use { crate::{bucket_stats::BucketStats, MaxSearch}, memmap2::MmapMut, rand::{thread_rng, Rng}, solana_measure::measure::Measure, std::{ fs::{remove_file, OpenOptions}, io::{Seek, SeekFrom, Write}, path::PathBuf, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}, Arc, }, }, }; /* 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256 9 512 10 1,024 11 2,048 12 4,096 13 8,192 14 16,384 23 8,388,608 24 16,777,216 */ pub const DEFAULT_CAPACITY_POW2: u8 = 5; /// keep track of an individual element's occupied vs. free state /// every element must either be occupied or free and should never be double occupied or double freed /// For parameters below, `element` is used to view/modify header fields or fields within the element data. pub trait BucketOccupied { /// set entry at `ix` as occupied (as opposed to free) fn occupy(&mut self, element: &mut [u8], ix: usize); /// set entry at `ix` as free fn free(&mut self, element: &mut [u8], ix: usize); /// return true if entry at `ix` is free fn is_free(&self, element: &[u8], ix: usize) -> bool; /// # of bytes prior to first data held in the element. /// This is the header size, if a header exists per element in the data. /// This must be a multiple of sizeof(u64) fn offset_to_first_data() -> usize; /// initialize this struct /// `num_elements` is the number of elements allocated in the bucket fn new(num_elements: usize) -> Self; } pub struct BucketStorage { path: PathBuf, mmap: MmapMut, pub cell_size: u64, pub capacity_pow2: u8, pub count: Arc, pub stats: Arc, pub max_search: MaxSearch, pub contents: O, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum BucketStorageError { AlreadyOccupied, } impl Drop for BucketStorage { fn drop(&mut self) { _ = remove_file(&self.path); } } impl BucketStorage { pub fn new_with_capacity( drives: Arc>, num_elems: u64, elem_size: u64, capacity_pow2: u8, max_search: MaxSearch, stats: Arc, count: Arc, ) -> Self { let offset = O::offset_to_first_data(); let size_of_u64 = std::mem::size_of::(); assert_eq!( offset / size_of_u64 * size_of_u64, offset, "header size must be a multiple of u64" ); let cell_size = elem_size * num_elems + offset as u64; let (mmap, path) = Self::new_map(&drives, cell_size as usize, capacity_pow2, &stats); Self { path, mmap, cell_size, count, capacity_pow2, stats, max_search, contents: O::new(1 << capacity_pow2), } } pub fn max_search(&self) -> u64 { self.max_search as u64 } pub fn new( drives: Arc>, num_elems: u64, elem_size: u64, max_search: MaxSearch, stats: Arc, count: Arc, ) -> Self { Self::new_with_capacity( drives, num_elems, elem_size, DEFAULT_CAPACITY_POW2, max_search, stats, count, ) } /// true if the entry at index 'ix' is free (as opposed to being occupied) pub fn is_free(&self, ix: u64) -> bool { let start = self.get_start_offset_with_header(ix); let entry = &self.mmap[start..]; self.contents.is_free(entry, ix as usize) } fn try_lock(&mut self, ix: u64) -> bool { let start = self.get_start_offset_with_header(ix); let entry = &mut self.mmap[start..]; if self.contents.is_free(entry, ix as usize) { self.contents.occupy(entry, ix as usize); true } else { false } } /// 'is_resizing' true if caller is resizing the index (so don't increment count) /// 'is_resizing' false if caller is adding an item to the index (so increment count) pub fn occupy(&mut self, ix: u64, is_resizing: bool) -> Result<(), BucketStorageError> { assert!(ix < self.capacity(), "occupy: bad index size"); let mut e = Err(BucketStorageError::AlreadyOccupied); //debug!("ALLOC {} {}", ix, uid); if self.try_lock(ix) { e = Ok(()); if !is_resizing { self.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } e } pub fn free(&mut self, ix: u64) { assert!(ix < self.capacity(), "bad index size"); let start = self.get_start_offset_with_header(ix); self.mmap[start..], ix as usize); self.count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } pub fn get(&self, ix: u64) -> &T { let start = self.get_start_offset_no_header(ix); let end = start + std::mem::size_of::(); let item_slice: &[u8] = &self.mmap[start..end]; unsafe { let item = item_slice.as_ptr() as *const T; &*item } } pub(crate) fn get_start_offset_with_header(&self, ix: u64) -> usize { assert!(ix < self.capacity(), "bad index size"); (self.cell_size * ix) as usize } pub(crate) fn get_start_offset_no_header(&self, ix: u64) -> usize { self.get_start_offset_with_header(ix) + O::offset_to_first_data() } pub fn get_cell_slice(&self, ix: u64, len: u64) -> &[T] { let start = self.get_start_offset_no_header(ix); let end = start + std::mem::size_of::() * len as usize; //debug!("GET slice {} {}", start, end); let item_slice: &[u8] = &self.mmap[start..end]; unsafe { let item = item_slice.as_ptr() as *const T; std::slice::from_raw_parts(item, len as usize) } } pub(crate) fn get_mut_from_parts(item_slice: &mut [u8]) -> &mut T { assert!(std::mem::size_of::() <= item_slice.len()); let item = item_slice.as_mut_ptr() as *mut T; unsafe { &mut *item } } pub fn get_mut(&mut self, ix: u64) -> &mut T { let start = self.get_start_offset_no_header(ix); let item_slice = &mut self.mmap[start..]; let item_slice = &mut item_slice[..std::mem::size_of::()]; Self::get_mut_from_parts(item_slice) } pub fn get_mut_cell_slice(&mut self, ix: u64, len: u64) -> &mut [T] { let start = self.get_start_offset_no_header(ix); let end = start + std::mem::size_of::() * len as usize; //debug!("GET mut slice {} {}", start, end); let item_slice: &[u8] = &self.mmap[start..end]; unsafe { let item = item_slice.as_ptr() as *mut T; std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(item, len as usize) } } fn new_map( drives: &[PathBuf], cell_size: usize, capacity_pow2: u8, stats: &BucketStats, ) -> (MmapMut, PathBuf) { let mut measure_new_file = Measure::start("measure_new_file"); let capacity = 1u64 << capacity_pow2; let r = thread_rng().gen_range(0, drives.len()); let drive = &drives[r]; let pos = format!("{}", thread_rng().gen_range(0, u128::MAX),); let file = drive.join(pos); let mut data = OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .write(true) .create(true) .open(file.clone()) .map_err(|e| { panic!( "Unable to create data file {} in current dir({:?}): {:?}", file.display(), std::env::current_dir(), e ); }) .unwrap(); // Theoretical performance optimization: write a zero to the end of // the file so that we won't have to resize it later, which may be // expensive. //debug!("GROWING file {}", capacity * cell_size as u64); * cell_size as u64 - 1)) .unwrap(); data.write_all(&[0]).unwrap(); data.rewind().unwrap(); measure_new_file.stop(); let mut measure_flush = Measure::start("measure_flush"); data.flush().unwrap(); // can we skip this? measure_flush.stop(); let mut measure_mmap = Measure::start("measure_mmap"); let res = (unsafe { MmapMut::map_mut(&data).unwrap() }, file); measure_mmap.stop(); stats .new_file_us .fetch_add(measure_new_file.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed); stats .flush_file_us .fetch_add(measure_flush.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed); stats .mmap_us .fetch_add(measure_mmap.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed); res } /// copy contents from 'old_bucket' to 'self' /// This is used by data buckets fn copy_contents(&mut self, old_bucket: &Self) { let mut m = Measure::start("grow"); let old_cap = old_bucket.capacity(); let old_map = &old_bucket.mmap; let increment = self.capacity_pow2 - old_bucket.capacity_pow2; let index_grow = 1 << increment; (0..old_cap as usize).for_each(|i| { if !old_bucket.is_free(i as u64) { { // copying from old to new. If 'occupied' bit is stored outside the data, then // occupied has to be set on the new entry in the new bucket. let start = self.get_start_offset_with_header((i * index_grow) as u64); self.contents .occupy(&mut self.mmap[start..], i * index_grow); } let old_ix = i * old_bucket.cell_size as usize; let new_ix = old_ix * index_grow; let dst_slice: &[u8] = &self.mmap[new_ix..new_ix + old_bucket.cell_size as usize]; let src_slice: &[u8] = &old_map[old_ix..old_ix + old_bucket.cell_size as usize]; unsafe { let dst = dst_slice.as_ptr() as *mut u8; let src = src_slice.as_ptr() as *const u8; std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src, dst, old_bucket.cell_size as usize); }; } }); m.stop(); // resized so update total file size self.stats.resizes.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); self.stats.resize_us.fetch_add(m.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed); } pub fn update_max_size(&self) { self.stats.update_max_size(self.capacity()); } /// allocate a new bucket, copying data from 'bucket' pub fn new_resized( drives: &Arc>, max_search: MaxSearch, bucket: Option<&Self>, capacity_pow_2: u8, num_elems: u64, elem_size: u64, stats: &Arc, ) -> Self { let mut new_bucket = Self::new_with_capacity( Arc::clone(drives), num_elems, elem_size, capacity_pow_2, max_search, Arc::clone(stats), bucket .map(|bucket| Arc::clone(&bucket.count)) .unwrap_or_default(), ); if let Some(bucket) = bucket { new_bucket.copy_contents(bucket); } new_bucket.update_max_size(); new_bucket } /// Return the number of bytes currently allocated pub(crate) fn capacity_bytes(&self) -> u64 { self.capacity() * self.cell_size } /// Return the number of cells currently allocated pub fn capacity(&self) -> u64 { 1 << self.capacity_pow2 } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use { super::*, crate::{bucket_storage::BucketOccupied, index_entry::IndexBucket}, tempfile::tempdir, }; #[test] fn test_bucket_storage() { let tmpdir = tempdir().unwrap(); let paths: Vec = vec![tmpdir.path().to_path_buf()]; assert!(!paths.is_empty()); let mut storage = BucketStorage::>::new( Arc::new(paths), 1, 1, 1, Arc::default(), Arc::default(), ); let ix = 0; assert!(storage.is_free(ix)); assert!(storage.occupy(ix, false).is_ok()); assert!(storage.occupy(ix, false).is_err()); assert!(!storage.is_free(ix));; assert!(storage.is_free(ix)); assert!(storage.is_free(ix)); assert!(storage.occupy(ix, false).is_ok()); assert!(storage.occupy(ix, false).is_err()); assert!(!storage.is_free(ix));; assert!(storage.is_free(ix)); } struct BucketBadHeader {} impl BucketOccupied for BucketBadHeader { fn occupy(&mut self, _element: &mut [u8], _ix: usize) { unimplemented!(); } fn free(&mut self, _element: &mut [u8], _ix: usize) { unimplemented!(); } fn is_free(&self, _element: &[u8], _ix: usize) -> bool { unimplemented!(); } fn offset_to_first_data() -> usize { // not multiple of u64 std::mem::size_of::() - 1 } /// initialize this struct fn new(_num_elements: usize) -> Self { Self {} } } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "assertion failed: `(left == right)`")] fn test_header_size() { _ = BucketStorage::::new_with_capacity( Arc::default(), 0, 0, 0, 0, Arc::default(), Arc::default(), ); } }