//! The `bank` module tracks client balances and the progress of smart //! contracts. It offers a high-level API that signs transactions //! on behalf of the caller, and a low-level API for when they have //! already been signed and verified. extern crate libc; use chrono::prelude::*; use entry::Entry; use hash::Hash; use mint::Mint; use payment_plan::{Payment, PaymentPlan, Witness}; use signature::{KeyPair, PublicKey, Signature}; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::result; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::RwLock; use std::time::Instant; use timing::duration_as_us; use transaction::{Instruction, Plan, Transaction}; /// The number of most recent `last_id` values that the bank will track the signatures /// of. Once the bank discards a `last_id`, it will reject any transactions that use /// that `last_id` in a transaction. Lowering this value reduces memory consumption, /// but requires clients to update its `last_id` more frequently. Raising the value /// lengthens the time a client must wait to be certain a missing transaction will /// not be processed by the network. pub const MAX_ENTRY_IDS: usize = 1024 * 16; /// Reasons a transaction might be rejected. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum BankError { /// Attempt to debit from `PublicKey`, but no found no record of a prior credit. AccountNotFound(PublicKey), /// The requested debit from `PublicKey` has the potential to draw the balance /// below zero. This can occur when a debit and credit are processed in parallel. /// The bank may reject the debit or push it to a future entry. InsufficientFunds(PublicKey), /// The bank has seen `Signature` before. This can occur under normal operation /// when a UDP packet is duplicated, as a user error from a client not updating /// its `last_id`, or as a double-spend attack. DuplicateSignature(Signature), /// The bank has not seen the given `last_id` or the transaction is too old and /// the `last_id` has been discarded. LastIdNotFound(Hash), /// The transaction is invalid and has requested a debit or credit of negative /// tokens. NegativeTokens, } pub type Result = result::Result; /// The state of all accounts and contracts after processing its entries. pub struct Bank { /// A map of account public keys to the balance in that account. balances: RwLock>, /// A map of smart contract transaction signatures to what remains of its payment /// plan. Each transaction that targets the plan should cause it to be reduced. /// Once it cannot be reduced, final payments are made and it is discarded. pending: RwLock>, /// A FIFO queue of `last_id` items, where each item is a set of signatures /// that have been processed using that `last_id`. Rejected `last_id` /// values are so old that the `last_id` has been pulled out of the queue. last_ids: RwLock>, // Mapping of hashes to signature sets. The bank uses this data to /// reject transactions with signatures its seen before last_ids_sigs: RwLock>>, /// The set of trusted timekeepers. A Timestamp transaction from a `PublicKey` /// outside this set will be discarded. Note that if validators do not have the /// same set as leaders, they may interpret the ledger differently. time_sources: RwLock>, /// The most recent timestamp from a trusted timekeeper. This timestamp is applied /// to every smart contract when it enters the system. If it is waiting on a /// timestamp witness before that timestamp, the bank will execute it immediately. last_time: RwLock>, /// The number of transactions the bank has processed without error since the /// start of the ledger. transaction_count: AtomicUsize, } impl Bank { /// Create an Bank using a deposit. pub fn new_from_deposit(deposit: &Payment) -> Self { let bank = Bank { balances: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), pending: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), last_ids: RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()), last_ids_sigs: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), time_sources: RwLock::new(HashSet::new()), last_time: RwLock::new(Utc.timestamp(0, 0)), transaction_count: AtomicUsize::new(0), }; bank.apply_payment(deposit, &mut bank.balances.write().unwrap()); bank } /// Create an Bank with only a Mint. Typically used by unit tests. pub fn new(mint: &Mint) -> Self { let deposit = Payment { to: mint.pubkey(), tokens: mint.tokens, }; let bank = Self::new_from_deposit(&deposit); bank.register_entry_id(&mint.last_id()); bank } /// Commit funds to the `payment.to` party. fn apply_payment(&self, payment: &Payment, balances: &mut HashMap) { if balances.contains_key(&payment.to) { *balances.get_mut(&payment.to).unwrap() += payment.tokens; } else { balances.insert(payment.to, payment.tokens); } } /// Return the last entry ID registered. pub fn last_id(&self) -> Hash { let last_ids = self.last_ids.read().expect("'last_ids' read lock"); let last_item = last_ids .iter() .last() .expect("get last item from 'last_ids' list"); *last_item } /// Store the given signature. The bank will reject any transaction with the same signature. fn reserve_signature(signatures: &mut HashSet, sig: &Signature) -> Result<()> { if let Some(sig) = signatures.get(sig) { return Err(BankError::DuplicateSignature(*sig)); } signatures.insert(*sig); Ok(()) } /// Forget the given `signature` because its transaction was rejected. fn forget_signature(signatures: &mut HashSet, signature: &Signature) { signatures.remove(signature); } /// Forget the given `signature` with `last_id` because the transaction was rejected. fn forget_signature_with_last_id(&self, signature: &Signature, last_id: &Hash) { if let Some(entry) = self.last_ids_sigs .write() .expect("'last_ids' read lock in forget_signature_with_last_id") .get_mut(last_id) { Self::forget_signature(entry, signature); } } fn reserve_signature_with_last_id(&self, signature: &Signature, last_id: &Hash) -> Result<()> { if let Some(entry) = self.last_ids_sigs .write() .expect("'last_ids' read lock in reserve_signature_with_last_id") .get_mut(last_id) { return Self::reserve_signature(entry, signature); } Err(BankError::LastIdNotFound(*last_id)) } /// Tell the bank which Entry IDs exist on the ledger. This function /// assumes subsequent calls correspond to later entries, and will boot /// the oldest ones once its internal cache is full. Once boot, the /// bank will reject transactions using that `last_id`. pub fn register_entry_id(&self, last_id: &Hash) { let mut last_ids = self.last_ids .write() .expect("'last_ids' write lock in register_entry_id"); let mut last_ids_sigs = self.last_ids_sigs .write() .expect("last_ids_sigs write lock"); if last_ids.len() >= MAX_ENTRY_IDS { let id = last_ids.pop_front().unwrap(); last_ids_sigs.remove(&id); } last_ids_sigs.insert(*last_id, HashSet::new()); last_ids.push_back(*last_id); } /// Deduct tokens from the 'from' address the account has sufficient /// funds and isn't a duplicate. fn apply_debits(&self, tx: &Transaction, bals: &mut HashMap) -> Result<()> { let option = bals.get_mut(&tx.from); if option.is_none() { return Err(BankError::AccountNotFound(tx.from)); } let bal = option.unwrap(); self.reserve_signature_with_last_id(&tx.sig, &tx.last_id)?; if let Instruction::NewContract(contract) = &tx.instruction { if contract.tokens < 0 { return Err(BankError::NegativeTokens); } if *bal < contract.tokens { self.forget_signature_with_last_id(&tx.sig, &tx.last_id); return Err(BankError::InsufficientFunds(tx.from)); } *bal -= contract.tokens; }; Ok(()) } /// Apply only a transaction's credits. Credits from multiple transactions /// may safely be applied in parallel. fn apply_credits(&self, tx: &Transaction, balances: &mut HashMap) { match &tx.instruction { Instruction::NewContract(contract) => { let mut plan = contract.plan.clone(); plan.apply_witness(&Witness::Timestamp(*self.last_time .read() .expect("timestamp creation in apply_credits"))); if let Some(payment) = plan.final_payment() { self.apply_payment(&payment, balances); } else { let mut pending = self.pending .write() .expect("'pending' write lock in apply_credits"); pending.insert(tx.sig, plan); } } Instruction::ApplyTimestamp(dt) => { let _ = self.apply_timestamp(tx.from, *dt); } Instruction::ApplySignature(tx_sig) => { let _ = self.apply_signature(tx.from, *tx_sig); } } } /// Process a Transaction. If it contains a payment plan that requires a witness /// to progress, the payment plan will be stored in the bank. fn process_transaction(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<()> { let bals = &mut self.balances.write().unwrap(); self.apply_debits(tx, bals)?; self.apply_credits(tx, bals); self.transaction_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); Ok(()) } /// Process a batch of transactions. #[must_use] pub fn process_transactions(&self, txs: Vec) -> Vec> { let bals = &mut self.balances.write().unwrap(); debug!("processing Transactions {}", txs.len()); let txs_len = txs.len(); let now = Instant::now(); let results: Vec<_> = txs.into_iter() .map(|tx| self.apply_debits(&tx, bals).map(|_| tx)) .collect(); // Calling collect() here forces all debits to complete before moving on. let debits = now.elapsed(); let now = Instant::now(); let res: Vec<_> = results .into_iter() .map(|result| { result.map(|tx| { self.apply_credits(&tx, bals); tx }) }) .collect(); debug!( "debits: {} us credits: {:?} us tx: {}", duration_as_us(&debits), duration_as_us(&now.elapsed()), txs_len ); let mut tx_count = 0; for r in &res { if r.is_ok() { tx_count += 1; } else { info!("tx error: {:?}", r); } } self.transaction_count .fetch_add(tx_count, Ordering::Relaxed); res } /// Process an ordered list of entries. pub fn process_entries(&self, entries: I) -> Result where I: IntoIterator, { let mut entry_count = 0; for entry in entries { entry_count += 1; if !entry.transactions.is_empty() { for result in self.process_transactions(entry.transactions) { result?; } } // TODO: verify this is ok in cases like: // 1. an untrusted genesis or tx-.log // 2. a crazy leader.. if !entry.has_more { self.register_entry_id(&entry.id); } } Ok(entry_count) } /// Process a Witness Signature. Any payment plans waiting on this signature /// will progress one step. fn apply_signature(&self, from: PublicKey, tx_sig: Signature) -> Result<()> { if let Occupied(mut e) = self.pending .write() .expect("write() in apply_signature") .entry(tx_sig) { e.get_mut().apply_witness(&Witness::Signature(from)); if let Some(payment) = e.get().final_payment() { self.apply_payment(&payment, &mut self.balances.write().unwrap()); e.remove_entry(); } }; Ok(()) } /// Process a Witness Timestamp. Any payment plans waiting on this timestamp /// will progress one step. fn apply_timestamp(&self, from: PublicKey, dt: DateTime) -> Result<()> { // If this is the first timestamp we've seen, it probably came from the genesis block, // so we'll trust it. if *self.last_time .read() .expect("'last_time' read lock on first timestamp check") == Utc.timestamp(0, 0) { self.time_sources .write() .expect("'time_sources' write lock on first timestamp") .insert(from); } if self.time_sources .read() .expect("'time_sources' read lock") .contains(&from) { if dt > *self.last_time.read().expect("'last_time' read lock") { *self.last_time.write().expect("'last_time' write lock") = dt; } } else { return Ok(()); } // Check to see if any timelocked transactions can be completed. let mut completed = vec![]; // Hold 'pending' write lock until the end of this function. Otherwise another thread can // double-spend if it enters before the modified plan is removed from 'pending'. let mut pending = self.pending .write() .expect("'pending' write lock in apply_timestamp"); for (key, plan) in pending.iter_mut() { plan.apply_witness(&Witness::Timestamp(*self.last_time .read() .expect("'last_time' read lock when creating timestamp"))); if let Some(payment) = plan.final_payment() { self.apply_payment(&payment, &mut self.balances.write().unwrap()); completed.push(key.clone()); } } for key in completed { pending.remove(&key); } Ok(()) } /// Create, sign, and process a Transaction from `keypair` to `to` of /// `n` tokens where `last_id` is the last Entry ID observed by the client. pub fn transfer( &self, n: i64, keypair: &KeyPair, to: PublicKey, last_id: Hash, ) -> Result { let tx = Transaction::new(keypair, to, n, last_id); let sig = tx.sig; self.process_transaction(&tx).map(|_| sig) } /// Create, sign, and process a postdated Transaction from `keypair` /// to `to` of `n` tokens on `dt` where `last_id` is the last Entry ID /// observed by the client. pub fn transfer_on_date( &self, n: i64, keypair: &KeyPair, to: PublicKey, dt: DateTime, last_id: Hash, ) -> Result { let tx = Transaction::new_on_date(keypair, to, dt, n, last_id); let sig = tx.sig; self.process_transaction(&tx).map(|_| sig) } pub fn get_balance(&self, pubkey: &PublicKey) -> Option { let bals = self.balances .read() .expect("'balances' read lock in get_balance"); bals.get(pubkey).map(|x| *x) } pub fn transaction_count(&self) -> usize { self.transaction_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } pub fn check_signature(&self, signature: &Signature) -> Option<(Hash, Signature)> { let last_ids_sigs = self.last_ids_sigs .read() .expect("'last_ids_sigs' read lock"); for (hash, signatures) in last_ids_sigs.iter() { if let Some(sig) = signatures.get(signature) { return Some((*hash, *sig)); } } return None; } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use bincode::serialize; use entry::next_entry; use hash::hash; use signature::KeyPairUtil; #[test] fn test_two_payments_to_one_party() { let mint = Mint::new(10_000); let pubkey = KeyPair::new().pubkey(); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); assert_eq!(bank.last_id(), mint.last_id()); bank.transfer(1_000, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey).unwrap(), 1_000); bank.transfer(500, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey).unwrap(), 1_500); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 2); } #[test] fn test_negative_tokens() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let pubkey = KeyPair::new().pubkey(); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); assert_eq!( bank.transfer(-1, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::NegativeTokens) ); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 0); } #[test] fn test_account_not_found() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let keypair = KeyPair::new(); assert_eq!( bank.transfer(1, &keypair, mint.pubkey(), mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::AccountNotFound(keypair.pubkey())) ); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 0); } #[test] fn test_insufficient_funds() { let mint = Mint::new(11_000); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let pubkey = KeyPair::new().pubkey(); bank.transfer(1_000, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); assert_eq!( bank.transfer(10_001, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::InsufficientFunds(mint.pubkey())) ); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); let mint_pubkey = mint.keypair().pubkey(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint_pubkey).unwrap(), 10_000); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey).unwrap(), 1_000); } #[test] fn test_transfer_to_newb() { let mint = Mint::new(10_000); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let pubkey = KeyPair::new().pubkey(); bank.transfer(500, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey).unwrap(), 500); } #[test] fn test_transfer_on_date() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let pubkey = KeyPair::new().pubkey(); let dt = Utc::now(); bank.transfer_on_date(1, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, dt, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); // Mint's balance will be zero because all funds are locked up. assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), Some(0)); // tx count is 1, because debits were applied. assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); // pubkey's balance will be None because the funds have not been // sent. assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), None); // Now, acknowledge the time in the condition occurred and // that pubkey's funds are now available. bank.apply_timestamp(mint.pubkey(), dt).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), Some(1)); // tx count is still 1, because we chose not to count timestamp transactions // tx count. assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); bank.apply_timestamp(mint.pubkey(), dt).unwrap(); // <-- Attack! Attempt to process completed transaction. assert_ne!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), Some(2)); } #[test] fn test_transfer_after_date() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let pubkey = KeyPair::new().pubkey(); let dt = Utc::now(); bank.apply_timestamp(mint.pubkey(), dt).unwrap(); // It's now past now, so this transfer should be processed immediately. bank.transfer_on_date(1, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, dt, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), Some(0)); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), Some(1)); } #[test] fn test_cancel_transfer() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let pubkey = KeyPair::new().pubkey(); let dt = Utc::now(); let sig = bank.transfer_on_date(1, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, dt, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); // Assert the debit counts as a transaction. assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); // Mint's balance will be zero because all funds are locked up. assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), Some(0)); // pubkey's balance will be None because the funds have not been // sent. assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), None); // Now, cancel the trancaction. Mint gets her funds back, pubkey never sees them. bank.apply_signature(mint.pubkey(), sig).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), Some(1)); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), None); // Assert cancel doesn't cause count to go backward. assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); bank.apply_signature(mint.pubkey(), sig).unwrap(); // <-- Attack! Attempt to cancel completed transaction. assert_ne!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), Some(2)); } #[test] fn test_duplicate_transaction_signature() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let sig = Signature::default(); assert!( bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id(&sig, &mint.last_id()) .is_ok() ); assert_eq!( bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id(&sig, &mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::DuplicateSignature(sig)) ); } #[test] fn test_forget_signature() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let sig = Signature::default(); bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id(&sig, &mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); bank.forget_signature_with_last_id(&sig, &mint.last_id()); assert!( bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id(&sig, &mint.last_id()) .is_ok() ); } #[test] fn test_check_signature() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let sig = Signature::default(); bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id(&sig, &mint.last_id()) .expect("reserve signature"); assert_eq!(bank.check_signature(&sig), Some((mint.last_id(), sig))); } #[test] fn test_reject_old_last_id() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let sig = Signature::default(); for i in 0..MAX_ENTRY_IDS { let last_id = hash(&serialize(&i).unwrap()); // Unique hash bank.register_entry_id(&last_id); } // Assert we're no longer able to use the oldest entry ID. assert_eq!( bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id(&sig, &mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::LastIdNotFound(mint.last_id())) ); } #[test] fn test_debits_before_credits() { let mint = Mint::new(2); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let keypair = KeyPair::new(); let tx0 = Transaction::new(&mint.keypair(), keypair.pubkey(), 2, mint.last_id()); let tx1 = Transaction::new(&keypair, mint.pubkey(), 1, mint.last_id()); let txs = vec![tx0, tx1]; let results = bank.process_transactions(txs); assert!(results[1].is_err()); // Assert bad transactions aren't counted. assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); } #[test] fn test_process_empty_entry_is_registered() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let keypair = KeyPair::new(); let entry = next_entry(&mint.last_id(), 1, vec![]); let tx = Transaction::new(&mint.keypair(), keypair.pubkey(), 1, entry.id); // First, ensure the TX is rejected because of the unregistered last ID assert_eq!( bank.process_transaction(&tx), Err(BankError::LastIdNotFound(entry.id)) ); // Now ensure the TX is accepted despite pointing to the ID of an empty entry. bank.process_entries(vec![entry]).unwrap(); assert!(bank.process_transaction(&tx).is_ok()); } } #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", test))] mod bench { extern crate test; use self::test::Bencher; use bank::*; use bincode::serialize; use hash::hash; use rayon::prelude::*; use signature::KeyPairUtil; #[bench] fn bench_process_transaction(bencher: &mut Bencher) { let mint = Mint::new(100_000_000); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); // Create transactions between unrelated parties. let transactions: Vec<_> = (0..4096) .into_par_iter() .map(|i| { // Seed the 'from' account. let rando0 = KeyPair::new(); let tx = Transaction::new(&mint.keypair(), rando0.pubkey(), 1_000, mint.last_id()); bank.process_transaction(&tx).unwrap(); // Seed the 'to' account and a cell for its signature. let last_id = hash(&serialize(&i).unwrap()); // Unique hash bank.register_entry_id(&last_id); let rando1 = KeyPair::new(); let tx = Transaction::new(&rando0, rando1.pubkey(), 1, last_id); bank.process_transaction(&tx).unwrap(); // Finally, return a transaction that's unique Transaction::new(&rando0, rando1.pubkey(), 1, last_id) }) .collect(); bencher.iter(|| { // Since benchmarker runs this multiple times, we need to clear the signatures. for (_, sigs) in bank.last_ids_sigs.write().unwrap().iter_mut() { sigs.clear(); } assert!( bank.process_transactions(transactions.clone()) .iter() .all(|x| x.is_ok()) ); }); } }