
281 lines
10 KiB

use solana_sdk::clock::Slot;
use solana_vote_program::vote_state::MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub const VOTE_THRESHOLD_SIZE: f64 = 2f64 / 3f64;
pub type BlockCommitmentArray = [u64; MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY + 1];
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct BlockCommitment {
pub commitment: BlockCommitmentArray,
impl BlockCommitment {
pub fn increase_confirmation_stake(&mut self, confirmation_count: usize, stake: u64) {
assert!(confirmation_count > 0 && confirmation_count <= MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY);
self.commitment[confirmation_count - 1] += stake;
pub fn get_confirmation_stake(&mut self, confirmation_count: usize) -> u64 {
assert!(confirmation_count > 0 && confirmation_count <= MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY);
self.commitment[confirmation_count - 1]
pub fn increase_rooted_stake(&mut self, stake: u64) {
self.commitment[MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY] += stake;
pub fn get_rooted_stake(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn new(commitment: BlockCommitmentArray) -> Self {
Self { commitment }
pub struct BlockCommitmentCache {
block_commitment: HashMap<Slot, BlockCommitment>,
highest_confirmed_root: Slot,
total_stake: u64,
/// The slot of the bank from which all other slots were calculated.
slot: Slot,
root: Slot,
pub highest_confirmed_slot: Slot,
impl std::fmt::Debug for BlockCommitmentCache {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("block_commitment", &self.block_commitment)
.field("total_stake", &self.total_stake)
&format_args!("Bank({{current_slot: {:?}}})", self.slot),
.field("root", &self.root)
impl BlockCommitmentCache {
pub fn new(
block_commitment: HashMap<Slot, BlockCommitment>,
highest_confirmed_root: Slot,
total_stake: u64,
slot: Slot,
root: Slot,
highest_confirmed_slot: Slot,
) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn get_block_commitment(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<&BlockCommitment> {
pub fn highest_confirmed_root(&self) -> Slot {
pub fn total_stake(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn slot(&self) -> Slot {
pub fn root(&self) -> Slot {
pub fn highest_confirmed_slot(&self) -> Slot {
fn highest_slot_with_confirmation_count(&self, confirmation_count: usize) -> Slot {
assert!(confirmation_count > 0 && confirmation_count <= MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY);
for slot in (self.root()..self.slot()).rev() {
if let Some(count) = self.get_confirmation_count(slot) {
if count >= confirmation_count {
return slot;
pub fn calculate_highest_confirmed_slot(&self) -> Slot {
pub fn get_confirmation_count(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<usize> {
self.get_lockout_count(slot, VOTE_THRESHOLD_SIZE)
// Returns the lowest level at which at least `minimum_stake_percentage` of the total epoch
// stake is locked out
fn get_lockout_count(&self, slot: Slot, minimum_stake_percentage: f64) -> Option<usize> {
self.get_block_commitment(slot).map(|block_commitment| {
let iterator = block_commitment.commitment.iter().enumerate().rev();
let mut sum = 0;
for (i, stake) in iterator {
sum += stake;
if (sum as f64 / self.total_stake as f64) > minimum_stake_percentage {
return i + 1;
pub fn new_for_tests() -> Self {
let mut block_commitment: HashMap<Slot, BlockCommitment> = HashMap::new();
block_commitment.insert(0, BlockCommitment::default());
Self {
total_stake: 42,
pub fn new_for_tests_with_slots(slot: Slot, root: Slot) -> Self {
let mut block_commitment: HashMap<Slot, BlockCommitment> = HashMap::new();
block_commitment.insert(0, BlockCommitment::default());
Self {
total_stake: 42,
highest_confirmed_root: root,
highest_confirmed_slot: root,
pub fn set_highest_confirmed_root(&mut self, root: Slot) {
self.highest_confirmed_root = root;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_block_commitment() {
let mut cache = BlockCommitment::default();
assert_eq!(cache.get_confirmation_stake(1), 0);
cache.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 10);
assert_eq!(cache.get_confirmation_stake(1), 10);
cache.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 20);
assert_eq!(cache.get_confirmation_stake(1), 30);
fn test_get_confirmations() {
// Build BlockCommitmentCache with votes at depths 0 and 1 for 2 slots
let mut cache0 = BlockCommitment::default();
cache0.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 5);
cache0.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 40);
let mut cache1 = BlockCommitment::default();
cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 40);
cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 5);
let mut cache2 = BlockCommitment::default();
cache2.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 20);
cache2.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 5);
let mut block_commitment = HashMap::new();
let block_commitment_cache = BlockCommitmentCache::new(block_commitment, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0);
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.get_confirmation_count(0), Some(2));
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.get_confirmation_count(1), Some(1));
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.get_confirmation_count(2), Some(0),);
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.get_confirmation_count(3), None,);
fn test_highest_confirmed_slot() {
let bank_slot_5 = 5;
let total_stake = 50;
// Build cache with confirmation_count 2 given total_stake
let mut cache0 = BlockCommitment::default();
cache0.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 5);
cache0.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 40);
// Build cache with confirmation_count 1 given total_stake
let mut cache1 = BlockCommitment::default();
cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 40);
cache1.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 5);
// Build cache with confirmation_count 0 given total_stake
let mut cache2 = BlockCommitment::default();
cache2.increase_confirmation_stake(1, 20);
cache2.increase_confirmation_stake(2, 5);
let mut block_commitment = HashMap::new();
block_commitment.entry(1).or_insert_with(|| cache0.clone()); // Slot 1, conf 2
block_commitment.entry(2).or_insert_with(|| cache1.clone()); // Slot 2, conf 1
block_commitment.entry(3).or_insert_with(|| cache2.clone()); // Slot 3, conf 0
let block_commitment_cache =
BlockCommitmentCache::new(block_commitment, 0, total_stake, bank_slot_5, 0, 0);
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.calculate_highest_confirmed_slot(), 2);
// Build map with multiple slots at conf 1
let mut block_commitment = HashMap::new();
block_commitment.entry(1).or_insert_with(|| cache1.clone()); // Slot 1, conf 1
block_commitment.entry(2).or_insert_with(|| cache1.clone()); // Slot 2, conf 1
block_commitment.entry(3).or_insert_with(|| cache2.clone()); // Slot 3, conf 0
let block_commitment_cache =
BlockCommitmentCache::new(block_commitment, 0, total_stake, bank_slot_5, 0, 0);
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.calculate_highest_confirmed_slot(), 2);
// Build map with slot gaps
let mut block_commitment = HashMap::new();
block_commitment.entry(1).or_insert_with(|| cache1.clone()); // Slot 1, conf 1
block_commitment.entry(3).or_insert(cache1); // Slot 3, conf 1
block_commitment.entry(5).or_insert_with(|| cache2.clone()); // Slot 5, conf 0
let block_commitment_cache =
BlockCommitmentCache::new(block_commitment, 0, total_stake, bank_slot_5, 0, 0);
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.calculate_highest_confirmed_slot(), 3);
// Build map with no conf 1 slots, but one higher
let mut block_commitment = HashMap::new();
block_commitment.entry(1).or_insert(cache0); // Slot 1, conf 2
block_commitment.entry(2).or_insert_with(|| cache2.clone()); // Slot 2, conf 0
block_commitment.entry(3).or_insert_with(|| cache2.clone()); // Slot 3, conf 0
let block_commitment_cache =
BlockCommitmentCache::new(block_commitment, 0, total_stake, bank_slot_5, 0, 0);
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.calculate_highest_confirmed_slot(), 1);
// Build map with no conf 1 or higher slots
let mut block_commitment = HashMap::new();
block_commitment.entry(1).or_insert_with(|| cache2.clone()); // Slot 1, conf 0
block_commitment.entry(2).or_insert_with(|| cache2.clone()); // Slot 2, conf 0
block_commitment.entry(3).or_insert(cache2); // Slot 3, conf 0
let block_commitment_cache =
BlockCommitmentCache::new(block_commitment, 0, total_stake, bank_slot_5, 0, 0);
assert_eq!(block_commitment_cache.calculate_highest_confirmed_slot(), 0);