
123 lines
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//! The zero-balance proof instruction.
//! A zero-balance proof is defined with respect to a twisted ElGamal ciphertext. The proof
//! certifies that a given ciphertext encrypts the message 0 in the field (`Scalar::zero()`). To
//! generate the proof, a prover must provide the decryption key for the ciphertext.
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
use {
encryption::elgamal::{ElGamalCiphertext, ElGamalKeypair},
errors::{ProofGenerationError, ProofVerificationError},
use {
instruction::{ProofType, ZkProofData},
bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable},
/// The instruction data that is needed for the `ProofInstruction::ZeroBalance` instruction.
/// It includes the cryptographic proof as well as the context data information needed to verify
/// the proof.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable)]
pub struct ZeroBalanceProofData {
/// The context data for the zero-balance proof
pub context: ZeroBalanceProofContext, // 96 bytes
/// Proof that the source account available balance is zero
pub proof: pod::ZeroBalanceProof, // 96 bytes
/// The context data needed to verify a zero-balance proof.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable)]
pub struct ZeroBalanceProofContext {
/// The source account ElGamal pubkey
pub pubkey: pod::ElGamalPubkey, // 32 bytes
/// The source account available balance in encrypted form
pub ciphertext: pod::ElGamalCiphertext, // 64 bytes
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
impl ZeroBalanceProofData {
pub fn new(
keypair: &ElGamalKeypair,
ciphertext: &ElGamalCiphertext,
) -> Result<Self, ProofGenerationError> {
let pod_pubkey = pod::ElGamalPubkey(keypair.pubkey().into());
let pod_ciphertext = pod::ElGamalCiphertext(ciphertext.to_bytes());
let context = ZeroBalanceProofContext {
pubkey: pod_pubkey,
ciphertext: pod_ciphertext,
let mut transcript = context.new_transcript();
let proof = ZeroBalanceProof::new(keypair, ciphertext, &mut transcript).into();
Ok(ZeroBalanceProofData { context, proof })
impl ZkProofData<ZeroBalanceProofContext> for ZeroBalanceProofData {
const PROOF_TYPE: ProofType = ProofType::ZeroBalance;
fn context_data(&self) -> &ZeroBalanceProofContext {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
fn verify_proof(&self) -> Result<(), ProofVerificationError> {
let mut transcript = self.context.new_transcript();
let pubkey = self.context.pubkey.try_into()?;
let ciphertext = self.context.ciphertext.try_into()?;
let proof: ZeroBalanceProof = self.proof.try_into()?;
.verify(&pubkey, &ciphertext, &mut transcript)
.map_err(|e| e.into())
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
impl ZeroBalanceProofContext {
fn new_transcript(&self) -> Transcript {
let mut transcript = Transcript::new(b"ZeroBalanceProof");
transcript.append_pubkey(b"pubkey", &self.pubkey);
transcript.append_ciphertext(b"ciphertext", &self.ciphertext);
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_zero_balance_proof_instruction_correctness() {
let keypair = ElGamalKeypair::new_rand();
// general case: encryption of 0
let ciphertext = keypair.pubkey().encrypt(0_u64);
let zero_balance_proof_data = ZeroBalanceProofData::new(&keypair, &ciphertext).unwrap();
// general case: encryption of > 0
let ciphertext = keypair.pubkey().encrypt(1_u64);
let zero_balance_proof_data = ZeroBalanceProofData::new(&keypair, &ciphertext).unwrap();