
500 lines
17 KiB

use {
bucket_storage::{BucketCapacity, BucketOccupied, BucketStorage, Capacity, IncludeHeader},
solana_sdk::{clock::Slot, pubkey::Pubkey},
std::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData},
/// in use/occupied
const OCCUPIED_OCCUPIED: u8 = 1;
/// free, ie. not occupied
const OCCUPIED_FREE: u8 = 0;
impl BucketCapacity for BucketWithHeader {
fn capacity(&self) -> u64 {
fn capacity_pow2(&self) -> u8 {
/// header for elements in a bucket
/// needs to be multiple of size_of::<u64>()
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct DataBucketRefCountOccupiedHeader {
/// stores `ref_count` and
packed_ref_count: PackedRefCount,
/// allocated in `contents` in a BucketStorage
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct BucketWithHeader {
capacity_pow2: Capacity,
impl BucketOccupied for BucketWithHeader {
fn occupy(&mut self, element: &mut [u8], ix: usize) {
assert!(self.is_free(element, ix));
let entry = get_mut_from_bytes::<DataBucketRefCountOccupiedHeader>(element);
fn free(&mut self, element: &mut [u8], ix: usize) {
assert!(!self.is_free(element, ix));
let entry = get_mut_from_bytes::<DataBucketRefCountOccupiedHeader>(element);
fn is_free(&self, element: &[u8], _ix: usize) -> bool {
let entry = get_from_bytes::<DataBucketRefCountOccupiedHeader>(element);
entry.packed_ref_count.occupied() == OCCUPIED_FREE
fn offset_to_first_data() -> usize {
fn new(capacity: Capacity) -> Self {
assert!(matches!(capacity, Capacity::Pow2(_)));
Self {
capacity_pow2: capacity,
/// allocated in `contents` in a BucketStorage
pub struct IndexBucketUsingBitVecBits<T: 'static> {
/// 2 bits per entry that represent a 4 state enum tag
pub enum_tag: BitVec,
/// number of elements allocated
capacity: u64,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'static T>,
impl<T: Copy + 'static> IndexBucketUsingBitVecBits<T> {
/// set the 2 bits (first and second) in `enum_tag`
fn set_bits(&mut self, ix: u64, first: bool, second: bool) {
self.enum_tag.set(ix * 2, first);
self.enum_tag.set(ix * 2 + 1, second);
/// get the 2 bits (first and second) in `enum_tag`
fn get_bits(&self, ix: u64) -> (bool, bool) {
(self.enum_tag.get(ix * 2), self.enum_tag.get(ix * 2 + 1))
/// turn the tag into bits and store them
fn set_enum_tag(&mut self, ix: u64, value: OccupiedEnumTag) {
let value = value as u8;
self.set_bits(ix, (value & 2) == 2, (value & 1) == 1);
/// read the bits and convert them to an enum tag
fn get_enum_tag(&self, ix: u64) -> OccupiedEnumTag {
let (first, second) = self.get_bits(ix);
let tag = (first as u8 * 2) + second as u8;
impl<T: Copy + 'static> BucketOccupied for IndexBucketUsingBitVecBits<T> {
fn occupy(&mut self, element: &mut [u8], ix: usize) {
assert!(self.is_free(element, ix));
self.set_enum_tag(ix as u64, OccupiedEnumTag::ZeroSlots);
fn free(&mut self, element: &mut [u8], ix: usize) {
assert!(!self.is_free(element, ix));
self.set_enum_tag(ix as u64, OccupiedEnumTag::Free);
fn is_free(&self, _element: &[u8], ix: usize) -> bool {
self.get_enum_tag(ix as u64) == OccupiedEnumTag::Free
fn offset_to_first_data() -> usize {
// no header, nothing stored in data stream
fn new(capacity: Capacity) -> Self {
Self {
// note: twice as many bits allocated as `num_elements` because we store 2 bits per element
enum_tag: BitVec::new_fill(false, capacity.capacity() * 2),
capacity: capacity.capacity(),
_phantom: PhantomData,
/// in this impl, the enum tag is stored in in-memory bit vec and there is more information than
/// a single 'occupied' bit. So, this enum_tag needs to be copied over.
fn copying_entry(
&mut self,
_element_new: &mut [u8],
ix_new: usize,
other: &Self,
_element_old: &[u8],
ix_old: usize,
) {
self.set_enum_tag(ix_new as u64, other.get_enum_tag(ix_old as u64));
impl<T> BucketCapacity for IndexBucketUsingBitVecBits<T> {
fn capacity(&self) -> u64 {
pub type DataBucket = BucketWithHeader;
pub type IndexBucket<T> = IndexBucketUsingBitVecBits<T>;
/// contains the index of an entry in the index bucket.
/// This type allows us to call methods to interact with the index entry on this type.
pub struct IndexEntryPlaceInBucket<T: 'static> {
pub ix: u64,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'static T>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// one instance of this per item in the index
/// stored in the index bucket
pub struct IndexEntry<T: Clone + Copy> {
pub(crate) key: Pubkey, // can this be smaller if we have reduced the keys into buckets already?
/// depends on the contents of ref_count.slot_count_enum
contents: SingleElementOrMultipleSlots<T>,
/// 63 bits available for ref count
pub(crate) const MAX_LEGAL_REFCOUNT: RefCount = RefCount::MAX >> 1;
/// hold a big `RefCount` while leaving room for extra bits to be used for things like 'Occupied'
#[bitfield(bits = 64)]
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct PackedRefCount {
/// whether this entry in the data file is occupied or not
pub(crate) occupied: B1,
/// ref_count of this entry. We don't need any where near 63 bits for this value
pub(crate) ref_count: B63,
/// required fields when an index element references the data file
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct MultipleSlots {
// if the bucket doubled, the index can be recomputed using storage_cap_and_offset.create_bucket_capacity_pow2
storage_cap_and_offset: PackedStorage,
/// num elements in the slot list
num_slots: Slot,
impl MultipleSlots {
pub(crate) fn set_storage_capacity_when_created_pow2(
&mut self,
storage_capacity_when_created_pow2: u8,
) {
pub(crate) fn set_storage_offset(&mut self, storage_offset: u64) {
.expect("New storage offset must fit into 7 bytes!")
fn storage_capacity_when_created_pow2(&self) -> u8 {
fn storage_offset(&self) -> u64 {
pub(crate) fn num_slots(&self) -> Slot {
pub(crate) fn set_num_slots(&mut self, num_slots: Slot) {
self.num_slots = num_slots;
pub(crate) fn data_bucket_ix(&self) -> u64 {
/// return closest bucket index fit for the slot slice.
/// Since bucket size is 2^index, the return value is
/// min index, such that 2^index >= num_slots
/// index = ceiling(log2(num_slots))
/// special case, when slot slice empty, return 0th index.
pub(crate) fn data_bucket_from_num_slots(num_slots: Slot) -> u64 {
// Compute the ceiling of log2 for integer
if num_slots == 0 {
} else {
(Slot::BITS - (num_slots - 1).leading_zeros()) as u64
/// This function maps the original data location into an index in the current bucket storage.
/// This is coupled with how we resize bucket storages.
pub(crate) fn data_loc(&self, storage: &BucketStorage<DataBucket>) -> u64 {
<< (storage.contents.capacity_pow2() - self.storage_capacity_when_created_pow2())
/// ref_count is stored in the header per cell, in `packed_ref_count`
pub fn set_ref_count(
data_bucket: &mut BucketStorage<DataBucket>,
data_ix: u64,
ref_count: RefCount,
) {
/// ref_count is stored in the header per cell, in `packed_ref_count`
pub fn ref_count(data_bucket: &BucketStorage<DataBucket>, data_ix: u64) -> RefCount {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) union SingleElementOrMultipleSlots<T: Clone + Copy> {
/// the slot list contains a single element. No need for an entry in the data file.
/// The element itself is stored in place in the index entry
pub(crate) single_element: T,
/// the slot list ocntains more than one element. This contains the reference to the data file.
pub(crate) multiple_slots: MultipleSlots,
/// just the values for `OccupiedEnum`
/// This excludes the contents of any enum value.
#[derive(PartialEq, FromPrimitive)]
enum OccupiedEnumTag {
Free = 0,
ZeroSlots = 1,
OneSlotInIndex = 2,
MultipleSlots = 3,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum OccupiedEnum<'a, T> {
/// this spot is not occupied.
/// ALL other enum values ARE occupied.
Free = OccupiedEnumTag::Free as u8,
/// zero slots in the slot list
ZeroSlots = OccupiedEnumTag::ZeroSlots as u8,
/// one slot in the slot list, it is stored in the index
OneSlotInIndex(&'a T) = OccupiedEnumTag::OneSlotInIndex as u8,
/// data is stored in data file
MultipleSlots(&'a MultipleSlots) = OccupiedEnumTag::MultipleSlots as u8,
/// Pack the storage offset and capacity-when-crated-pow2 fields into a single u64
#[bitfield(bits = 64)]
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct PackedStorage {
capacity_when_created_pow2: B8,
offset: B56,
impl<T: Copy + 'static> IndexEntryPlaceInBucket<T> {
pub(crate) fn get_slot_count_enum<'a>(
index_bucket: &'a BucketStorage<IndexBucket<T>>,
) -> OccupiedEnum<'a, T> {
let enum_tag = index_bucket.contents.get_enum_tag(self.ix);
let index_entry = index_bucket.get::<IndexEntry<T>>(self.ix);
match enum_tag {
OccupiedEnumTag::Free => OccupiedEnum::Free,
OccupiedEnumTag::ZeroSlots => OccupiedEnum::ZeroSlots,
OccupiedEnumTag::OneSlotInIndex => unsafe {
OccupiedEnumTag::MultipleSlots => unsafe {
/// return Some(MultipleSlots) if this item's data is stored in the data file
pub(crate) fn get_multiple_slots_mut<'a>(
index_bucket: &'a mut BucketStorage<IndexBucket<T>>,
) -> Option<&'a mut MultipleSlots> {
let enum_tag = index_bucket.contents.get_enum_tag(self.ix);
unsafe {
match enum_tag {
OccupiedEnumTag::MultipleSlots => {
let index_entry = index_bucket.get_mut::<IndexEntry<T>>(self.ix);
Some(&mut index_entry.contents.multiple_slots)
_ => None,
/// make this index entry reflect `value`
pub(crate) fn set_slot_count_enum_value<'a>(
index_bucket: &'a mut BucketStorage<IndexBucket<T>>,
value: OccupiedEnum<'a, T>,
) {
let tag = match value {
OccupiedEnum::Free => OccupiedEnumTag::Free,
OccupiedEnum::ZeroSlots => OccupiedEnumTag::ZeroSlots,
OccupiedEnum::OneSlotInIndex(single_element) => {
let index_entry = index_bucket.get_mut::<IndexEntry<T>>(self.ix);
index_entry.contents.single_element = *single_element;
OccupiedEnum::MultipleSlots(multiple_slots) => {
let index_entry = index_bucket.get_mut::<IndexEntry<T>>(self.ix);
index_entry.contents.multiple_slots = *multiple_slots;
index_bucket.contents.set_enum_tag(self.ix, tag);
pub fn init(&self, index_bucket: &mut BucketStorage<IndexBucket<T>>, pubkey: &Pubkey) {
self.set_slot_count_enum_value(index_bucket, OccupiedEnum::ZeroSlots);
let index_entry = index_bucket.get_mut::<IndexEntry<T>>(self.ix);
index_entry.key = *pubkey;
pub(crate) fn read_value<'a>(
index_bucket: &'a BucketStorage<IndexBucket<T>>,
data_buckets: &'a [BucketStorage<DataBucket>],
) -> (&'a [T], RefCount) {
let mut ref_count = 1;
let slot_list = match self.get_slot_count_enum(index_bucket) {
OccupiedEnum::ZeroSlots => {
// num_slots is 0. This means empty slot list and ref_count=1
OccupiedEnum::OneSlotInIndex(single_element) => {
// only element is stored in the index entry
OccupiedEnum::MultipleSlots(multiple_slots) => {
// slot list and ref_count are in data file
let data_bucket_ix =
let data_bucket = &data_buckets[data_bucket_ix as usize];
let loc = multiple_slots.data_loc(data_bucket);
ref_count = MultipleSlots::ref_count(data_bucket, loc);
data_bucket.get_slice::<T>(loc, multiple_slots.num_slots, IncludeHeader::NoHeader)
_ => {
panic!("trying to read data from a free entry");
(slot_list, ref_count)
pub fn new(ix: u64) -> Self {
Self {
_phantom: PhantomData,
pub fn key<'a>(&self, index_bucket: &'a BucketStorage<IndexBucket<T>>) -> &'a Pubkey {
let entry: &IndexEntry<T> = index_bucket.get(self.ix);
fn get_from_bytes<T>(item_slice: &[u8]) -> &T {
debug_assert!(std::mem::size_of::<T>() <= item_slice.len());
let item = item_slice.as_ptr() as *const T;
debug_assert!(item as usize % std::mem::align_of::<T>() == 0);
unsafe { &*item }
fn get_mut_from_bytes<T>(item_slice: &mut [u8]) -> &mut T {
debug_assert!(std::mem::size_of::<T>() <= item_slice.len());
let item = item_slice.as_mut_ptr() as *mut T;
debug_assert!(item as usize % std::mem::align_of::<T>() == 0);
unsafe { &mut *item }
mod tests {
use super::*;
/// verify that accessors for storage_offset and capacity_when_created are
/// correct and independent
fn test_api() {
for offset in [0, 1, u32::MAX as u64] {
let mut multiple_slots = MultipleSlots::default();
if offset != 0 {
assert_eq!(multiple_slots.storage_offset(), offset);
assert_eq!(multiple_slots.storage_capacity_when_created_pow2(), 0);
for pow in [1, 255, 0] {
assert_eq!(multiple_slots.storage_offset(), offset);
assert_eq!(multiple_slots.storage_capacity_when_created_pow2(), pow);
fn test_size() {
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<PackedStorage>(), 1 + 7);
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<IndexEntry<u64>>(), 32 + 8 + 8);
#[should_panic(expected = "New storage offset must fit into 7 bytes!")]
fn test_set_storage_offset_value_too_large() {
let too_big = 1 << 56;
let mut multiple_slots = MultipleSlots::default();
fn test_data_bucket_from_num_slots() {
for n in 0..512 {
(n as f64).log2().ceil() as u64
MultipleSlots::data_bucket_from_num_slots(u32::MAX as u64),
MultipleSlots::data_bucket_from_num_slots(u32::MAX as u64 + 1),
MultipleSlots::data_bucket_from_num_slots(u32::MAX as u64 + 2),