#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Start a full node # here=$(dirname "$0") # shellcheck source=multinode-demo/common.sh source "$here"/common.sh # shellcheck source=scripts/oom-score-adj.sh source "$here"/../scripts/oom-score-adj.sh if [[ $1 = -h ]]; then fullnode_usage "$@" fi gossip_port=9000 extra_fullnode_args=() self_setup=0 setup_stakes=true while [[ ${1:0:1} = - ]]; do if [[ $1 = -X ]]; then self_setup=1 self_setup_label=$2 shift 2 elif [[ $1 = -x ]]; then self_setup=1 self_setup_label=$$ shift elif [[ $1 = --blockstream ]]; then extra_fullnode_args+=("$1" "$2") shift 2 elif [[ $1 = --enable-rpc-exit ]]; then extra_fullnode_args+=("$1") shift elif [[ $1 = --init-complete-file ]]; then extra_fullnode_args+=("$1" "$2") shift 2 elif [[ $1 = --only-bootstrap-stake ]]; then setup_stakes=false shift elif [[ $1 = --public-address ]]; then extra_fullnode_args+=("$1") shift elif [[ $1 = --no-signer ]]; then extra_fullnode_args+=("$1") shift elif [[ $1 = --rpc-port ]]; then extra_fullnode_args+=("$1" "$2") shift 2 else echo "Unknown argument: $1" exit 1 fi done if [[ -n $3 ]]; then fullnode_usage "$@" fi find_leader() { declare leader leader_address declare shift=0 if [[ -z $1 ]]; then leader=${here}/.. # Default to local tree for rsync leader_address= # Default to local leader elif [[ -z $2 ]]; then leader=$1 declare leader_ip if [[ $leader =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then leader_ip=$leader else leader_ip=$(dig +short "${leader%:*}" | head -n1) if [[ -z $leader_ip ]]; then usage "Error: unable to resolve IP address for $leader" fi fi leader_address=$leader_ip:8001 shift=1 else leader=$1 leader_address=$2 shift=2 fi echo "$leader" "$leader_address" "$shift" } read -r leader leader_address shift < <(find_leader "${@:1:2}") shift "$shift" if [[ -n $SOLANA_CUDA ]]; then program=$solana_fullnode_cuda else program=$solana_fullnode fi if ((!self_setup)); then [[ -f $SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-id.json ]] || { echo "$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-id.json not found, create it by running:" echo echo " ${here}/setup.sh" exit 1 } fullnode_id_path=$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-id.json fullnode_staker_id_path=$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-staker-id.json ledger_config_dir=$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-ledger accounts_config_dir=$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-accounts else mkdir -p "$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR" fullnode_id_path=$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-id-x$self_setup_label.json fullnode_staker_id_path=$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-staker-id-x$self_setup_label.json [[ -f "$fullnode_id_path" ]] || $solana_keygen -o "$fullnode_id_path" [[ -f "$fullnode_staker_id_path" ]] || $solana_keygen -o "$fullnode_staker_id_path" echo "Finding a port.." # Find an available port in the range 9100-9899 (( gossip_port = 9100 + ($$ % 800) )) while true; do (( gossip_port = gossip_port >= 9900 ? 9100 : ++gossip_port )) echo "Testing $gossip_port" if ! nc -w 10 -z $gossip_port; then echo "Selected gossip_port $gossip_port" break; fi echo "Port $gossip_port is in use" done ledger_config_dir=$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-ledger-x$self_setup_label accounts_config_dir=$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/fullnode-accounts-x$self_setup_label fi fullnode_id=$($solana_wallet --keypair "$fullnode_id_path" address) fullnode_staker_id=$($solana_wallet --keypair "$fullnode_staker_id_path" address) [[ -r $fullnode_id_path ]] || { echo "$fullnode_id_path does not exist" exit 1 } tune_system rsync_url() { # adds the 'rsync://` prefix to URLs that need it declare url="$1" if [[ $url =~ ^.*:.*$ ]]; then # assume remote-shell transport when colon is present, use $url unmodified echo "$url" return 0 fi if [[ -d $url ]]; then # assume local directory if $url is a valid directory, use $url unmodified echo "$url" return 0 fi # Default to rsync:// URL echo "rsync://$url" } rsync_leader_url=$(rsync_url "$leader") set -ex if [[ ! -d "$ledger_config_dir" ]]; then $rsync -vPr "$rsync_leader_url"/config/ledger/ "$ledger_config_dir" [[ -d $ledger_config_dir ]] || { echo "Unable to retrieve ledger from $rsync_leader_url" exit 1 } $solana_ledger_tool --ledger "$ledger_config_dir" verify fi trap 'kill "$pid" && wait "$pid"' INT TERM ERR $program \ --gossip-port "$gossip_port" \ --identity "$fullnode_id_path" \ --voting-keypair "$fullnode_staker_id_path" \ --staking-account "$fullnode_staker_id" \ --network "$leader_address" \ --ledger "$ledger_config_dir" \ --accounts "$accounts_config_dir" \ --rpc-drone-address "${leader_address%:*}:9900" \ "${extra_fullnode_args[@]}" \ > >($fullnode_logger) 2>&1 & pid=$! oom_score_adj "$pid" 1000 if [[ $setup_stakes = true ]]; then setup_fullnode_staking "${leader_address%:*}" "$fullnode_id_path" "$fullnode_staker_id_path" fi wait "$pid"