use { crate::{ client::{Client, RPCCommandConfig}, sparse_index::{IndexEntry, RegistryIndex}, }, flate2::{ read::{GzDecoder, GzEncoder}, Compression, }, hyper::body::Bytes, log::*, serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}, serde_json::from_slice, sha2::{Digest, Sha256}, solana_cli::program_v4::{process_deploy_program, process_dump, read_and_verify_elf}, solana_sdk::{ pubkey::Pubkey, signature::{Keypair, Signer}, signer::EncodableKey, }, std::{ collections::BTreeMap, fs, io::{Cursor, Read}, mem::size_of, ops::Deref, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, }, tar::{Archive, Builder, HeaderMode}, tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir}, }; const APPEND_CRATE_TO_ELF: bool = true; pub(crate) type Error = Box; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] pub(crate) enum DependencyType { Dev, Build, Normal, } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub(crate) struct Dependency { pub name: String, pub version_req: String, pub features: Vec, pub optional: bool, pub default_features: bool, pub target: Option, pub kind: DependencyType, pub registry: Option, pub explicit_name_in_toml: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[allow(unused)] pub(crate) struct PackageMetaData { pub name: String, pub vers: String, pub deps: Vec, pub features: BTreeMap>, pub authors: Vec, pub description: Option, pub documentation: Option, pub homepage: Option, pub readme: Option, pub readme_file: Option, pub keywords: Vec, pub categories: Vec, pub license: Option, pub license_file: Option, pub repository: Option, pub badges: BTreeMap>, pub links: Option, pub rust_version: Option, } impl PackageMetaData { fn new(bytes: &Bytes) -> serde_json::Result<(PackageMetaData, usize)> { let (json_length, sizeof_length) = Self::read_u32_length(bytes)?; let end_of_meta_data = sizeof_length.saturating_add(json_length as usize); let json_body = bytes.slice(sizeof_length..end_of_meta_data); from_slice::(json_body.deref()).map(|data| (data, end_of_meta_data)) } fn read_u32_length(bytes: &Bytes) -> serde_json::Result<(u32, usize)> { let sizeof_length = size_of::(); let length_le = bytes.slice(0..sizeof_length); let length = u32::from_le_bytes(length_le.deref().try_into().expect("Failed to read length")); Ok((length, sizeof_length)) } } pub(crate) struct Program { path: String, id: Pubkey, _tempdir: Arc, meta: PackageMetaData, packed_crate: PackedCrate, } impl Program { fn deploy(&self, client: Arc, signer: &dyn Signer) -> Result<(), Error> { if != signer.pubkey() { return Err("Signer doesn't match program ID".into()); } let mut program_data = read_and_verify_elf(self.path.as_ref()) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to read the program: {}", e))?; if APPEND_CRATE_TO_ELF { let program_id_str = Program::program_id_to_crate_name(; let crate_tar_gz = PackedCrate::new_rebased(&self.packed_crate, &self.meta, &program_id_str)?; let crate_len = u32::to_le_bytes(crate_tar_gz.0.len() as u32); program_data.extend_from_slice(&crate_tar_gz.0); program_data.extend_from_slice(&crate_len); } let command_config = RPCCommandConfig::new(client.as_ref()); process_deploy_program( client.rpc_client.clone(), &command_config.0, &program_data, program_data.len() as u32, &signer.pubkey(), Some(signer), ) .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to deploy the program: {}", e); format!("Failed to deploy the program: {}", e) })?; Ok(()) } fn dump(&mut self, client: Arc) -> Result<(), Error> { info!("Fetching program {:?}",; let command_config = RPCCommandConfig::new(client.as_ref()); process_dump( client.rpc_client.clone(), command_config.0.commitment, Some(, &self.path, ) .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to fetch the program: {}", e); format!("Failed to fetch the program: {}", e) })?; if APPEND_CRATE_TO_ELF { let Ok(buffer) = fs::read(&self.path) else { return Err("Failed to read the program file".into()); }; let data = Bytes::from(buffer); let data_len = data.len(); let sizeof_length = size_of::(); // The crate length is at the tail of the data buffer, as 4 LE bytes. let length_le = data.slice(data_len.saturating_sub(sizeof_length)..data_len); let length = u32::from_le_bytes(length_le.deref().try_into().expect("Failed to read length")); let crate_start = data_len .saturating_sub(sizeof_length) .saturating_sub(length as usize); let crate_end = data_len.saturating_sub(sizeof_length); self.packed_crate = PackedCrate(Bytes::copy_from_slice(&data[crate_start..crate_end])); } Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn crate_name_to_program_id(crate_name: &str) -> Option { let (_, id_str) = crate_name.split_once('-')?; hex::decode(id_str) .ok() .and_then(|bytes| Pubkey::try_from(bytes).ok()) } fn program_id_to_crate_name(id: Pubkey) -> String { format!("sol-{}", hex::encode(id.to_bytes())) } } impl From<&UnpackedCrate> for Program { fn from(value: &UnpackedCrate) -> Self { Self { path: value.program_path.clone(), id: value.program_id, _tempdir: value.tempdir.clone(), meta: value.meta.clone(), packed_crate: value.packed_crate.clone(), } } } /// Contents of a .crate file #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub(crate) struct PackedCrate(pub(crate) Bytes); impl PackedCrate { fn new(value: UnpackedCrate) -> Result { let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); archive.mode(HeaderMode::Deterministic); let base_path = UnpackedCrate::make_path(&value.tempdir, &value.meta, ""); archive.append_dir_all( format!("{}-{}/",, value.meta.vers), base_path, )?; let data = archive.into_inner()?; let reader = Cursor::new(data); let mut encoder = GzEncoder::new(reader, Compression::default()); let mut zipped_data = Vec::new(); encoder.read_to_end(&mut zipped_data)?; Ok(PackedCrate(Bytes::from(zipped_data))) } fn new_rebased(&self, meta: &PackageMetaData, target_base: &str) -> Result { let mut unpacked = UnpackedCrate::decompress(self.clone(), meta.clone())?; let name = Program::program_id_to_crate_name(unpacked.program_id); UnpackedCrate::fixup_toml(&unpacked.tempdir, "Cargo.toml.orig", &unpacked.meta, &name)?; UnpackedCrate::fixup_toml(&unpacked.tempdir, "Cargo.toml", &unpacked.meta, &name)?; let source_path = UnpackedCrate::make_path(&unpacked.tempdir, &unpacked.meta, ""); = target_base.to_string(); let target_path = UnpackedCrate::make_path(&unpacked.tempdir, &unpacked.meta, ""); fs::rename(source_path, target_path.clone()) .map_err(|_| "Failed to rename the crate folder")?; Self::new(unpacked) } fn version(&self) -> String { let decoder = GzDecoder::new(self.0.as_ref()); let mut archive = Archive::new(decoder); if let Some(Ok(entry)) = archive .entries() .ok() .and_then(|mut entries| entries.nth(0)) { if let Ok(path) = entry.path() { if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() { if let Some((_, vers)) = path_str.rsplit_once('-') { let mut version = vers.to_string(); // Removing trailing '/' if version.ends_with('/') { version.pop(); } return version; } } } } // Placeholder version. "0.1.0".to_string() } } pub(crate) struct UnpackedCrate { meta: PackageMetaData, cksum: String, tempdir: Arc, program_path: String, program_id: Pubkey, keypair: Option, packed_crate: PackedCrate, } impl UnpackedCrate { fn decompress(packed_crate: PackedCrate, meta: PackageMetaData) -> Result { let cksum = format!("{:x}", Sha256::digest(&packed_crate.0)); let decoder = GzDecoder::new(packed_crate.0.as_ref()); let mut archive = Archive::new(decoder); let tempdir = tempdir()?; archive.unpack(tempdir.path())?; let lib_name = UnpackedCrate::program_library_name(&tempdir, &meta)?; let program_path = UnpackedCrate::make_path(&tempdir, &meta, format!("out/{}.so", lib_name)) .into_os_string() .into_string() .map_err(|_| "Failed to get program file path")?; let keypair = Keypair::read_from_file(UnpackedCrate::make_path( &tempdir, &meta, format!("out/{}-keypair.json", lib_name), )) .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to get keypair from the file: {}", e))?; Ok(UnpackedCrate { meta, cksum, tempdir: Arc::new(tempdir), program_path, program_id: keypair.pubkey(), keypair: Some(keypair), packed_crate, }) } pub(crate) fn new(bytes: Bytes) -> Result { let (meta, offset) = PackageMetaData::new(&bytes)?; let (_crate_file_length, length_size) = PackageMetaData::read_u32_length(&bytes.slice(offset..))?; let packed_crate = PackedCrate(bytes.slice(offset.saturating_add(length_size)..)); UnpackedCrate::decompress(packed_crate, meta) } pub(crate) fn publish( &self, client: Arc, index: Arc, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let Some(signer) = &self.keypair else { return Err("No signer provided for the program deployment".into()); }; Program::from(self).deploy(client, signer)?; let mut entry: IndexEntry = self.meta.clone().into(); entry.cksum = self.cksum.clone(); index.insert_entry(entry)?; info!("Successfully deployed the program"); Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn fetch_index(id: Pubkey, client: Arc) -> Result { let (packed_crate, meta) = Self::fetch(id, "", client)?; let mut entry: IndexEntry = meta.into(); entry.cksum = format!("{:x}", Sha256::digest(&packed_crate.0)); Ok(entry) } pub(crate) fn fetch( id: Pubkey, vers: &str, client: Arc, ) -> Result<(PackedCrate, PackageMetaData), Error> { let unpacked = Self::new_empty(id, vers)?; let mut program = Program::from(&unpacked); program.dump(client)?; // Decompile the program // Generate a Cargo.toml let mut meta = unpacked.meta.clone(); if APPEND_CRATE_TO_ELF { meta.vers = program.packed_crate.version(); Ok((program.packed_crate, meta)) } else { PackedCrate::new(unpacked).map(|file| (file, meta)) } } fn new_empty(id: Pubkey, vers: &str) -> Result { let meta = PackageMetaData { name: Program::program_id_to_crate_name(id), vers: vers.to_string(), deps: vec![], features: BTreeMap::new(), authors: vec![], description: None, documentation: None, homepage: None, readme: None, readme_file: None, keywords: vec![], categories: vec![], license: None, license_file: None, repository: None, badges: BTreeMap::new(), links: None, rust_version: None, }; let tempdir = tempdir()?; let base_path = UnpackedCrate::make_path(&tempdir, &meta, "out"); fs::create_dir_all(base_path) .map_err(|_| "Failed to create the base directory for output")?; let program_path = Self::make_path(&tempdir, &meta, format!("out/{}.so", id)) .into_os_string() .into_string() .map_err(|_| "Failed to get program file path")?; Ok(Self { meta, cksum: "".to_string(), tempdir: Arc::new(tempdir), program_path, program_id: id, keypair: None, packed_crate: PackedCrate::default(), }) } fn make_path>(tempdir: &TempDir, meta: &PackageMetaData, append: P) -> PathBuf { let mut path = tempdir.path().to_path_buf(); path.push(format!("{}-{}/",, meta.vers)); path.push(append); path } fn program_library_name(tempdir: &TempDir, meta: &PackageMetaData) -> Result { let toml_content = fs::read_to_string(Self::make_path(tempdir, meta, "Cargo.toml.orig"))?; let toml = toml_content.parse::()?; let library_name = toml .get("lib") .and_then(|v| v.get("name")) .and_then(|v| v.as_str()) .ok_or("Failed to get module name")?; Ok(library_name.to_string()) } fn fixup_toml( tempdir: &TempDir, cargo_toml_name: &str, meta: &PackageMetaData, name: &str, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let toml_orig_path = Self::make_path(tempdir, meta, cargo_toml_name); let toml_content = fs::read_to_string(&toml_orig_path)?; let mut toml = toml_content.parse::()?; toml.get_mut("package") .and_then(|v| v.get_mut("name")) .map(|v| *v = toml::Value::String(name.to_string())) .ok_or("Failed to set package name")?; fs::write(toml_orig_path, toml.to_string())?; Ok(()) } }