//! defines block cost related limits //! use { lazy_static::lazy_static, solana_sdk::{ feature, incinerator, native_loader, pubkey::Pubkey, secp256k1_program, system_program, }, std::collections::HashMap, }; /// Static configurations: /// /// Number of microseconds replaying a block should take, 400 millisecond block times /// is currently publicly communicated on solana.com pub const MAX_BLOCK_REPLAY_TIME_US: u64 = 400_000; /// number of concurrent processes, pub const MAX_CONCURRENCY: u64 = 4; /// Cluster data, method of collecting at https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/issues/19627 /// Dashboard: https://metrics.solana.com:8889/sources/0/dashboards/10?refresh=Paused&lower=now%28%29%20-%2012h /// /// cluster averaged compute unit to micro-sec conversion rate pub const COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO: u64 = 30; /// Number of compute units for one signature verification. pub const SIGNATURE_COST: u64 = COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 24; /// Number of compute units for one write lock pub const WRITE_LOCK_UNITS: u64 = COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 10; /// Number of data bytes per compute units pub const DATA_BYTES_UNITS: u64 = 550 /*bytes per us*/ / COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO; // Number of compute units for each built-in programs lazy_static! { /// Number of compute units for each built-in programs pub static ref BUILT_IN_INSTRUCTION_COSTS: HashMap = [ (feature::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 2), (incinerator::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 2), (native_loader::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 2), (solana_sdk::stake::config::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 2), (solana_sdk::stake::program::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 25), (solana_config_program::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 15), (solana_vote_program::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 70), // secp256k1 is executed in banking stage, it should cost similar to sigverify (secp256k1_program::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 24), (system_program::id(), COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * 5), ] .iter() .cloned() .collect(); } /// Statically computed data: /// /// Number of compute units that a block is allowed. A block's compute units are /// accumulated by Transactions added to it; A transaction's compute units are /// calculated by cost_model, based on transaction's signatures, write locks, /// data size and built-in and BPF instructions. pub const MAX_BLOCK_UNITS: u64 = MAX_BLOCK_REPLAY_TIME_US * COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO * MAX_CONCURRENCY; /// Number of compute units that a writable account in a block is allowed. The /// limit is to prevent too many transactions write to same account, therefore /// reduce block's parallelism. pub const MAX_WRITABLE_ACCOUNT_UNITS: u64 = MAX_BLOCK_REPLAY_TIME_US * COMPUTE_UNIT_TO_US_RATIO; /// Number of compute units that a block can have for vote transactions, /// sets at ~75% of MAX_BLOCK_UNITS to leave room for non-vote transactions pub const MAX_VOTE_UNITS: u64 = (MAX_BLOCK_UNITS as f64 * 0.75_f64) as u64; /// max length of account data in a slot (bytes) pub const MAX_ACCOUNT_DATA_LEN: u64 = 100_000_000;