction(transaction)) } /// Serialize and send a batch of transactions to the current and upcoming leader TPUs according /// to fanout size /// Returns the last error if all sends fail pub fn try_send_transaction_batch(&self, transactions: &[Transaction]) -> TransportResult<()> { let wire_transactions = transactions .into_par_iter() .map(|tx| bincode::serialize(&tx).expect("serialize Transaction in send_batch")) .collect::>(); self.invoke( self.tpu_client .try_send_wire_transaction_batch(wire_transactions), ) } /// Send a wire transaction to the current and upcoming leader TPUs according to fanout size /// Returns the last error if all sends fail pub fn try_send_wire_transaction(&self, wire_transaction: Vec) -> TransportResult<()> { self.invoke(self.tpu_client.try_send_wire_transaction(wire_transaction)) } /// Create a new client that disconnects when dropped pub fn new( rpc_client: Arc, websocket_url: &str, config: TpuClientConfig, ) -> Result { let create_tpu_client = NonblockingTpuClient::new(rpc_client.get_inner_client().clone(), websocket_url, config); let tpu_client = tokio::task::block_in_place(|| rpc_client.runtime().block_on(create_tpu_client))?; Ok(Self { _deprecated: UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(), rpc_client, tpu_client: Arc::new(tpu_client), }) } /// Create a new client that disconnects when dropped pub fn new_with_connection_cache( rpc_client: Arc, websocket_url: &str, config: TpuClientConfig, connection_cache: Arc, ) -> Result { let create_tpu_client = NonblockingTpuClient::new_with_connection_cache( rpc_client.get_inner_client().clone(), websocket_url, config, connection_cache, ); let tpu_client = tokio::task::block_in_place(|| rpc_client.runtime().block_on(create_tpu_client))?; Ok(Self { _deprecated: UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(), rpc_client, tpu_client: Arc::new(tpu_client), }) } pub fn send_and_confirm_messages_with_spinner( &self, messages: &[Message], signers: &T, ) -> Result>> { self.invoke( self.tpu_client .send_and_confirm_messages_with_spinner(messages, signers), ) } pub fn rpc_client(&self) -> &RpcClient { &self.rpc_client } fn invoke>(&self, f: F) -> T { // `block_on()` panics if called within an asynchronous execution context. Whereas // `block_in_place()` only panics if called from a current_thread runtime, which is the // lesser evil. tokio::task::block_in_place(move || self.rpc_client.runtime().block_on(f)) } }