# Build steps that run on pushes and pull requests. # If files other than those in docs/ were modified, this will be followed up by # ci/buildkite-tests.yml # # Release tags use buildkite-release.yml instead steps: - command: ". ci/rust-version.sh; ci/docker-run.sh $$rust_nightly_docker_image ci/test-checks.sh" name: "checks" timeout_in_minutes: 20 - wait - command: "ci/maybe-trigger-tests.sh" name: "maybe-trigger-tests" timeout_in_minutes: 2 - wait - trigger: "solana-secondary" branches: "!pull/*" async: true build: message: "${BUILDKITE_MESSAGE}" commit: "${BUILDKITE_COMMIT}" branch: "${BUILDKITE_BRANCH}" env: TRIGGERED_BUILDKITE_TAG: "${BUILDKITE_TAG}"