
603 lines
18 KiB

use bincode::{deserialize, serialize};
use ed25519_dalek::{SignatureError, KEYPAIR_LENGTH, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH};
use libc::{c_int, size_t};
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
use rand_core::SeedableRng;
use solana_sdk::{
instruction::CompiledInstruction as CompiledInstructionNative,
message::{Message as MessageNative, MessageHeader as MessageHeaderNative},
signature::{Keypair as KeypairNative, Signature as SignatureNative, Signer},
transaction::Transaction as TransactionNative,
use std::{
{fmt, mem, ptr, slice},
pub struct Transaction {
/// A set of digital signatures of `account_keys`, `program_ids`, `recent_blockhash`, and `instructions`, signed by the first
/// signatures_len keys of account_keys
pub signatures: CVec<Signature>,
/// The message to sign.
pub message: Message,
impl Transaction {
pub fn from_native(mut t: TransactionNative) -> Self {
Self {
signatures: CVec::from_native(
message: Message::from_native(t.message),
/// # Safety
pub unsafe fn into_native(self) -> TransactionNative {
TransactionNative {
signatures: CVec::into_native(self.signatures)
.map(|s| s.new_native())
message: self.message.into_native(),
/// # Safety
pub unsafe fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
signatures: self.signatures.clone(),
message: self.message.clone(),
pub struct Message {
/// The message header, identifying signed and read-only `account_keys`
pub header: MessageHeader,
/// All the account keys used by this transaction
pub account_keys: CVec<Pubkey>,
/// The id of a recent ledger entry.
pub recent_blockhash: Hash,
/// Programs that will be executed in sequence and committed in one atomic transaction if all
/// succeed.
pub instructions: CVec<CompiledInstruction>,
impl Message {
pub fn from_native(m: MessageNative) -> Self {
Self {
header: MessageHeader::from_native(m.header),
account_keys: CVec::from_native(m.account_keys),
recent_blockhash: m.recent_blockhash,
instructions: CVec::from_native(
pub unsafe fn into_native(self) -> MessageNative {
MessageNative {
header: self.header.into_native(),
account_keys: CVec::into_native(self.account_keys),
recent_blockhash: self.recent_blockhash,
instructions: CVec::into_native(self.instructions)
.map(|i| i.into_native())
#[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait, clippy::missing_safety_doc)]
pub unsafe fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
header: self.header.clone(),
account_keys: self.account_keys.clone(),
recent_blockhash: self.recent_blockhash,
instructions: self.instructions.clone(),
/// An instruction to execute a program
pub struct CompiledInstruction {
/// Index into the transaction keys array indicating the program account that executes this instruction
pub program_id_index: u8,
/// Ordered indices into the transaction keys array indicating which accounts to pass to the program
pub accounts: CVec<u8>,
/// The program input data
pub data: CVec<u8>,
impl CompiledInstruction {
pub fn from_native(c: CompiledInstructionNative) -> Self {
Self {
program_id_index: c.program_id_index,
accounts: CVec::from_native(c.accounts),
data: CVec::from_native(,
pub unsafe fn into_native(self) -> CompiledInstructionNative {
CompiledInstructionNative {
program_id_index: self.program_id_index,
accounts: CVec::into_native(self.accounts),
data: CVec::into_native(,
#[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait, clippy::missing_safety_doc)]
pub unsafe fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
program_id_index: self.program_id_index,
accounts: self.accounts.clone(),
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MessageHeader {
/// The number of signatures required for this message to be considered valid. The
/// signatures must match the first `num_required_signatures` of `account_keys`.
pub num_required_signatures: u8,
/// The last num_readonly_signed_accounts of the signed keys are read-only accounts. Programs
/// may process multiple transactions that load read-only accounts within a single PoH entry,
/// but are not permitted to credit or debit lamports or modify account data. Transactions
/// targeting the same read-write account are evaluated sequentially.
pub num_readonly_signed_accounts: u8,
/// The last num_readonly_unsigned_accounts of the unsigned keys are read-only accounts.
pub num_readonly_unsigned_accounts: u8,
impl MessageHeader {
pub fn from_native(h: MessageHeaderNative) -> Self {
Self {
num_required_signatures: h.num_required_signatures,
num_readonly_signed_accounts: h.num_readonly_signed_accounts,
num_readonly_unsigned_accounts: h.num_readonly_unsigned_accounts,
pub fn into_native(self) -> MessageHeaderNative {
MessageHeaderNative {
num_required_signatures: self.num_required_signatures,
num_readonly_signed_accounts: self.num_readonly_signed_accounts,
num_readonly_unsigned_accounts: self.num_readonly_unsigned_accounts,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Signature([u8; 64]);
impl fmt::Debug for Signature {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", bs58::encode(&self.0[..]).into_string())
impl fmt::Display for Signature {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", bs58::encode(&self.0[..]).into_string())
impl Signature {
pub fn from_native(s: SignatureNative) -> Self {
pub fn new_native(&self) -> SignatureNative {
pub struct Keypair([u8; KEYPAIR_LENGTH]);
impl Keypair {
pub fn from_native(k: &KeypairNative) -> Self {
pub fn new_native(&self) -> Result<KeypairNative, SignatureError> {
/// A representation of a Rust Vec that can be passed to C. Should not be modified or copied by C code.
pub struct CVec<T> {
data: *mut T,
len: size_t,
capacity: size_t,
impl<T> CVec<T> {
pub fn from_native(mut v: Vec<T>) -> Self {
let out = Self {
data: v.as_mut_ptr(),
len: v.len(),
capacity: v.capacity(),
pub unsafe fn into_native(self) -> Vec<T> {
Vec::from_raw_parts(, self.len, self.capacity)
impl<T: Clone> CVec<T> {
#[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait, clippy::missing_safety_doc)]
pub unsafe fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let native = Vec::from_raw_parts(, self.len, self.capacity);
let mut new: Vec<T> = Vec::with_capacity(native.capacity());
<Vec<T> as Clone>::clone_from(&mut new, &native);
impl CVec<CompiledInstruction> {
#[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait, clippy::missing_safety_doc)]
pub unsafe fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let native = Vec::from_raw_parts(, self.len, self.capacity);
let mut new: Vec<CompiledInstruction> = Vec::with_capacity(native.capacity());
for elem in &native {
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn free_transaction(tx: *mut Transaction) {
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn free_message(m: *mut Message) {
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn free_message_header(mh: *mut MessageHeader) {
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn free_signature(s: *mut Signature) {
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn free_compiled_instruction(i: *mut CompiledInstruction) {
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn free_c_string(s: *mut c_char) {
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn new_unsigned_transaction(message: *mut Message) -> *mut Transaction {
let message = Box::from_raw(message);
let tx = Box::new(Transaction::from_native(TransactionNative::new_unsigned(
/// Generate a `Keypair` from a uint8_t[32] seed. Assumes the pointer is to an array of length 32.
/// # Undefined Behavior
/// Causes UB if `seed` is not a pointer to an array of length 32 or if `seed` is `NULL`
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn generate_keypair(seed: *const u8) -> *mut Keypair {
let seed = <&[u8] as TryInto<&[u8; PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH]>>::try_into(slice::from_raw_parts(
.unwrap(); // Guaranteed not to panic
let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(*seed);
let keypair = KeypairNative::generate(&mut rng);
let keypair = Box::new(Keypair::from_native(&keypair));
/// Get a pubkey from a keypair. Returns `NULL` if the conversion causes an error
/// # Undefined Behavior
/// Causes UB if `keypair` is `NULL` or if `keypair` in not a pointer to a valid `Keypair`
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn get_keypair_pubkey(keypair: *const Keypair) -> *mut Pubkey {
let keypair = if let Ok(k) = (*keypair).new_native() {
} else {
return ptr::null_mut();
let pubkey = Box::new(keypair.pubkey());
/// Serialize a `Transaction` and save a pointer to the resulting byte array to `serialized`, and its
/// length to `len`. Returns `0` for success, other for failure. Consumes and frees the `Transaction`.
/// # Undefined Behavior
/// Causes UB if any of the input pointers is `NULL`, or if `tx` is not a valid `Transaction`
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn serialize_transaction(
tx: *mut Transaction,
serialized: *mut *const u8,
len: *mut size_t,
) -> c_int {
let tx = Box::from_raw(tx);
let tx = tx.into_native();
let mut serialized_tx = if let Ok(s) = serialize(&tx) {
} else {
return 1;
*serialized = serialized_tx.as_mut_ptr();
*len = serialized_tx.len();
/// Deserialize an array of bytes into a `Transaction`. Returns `NULL` if deserialization fails
/// # Undefined Behavior
/// Causes UB if `bytes` is `NULL`, or if `bytes` does not point to a valid array of length `len`
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn deserialize_transaction(
bytes: *const u8,
len: size_t,
) -> *mut Transaction {
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(bytes, len);
let tx = if let Ok(t) = deserialize::<TransactionNative>(slice) {
} else {
return ptr::null_mut();
let tx = Box::new(Transaction::from_native(tx));
/// Sign a transaction with a subset of the required `Keypair`s. If the `recent_blockhash` supplied
/// does not match that of the `Transaction`, the supplied one will be used, and any existing
/// signatures will be discarded. Returns `0` for success, other for failure.
/// # Undefined Behavior
/// Causes UB if any of the pointers is `NULL`, or if `keypairs` does not point to a valid array of
/// `Signers` of length `num_keypairs`
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn transaction_partial_sign(
tx: *mut Transaction,
keypairs: *const Keypair,
num_keypairs: size_t,
recent_blockhash: *const Hash,
) -> c_int {
let mut tx = Box::from_raw(tx);
let mut tx_native = tx.clone().into_native();
let keypairs = slice::from_raw_parts(keypairs, num_keypairs);
let keypairs: Vec<Result<_, _>> = keypairs.iter().map(|k| k.new_native()).collect();
let keypairs: Vec<KeypairNative> = if keypairs.iter().all(|k| k.is_ok()) {
.map(|k| k.expect("This shouldn't ever happen"))
} else {
return 1;
let keypairs_ref: Vec<&KeypairNative> = keypairs.iter().collect();
let pubkeys: Vec<_> = keypairs_ref
.map(|keypair| keypair.pubkey())
let positions = if let Ok(v) = tx_native.get_signing_keypair_positions(&pubkeys) {
} else {
return 2;
let positions: Vec<usize> = if positions.iter().all(|pos| pos.is_some()) {
.map(|pos| pos.expect("This shouldn't ever happen"))
} else {
return 3;
tx_native.partial_sign_unchecked(&keypairs_ref, positions, *recent_blockhash);
*tx = Transaction::from_native(tx_native);
/// Get the printable c-string of a Pubkey. The returned c-string must be freed with `free_c_string()`
/// Returns `NULL` if the conversion fails.
/// # Undefined Behavior
/// Causes UB if `pubkey` is `NULL`, or if the returned c-string is freed by any method other than
/// calling `free_c_string()`
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn get_pubkey_string(pubkey: *const Pubkey) -> *mut c_char {
if let Ok(s) = CString::new(format!("{}", *pubkey)) {
} else {
mod tests {
use crate::*;
use bincode::serialize;
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
use rand_core::SeedableRng;
use solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair as KeypairNative, Signer};
use solana_sdk::system_transaction;
fn test_generate_keypair() {
let seed = [1u8; 32];
let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed);
let keypair = KeypairNative::generate(&mut rng);
let c_keypair = unsafe { Box::from_raw(generate_keypair(seed.as_ptr())) };
assert_eq!(c_keypair.new_native().unwrap().pubkey(), keypair.pubkey());
fn test_get_pubkey() {
let seed = [1u8; 32];
unsafe {
let keypair = generate_keypair(seed.as_ptr());
let pubkey = Box::from_raw(get_keypair_pubkey(keypair));
let keypair = Box::from_raw(keypair);
let keypair = keypair.new_native().unwrap();
assert_eq!(keypair.pubkey(), *pubkey);
fn test_serialize_transaction() {
let key = KeypairNative::new();
let to = Pubkey::new_rand();
let blockhash = Hash::default();
let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&key, &to, 50, blockhash);
let serialized = serialize(&tx).unwrap();
let tx = Box::new(Transaction::from_native(tx));
let tx = Box::into_raw(tx);
let mut res: *const u8 = ptr::null_mut();
let mut len: size_t = 0;
let slice;
unsafe {
assert_eq!(0, serialize_transaction(tx, &mut res, &mut len));
slice = slice::from_raw_parts(res, len);
assert_eq!(serialized, slice);
fn test_deserialize_transaction() {
let key = KeypairNative::new();
let to = Pubkey::new_rand();
let blockhash = Hash::default();
let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&key, &to, 50, blockhash);
let serialized = serialize(&tx).unwrap();
let deserialized;
unsafe {
let ret = deserialize_transaction(serialized.as_ptr(), serialized.len());
assert_ne!(ret, ptr::null_mut());
let ret = Box::from_raw(ret);
deserialized = ret.into_native();
assert_eq!(deserialized, tx);
fn test_deserialize_transaction_bad() {
let serialized_bad = vec![0u8; 3];
let deserialized;
unsafe {
deserialized = deserialize_transaction(serialized_bad.as_ptr(), serialized_bad.len());
assert_eq!(deserialized, ptr::null_mut());
fn test_get_pubkey_string() {
let pubkey = Pubkey::new_rand();
let str_native = format!("{}", pubkey);
let str_c;
unsafe {
str_c = CString::from_raw(get_pubkey_string(&pubkey));
let str_c = str_c.into_string().unwrap();
assert_eq!(str_native, str_c);
fn test_transaction_partial_sign() {
let key_native = KeypairNative::new();
let to = Pubkey::new_rand();
let blockhash = Hash::default();
let mut tx_native = system_transaction::transfer(&key_native, &to, 50, blockhash);
let tx = Box::into_raw(Box::new(Transaction::from_native(tx_native.clone())));
let key = Keypair::from_native(&key_native);
let tx2;
unsafe {
assert_eq!(0, transaction_partial_sign(tx, &key, 1, &blockhash));
tx2 = Box::from_raw(tx).into_native();
tx_native.partial_sign(&[&key_native], blockhash);
assert_eq!(tx_native, tx2);