
291 lines
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//! Utilities for the [borsh] serialization format.
//! To avoid backwards-incompatibilities when the Solana SDK changes its dependency
//! on borsh, it's recommended to instead use the version-specific file directly,
//! ie. `borsh0_10`.
//! This file remains for developers who use these borsh helpers, but it will
//! be removed in a future release
//! [borsh]:
use borsh::{maybestd::io::Error, BorshDeserialize, BorshSchema, BorshSerialize};
/// Get the worst-case packed length for the given BorshSchema
/// Note: due to the serializer currently used by Borsh, this function cannot
/// be used on-chain in the Solana SBF execution environment.
since = "1.17.0",
note = "Please use `borsh0_10::get_packed_len` instead"
pub fn get_packed_len<S: BorshSchema>() -> usize {
/// Deserializes without checking that the entire slice has been consumed
/// Normally, `try_from_slice` checks the length of the final slice to ensure
/// that the deserialization uses up all of the bytes in the slice.
/// Note that there is a potential issue with this function. Any buffer greater than
/// or equal to the expected size will properly deserialize. For example, if the
/// user passes a buffer destined for a different type, the error won't get caught
/// as easily.
since = "1.17.0",
note = "Please use `borsh0_10::try_from_slice_unchecked` instead"
pub fn try_from_slice_unchecked<T: BorshDeserialize>(data: &[u8]) -> Result<T, Error> {
/// Get the packed length for the serialized form of this object instance.
/// Useful when working with instances of types that contain a variable-length
/// sequence, such as a Vec or HashMap. Since it is impossible to know the packed
/// length only from the type's schema, this can be used when an instance already
/// exists, to figure out how much space to allocate in an account.
since = "1.17.0",
note = "Please use `borsh0_10::get_instance_packed_len` instead"
pub fn get_instance_packed_len<T: BorshSerialize>(instance: &T) -> Result<usize, Error> {
macro_rules! impl_get_packed_len {
($borsh:ident $(,#[$meta:meta])?) => {
/// Get the worst-case packed length for the given BorshSchema
/// Note: due to the serializer currently used by Borsh, this function cannot
/// be used on-chain in the Solana SBF execution environment.
pub fn get_packed_len<S: $borsh::BorshSchema>() -> usize {
let $borsh::schema::BorshSchemaContainer { declaration, definitions } =
get_declaration_packed_len(declaration, definitions)
/// Get packed length for the given BorshSchema Declaration
fn get_declaration_packed_len(
declaration: &str,
definitions: &std::collections::HashMap<$borsh::schema::Declaration, $borsh::schema::Definition>,
) -> usize {
match definitions.get(declaration) {
Some($borsh::schema::Definition::Array { length, elements }) => {
*length as usize * get_declaration_packed_len(elements, definitions)
Some($borsh::schema::Definition::Enum { variants }) => {
1 + variants
.map(|(_, declaration)| get_declaration_packed_len(declaration, definitions))
Some($borsh::schema::Definition::Struct { fields }) => match fields {
$borsh::schema::Fields::NamedFields(named_fields) => named_fields
.map(|(_, declaration)| get_declaration_packed_len(declaration, definitions))
$borsh::schema::Fields::UnnamedFields(declarations) => declarations
.map(|declaration| get_declaration_packed_len(declaration, definitions))
$borsh::schema::Fields::Empty => 0,
Some($borsh::schema::Definition::Sequence {
elements: _elements,
}) => panic!("Missing support for Definition::Sequence"),
Some($borsh::schema::Definition::Tuple { elements }) => elements
.map(|element| get_declaration_packed_len(element, definitions))
None => match declaration {
"bool" | "u8" | "i8" => 1,
"u16" | "i16" => 2,
"u32" | "i32" => 4,
"u64" | "i64" => 8,
"u128" | "i128" => 16,
"nil" => 0,
_ => panic!("Missing primitive type: {declaration}"),
pub(crate) use impl_get_packed_len;
macro_rules! impl_try_from_slice_unchecked {
($borsh:ident $(,#[$meta:meta])?) => {
/// Deserializes without checking that the entire slice has been consumed
/// Normally, `try_from_slice` checks the length of the final slice to ensure
/// that the deserialization uses up all of the bytes in the slice.
/// Note that there is a potential issue with this function. Any buffer greater than
/// or equal to the expected size will properly deserialize. For example, if the
/// user passes a buffer destined for a different type, the error won't get caught
/// as easily.
pub fn try_from_slice_unchecked<T: $borsh::BorshDeserialize>(data: &[u8]) -> Result<T, $borsh::maybestd::io::Error> {
let mut data_mut = data;
let result = T::deserialize(&mut data_mut)?;
pub(crate) use impl_try_from_slice_unchecked;
macro_rules! impl_get_instance_packed_len {
($borsh:ident $(,#[$meta:meta])?) => {
/// Helper struct which to count how much data would be written during serialization
struct WriteCounter {
count: usize,
impl $borsh::maybestd::io::Write for WriteCounter {
fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, $borsh::maybestd::io::Error> {
let amount = data.len();
self.count += amount;
fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), $borsh::maybestd::io::Error> {
/// Get the packed length for the serialized form of this object instance.
/// Useful when working with instances of types that contain a variable-length
/// sequence, such as a Vec or HashMap. Since it is impossible to know the packed
/// length only from the type's schema, this can be used when an instance already
/// exists, to figure out how much space to allocate in an account.
pub fn get_instance_packed_len<T: $borsh::BorshSerialize>(instance: &T) -> Result<usize, $borsh::maybestd::io::Error> {
let mut counter = WriteCounter::default();
instance.serialize(&mut counter)?;
pub(crate) use impl_get_instance_packed_len;
macro_rules! impl_tests {
($borsh:ident) => {
use {
std::{collections::HashMap, mem::size_of},
$borsh::{maybestd::io::ErrorKind, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize},
type Child = [u8; 64];
type Parent = Vec<Child>;
fn unchecked_deserialization() {
let parent = vec![[0u8; 64], [1u8; 64], [2u8; 64]];
// exact size, both work
let mut byte_vec = vec![0u8; 4 + get_packed_len::<Child>() * 3];
let mut bytes = byte_vec.as_mut_slice();
parent.serialize(&mut bytes).unwrap();
let deserialized = Parent::try_from_slice(&byte_vec).unwrap();
assert_eq!(deserialized, parent);
let deserialized = try_from_slice_unchecked::<Parent>(&byte_vec).unwrap();
assert_eq!(deserialized, parent);
// too big, only unchecked works
let mut byte_vec = vec![0u8; 4 + get_packed_len::<Child>() * 10];
let mut bytes = byte_vec.as_mut_slice();
parent.serialize(&mut bytes).unwrap();
let err = Parent::try_from_slice(&byte_vec).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::InvalidData);
let deserialized = try_from_slice_unchecked::<Parent>(&byte_vec).unwrap();
assert_eq!(deserialized, parent);
fn packed_len() {
assert_eq!(get_packed_len::<u64>(), size_of::<u64>());
assert_eq!(get_packed_len::<Child>(), size_of::<u8>() * 64);
fn instance_packed_len_matches_packed_len() {
let child = [0u8; 64];
get_packed_len::<[u8; 10]>(),
get_instance_packed_len(&[0u8; 10]).unwrap(),
get_packed_len::<(i8, i16, i32, i64, i128)>(),
get_instance_packed_len(&(i8::MAX, i16::MAX, i32::MAX, i64::MAX, i128::MAX))
fn instance_packed_len_with_vec() {
let parent = vec![
[0u8; 64], [1u8; 64], [2u8; 64], [3u8; 64], [4u8; 64], [5u8; 64],
4 + parent.len() * get_packed_len::<Child>()
fn instance_packed_len_with_varying_sizes_in_hashmap() {
let mut data = HashMap::new();
let key1 = "the first string, it's actually really really long".to_string();
let value1 = "".to_string();
let key2 = "second string, shorter".to_string();
let value2 = "a real value".to_string();
let key3 = "third".to_string();
let value3 = "an even longer value".to_string();
data.insert(key1.clone(), value1.clone());
data.insert(key2.clone(), value2.clone());
data.insert(key3.clone(), value3.clone());
4 + get_instance_packed_len(&key1).unwrap()
+ get_instance_packed_len(&value1).unwrap()
+ get_instance_packed_len(&key2).unwrap()
+ get_instance_packed_len(&value2).unwrap()
+ get_instance_packed_len(&key3).unwrap()
+ get_instance_packed_len(&value3).unwrap()
pub(crate) use impl_tests;