#!/bin/bash here=$(dirname $0) . "${here}"/myip.sh myip=$(myip) || exit $? [[ -f leader-"${myip}".json ]] || { echo "I can't find a matching leader config file for \"${myip}\"... Please run ${here}/setup.sh first. " exit 1 } # if RUST_LOG is unset, default to info export RUST_LOG=${RUST_LOG:-solana=info} [[ $(uname) = Linux ]] && sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=26214400 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null # this makes a leader.json file available alongside genesis, etc. for # validators and clients cp leader-"${myip}".json leader.json cargo run --release --bin solana-fullnode -- \ -l leader-"${myip}".json \ < genesis.log tx-*.log \ > tx-"$(date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%S%N)".log