
384 lines
14 KiB

//! Crds Gossip Pull overlay
//! This module implements the anti-entropy protocol for the network.
//! The basic strategy is as follows:
//! 1. Construct a bloom filter of the local data set
//! 2. Randomly ask a node on the network for data that is not contained in the bloom filter.
//! Bloom filters have a false positive rate. Each requests uses a different bloom filter
//! with random hash functions. So each subsequent request will have a different distribution
//! of false positives.
use crate::bloom::Bloom;
use crate::crds::Crds;
use crate::crds_gossip::CRDS_GOSSIP_BLOOM_SIZE;
use crate::crds_gossip_error::CrdsGossipError;
use crate::crds_value::{CrdsValue, CrdsValueLabel};
use crate::packet::BLOB_DATA_SIZE;
use bincode::serialized_size;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use rand;
use rand::distributions::{Distribution, WeightedIndex};
use solana_sdk::hash::Hash;
use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey;
use std::cmp;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
pub const CRDS_GOSSIP_PULL_CRDS_TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 15000;
pub struct CrdsGossipPull {
/// timestamp of last request
pub pull_request_time: HashMap<Pubkey, u64>,
/// hash and insert time
purged_values: VecDeque<(Hash, u64)>,
/// max bytes per message
pub max_bytes: usize,
pub crds_timeout: u64,
impl Default for CrdsGossipPull {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
purged_values: VecDeque::new(),
pull_request_time: HashMap::new(),
max_bytes: BLOB_DATA_SIZE,
impl CrdsGossipPull {
/// generate a random request
pub fn new_pull_request(
crds: &Crds,
self_id: Pubkey,
now: u64,
) -> Result<(Pubkey, Bloom<Hash>, CrdsValue), CrdsGossipError> {
let options: Vec<_> = crds
.filter_map(|v| v.value.contact_info())
.filter(|v| { != self_id && !v.gossip.ip().is_unspecified() && !v.gossip.ip().is_multicast()
.map(|item| {
let req_time: u64 = *self.pull_request_time.get(&;
let weight = cmp::max(
cmp::min(u64::from(u16::max_value()) - 1, (now - req_time) / 1024) as u32,
(weight, item)
if options.is_empty() {
return Err(CrdsGossipError::NoPeers);
let filter = self.build_crds_filter(crds);
let index = WeightedIndex::new(options.iter().map(|weighted| weighted.0)).unwrap();
let random = index.sample(&mut rand::thread_rng());
let self_info = crds
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("self_id invalid {}", self_id));
Ok((options[random], filter, self_info.clone()))
/// time when a request to `from` was initiated
/// This is used for weighted random selection during `new_pull_request`
/// It's important to use the local nodes request creation time as the weight
/// instead of the response received time otherwise failed nodes will increase their weight.
pub fn mark_pull_request_creation_time(&mut self, from: Pubkey, now: u64) {
self.pull_request_time.insert(from, now);
/// Store an old hash in the purged values set
pub fn record_old_hash(&mut self, hash: Hash, timestamp: u64) {
self.purged_values.push_back((hash, timestamp))
/// process a pull request and create a response
pub fn process_pull_request(
&mut self,
crds: &mut Crds,
caller: CrdsValue,
mut filter: Bloom<Hash>,
now: u64,
) -> Vec<CrdsValue> {
let rv = self.filter_crds_values(crds, &mut filter);
let key = caller.label().pubkey();
let old = crds.insert(caller, now);
if let Some(val) = old.ok().and_then(|opt| opt) {
.push_back((val.value_hash, val.local_timestamp))
crds.update_record_timestamp(key, now);
/// process a pull response
pub fn process_pull_response(
&mut self,
crds: &mut Crds,
from: Pubkey,
response: Vec<CrdsValue>,
now: u64,
) -> usize {
let mut failed = 0;
for r in response {
let owner = r.label().pubkey();
let old = crds.insert(r, now);
failed += old.is_err() as usize;
old.ok().map(|opt| {
crds.update_record_timestamp(owner, now);|val| {
.push_back((val.value_hash, val.local_timestamp))
crds.update_record_timestamp(from, now);
/// build a filter of the current crds table
fn build_crds_filter(&self, crds: &Crds) -> Bloom<Hash> {
let num = cmp::max(
crds.table.values().count() + self.purged_values.len(),
let mut bloom = Bloom::random(num, 0.1, 4 * 1024 * 8 - 1);
for v in crds.table.values() {
for (value_hash, _insert_timestamp) in &self.purged_values {
/// filter values that fail the bloom filter up to max_bytes
fn filter_crds_values(&self, crds: &Crds, filter: &mut Bloom<Hash>) -> Vec<CrdsValue> {
let mut max_bytes = self.max_bytes as isize;
let mut ret = vec![];
for v in crds.table.values() {
if filter.contains(&v.value_hash) {
max_bytes -= serialized_size(&v.value).unwrap() as isize;
if max_bytes < 0 {
/// Purge values from the crds that are older then `active_timeout`
/// The value_hash of an active item is put into self.purged_values queue
pub fn purge_active(&mut self, crds: &mut Crds, self_id: Pubkey, min_ts: u64) {
let old = crds.find_old_labels(min_ts);
let mut purged: VecDeque<_> = old
.filter(|label| label.pubkey() != self_id)
.filter_map(|label| {
let rv = crds
.map(|val| (val.value_hash, val.local_timestamp));
self.purged_values.append(&mut purged);
/// Purge values from the `self.purged_values` queue that are older then purge_timeout
pub fn purge_purged(&mut self, min_ts: u64) {
let cnt = self
.take_while(|v| v.1 < min_ts)
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::contact_info::ContactInfo;
use crate::crds_value::LeaderId;
use solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair, KeypairUtil};
fn test_new_pull_request() {
let mut crds = Crds::default();
let entry = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
let id = entry.label().pubkey();
let node = CrdsGossipPull::default();
node.new_pull_request(&crds, id, 0),
crds.insert(entry.clone(), 0).unwrap();
node.new_pull_request(&crds, id, 0),
let new = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
crds.insert(new.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let req = node.new_pull_request(&crds, id, 0);
let (to, _, self_info) = req.unwrap();
assert_eq!(to, new.label().pubkey());
assert_eq!(self_info, entry);
fn test_new_mark_creation_time() {
let mut crds = Crds::default();
let entry = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
let node_id = entry.label().pubkey();
let mut node = CrdsGossipPull::default();
crds.insert(entry.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let old = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
crds.insert(old.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let new = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
crds.insert(new.clone(), 0).unwrap();
// set request creation time to max_value
node.mark_pull_request_creation_time(new.label().pubkey(), u64::max_value());
// odds of getting the other request should be 1 in u64::max_value()
for _ in 0..10 {
let req = node.new_pull_request(&crds, node_id, u64::max_value());
let (to, _, self_info) = req.unwrap();
assert_eq!(to, old.label().pubkey());
assert_eq!(self_info, entry);
fn test_process_pull_request() {
let mut node_crds = Crds::default();
let entry = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
let node_id = entry.label().pubkey();
let node = CrdsGossipPull::default();
node_crds.insert(entry.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let new = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
node_crds.insert(new.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let req = node.new_pull_request(&node_crds, node_id, 0);
let mut dest_crds = Crds::default();
let mut dest = CrdsGossipPull::default();
let (_, filter, caller) = req.unwrap();
let rsp = dest.process_pull_request(&mut dest_crds, caller.clone(), filter, 1);
fn test_process_pull_request_response() {
let mut node_crds = Crds::default();
let entry = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
let node_id = entry.label().pubkey();
let mut node = CrdsGossipPull::default();
node_crds.insert(entry.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let new = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
node_crds.insert(new.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let mut dest = CrdsGossipPull::default();
let mut dest_crds = Crds::default();
let new = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
dest_crds.insert(new.clone(), 0).unwrap();
// node contains a key from the dest node, but at an older local timestamp
let dest_id = new.label().pubkey();
let same_key = CrdsValue::LeaderId(LeaderId::new(dest_id, dest_id, 1));
node_crds.insert(same_key.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let mut done = false;
for _ in 0..30 {
// there is a chance of a false positive with bloom filters
let req = node.new_pull_request(&node_crds, node_id, 0);
let (_, filter, caller) = req.unwrap();
let rsp = dest.process_pull_request(&mut dest_crds, caller, filter, 0);
// if there is a false positive this is empty
// prob should be around 0.1 per iteration
if rsp.is_empty() {
assert_eq!(rsp.len(), 1);
let failed = node.process_pull_response(&mut node_crds, node_id, rsp, 1);
assert_eq!(failed, 0);
// verify that the whole record was updated for dest since this is a response from dest
done = true;
fn test_gossip_purge() {
let mut node_crds = Crds::default();
let entry = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
let node_label = entry.label();
let node_id = node_label.pubkey();
let mut node = CrdsGossipPull::default();
node_crds.insert(entry.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let old = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0));
node_crds.insert(old.clone(), 0).unwrap();
let value_hash = node_crds.lookup_versioned(&old.label()).unwrap().value_hash;
//verify self is valid
assert_eq!(node_crds.lookup(&node_label).unwrap().label(), node_label);
// purge
node.purge_active(&mut node_crds, node_id, 1);
//verify self is still valid after purge
assert_eq!(node_crds.lookup(&node_label).unwrap().label(), node_label);
assert_eq!(node_crds.lookup_versioned(&old.label()), None);
assert_eq!(node.purged_values.len(), 1);
for _ in 0..30 {
// there is a chance of a false positive with bloom filters
// assert that purged value is still in the set
// chance of 30 consecutive false positives is 0.1^30
let filter = node.build_crds_filter(&node_crds);
// purge the value
assert_eq!(node.purged_values.len(), 0);