
203 lines
7.5 KiB

//! The `banking_stage` processes Transaction messages. It is intended to be used
//! to contruct a software pipeline. The stage uses all available CPU cores and
//! can do its processing in parallel with signature verification on the GPU.
use bank::Bank;
use bincode::deserialize;
use counter::Counter;
use packet::{PacketRecycler, Packets, SharedPackets};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use record_stage::Signal;
use result::{Error, Result};
use service::Service;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, RecvTimeoutError, Sender};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread::{self, Builder, JoinHandle};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use timing;
use transaction::Transaction;
/// Stores the stage's thread handle and output receiver.
pub struct BankingStage {
/// Handle to the stage's thread.
thread_hdl: JoinHandle<()>,
impl BankingStage {
/// Create the stage using `bank`. Exit when `verified_receiver` is dropped.
/// Discard input packets using `packet_recycler` to minimize memory
/// allocations in a previous stage such as the `fetch_stage`.
pub fn new(
bank: Arc<Bank>,
verified_receiver: Receiver<Vec<(SharedPackets, Vec<u8>)>>,
packet_recycler: PacketRecycler,
) -> (Self, Receiver<Signal>) {
let (signal_sender, signal_receiver) = channel();
let thread_hdl = Builder::new()
.spawn(move || loop {
if let Err(e) = Self::process_packets(
) {
match e {
Error::RecvTimeoutError(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => break,
Error::RecvTimeoutError(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => (),
_ => error!("{:?}", e),
(BankingStage { thread_hdl }, signal_receiver)
/// Convert the transactions from a blob of binary data to a vector of transactions and
/// an unused `SocketAddr` that could be used to send a response.
fn deserialize_transactions(p: &Packets) -> Vec<Option<(Transaction, SocketAddr)>> {
.map(|x| {
.map(|req| (req, x.meta.addr()))
/// Process the incoming packets and send output `Signal` messages to `signal_sender`.
/// Discard packets via `packet_recycler`.
pub fn process_packets(
bank: &Arc<Bank>,
verified_receiver: &Receiver<Vec<(SharedPackets, Vec<u8>)>>,
signal_sender: &Sender<Signal>,
packet_recycler: &PacketRecycler,
) -> Result<()> {
let timer = Duration::new(1, 0);
let recv_start = Instant::now();
let mms = verified_receiver.recv_timeout(timer)?;
let mut reqs_len = 0;
let mms_len = mms.len();
"@{:?} process start stalled for: {:?}ms batches: {}",
let count = mms.iter().map(|x| x.1.len()).sum();
static mut COUNTER: Counter = create_counter!("banking_stage_process_packets", 1);
let proc_start = Instant::now();
for (msgs, vers) in mms {
let transactions = Self::deserialize_transactions(&;
reqs_len += transactions.len();
let transactions = transactions
.filter_map(|(tx, ver)| match tx {
None => None,
Some((tx, _addr)) => if tx.verify_plan() && ver != 0 {
} else {
let results = bank.process_transactions(transactions);
let transactions = results.into_iter().filter_map(|x| x.ok()).collect();
debug!("done process_transactions");
let total_time_s = timing::duration_as_s(&proc_start.elapsed());
let total_time_ms = timing::duration_as_ms(&proc_start.elapsed());
"@{:?} done processing transaction batches: {} time: {:?}ms reqs: {} reqs/s: {}",
(reqs_len as f32) / (total_time_s)
inc_counter!(COUNTER, count);
impl Service for BankingStage {
fn thread_hdls(self) -> Vec<JoinHandle<()>> {
fn join(self) -> thread::Result<()> {
// TODO: When banking is pulled out of RequestStage, add this test back in.
//use bank::Bank;
//use entry::Entry;
//use hash::Hash;
//use record_stage::RecordStage;
//use record_stage::Signal;
//use result::Result;
//use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
//use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
//use std::time::Duration;
//use transaction::Transaction;
//mod tests {
// use bank::Bank;
// use mint::Mint;
// use signature::{KeyPair, KeyPairUtil};
// use transaction::Transaction;
// #[test]
// // TODO: Move this test banking_stage. Calling process_transactions() directly
// // defeats the purpose of this test.
// fn test_banking_sequential_consistency() {
// // In this attack we'll demonstrate that a verifier can interpret the ledger
// // differently if either the server doesn't signal the ledger to add an
// // Entry OR if the verifier tries to parallelize across multiple Entries.
// let mint = Mint::new(2);
// let bank = Bank::new(&mint);
// let banking_stage = EventProcessor::new(bank, &mint.last_id(), None);
// // Process a batch that includes a transaction that receives two tokens.
// let alice = KeyPair::new();
// let tx = Transaction::new(&mint.keypair(), alice.pubkey(), 2, mint.last_id());
// let transactions = vec![tx];
// let entry0 = banking_stage.process_transactions(transactions).unwrap();
// // Process a second batch that spends one of those tokens.
// let tx = Transaction::new(&alice, mint.pubkey(), 1, mint.last_id());
// let transactions = vec![tx];
// let entry1 = banking_stage.process_transactions(transactions).unwrap();
// // Collect the ledger and feed it to a new bank.
// let entries = vec![entry0, entry1];
// // Assert the user holds one token, not two. If the server only output one
// // entry, then the second transaction will be rejected, because it drives
// // the account balance below zero before the credit is added.
// let bank = Bank::new(&mint);
// for entry in entries {
// assert!(
// bank
// .process_transactions(entry.transactions)
// .into_iter()
// .all(|x| x.is_ok())
// );
// }
// assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&alice.pubkey()), Some(1));
// }