
295 lines
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//! The zero-balance sigma proof system.
//! A zero-balance proof is defined with respect to a twisted ElGamal ciphertext. The proof
//! certifies that a given ciphertext encrypts the message 0 (`Scalar::zero()`). To generate the
//! proof, a prover must provide the decryption key for the ciphertext.
//! The protocol guarantees computationally soundness (by the hardness of discrete log) and perfect
//! zero-knowledge in the random oracle model.
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))]
use {
elgamal::{ElGamalCiphertext, ElGamalKeypair, ElGamalPubkey},
use {
crate::{sigma_proofs::errors::ZeroBalanceProofError, transcript::TranscriptProtocol},
arrayref::{array_ref, array_refs},
ristretto::{CompressedRistretto, RistrettoPoint},
/// Zero-balance proof.
/// Contains all the elliptic curve and scalar components that make up the sigma protocol.
pub struct ZeroBalanceProof {
Y_P: CompressedRistretto,
Y_D: CompressedRistretto,
z: Scalar,
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))]
impl ZeroBalanceProof {
/// Zero-balance proof constructor.
/// The function does *not* hash the public key and ciphertext into the transcript. For
/// security, the caller (the main protocol) should hash these public components prior to
/// invoking this constructor.
/// This function is randomized. It uses `OsRng` internally to generate random scalars.
/// Note that the proof constructor does not take the actual ElGamal ciphertext as input; it
/// uses the ElGamal private key instead to generate the proof.
/// * `elgamal_keypair` - The ElGamal keypair associated with the ciphertext to be proved
/// * `ciphertext` - The main ElGamal ciphertext to be proved
/// * `transcript` - The transcript that does the bookkeeping for the Fiat-Shamir heuristic
pub fn new(
elgamal_keypair: &ElGamalKeypair,
ciphertext: &ElGamalCiphertext,
transcript: &mut Transcript,
) -> Self {
// extract the relevant scalar and Ristretto points from the input
let P = elgamal_keypair.public.get_point();
let s = elgamal_keypair.secret.get_scalar();
let D = ciphertext.handle.get_point();
// generate a random masking factor that also serves as a nonce
let mut y = Scalar::random(&mut OsRng);
let Y_P = (&y * P).compress();
let Y_D = (&y * D).compress();
// record Y in the transcript and receive a challenge scalar
transcript.append_point(b"Y_P", &Y_P);
transcript.append_point(b"Y_D", &Y_D);
let c = transcript.challenge_scalar(b"c");
// compute the masked secret key
let z = &(&c * s) + &y;
// zeroize random scalar
Self { Y_P, Y_D, z }
/// Zero-balance proof verifier.
/// * `elgamal_pubkey` - The ElGamal pubkey associated with the ciphertext to be proved
/// * `ciphertext` - The main ElGamal ciphertext to be proved
/// * `transcript` - The transcript that does the bookkeeping for the Fiat-Shamir heuristic
pub fn verify(
elgamal_pubkey: &ElGamalPubkey,
ciphertext: &ElGamalCiphertext,
transcript: &mut Transcript,
) -> Result<(), ZeroBalanceProofError> {
// extract the relevant scalar and Ristretto points from the input
let P = elgamal_pubkey.get_point();
let C = ciphertext.commitment.get_point();
let D = ciphertext.handle.get_point();
// record Y in transcript and receive challenge scalars
transcript.validate_and_append_point(b"Y_P", &self.Y_P)?;
transcript.append_point(b"Y_D", &self.Y_D);
let c = transcript.challenge_scalar(b"c");
let w = transcript.challenge_scalar(b"w"); // w used for batch verification
let w_negated = -&w;
// decompress R or return verification error
let Y_P = self.Y_P.decompress().ok_or(ZeroBalanceProofError::Format)?;
let Y_D = self.Y_D.decompress().ok_or(ZeroBalanceProofError::Format)?;
// check the required algebraic relation
let check = RistrettoPoint::multiscalar_mul(
&self.z, // z
&(-&c), // -c
&(-&Scalar::one()), // -identity
&(&w * &self.z), // w * z
&(&w_negated * &c), // -w * c
&w_negated, // -w
P, // P
&(*H), // H
&Y_P, // Y_P
D, // D
C, // C
&Y_D, // Y_D
if check.is_identity() {
} else {
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 96] {
let mut buf = [0_u8; 96];
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ZeroBalanceProofError> {
let bytes = array_ref![bytes, 0, 96];
let (Y_P, Y_D, z) = array_refs![bytes, 32, 32, 32];
let Y_P = CompressedRistretto::from_slice(Y_P);
let Y_D = CompressedRistretto::from_slice(Y_D);
let z = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(*z).ok_or(ZeroBalanceProofError::Format)?;
Ok(ZeroBalanceProof { Y_P, Y_D, z })
mod test {
use {
elgamal::{DecryptHandle, ElGamalKeypair, ElGamalSecretKey},
pedersen::{Pedersen, PedersenCommitment, PedersenOpening},
fn test_zero_balance_proof_correctness() {
let source_keypair = ElGamalKeypair::new_rand();
let mut transcript_prover = Transcript::new(b"test");
let mut transcript_verifier = Transcript::new(b"test");
// general case: encryption of 0
let elgamal_ciphertext = source_keypair.public.encrypt(0_u64);
let proof =
ZeroBalanceProof::new(&source_keypair, &elgamal_ciphertext, &mut transcript_prover);
&mut transcript_verifier
// general case: encryption of > 0
let elgamal_ciphertext = source_keypair.public.encrypt(1_u64);
let proof =
ZeroBalanceProof::new(&source_keypair, &elgamal_ciphertext, &mut transcript_prover);
&mut transcript_verifier
fn test_zero_balance_proof_edge_cases() {
let source_keypair = ElGamalKeypair::new_rand();
let mut transcript_prover = Transcript::new(b"test");
let mut transcript_verifier = Transcript::new(b"test");
// all zero ciphertext should always be a valid encryption of 0
let ciphertext = ElGamalCiphertext::from_bytes(&[0u8; 64]).unwrap();
let proof = ZeroBalanceProof::new(&source_keypair, &ciphertext, &mut transcript_prover);
&mut transcript_verifier
// if only either commitment or handle is zero, the ciphertext is always invalid and proof
// verification should always reject
let mut transcript_prover = Transcript::new(b"test");
let mut transcript_verifier = Transcript::new(b"test");
let zeroed_commitment = PedersenCommitment::from_bytes(&[0u8; 32]).unwrap();
let handle = source_keypair
let ciphertext = ElGamalCiphertext {
commitment: zeroed_commitment,
let proof = ZeroBalanceProof::new(&source_keypair, &ciphertext, &mut transcript_prover);
&mut transcript_verifier
let mut transcript_prover = Transcript::new(b"test");
let mut transcript_verifier = Transcript::new(b"test");
let (zeroed_commitment, _) = Pedersen::new(0_u64);
let ciphertext = ElGamalCiphertext {
commitment: zeroed_commitment,
handle: DecryptHandle::from_bytes(&[0u8; 32]).unwrap(),
let proof = ZeroBalanceProof::new(&source_keypair, &ciphertext, &mut transcript_prover);
&mut transcript_verifier
// if public key is always zero, then the proof should always reject
let mut transcript_prover = Transcript::new(b"test");
let mut transcript_verifier = Transcript::new(b"test");
let public = ElGamalPubkey::from_bytes(&[0u8; 32]).unwrap();
let secret = ElGamalSecretKey::new_rand();
let elgamal_keypair = ElGamalKeypair { public, secret };
let ciphertext = elgamal_keypair.public.encrypt(0_u64);
let proof = ZeroBalanceProof::new(&source_keypair, &ciphertext, &mut transcript_prover);
&mut transcript_verifier