#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e function execution_step { # shellcheck disable=SC2124 STEP="$@" echo --- "${STEP[@]}" } function collect_logs { execution_step "Collect logs from remote nodes" rm -rf net/log net/net.sh logs for logfile in net/log/* ; do ( new_log=net/log/"$TESTNET_TAG"_"$NUMBER_OF_VALIDATOR_NODES"-nodes_"$(basename "$logfile")" cp "$logfile" "$new_log" upload-ci-artifact "$new_log" ) done } function analyze_packet_loss { ( set -x # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source net/config/config mkdir -p iftop-logs execution_step "Map private -> public IP addresses in iftop logs" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 for i in "${!validatorIpList[@]}"; do # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # shellcheck disable=SC2027 echo "{\"private\": \""${validatorIpListPrivate[$i]}""\", \"public\": \""${validatorIpList[$i]}""\"}," done > ip_address_map.txt for ip in "${validatorIpList[@]}"; do net/scp.sh ip_address_map.txt solana@"$ip":~/solana/ done execution_step "Remotely post-process iftop logs" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 for ip in "${validatorIpList[@]}"; do iftop_log=iftop-logs/$ip-iftop.log # shellcheck disable=SC2016 net/ssh.sh solana@"$ip" 'PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin/ ~/solana/scripts/iftop-postprocess.sh ~/solana/iftop.log temp.log ~solana/solana/ip_address_map.txt' > "$iftop_log" upload-ci-artifact "$iftop_log" done execution_step "Analyzing Packet Loss" solana-release/bin/solana-log-analyzer analyze -f ./iftop-logs/ | sort -k 2 -g ) } function cleanup_testnet { RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] ; then RESULT_DETAILS=" Test failed during step: ${STEP} Failure occured when running the following command: $(eval echo "$@")" fi FINISH_UNIX_MSECS="$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))" if [[ "$UPLOAD_RESULTS_TO_SLACK" = "true" ]] ; then upload_results_to_slack fi ( set +e execution_step "Collecting Logfiles from Nodes" collect_logs ) ( set +e execution_step "Stop Network Software" net/net.sh stop ) ( set +e analyze_packet_loss ) execution_step "Deleting Testnet" case $CLOUD_PROVIDER in gce) ( cat < now() - '"$TEST_DURATION_SECONDS"'s AND count > 0 GROUP BY time(1s), host_id) GROUP BY time(1s) )' declare q_max_tps=' SELECT MAX("median_sum") as "max_tps" FROM ( SELECT MEDIAN(sum_count) AS "median_sum" FROM ( SELECT SUM("count") AS "sum_count" FROM "'$TESTNET_TAG'"."autogen"."bank-process_transactions" WHERE time > now() - '"$TEST_DURATION_SECONDS"'s AND count > 0 GROUP BY time(1s), host_id) GROUP BY time(1s) )' declare q_mean_confirmation=' SELECT round(mean("duration_ms")) as "mean_confirmation_ms" FROM "'$TESTNET_TAG'"."autogen"."validator-confirmation" WHERE time > now() - '"$TEST_DURATION_SECONDS"'s' declare q_max_confirmation=' SELECT round(max("duration_ms")) as "max_confirmation_ms" FROM "'$TESTNET_TAG'"."autogen"."validator-confirmation" WHERE time > now() - '"$TEST_DURATION_SECONDS"'s' declare q_99th_confirmation=' SELECT round(percentile("duration_ms", 99)) as "99th_percentile_confirmation_ms" FROM "'$TESTNET_TAG'"."autogen"."validator-confirmation" WHERE time > now() - '"$TEST_DURATION_SECONDS"'s' curl -G "${INFLUX_HOST}/query?u=ro&p=topsecret" \ --data-urlencode "db=${TESTNET_TAG}" \ --data-urlencode "q=$q_mean_tps;$q_max_tps;$q_mean_confirmation;$q_max_confirmation;$q_99th_confirmation" | python system-test/testnet-performance/testnet-automation-json-parser.py >>"$RESULT_FILE" execution_step "Writing test results to ${RESULT_FILE}" RESULT_DETAILS=$(<"$RESULT_FILE") upload-ci-artifact "$RESULT_FILE" } RESULT_DETAILS= STEP= execution_step "Initialize Environment" cd "$(dirname "$0")/../.." [[ -n $TESTNET_TAG ]] || TESTNET_TAG=testnet-automation [[ -n $INFLUX_HOST ]] || INFLUX_HOST=https://metrics.solana.com:8086 [[ -n $RAMP_UP_TIME ]] || RAMP_UP_TIME=0 if [[ -z $TEST_DURATION_SECONDS ]] ; then echo TEST_DURATION_SECONDS not defined exit 1 fi if [[ -z $NUMBER_OF_VALIDATOR_NODES ]] ; then echo NUMBER_OF_VALIDATOR_NODES not defined exit 1 fi startGpuMode="off" if [[ -z $ENABLE_GPU ]] ; then ENABLE_GPU=false fi if [[ "$ENABLE_GPU" = "true" ]] ; then maybeEnableGpu="--enable-gpu" startGpuMode="on" fi if [[ -z $NUMBER_OF_CLIENT_NODES ]] ; then echo NUMBER_OF_CLIENT_NODES not defined exit 1 fi if [[ -z $SOLANA_METRICS_CONFIG ]]; then if [[ -z $SOLANA_METRICS_PARTIAL_CONFIG ]]; then echo SOLANA_METRICS_PARTIAL_CONFIG not defined exit 1 fi export SOLANA_METRICS_CONFIG="db=$TESTNET_TAG,host=$INFLUX_HOST,$SOLANA_METRICS_PARTIAL_CONFIG" fi echo "SOLANA_METRICS_CONFIG: $SOLANA_METRICS_CONFIG" if [[ -z $ALLOW_BOOT_FAILURES ]] ; then ALLOW_BOOT_FAILURES=false fi if [[ "$ALLOW_BOOT_FAILURES" = "true" ]] ; then maybeCreateAllowBootFailures="--allow-boot-failures" maybeStartAllowBootFailures="-F" fi if [[ -z $USE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESSES ]] ; then USE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESSES=false fi if [[ "$USE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESSES" = "true" ]] ; then maybePublicIpAddresses="-P" fi if [[ -z $CHANNEL ]]; then execution_step "Downloading tar from build artifacts" buildkite-agent artifact download "solana-release*.tar.bz2" . fi # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source ci/upload-ci-artifact.sh source system-test/testnet-performance/upload_results_to_slack.sh maybeClientOptions=${CLIENT_OPTIONS:+"-c"} maybeCustomMachineType=${VALIDATOR_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE:+"--custom-machine-type"} IFS=, read -r -a TESTNET_CLOUD_ZONES <<<"${TESTNET_ZONES}" RESULT_FILE="$TESTNET_TAG"_SUMMARY_STATS_"$NUMBER_OF_VALIDATOR_NODES".log rm -f "$RESULT_FILE" TEST_PARAMS_TO_DISPLAY=(CLOUD_PROVIDER \ NUMBER_OF_VALIDATOR_NODES \ ENABLE_GPU \ VALIDATOR_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE \ NUMBER_OF_CLIENT_NODES \ CLIENT_OPTIONS \ TESTNET_ZONES \ TEST_DURATION_SECONDS \ USE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESSES \ ALLOW_BOOT_FAILURES \ ADDITIONAL_FLAGS) TEST_CONFIGURATION= for i in "${TEST_PARAMS_TO_DISPLAY[@]}" ; do if [[ -n ${!i} ]] ; then TEST_CONFIGURATION+="${i} = ${!i} | " fi done START_UNIX_MSECS="$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))" launchTestnet