use crate::result::{Error, Result}; use crate::service::Service; use solana_runtime::bank::Bank; use solana_vote_api::vote_state::VoteState; use solana_vote_api::vote_state::MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, RecvTimeoutError, Sender}; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::thread::{self, Builder, JoinHandle}; use std::time::Duration; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct BankConfidence { confidence: [u64; MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY], } impl BankConfidence { pub fn increase_confirmation_stake(&mut self, confirmation_count: usize, stake: u64) { assert!(confirmation_count > 0 && confirmation_count <= MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY); self.confidence[confirmation_count - 1] += stake; } pub fn get_confirmation_stake(&mut self, confirmation_count: usize) -> u64 { assert!(confirmation_count > 0 && confirmation_count <= MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY); self.confidence[confirmation_count - 1] } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) fn new(confidence: [u64; MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY]) -> Self { Self { confidence } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct ForkConfidenceCache { bank_confidence: HashMap, total_stake: u64, } impl ForkConfidenceCache { pub fn new(bank_confidence: HashMap, total_stake: u64) -> Self { Self { bank_confidence, total_stake, } } pub fn get_fork_confidence(&self, fork: u64) -> Option<&BankConfidence> { self.bank_confidence.get(&fork) } pub fn total_stake(&self) -> u64 { self.total_stake } pub fn get_fork_with_depth_confidence( &self, minimum_depth: usize, minimum_stake_percentage: f64, ) -> Option { self.bank_confidence .iter() .filter(|&(_, bank_confidence)| { let fork_stake_minimum_depth: u64 = bank_confidence.confidence[minimum_depth..] .iter() .cloned() .sum(); fork_stake_minimum_depth as f64 / self.total_stake as f64 >= minimum_stake_percentage }) .map(|(slot, _)| *slot) .max() } pub fn get_rooted_fork_with_confidence(&self, minimum_stake_percentage: f64) -> Option { self.get_fork_with_depth_confidence(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY - 1, minimum_stake_percentage) } } pub struct ConfidenceAggregationData { bank: Arc, total_staked: u64, } impl ConfidenceAggregationData { pub fn new(bank: Arc, total_staked: u64) -> Self { Self { bank, total_staked } } } pub struct AggregateConfidenceService { t_confidence: JoinHandle<()>, } impl AggregateConfidenceService { pub fn new( exit: &Arc, fork_confidence_cache: Arc>, ) -> (Sender, Self) { let (sender, receiver): ( Sender, Receiver, ) = channel(); let exit_ = exit.clone(); ( sender, Self { t_confidence: Builder::new() .name("solana-aggregate-stake-lockouts".to_string()) .spawn(move || loop { if exit_.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } if let Err(e) = Self::run(&receiver, &fork_confidence_cache, &exit_) { match e { Error::RecvTimeoutError(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => break, Error::RecvTimeoutError(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => (), _ => info!( "Unexpected error from AggregateConfidenceService: {:?}", e ), } } }) .unwrap(), }, ) } fn run( receiver: &Receiver, fork_confidence_cache: &RwLock, exit: &Arc, ) -> Result<()> { loop { if exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return Ok(()); } let mut aggregation_data = receiver.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1))?; while let Ok(new_data) = receiver.try_recv() { aggregation_data = new_data; } let ancestors =; if ancestors.is_empty() { continue; } let bank_confidence = Self::aggregate_confidence(&ancestors, &; let mut new_fork_confidence = ForkConfidenceCache::new(bank_confidence, aggregation_data.total_staked); let mut w_fork_confidence_cache = fork_confidence_cache.write().unwrap(); std::mem::swap(&mut *w_fork_confidence_cache, &mut new_fork_confidence); } } pub fn aggregate_confidence(ancestors: &[u64], bank: &Bank) -> HashMap { assert!(!ancestors.is_empty()); // Check ancestors is sorted for a in { assert!(a[0] < a[1]); } let mut confidence = HashMap::new(); for (_, (lamports, account)) in bank.vote_accounts().into_iter() { if lamports == 0 { continue; } let vote_state = VoteState::from(&account); if vote_state.is_none() { continue; } let vote_state = vote_state.unwrap(); Self::aggregate_confidence_for_vote_account( &mut confidence, &vote_state, ancestors, lamports, ); } confidence } fn aggregate_confidence_for_vote_account( confidence: &mut HashMap, vote_state: &VoteState, ancestors: &[u64], lamports: u64, ) { assert!(!ancestors.is_empty()); let mut ancestors_index = 0; if let Some(root) = vote_state.root_slot { for (i, a) in ancestors.iter().enumerate() { if *a <= root { confidence .entry(*a) .or_insert_with(BankConfidence::default) .increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY, lamports); } else { ancestors_index = i; break; } } } for vote in &vote_state.votes { while ancestors[ancestors_index] <= vote.slot { confidence .entry(ancestors[ancestors_index]) .or_insert_with(BankConfidence::default) .increase_confirmation_stake(vote.confirmation_count as usize, lamports); ancestors_index += 1; if ancestors_index == ancestors.len() { return; } } } } } impl Service for AggregateConfidenceService { type JoinReturnType = (); fn join(self) -> thread::Result<()> { self.t_confidence.join() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::genesis_utils::{create_genesis_block, GenesisBlockInfo}; use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey; use solana_stake_api::stake_state; use solana_vote_api::vote_state; #[test] fn test_bank_confidence() { let mut cache = BankConfidence::default(); assert_eq!(cache.get_confirmation_stake(1), 0); cache.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 10); assert_eq!(cache.get_confirmation_stake(1), 10); cache.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 20); assert_eq!(cache.get_confirmation_stake(1), 30); } #[test] fn test_get_fork_with_depth_confidence() { // Build ForkConfidenceCache with votes at depths 0 and 1 for 2 slots let mut cache0 = BankConfidence::default(); cache0.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 15); cache0.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 25); let mut cache1 = BankConfidence::default(); cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 10); cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 20); let mut bank_confidence = HashMap::new(); bank_confidence.entry(0).or_insert(cache0.clone()); bank_confidence.entry(1).or_insert(cache1.clone()); let fork_confidence_cache = ForkConfidenceCache::new(bank_confidence, 50); // Neither slot has rooted votes assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_rooted_fork_with_confidence(0.1), None ); // Neither slot meets the minimum level of confidence 0.6 at depth 1 assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_fork_with_depth_confidence(1, 0.6), None ); // Only slot 0 meets the minimum level of confidence 0.5 at depth 1 assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_fork_with_depth_confidence(1, 0.5), Some(0) ); // If multiple slots meet the minimum level of confidence, method should return the most recent assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_fork_with_depth_confidence(1, 0.4), Some(1) ); // If multiple slots meet the minimum level of confidence, method should return the most recent assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_fork_with_depth_confidence(0, 0.6), Some(1) ); // Neither slot meets the minimum level of confidence 0.9 at depth 0 assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_fork_with_depth_confidence(0, 0.9), None ); } #[test] fn test_get_rooted_fork_with_confidence() { // Build ForkConfidenceCache with rooted votes let mut cache0 = BankConfidence::new([0; MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY]); cache0.increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY, 40); cache0.increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY - 1, 10); let mut cache1 = BankConfidence::new([0; MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY]); cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY, 30); cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY - 1, 10); cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY - 2, 10); let mut bank_confidence = HashMap::new(); bank_confidence.entry(0).or_insert(cache0.clone()); bank_confidence.entry(1).or_insert(cache1.clone()); let fork_confidence_cache = ForkConfidenceCache::new(bank_confidence, 50); // Only slot 0 meets the minimum level of confidence 0.66 at root assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_rooted_fork_with_confidence(0.66), Some(0) ); // If multiple slots meet the minimum level of confidence, method should return the most recent assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_rooted_fork_with_confidence(0.6), Some(1) ); // Neither slot meets the minimum level of confidence 0.9 at root assert_eq!( fork_confidence_cache.get_rooted_fork_with_confidence(0.9), None ); } #[test] fn test_aggregate_confidence_for_vote_account_1() { let ancestors = vec![3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]; let mut confidence = HashMap::new(); let lamports = 5; let mut vote_state = VoteState::default(); let root = ancestors.last().unwrap(); vote_state.root_slot = Some(*root); AggregateConfidenceService::aggregate_confidence_for_vote_account( &mut confidence, &vote_state, &ancestors, lamports, ); for a in ancestors { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY, lamports); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } } #[test] fn test_aggregate_confidence_for_vote_account_2() { let ancestors = vec![3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]; let mut confidence = HashMap::new(); let lamports = 5; let mut vote_state = VoteState::default(); let root = ancestors[2]; vote_state.root_slot = Some(root); vote_state.process_slot_vote_unchecked(*ancestors.last().unwrap()); AggregateConfidenceService::aggregate_confidence_for_vote_account( &mut confidence, &vote_state, &ancestors, lamports, ); for a in ancestors { if a <= root { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY, lamports); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } else { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(1, lamports); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } } } #[test] fn test_aggregate_confidence_for_vote_account_3() { let ancestors = vec![3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11]; let mut confidence = HashMap::new(); let lamports = 5; let mut vote_state = VoteState::default(); let root = ancestors[2]; vote_state.root_slot = Some(root); assert!(ancestors[4] + 2 >= ancestors[6]); vote_state.process_slot_vote_unchecked(ancestors[4]); vote_state.process_slot_vote_unchecked(ancestors[6]); AggregateConfidenceService::aggregate_confidence_for_vote_account( &mut confidence, &vote_state, &ancestors, lamports, ); for (i, a) in ancestors.iter().enumerate() { if *a <= root { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY, lamports); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } else if i <= 4 { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(2, lamports); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } else if i <= 6 { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(1, lamports); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } } } #[test] fn test_aggregate_confidence_validity() { let ancestors = vec![3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11]; let GenesisBlockInfo { mut genesis_block, .. } = create_genesis_block(10_000); let sk1 = Pubkey::new_rand(); let pk1 = Pubkey::new_rand(); let mut vote_account1 = vote_state::create_account(&pk1, &Pubkey::new_rand(), 0, 100); let stake_account1 = stake_state::create_account(&sk1, &pk1, &vote_account1, 100); let sk2 = Pubkey::new_rand(); let pk2 = Pubkey::new_rand(); let mut vote_account2 = vote_state::create_account(&pk2, &Pubkey::new_rand(), 0, 50); let stake_account2 = stake_state::create_account(&sk2, &pk2, &vote_account2, 50); genesis_block.accounts.extend(vec![ (pk1, vote_account1.clone()), (sk1, stake_account1), (pk2, vote_account2.clone()), (sk2, stake_account2), ]); // Create bank let bank = Arc::new(Bank::new(&genesis_block)); let mut vote_state1 = VoteState::from(&vote_account1).unwrap(); vote_state1.process_slot_vote_unchecked(3); vote_state1.process_slot_vote_unchecked(5); vote_account1).unwrap(); bank.store_account(&pk1, &vote_account1); let mut vote_state2 = VoteState::from(&vote_account2).unwrap(); vote_state2.process_slot_vote_unchecked(9); vote_state2.process_slot_vote_unchecked(10); vote_account2).unwrap(); bank.store_account(&pk2, &vote_account2); let confidence = AggregateConfidenceService::aggregate_confidence(&ancestors, &bank); for a in ancestors { if a <= 3 { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 150); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } else if a <= 5 { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 100); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 50); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } else if a <= 9 { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 50); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } else if a <= 10 { let mut expected = BankConfidence::default(); expected.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 50); assert_eq!(*confidence.get(&a).unwrap(), expected); } else { assert!(confidence.get(&a).is_none()); } } } }