
4176 lines
150 KiB

//! Communication with a Solana node over RPC.
//! Software that interacts with the Solana blockchain, whether querying its
//! state or submitting transactions, communicates with a Solana node over
//! [JSON-RPC], using the [`RpcClient`] type.
//! [JSON-RPC]:
use crate::rpc_deprecated_config::{RpcConfirmedBlockConfig, RpcConfirmedTransactionConfig};
use {
client_error::Result as ClientResult,
mock_sender::{MockSender, Mocks},
nonblocking::{self, rpc_client::get_rpc_request_str},
rpc_config::{RpcAccountInfoConfig, *},
rpc_request::{RpcRequest, TokenAccountsFilter},
parse_token::{UiTokenAccount, UiTokenAmount},
UiAccount, UiAccountEncoding,
clock::{Epoch, Slot, UnixTimestamp},
fee_calculator::{FeeCalculator, FeeRateGovernor},
transaction::{self, Transaction},
EncodedConfirmedBlock, EncodedConfirmedTransactionWithStatusMeta, TransactionStatus,
UiConfirmedBlock, UiTransactionEncoding,
std::{net::SocketAddr, str::FromStr, time::Duration},
pub struct RpcClientConfig {
pub commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
pub confirm_transaction_initial_timeout: Option<Duration>,
impl RpcClientConfig {
pub fn with_commitment(commitment_config: CommitmentConfig) -> Self {
RpcClientConfig {
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Config {
pub before: Option<Signature>,
pub until: Option<Signature>,
pub limit: Option<usize>,
pub commitment: Option<CommitmentConfig>,
/// A client of a remote Solana node.
/// `RpcClient` communicates with a Solana node over [JSON-RPC], with the
/// [Solana JSON-RPC protocol][jsonprot]. It is the primary Rust interface for
/// querying and transacting with the network from external programs.
/// This type builds on the underlying RPC protocol, adding extra features such
/// as timeout handling, retries, and waiting on transaction [commitment levels][cl].
/// Some methods simply pass through to the underlying RPC protocol. Not all RPC
/// methods are encapsulated by this type, but `RpcClient` does expose a generic
/// [`send`](RpcClient::send) method for making any [`RpcRequest`].
/// The documentation for most `RpcClient` methods contains an "RPC Reference"
/// section that links to the documentation for the underlying JSON-RPC method.
/// The documentation for `RpcClient` does not reproduce the documentation for
/// the underlying JSON-RPC methods. Thus reading both is necessary for complete
/// understanding.
/// `RpcClient`s generally communicate over HTTP on port 8899, a typical server
/// URL being "http://localhost:8899".
/// Methods that query information from recent [slots], including those that
/// confirm transactions, decide the most recent slot to query based on a
/// [commitment level][cl], which determines how committed or finalized a slot
/// must be to be considered for the query. Unless specified otherwise, the
/// commitment level is [`Finalized`], meaning the slot is definitely
/// permanently committed. The default commitment level can be configured by
/// creating `RpcClient` with an explicit [`CommitmentConfig`], and that default
/// configured commitment level can be overridden by calling the various
/// `_with_commitment` methods, like
/// [`RpcClient::confirm_transaction_with_commitment`]. In some cases the
/// configured commitment level is ignored and `Finalized` is used instead, as
/// in [`RpcClient::get_blocks`], where it would be invalid to use the
/// [`Processed`] commitment level. These exceptions are noted in the method
/// documentation.
/// [`Finalized`]: CommitmentLevel::Finalized
/// [`Processed`]: CommitmentLevel::Processed
/// [jsonprot]:
/// [JSON-RPC]:
/// [slots]:
/// [cl]:
/// # Errors
/// Methods on `RpcClient` return
/// [`client_error::Result`][crate::client_error::Result], and many of them
/// return the [`RpcResult`][crate::rpc_response::RpcResult] typedef, which
/// contains [`Response<T>`][crate::rpc_response::Response] on `Ok`. Both
/// `client_error::Result` and [`RpcResult`] contain `ClientError` on error. In
/// the case of `RpcResult`, the actual return value is in the
/// [`value`][crate::rpc_response::Response::value] field, with RPC contextual
/// information in the [`context`][crate::rpc_response::Response::context]
/// field, so it is common for the value to be accessed with `?.value`, as in
/// ```
/// # use solana_sdk::system_transaction;
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// # use solana_client::client_error::ClientError;
/// # use solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair, Signer};
/// # use solana_sdk::hash::Hash;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let key = Keypair::new();
/// # let to = solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// # let latest_blockhash = Hash::default();
/// # let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&key, &to, lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let statuses = rpc_client.get_signature_statuses(&[signature])?.value;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
/// Requests may timeout, in which case they return a [`ClientError`] where the
/// [`ClientErrorKind`] is [`ClientErrorKind::Reqwest`], and where the interior
/// [`reqwest::Error`](crate::client_error::reqwest::Error)s
/// [`is_timeout`](crate::client_error::reqwest::Error::is_timeout) method
/// returns `true`. The default timeout is 30 seconds, and may be changed by
/// calling an appropriate constructor with a `timeout` parameter.
pub struct RpcClient {
rpc_client: nonblocking::rpc_client::RpcClient,
runtime: Option<tokio::runtime::Runtime>,
impl Drop for RpcClient {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl RpcClient {
/// Create an `RpcClient` from an [`RpcSender`] and an [`RpcClientConfig`].
/// This is the basic constructor, allowing construction with any type of
/// `RpcSender`. Most applications should use one of the other constructors,
/// such as [`new`] and [`new_mock`], which create an `RpcClient`
/// encapsulating an [`HttpSender`] and [`MockSender`] respectively.
pub fn new_sender<T: RpcSender + Send + Sync + 'static>(
sender: T,
config: RpcClientConfig,
) -> Self {
Self {
rpc_client: nonblocking::rpc_client::RpcClient::new_sender(sender, config),
runtime: Some(
/// Create an HTTP `RpcClient`.
/// The URL is an HTTP URL, usually for port 8899, as in
/// "http://localhost:8899".
/// The client has a default timeout of 30 seconds, and a default [commitment
/// level][cl] of [`Finalized`](CommitmentLevel::Finalized).
/// [cl]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// let url = "http://localhost:8899".to_string();
/// let client = RpcClient::new(url);
/// ```
pub fn new<U: ToString>(url: U) -> Self {
Self::new_with_commitment(url, CommitmentConfig::default())
/// Create an HTTP `RpcClient` with specified [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// The URL is an HTTP URL, usually for port 8899, as in
/// "http://localhost:8899".
/// The client has a default timeout of 30 seconds, and a user-specified
/// [`CommitmentLevel`] via [`CommitmentConfig`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// let url = "http://localhost:8899".to_string();
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let client = RpcClient::new_with_commitment(url, commitment_config);
/// ```
pub fn new_with_commitment<U: ToString>(url: U, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig) -> Self {
/// Create an HTTP `RpcClient` with specified timeout.
/// The URL is an HTTP URL, usually for port 8899, as in
/// "http://localhost:8899".
/// The client has and a default [commitment level][cl] of
/// [`Finalized`](CommitmentLevel::Finalized).
/// [cl]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// let url = "http://localhost::8899".to_string();
/// let timeout = Duration::from_secs(1);
/// let client = RpcClient::new_with_timeout(url, timeout);
/// ```
pub fn new_with_timeout<U: ToString>(url: U, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
HttpSender::new_with_timeout(url, timeout),
/// Create an HTTP `RpcClient` with specified timeout and [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// The URL is an HTTP URL, usually for port 8899, as in
/// "http://localhost:8899".
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// let url = "http://localhost::8899".to_string();
/// let timeout = Duration::from_secs(1);
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let client = RpcClient::new_with_timeout_and_commitment(
/// url,
/// timeout,
/// commitment_config,
/// );
/// ```
pub fn new_with_timeout_and_commitment<U: ToString>(
url: U,
timeout: Duration,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> Self {
HttpSender::new_with_timeout(url, timeout),
/// Create an HTTP `RpcClient` with specified timeout and [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// The URL is an HTTP URL, usually for port 8899, as in
/// "http://localhost:8899".
/// The `confirm_transaction_initial_timeout` argument specifies, when
/// confirming a transaction via one of the `_with_spinner` methods, like
/// [`RpcClient::send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner`], the amount of
/// time to allow for the server to initially process a transaction. In
/// other words, setting `confirm_transaction_initial_timeout` to > 0 allows
/// `RpcClient` to wait for confirmation of a transaction that the server
/// has not "seen" yet.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// let url = "http://localhost::8899".to_string();
/// let timeout = Duration::from_secs(1);
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let confirm_transaction_initial_timeout = Duration::from_secs(10);
/// let client = RpcClient::new_with_timeouts_and_commitment(
/// url,
/// timeout,
/// commitment_config,
/// confirm_transaction_initial_timeout,
/// );
/// ```
pub fn new_with_timeouts_and_commitment<U: ToString>(
url: U,
timeout: Duration,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
confirm_transaction_initial_timeout: Duration,
) -> Self {
HttpSender::new_with_timeout(url, timeout),
RpcClientConfig {
confirm_transaction_initial_timeout: Some(confirm_transaction_initial_timeout),
/// Create a mock `RpcClient`.
/// See the [`MockSender`] documentation for an explanation of
/// how it treats the `url` argument.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// // Create an `RpcClient` that always succeeds
/// let url = "succeeds".to_string();
/// let successful_client = RpcClient::new_mock(url);
/// ```
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// // Create an `RpcClient` that always fails
/// let url = "fails".to_string();
/// let successful_client = RpcClient::new_mock(url);
/// ```
pub fn new_mock<U: ToString>(url: U) -> Self {
/// Create a mock `RpcClient`.
/// See the [`MockSender`] documentation for an explanation of how it treats
/// the `url` argument.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # rpc_request::RpcRequest,
/// # rpc_response::{Response, RpcResponseContext},
/// # };
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// # use serde_json::json;
/// // Create a mock with a custom repsonse to the `GetBalance` request
/// let account_balance = 50;
/// let account_balance_response = json!(Response {
/// context: RpcResponseContext { slot: 1 },
/// value: json!(account_balance),
/// });
/// let mut mocks = HashMap::new();
/// mocks.insert(RpcRequest::GetBalance, account_balance_response);
/// let url = "succeeds".to_string();
/// let client = RpcClient::new_mock_with_mocks(url, mocks);
/// ```
pub fn new_mock_with_mocks<U: ToString>(url: U, mocks: Mocks) -> Self {
MockSender::new_with_mocks(url, mocks),
/// Create an HTTP `RpcClient` from a [`SocketAddr`].
/// The client has a default timeout of 30 seconds, and a default [commitment
/// level][cl] of [`Finalized`](CommitmentLevel::Finalized).
/// [cl]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use std::net::SocketAddr;
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8899));
/// let client = RpcClient::new_socket(addr);
/// ```
pub fn new_socket(addr: SocketAddr) -> Self {
Self::new(get_rpc_request_str(addr, false))
/// Create an HTTP `RpcClient` from a [`SocketAddr`] with specified [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// The client has a default timeout of 30 seconds, and a user-specified
/// [`CommitmentLevel`] via [`CommitmentConfig`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use std::net::SocketAddr;
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8899));
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let client = RpcClient::new_socket_with_commitment(
/// addr,
/// commitment_config
/// );
/// ```
pub fn new_socket_with_commitment(
addr: SocketAddr,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> Self {
Self::new_with_commitment(get_rpc_request_str(addr, false), commitment_config)
/// Create an HTTP `RpcClient` from a [`SocketAddr`] with specified timeout.
/// The client has a default [commitment level][cl] of [`Finalized`](CommitmentLevel::Finalized).
/// [cl]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use std::net::SocketAddr;
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
/// let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8899));
/// let timeout = Duration::from_secs(1);
/// let client = RpcClient::new_socket_with_timeout(addr, timeout);
/// ```
pub fn new_socket_with_timeout(addr: SocketAddr, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
let url = get_rpc_request_str(addr, false);
Self::new_with_timeout(url, timeout)
/// Get the configured default [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// The commitment config may be specified during construction, and
/// determines how thoroughly committed a transaction must be when waiting
/// for its confirmation or otherwise checking for confirmation. If not
/// specified, the default commitment level is
/// [`Finalized`](CommitmentLevel::Finalized).
/// The default commitment level is overridden when calling methods that
/// explicitly provide a [`CommitmentConfig`], like
/// [`RpcClient::confirm_transaction_with_commitment`].
pub fn commitment(&self) -> CommitmentConfig {
/// Submit a transaction and wait for confirmation.
/// Once this function returns successfully, the given transaction is
/// guaranteed to be processed with the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// After sending the transaction, this method polls in a loop for the
/// status of the transaction until it has ben confirmed.
/// # Errors
/// If the transaction is not signed then an error with kind [`RpcError`] is
/// returned, containing an [`RpcResponseError`] with `code` set to
/// If the preflight transaction simulation fails then an error with kind
/// [`RpcError`] is returned, containing an [`RpcResponseError`] with `code`
/// If the receiving node is unhealthy, e.g. it is not fully synced to
/// the cluster, then an error with kind [`RpcError`] is returned,
/// containing an [`RpcResponseError`] with `code` set to
/// [`RpcResponseError`]: RpcError::RpcResponseError
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`sendTransaction`] RPC method, and the
/// [`getLatestBlockhash`] RPC method.
/// [`sendTransaction`]:
/// [`getLatestBlockhash`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// # let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn send_and_confirm_transaction(
transaction: &Transaction,
) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
pub fn send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner(
transaction: &Transaction,
) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
pub fn send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_commitment(
transaction: &Transaction,
commitment: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
.send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_commitment(transaction, commitment),
pub fn send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config(
transaction: &Transaction,
commitment: CommitmentConfig,
config: RpcSendTransactionConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
/// Submits a signed transaction to the network.
/// Before a transaction is processed, the receiving node runs a "preflight
/// check" which verifies signatures, checks that the node is healthy,
/// and simulates the transaction. If the preflight check fails then an
/// error is returned immediately. Preflight checks can be disabled by
/// calling [`send_transaction_with_config`] and setting the
/// [`skip_preflight`] field of [`RpcSendTransactionConfig`] to `true`.
/// This method does not wait for the transaction to be processed or
/// confirmed before returning successfully. To wait for the transaction to
/// be processed or confirmed, use the [`send_and_confirm_transaction`]
/// method.
/// [`send_transaction_with_config`]: RpcClient::send_transaction_with_config
/// [`skip_preflight`]: crate::rpc_config::RpcSendTransactionConfig::skip_preflight
/// [`RpcSendTransactionConfig`]: crate::rpc_config::RpcSendTransactionConfig
/// [`send_and_confirm_transaction`]: RpcClient::send_and_confirm_transaction
/// # Errors
/// If the transaction is not signed then an error with kind [`RpcError`] is
/// returned, containing an [`RpcResponseError`] with `code` set to
/// If the preflight transaction simulation fails then an error with kind
/// [`RpcError`] is returned, containing an [`RpcResponseError`] with `code`
/// If the receiving node is unhealthy, e.g. it is not fully synced to
/// the cluster, then an error with kind [`RpcError`] is returned,
/// containing an [`RpcResponseError`] with `code` set to
/// [`RpcResponseError`]: RpcError::RpcResponseError
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`sendTransaction`] RPC method.
/// [`sendTransaction`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # hash::Hash,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Transfer lamports from Alice to Bob
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn send_transaction(&self, transaction: &Transaction) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
/// Submits a signed transaction to the network.
/// Before a transaction is processed, the receiving node runs a "preflight
/// check" which verifies signatures, checks that the node is healthy, and
/// simulates the transaction. If the preflight check fails then an error is
/// returned immediately. Preflight checks can be disabled by setting the
/// [`skip_preflight`] field of [`RpcSendTransactionConfig`] to `true`.
/// This method does not wait for the transaction to be processed or
/// confirmed before returning successfully. To wait for the transaction to
/// be processed or confirmed, use the [`send_and_confirm_transaction`]
/// method.
/// [`send_transaction_with_config`]: RpcClient::send_transaction_with_config
/// [`skip_preflight`]: crate::rpc_config::RpcSendTransactionConfig::skip_preflight
/// [`RpcSendTransactionConfig`]: crate::rpc_config::RpcSendTransactionConfig
/// [`send_and_confirm_transaction`]: RpcClient::send_and_confirm_transaction
/// # Errors
/// If preflight checks are enabled, if the transaction is not signed
/// then an error with kind [`RpcError`] is returned, containing an
/// [`RpcResponseError`] with `code` set to
/// If preflight checks are enabled, if the preflight transaction simulation
/// fails then an error with kind [`RpcError`] is returned, containing an
/// [`RpcResponseError`] with `code` set to
/// If the receiving node is unhealthy, e.g. it is not fully synced to
/// the cluster, then an error with kind [`RpcError`] is returned,
/// containing an [`RpcResponseError`] with `code` set to
/// [`RpcResponseError`]: RpcError::RpcResponseError
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`sendTransaction`] RPC method.
/// [`sendTransaction`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # rpc_config::RpcSendTransactionConfig,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # hash::Hash,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Transfer lamports from Alice to Bob
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let config = RpcSendTransactionConfig {
/// skip_preflight: true,
/// .. RpcSendTransactionConfig::default()
/// };
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction_with_config(
/// &tx,
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn send_transaction_with_config(
transaction: &Transaction,
config: RpcSendTransactionConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
.send_transaction_with_config(transaction, config),
pub fn send<T>(&self, request: RpcRequest, params: Value) -> ClientResult<T>
T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned,
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.send(request, params))
/// Check the confirmation status of a transaction.
/// Returns `true` if the given transaction succeeded and has been committed
/// with the configured [commitment level][cl], which can be retrieved with
/// the [`commitment`](RpcClient::commitment) method.
/// [cl]:
/// Note that this method does not wait for a transaction to be confirmed
/// &mdash; it only checks whether a transaction has been confirmed. To
/// submit a transaction and wait for it to confirm, use
/// [`send_and_confirm_transaction`][RpcClient::send_and_confirm_transaction].
/// _This method returns `false` if the transaction failed, even if it has
/// been confirmed._
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getSignatureStatuses`] RPC method.
/// [`getSignatureStatuses`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Transfer lamports from Alice to Bob and wait for confirmation
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx)?;
/// loop {
/// let confirmed = rpc_client.confirm_transaction(&signature)?;
/// if confirmed {
/// break;
/// }
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn confirm_transaction(&self, signature: &Signature) -> ClientResult<bool> {
/// Check the confirmation status of a transaction.
/// Returns an [`RpcResult`] with value `true` if the given transaction
/// succeeded and has been committed with the given [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// Note that this method does not wait for a transaction to be confirmed
/// &mdash; it only checks whether a transaction has been confirmed. To
/// submit a transaction and wait for it to confirm, use
/// [`send_and_confirm_transaction`][RpcClient::send_and_confirm_transaction].
/// _This method returns an [`RpcResult`] with value `false` if the
/// transaction failed, even if it has been confirmed._
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getSignatureStatuses`] RPC method.
/// [`getSignatureStatuses`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Transfer lamports from Alice to Bob and wait for confirmation
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx)?;
/// loop {
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let confirmed = rpc_client.confirm_transaction_with_commitment(&signature, commitment_config)?;
/// if confirmed.value {
/// break;
/// }
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn confirm_transaction_with_commitment(
signature: &Signature,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<bool> {
.confirm_transaction_with_commitment(signature, commitment_config),
pub fn confirm_transaction_with_spinner(
signature: &Signature,
recent_blockhash: &Hash,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<()> {
/// Simulates sending a transaction.
/// If the transaction fails, then the [`err`] field of the returned
/// [`RpcSimulateTransactionResult`] will be `Some`. Any logs emitted from
/// the transaction are returned in the [`logs`] field.
/// [`err`]: crate::rpc_response::RpcSimulateTransactionResult::err
/// [`logs`]: crate::rpc_response::RpcSimulateTransactionResult::logs
/// Simulating a transaction is similar to the ["preflight check"] that is
/// run by default when sending a transaction.
/// ["preflight check"]:
/// By default, signatures are not verified during simulation. To verify
/// signatures, call the [`simulate_transaction_with_config`] method, with
/// the [`sig_verify`] field of [`RpcSimulateTransactionConfig`] set to
/// `true`.
/// [`simulate_transaction_with_config`]: RpcClient::simulate_transaction_with_config
/// [`sig_verify`]: crate::rpc_config::RpcSimulateTransactionConfig::sig_verify
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`simulateTransaction`] RPC method.
/// [`simulateTransaction`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # rpc_response::RpcSimulateTransactionResult,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # hash::Hash,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Transfer lamports from Alice to Bob
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let result = rpc_client.simulate_transaction(&tx)?;
/// assert!(result.value.err.is_none());
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn simulate_transaction(
transaction: &Transaction,
) -> RpcResult<RpcSimulateTransactionResult> {
/// Simulates sending a transaction.
/// If the transaction fails, then the [`err`] field of the returned
/// [`RpcSimulateTransactionResult`] will be `Some`. Any logs emitted from
/// the transaction are returned in the [`logs`] field.
/// [`err`]: crate::rpc_response::RpcSimulateTransactionResult::err
/// [`logs`]: crate::rpc_response::RpcSimulateTransactionResult::logs
/// Simulating a transaction is similar to the ["preflight check"] that is
/// run by default when sending a transaction.
/// ["preflight check"]:
/// By default, signatures are not verified during simulation. To verify
/// signatures, call the [`simulate_transaction_with_config`] method, with
/// the [`sig_verify`] field of [`RpcSimulateTransactionConfig`] set to
/// `true`.
/// [`simulate_transaction_with_config`]: RpcClient::simulate_transaction_with_config
/// [`sig_verify`]: crate::rpc_config::RpcSimulateTransactionConfig::sig_verify
/// This method can additionally query information about accounts by
/// including them in the [`accounts`] field of the
/// [`RpcSimulateTransactionConfig`] argument, in which case those results
/// are reported in the [`accounts`][accounts2] field of the returned
/// [`RpcSimulateTransactionResult`].
/// [`accounts`]: crate::rpc_config::RpcSimulateTransactionConfig::accounts
/// [accounts2]: crate::rpc_response::RpcSimulateTransactionResult::accounts
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`simulateTransaction`] RPC method.
/// [`simulateTransaction`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # rpc_config::RpcSimulateTransactionConfig,
/// # rpc_response::RpcSimulateTransactionResult,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # hash::Hash,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Transfer lamports from Alice to Bob
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let config = RpcSimulateTransactionConfig {
/// sig_verify: true,
/// .. RpcSimulateTransactionConfig::default()
/// };
/// let result = rpc_client.simulate_transaction_with_config(
/// &tx,
/// config,
/// )?;
/// assert!(result.value.err.is_none());
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn simulate_transaction_with_config(
transaction: &Transaction,
config: RpcSimulateTransactionConfig,
) -> RpcResult<RpcSimulateTransactionResult> {
.simulate_transaction_with_config(transaction, config),
/// Returns the highest slot information that the node has snapshots for.
/// This will find the highest full snapshot slot, and the highest incremental snapshot slot
/// _based on_ the full snapshot slot, if there is one.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getHighestSnapshotSlot`] RPC method.
/// [`getHighestSnapshotSlot`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let snapshot_slot_info = rpc_client.get_highest_snapshot_slot()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_highest_snapshot_slot(&self) -> ClientResult<RpcSnapshotSlotInfo> {
since = "1.8.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_highest_snapshot_slot() instead"
pub fn get_snapshot_slot(&self) -> ClientResult<Slot> {
/// Check if a transaction has been processed with the default [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// If the transaction has been processed with the default commitment level,
/// then this method returns `Ok` of `Some`. If the transaction has not yet
/// been processed with the default commitment level, it returns `Ok` of
/// `None`.
/// If the transaction has been processed with the default commitment level,
/// and the transaction succeeded, this method returns `Ok(Some(Ok(())))`.
/// If the transaction has peen processed with the default commitment level,
/// and the transaction failed, this method returns `Ok(Some(Err(_)))`,
/// where the interior error is type [`TransactionError`].
/// [`TransactionError`]: solana_sdk::transaction::TransactionError
/// This function only searches a node's recent history, including all
/// recent slots, plus up to
/// rooted slots. To search the full transaction history use the
/// [`get_signature_statuse_with_commitment_and_history`][RpcClient::get_signature_status_with_commitment_and_history]
/// method.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getSignatureStatuses`] RPC method.
/// [`getSignatureStatuses`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # hash::Hash,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// # let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// # let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status(&signature)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_signature_status(
signature: &Signature,
) -> ClientResult<Option<transaction::Result<()>>> {
/// Gets the statuses of a list of transaction signatures.
/// The returned vector of [`TransactionStatus`] has the same length as the
/// input slice.
/// For any transaction that has not been processed by the network, the
/// value of the corresponding entry in the returned vector is `None`. As a
/// result, a transaction that has recently been submitted will not have a
/// status immediately.
/// To submit a transaction and wait for it to confirm, use
/// [`send_and_confirm_transaction`][RpcClient::send_and_confirm_transaction].
/// This function ignores the configured confirmation level, and returns the
/// transaction status whatever it is. It does not wait for transactions to
/// be processed.
/// This function only searches a node's recent history, including all
/// recent slots, plus up to
/// rooted slots. To search the full transaction history use the
/// [`get_signature_statuses_with_history`][RpcClient::get_signature_statuses_with_history]
/// method.
/// # Errors
/// Any individual `TransactionStatus` may have triggered an error during
/// processing, in which case its [`err`][`TransactionStatus::err`] field
/// will be `Some`.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSignatureStatuses`] RPC method.
/// [`getSignatureStatuses`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # hash::Hash,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// // Send lamports from Alice to Bob and wait for the transaction to be processed
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let status = loop {
/// let statuses = rpc_client.get_signature_statuses(&[signature])?.value;
/// if let Some(status) = statuses[0].clone() {
/// break status;
/// }
/// std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
/// };
/// assert!(status.err.is_none());
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_signature_statuses(
signatures: &[Signature],
) -> RpcResult<Vec<Option<TransactionStatus>>> {
/// Gets the statuses of a list of transaction signatures.
/// The returned vector of [`TransactionStatus`] has the same length as the
/// input slice.
/// For any transaction that has not been processed by the network, the
/// value of the corresponding entry in the returned vector is `None`. As a
/// result, a transaction that has recently been submitted will not have a
/// status immediately.
/// To submit a transaction and wait for it to confirm, use
/// [`send_and_confirm_transaction`][RpcClient::send_and_confirm_transaction].
/// This function ignores the configured confirmation level, and returns the
/// transaction status whatever it is. It does not wait for transactions to
/// be processed.
/// This function searches a node's full ledger history and (if implemented) long-term storage. To search for
/// transactions in recent slots only use the
/// [`get_signature_statuses`][RpcClient::get_signature_statuses] method.
/// # Errors
/// Any individual `TransactionStatus` may have triggered an error during
/// processing, in which case its [`err`][`TransactionStatus::err`] field
/// will be `Some`.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSignatureStatuses`] RPC
/// method, with the `searchTransactionHistory` configuration option set to
/// `true`.
/// [`getSignatureStatuses`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # hash::Hash,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # fn get_old_transaction_signature() -> Signature { Signature::default() }
/// // Check if an old transaction exists
/// let signature = get_old_transaction_signature();
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let statuses = rpc_client.get_signature_statuses_with_history(&[signature])?.value;
/// if statuses[0].is_none() {
/// println!("old transaction does not exist");
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_signature_statuses_with_history(
signatures: &[Signature],
) -> RpcResult<Vec<Option<TransactionStatus>>> {
/// Check if a transaction has been processed with the given [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// If the transaction has been processed with the given commitment level,
/// then this method returns `Ok` of `Some`. If the transaction has not yet
/// been processed with the given commitment level, it returns `Ok` of
/// `None`.
/// If the transaction has been processed with the given commitment level,
/// and the transaction succeeded, this method returns `Ok(Some(Ok(())))`.
/// If the transaction has peen processed with the given commitment level,
/// and the transaction failed, this method returns `Ok(Some(Err(_)))`,
/// where the interior error is type [`TransactionError`].
/// [`TransactionError`]: solana_sdk::transaction::TransactionError
/// This function only searches a node's recent history, including all
/// recent slots, plus up to
/// rooted slots. To search the full transaction history use the
/// [`get_signature_statuse_with_commitment_and_history`][RpcClient::get_signature_status_with_commitment_and_history]
/// method.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getSignatureStatuses`] RPC method.
/// [`getSignatureStatuses`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// # let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// # let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status_with_commitment(
/// &signature,
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_signature_status_with_commitment(
signature: &Signature,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Option<transaction::Result<()>>> {
.get_signature_status_with_commitment(signature, commitment_config),
/// Check if a transaction has been processed with the given [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// If the transaction has been processed with the given commitment level,
/// then this method returns `Ok` of `Some`. If the transaction has not yet
/// been processed with the given commitment level, it returns `Ok` of
/// `None`.
/// If the transaction has been processed with the given commitment level,
/// and the transaction succeeded, this method returns `Ok(Some(Ok(())))`.
/// If the transaction has peen processed with the given commitment level,
/// and the transaction failed, this method returns `Ok(Some(Err(_)))`,
/// where the interior error is type [`TransactionError`].
/// [`TransactionError`]: solana_sdk::transaction::TransactionError
/// This method optionally searches a node's full ledger history and (if
/// implemented) long-term storage.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getSignatureStatuses`] RPC method.
/// [`getSignatureStatuses`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// # let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// # let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let search_transaction_history = true;
/// let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status_with_commitment_and_history(
/// &signature,
/// commitment_config,
/// search_transaction_history,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_signature_status_with_commitment_and_history(
signature: &Signature,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
search_transaction_history: bool,
) -> ClientResult<Option<transaction::Result<()>>> {
/// Returns the slot that has reached the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSlot`] RPC method.
/// [`getSlot`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_slot(&self) -> ClientResult<Slot> {
/// Returns the slot that has reached the given [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSlot`] RPC method.
/// [`getSlot`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let slot = rpc_client.get_slot_with_commitment(commitment_config)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_slot_with_commitment(
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Slot> {
/// Returns the block height that has reached the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is corresponds directly to the [`getBlockHeight`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlockHeight`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let block_height = rpc_client.get_block_height()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_block_height(&self) -> ClientResult<u64> {
/// Returns the block height that has reached the given [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is corresponds directly to the [`getBlockHeight`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlockHeight`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let block_height = rpc_client.get_block_height_with_commitment(
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_block_height_with_commitment(
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<u64> {
/// Returns the slot leaders for a given slot range.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSlotLeaders`] RPC method.
/// [`getSlotLeaders`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::slot_history::Slot;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let start_slot = 1;
/// let limit = 3;
/// let leaders = rpc_client.get_slot_leaders(start_slot, limit)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_slot_leaders(&self, start_slot: Slot, limit: u64) -> ClientResult<Vec<Pubkey>> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_slot_leaders(start_slot, limit))
/// Get block production for the current epoch.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlockProduction`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlockProduction`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let production = rpc_client.get_block_production()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_block_production(&self) -> RpcResult<RpcBlockProduction> {
/// Get block production for the current or previous epoch.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlockProduction`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlockProduction`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_config::RpcBlockProductionConfig,
/// # rpc_config::RpcBlockProductionConfigRange,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let start_slot = 1;
/// # let limit = 3;
/// let leader = rpc_client.get_slot_leaders(start_slot, limit)?;
/// let leader = leader[0];
/// let range = RpcBlockProductionConfigRange {
/// first_slot: start_slot,
/// last_slot: Some(start_slot + limit),
/// };
/// let config = RpcBlockProductionConfig {
/// identity: Some(leader.to_string()),
/// range: Some(range),
/// commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::processed()),
/// };
/// let production = rpc_client.get_block_production_with_config(
/// config
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_block_production_with_config(
config: RpcBlockProductionConfig,
) -> RpcResult<RpcBlockProduction> {
/// Returns epoch activation information for a stake account.
/// This method uses the configured [commitment level].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getStakeActivation`] RPC method.
/// [`getStakeActivation`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_response::StakeActivationState,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # pubkey::Pubkey,
/// # stake,
/// # stake::state::{Authorized, Lockup},
/// # transaction::Transaction
/// # };
/// # use std::str::FromStr;
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Find some vote account to delegate to
/// let vote_accounts = rpc_client.get_vote_accounts()?;
/// let vote_account = vote_accounts.current.get(0).unwrap_or_else(|| &vote_accounts.delinquent[0]);
/// let vote_account_pubkey = &vote_account.vote_pubkey;
/// let vote_account_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str(vote_account_pubkey).expect("pubkey");
/// // Create a stake account
/// let stake_account = Keypair::new();
/// let stake_account_pubkey = stake_account.pubkey();
/// // Build the instructions to create new stake account,
/// // funded by alice, and delegate to a validator's vote account.
/// let instrs = stake::instruction::create_account_and_delegate_stake(
/// &alice.pubkey(),
/// &stake_account_pubkey,
/// &vote_account_pubkey,
/// &Authorized::auto(&stake_account_pubkey),
/// &Lockup::default(),
/// 1_000_000,
/// );
/// let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// let tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(
/// &instrs,
/// Some(&alice.pubkey()),
/// &[&alice, &stake_account],
/// latest_blockhash,
/// );
/// rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info()?;
/// let activation = rpc_client.get_stake_activation(
/// stake_account_pubkey,
/// Some(epoch_info.epoch),
/// )?;
/// assert_eq!(activation.state, StakeActivationState::Activating);
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_stake_activation(
stake_account: Pubkey,
epoch: Option<Epoch>,
) -> ClientResult<RpcStakeActivation> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_stake_activation(stake_account, epoch))
/// Returns information about the current supply.
/// This method uses the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSupply`] RPC method.
/// [`getSupply`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let supply =;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn supply(&self) -> RpcResult<RpcSupply> {
/// Returns information about the current supply.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSupply`] RPC method.
/// [`getSupply`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let supply = rpc_client.supply_with_commitment(
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn supply_with_commitment(
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<RpcSupply> {
/// Returns the 20 largest accounts, by lamport balance.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getLargestAccounts`] RPC
/// method.
/// [`getLargestAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_config::RpcLargestAccountsConfig,
/// # rpc_config::RpcLargestAccountsFilter,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let config = RpcLargestAccountsConfig {
/// commitment: Some(commitment_config),
/// filter: Some(RpcLargestAccountsFilter::Circulating),
/// };
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_largest_accounts_with_config(
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_largest_accounts_with_config(
config: RpcLargestAccountsConfig,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<RpcAccountBalance>> {
/// Returns the account info and associated stake for all the voting accounts
/// that have reached the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getVoteAccounts`]
/// RPC method.
/// [`getVoteAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_vote_accounts()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_vote_accounts(&self) -> ClientResult<RpcVoteAccountStatus> {
/// Returns the account info and associated stake for all the voting accounts
/// that have reached the given [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getVoteAccounts`] RPC method.
/// [`getVoteAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_vote_accounts_with_commitment(
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_vote_accounts_with_commitment(
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<RpcVoteAccountStatus> {
/// Returns the account info and associated stake for all the voting accounts
/// that have reached the given [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getVoteAccounts`] RPC method.
/// [`getVoteAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_config::RpcGetVoteAccountsConfig,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let vote_keypair = Keypair::new();
/// let vote_pubkey = vote_keypair.pubkey();
/// let commitment = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let config = RpcGetVoteAccountsConfig {
/// vote_pubkey: Some(vote_pubkey.to_string()),
/// commitment: Some(commitment),
/// keep_unstaked_delinquents: Some(true),
/// delinquent_slot_distance: Some(10),
/// };
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_vote_accounts_with_config(
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_vote_accounts_with_config(
config: RpcGetVoteAccountsConfig,
) -> ClientResult<RpcVoteAccountStatus> {
pub fn wait_for_max_stake(
commitment: CommitmentConfig,
max_stake_percent: f32,
) -> ClientResult<()> {
.wait_for_max_stake(commitment, max_stake_percent),
/// Returns information about all the nodes participating in the cluster.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getClusterNodes`]
/// RPC method.
/// [`getClusterNodes`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let cluster_nodes = rpc_client.get_cluster_nodes()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_cluster_nodes(&self) -> ClientResult<Vec<RpcContactInfo>> {
/// Returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the ledger.
/// The encodings are returned in [`UiTransactionEncoding::Json`][uite]
/// format. To return transactions in other encodings, use
/// [`get_block_with_encoding`].
/// [`get_block_with_encoding`]: RpcClient::get_block_with_encoding
/// [uite]: UiTransactionEncoding::Json
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlock`] RPC
/// method.
/// [`getBlock`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?;
/// let block = rpc_client.get_block(slot)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_block(&self, slot: Slot) -> ClientResult<EncodedConfirmedBlock> {
/// Returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the ledger.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlock`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlock`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_transaction_status::UiTransactionEncoding;
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?;
/// let encoding = UiTransactionEncoding::Base58;
/// let block = rpc_client.get_block_with_encoding(
/// slot,
/// encoding,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_block_with_encoding(
slot: Slot,
encoding: UiTransactionEncoding,
) -> ClientResult<EncodedConfirmedBlock> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_block_with_encoding(slot, encoding))
/// Returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the ledger.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlock`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlock`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_transaction_status::{
/// # TransactionDetails,
/// # UiTransactionEncoding,
/// # };
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # rpc_config::RpcBlockConfig,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?;
/// let config = RpcBlockConfig {
/// encoding: Some(UiTransactionEncoding::Base58),
/// transaction_details: Some(TransactionDetails::None),
/// rewards: Some(true),
/// commitment: None,
/// };
/// let block = rpc_client.get_block_with_config(
/// slot,
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_block_with_config(
slot: Slot,
config: RpcBlockConfig,
) -> ClientResult<UiConfirmedBlock> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_block_with_config(slot, config))
#[deprecated(since = "1.7.0", note = "Please use RpcClient::get_block() instead")]
pub fn get_confirmed_block(&self, slot: Slot) -> ClientResult<EncodedConfirmedBlock> {
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_block_with_encoding() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_block_with_encoding(
slot: Slot,
encoding: UiTransactionEncoding,
) -> ClientResult<EncodedConfirmedBlock> {
.get_confirmed_block_with_encoding(slot, encoding),
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_block_with_config() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_block_with_config(
slot: Slot,
config: RpcConfirmedBlockConfig,
) -> ClientResult<UiConfirmedBlock> {
.get_confirmed_block_with_config(slot, config),
/// Returns a list of finalized blocks between two slots.
/// The range is inclusive, with results including the block for both
/// `start_slot` and `end_slot`.
/// If `end_slot` is not provided, then the end slot is for the latest
/// finalized block.
/// This method may not return blocks for the full range of slots if some
/// slots do not have corresponding blocks. To simply get a specific number
/// of sequential blocks, use the [`get_blocks_with_limit`] method.
/// This method uses the [`Finalized`] [commitment level][cl].
/// [`Finalized`]: CommitmentLevel::Finalized
/// [`get_blocks_with_limit`]: RpcClient::get_blocks_with_limit.
/// [cl]:
/// # Errors
/// This method returns an error if the range is greater than 500,000 slots.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlocks`] RPC method, unless
/// the remote node version is less than 1.7, in which case it maps to the
/// [`getConfirmedBlocks`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlocks`]:
/// [`getConfirmedBlocks`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Get up to the first 10 blocks
/// let start_slot = 0;
/// let end_slot = 9;
/// let blocks = rpc_client.get_blocks(start_slot, Some(end_slot))?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_blocks(&self, start_slot: Slot, end_slot: Option<Slot>) -> ClientResult<Vec<Slot>> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_blocks(start_slot, end_slot))
/// Returns a list of confirmed blocks between two slots.
/// The range is inclusive, with results including the block for both
/// `start_slot` and `end_slot`.
/// If `end_slot` is not provided, then the end slot is for the latest
/// block with the given [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// This method may not return blocks for the full range of slots if some
/// slots do not have corresponding blocks. To simply get a specific number
/// of sequential blocks, use the [`get_blocks_with_limit_and_commitment`]
/// method.
/// [`get_blocks_with_limit_and_commitment`]: RpcClient::get_blocks_with_limit_and_commitment.
/// # Errors
/// This method returns an error if the range is greater than 500,000 slots.
/// This method returns an error if the given commitment level is below
/// [`Confirmed`].
/// [`Confirmed`]: CommitmentLevel::Confirmed
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlocks`] RPC method, unless
/// the remote node version is less than 1.7, in which case it maps to the
/// [`getConfirmedBlocks`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlocks`]:
/// [`getConfirmedBlocks`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Get up to the first 10 blocks
/// let start_slot = 0;
/// let end_slot = 9;
/// // Method does not support commitment below `confirmed`
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::confirmed();
/// let blocks = rpc_client.get_blocks_with_commitment(
/// start_slot,
/// Some(end_slot),
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_blocks_with_commitment(
start_slot: Slot,
end_slot: Option<Slot>,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<Slot>> {
/// Returns a list of finalized blocks starting at the given slot.
/// This method uses the [`Finalized`] [commitment level][cl].
/// [`Finalized`]: CommitmentLevel::Finalized.
/// [cl]:
/// # Errors
/// This method returns an error if the limit is greater than 500,000 slots.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlocksWithLimit`] RPC
/// method, unless the remote node version is less than 1.7, in which case
/// it maps to the [`getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlocksWithLimit`]:
/// [`getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Get the first 10 blocks
/// let start_slot = 0;
/// let limit = 10;
/// let blocks = rpc_client.get_blocks_with_limit(start_slot, limit)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_blocks_with_limit(&self, start_slot: Slot, limit: usize) -> ClientResult<Vec<Slot>> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_blocks_with_limit(start_slot, limit))
/// Returns a list of confirmed blocks starting at the given slot.
/// # Errors
/// This method returns an error if the limit is greater than 500,000 slots.
/// This method returns an error if the given [commitment level][cl] is below
/// [`Confirmed`].
/// [cl]:
/// [`Confirmed`]: CommitmentLevel::Confirmed
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlocksWithLimit`] RPC
/// method, unless the remote node version is less than 1.7, in which case
/// it maps to the `getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit` RPC method.
/// [`getBlocksWithLimit`]:
/// [`getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Get the first 10 blocks
/// let start_slot = 0;
/// let limit = 10;
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::confirmed();
/// let blocks = rpc_client.get_blocks_with_limit_and_commitment(
/// start_slot,
/// limit,
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_blocks_with_limit_and_commitment(
start_slot: Slot,
limit: usize,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<Slot>> {
#[deprecated(since = "1.7.0", note = "Please use RpcClient::get_blocks() instead")]
pub fn get_confirmed_blocks(
start_slot: Slot,
end_slot: Option<Slot>,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<Slot>> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_confirmed_blocks(start_slot, end_slot))
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_blocks_with_commitment() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_blocks_with_commitment(
start_slot: Slot,
end_slot: Option<Slot>,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<Slot>> {
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_blocks_with_limit() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_blocks_with_limit(
start_slot: Slot,
limit: usize,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<Slot>> {
.get_confirmed_blocks_with_limit(start_slot, limit),
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_blocks_with_limit_and_commitment() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_blocks_with_limit_and_commitment(
start_slot: Slot,
limit: usize,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<Slot>> {
/// Get confirmed signatures for transactions involving an address.
/// Returns up to 1000 signatures, ordered from newest to oldest.
/// This method uses the [`Finalized`] [commitment level][cl].
/// [`Finalized`]: CommitmentLevel::Finalized.
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSignaturesForAddress`] RPC
/// method, unless the remote node version is less than 1.7, in which case
/// it maps to the [`getSignaturesForAddress2`] RPC method.
/// [`getSignaturesForAddress`]:
/// [`getSignaturesForAddress2`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// let signatures = rpc_client.get_signatures_for_address(
/// &alice.pubkey(),
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_signatures_for_address(
address: &Pubkey,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<RpcConfirmedTransactionStatusWithSignature>> {
/// Get confirmed signatures for transactions involving an address.
/// # Errors
/// This method returns an error if the given [commitment level][cl] is below
/// [`Confirmed`].
/// [cl]:
/// [`Confirmed`]: CommitmentLevel::Confirmed
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getSignaturesForAddress`] RPC
/// method, unless the remote node version is less than 1.7, in which case
/// it maps to the [`getSignaturesForAddress2`] RPC method.
/// [`getSignaturesForAddress`]:
/// [`getSignaturesForAddress2`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # rpc_client::GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Config,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// # let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// # let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// # let signature = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let config = GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Config {
/// before: None,
/// until: None,
/// limit: Some(3),
/// commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::confirmed()),
/// };
/// let signatures = rpc_client.get_signatures_for_address_with_config(
/// &alice.pubkey(),
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_signatures_for_address_with_config(
address: &Pubkey,
config: GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Config,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<RpcConfirmedTransactionStatusWithSignature>> {
.get_signatures_for_address_with_config(address, config),
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_signatures_for_address() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_signatures_for_address2(
address: &Pubkey,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<RpcConfirmedTransactionStatusWithSignature>> {
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_signatures_for_address_with_config() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_signatures_for_address2_with_config(
address: &Pubkey,
config: GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Config,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<RpcConfirmedTransactionStatusWithSignature>> {
.get_confirmed_signatures_for_address2_with_config(address, config),
/// Returns transaction details for a confirmed transaction.
/// This method uses the [`Finalized`] [commitment level][cl].
/// [`Finalized`]: CommitmentLevel::Finalized
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getTransaction`] RPC method,
/// unless the remote node version is less than 1.7, in which case it maps
/// to the [`getConfirmedTransaction`] RPC method.
/// [`getTransaction`]:
/// [`getConfirmedTransaction`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # };
/// # use solana_transaction_status::UiTransactionEncoding;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// # let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// # let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let transaction = rpc_client.get_transaction(
/// &signature,
/// UiTransactionEncoding::Json,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_transaction(
signature: &Signature,
encoding: UiTransactionEncoding,
) -> ClientResult<EncodedConfirmedTransactionWithStatusMeta> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_transaction(signature, encoding))
/// Returns transaction details for a confirmed transaction.
/// # Errors
/// This method returns an error if the given [commitment level][cl] is below
/// [`Confirmed`].
/// [cl]:
/// [`Confirmed`]: CommitmentLevel::Confirmed
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getTransaction`] RPC method,
/// unless the remote node version is less than 1.7, in which case it maps
/// to the [`getConfirmedTransaction`] RPC method.
/// [`getTransaction`]:
/// [`getConfirmedTransaction`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # rpc_config::RpcTransactionConfig,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signature::Signature,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # system_transaction,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # use solana_transaction_status::UiTransactionEncoding;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// # let lamports = 50;
/// # let latest_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
/// # let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&alice, &bob.pubkey(), lamports, latest_blockhash);
/// let signature = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx)?;
/// let config = RpcTransactionConfig {
/// encoding: Some(UiTransactionEncoding::Json),
/// commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::confirmed()),
/// };
/// let transaction = rpc_client.get_transaction_with_config(
/// &signature,
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_transaction_with_config(
signature: &Signature,
config: RpcTransactionConfig,
) -> ClientResult<EncodedConfirmedTransactionWithStatusMeta> {
.get_transaction_with_config(signature, config),
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_transaction() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_transaction(
signature: &Signature,
encoding: UiTransactionEncoding,
) -> ClientResult<EncodedConfirmedTransactionWithStatusMeta> {
.get_confirmed_transaction(signature, encoding),
since = "1.7.0",
note = "Please use RpcClient::get_transaction_with_config() instead"
pub fn get_confirmed_transaction_with_config(
signature: &Signature,
config: RpcConfirmedTransactionConfig,
) -> ClientResult<EncodedConfirmedTransactionWithStatusMeta> {
.get_confirmed_transaction_with_config(signature, config),
/// Returns the estimated production time of a block.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBlockTime`] RPC method.
/// [`getBlockTime`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// // Get the time of the most recent finalized block
/// let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?;
/// let block_time = rpc_client.get_block_time(slot)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_block_time(&self, slot: Slot) -> ClientResult<UnixTimestamp> {
/// Returns information about the current epoch.
/// This method uses the configured default [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getEpochInfo`] RPC method.
/// [`getEpochInfo`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_epoch_info(&self) -> ClientResult<EpochInfo> {
/// Returns information about the current epoch.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getEpochInfo`] RPC method.
/// [`getEpochInfo`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::confirmed();
/// let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info_with_commitment(
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_epoch_info_with_commitment(
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<EpochInfo> {
/// Returns the leader schedule for an epoch.
/// This method uses the configured default [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getLeaderSchedule`] RPC method.
/// [`getLeaderSchedule`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?;
/// let leader_schedule = rpc_client.get_leader_schedule(
/// Some(slot),
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_leader_schedule(
slot: Option<Slot>,
) -> ClientResult<Option<RpcLeaderSchedule>> {
/// Returns the leader schedule for an epoch.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getLeaderSchedule`] RPC method.
/// [`getLeaderSchedule`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?;
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let leader_schedule = rpc_client.get_leader_schedule_with_commitment(
/// Some(slot),
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_leader_schedule_with_commitment(
slot: Option<Slot>,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Option<RpcLeaderSchedule>> {
.get_leader_schedule_with_commitment(slot, commitment_config),
/// Returns the leader schedule for an epoch.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getLeaderSchedule`] RPC method.
/// [`getLeaderSchedule`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_client::rpc_config::RpcLeaderScheduleConfig;
/// # use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let slot = rpc_client.get_slot()?;
/// # let validator_pubkey_str = "7AYmEYBBetok8h5L3Eo3vi3bDWnjNnaFbSXfSNYV5ewB".to_string();
/// let config = RpcLeaderScheduleConfig {
/// identity: Some(validator_pubkey_str),
/// commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::processed()),
/// };
/// let leader_schedule = rpc_client.get_leader_schedule_with_config(
/// Some(slot),
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_leader_schedule_with_config(
slot: Option<Slot>,
config: RpcLeaderScheduleConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Option<RpcLeaderSchedule>> {
.get_leader_schedule_with_config(slot, config),
/// Returns epoch schedule information from this cluster's genesis config.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getEpochSchedule`] RPC method.
/// [`getEpochSchedule`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let epoch_schedule = rpc_client.get_epoch_schedule()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_epoch_schedule(&self) -> ClientResult<EpochSchedule> {
/// Returns a list of recent performance samples, in reverse slot order.
/// Performance samples are taken every 60 seconds and include the number of
/// transactions and slots that occur in a given time window.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getRecentPerformanceSamples`] RPC method.
/// [`getRecentPerformanceSamples`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let limit = 10;
/// let performance_samples = rpc_client.get_recent_performance_samples(
/// Some(limit),
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_recent_performance_samples(
limit: Option<usize>,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<RpcPerfSample>> {
/// Returns the identity pubkey for the current node.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getIdentity`] RPC method.
/// [`getIdentity`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let identity = rpc_client.get_identity()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_identity(&self) -> ClientResult<Pubkey> {
/// Returns the current inflation governor.
/// This method uses the [`Finalized`] [commitment level][cl].
/// [`Finalized`]: CommitmentLevel::Finalized
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getInflationGovernor`] RPC
/// method.
/// [`getInflationGovernor`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let inflation_governor = rpc_client.get_inflation_governor()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_inflation_governor(&self) -> ClientResult<RpcInflationGovernor> {
/// Returns the specific inflation values for the current epoch.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getInflationRate`] RPC method.
/// [`getInflationRate`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let inflation_rate = rpc_client.get_inflation_rate()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_inflation_rate(&self) -> ClientResult<RpcInflationRate> {
/// Returns the inflation reward for a list of addresses for an epoch.
/// This method uses the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getInflationReward`] RPC method.
/// [`getInflationReward`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair, Signer};
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info()?;
/// # let epoch = epoch_info.epoch;
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// let addresses = vec![alice.pubkey(), bob.pubkey()];
/// let inflation_reward = rpc_client.get_inflation_reward(
/// &addresses,
/// Some(epoch),
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_inflation_reward(
addresses: &[Pubkey],
epoch: Option<Epoch>,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<Option<RpcInflationReward>>> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.get_inflation_reward(addresses, epoch))
/// Returns the current solana version running on the node.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getVersion`] RPC method.
/// [`getVersion`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair, Signer};
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let expected_version = semver::Version::new(1, 7, 0);
/// let version = rpc_client.get_version()?;
/// let version = semver::Version::parse(&version.solana_core)?;
/// assert!(version >= expected_version);
/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_version(&self) -> ClientResult<RpcVersionInfo> {
/// Returns the lowest slot that the node has information about in its ledger.
/// This value may increase over time if the node is configured to purge
/// older ledger data.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`minimumLedgerSlot`] RPC
/// method.
/// [`minimumLedgerSlot`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let slot = rpc_client.minimum_ledger_slot()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn minimum_ledger_slot(&self) -> ClientResult<Slot> {
/// Returns all information associated with the account of the provided pubkey.
/// This method uses the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// To get multiple accounts at once, use the [`get_multiple_accounts`] method.
/// [`get_multiple_accounts`]: RpcClient::get_multiple_accounts
/// # Errors
/// If the account does not exist, this method returns
/// [`RpcError::ForUser`]. This is unlike [`get_account_with_commitment`],
/// which returns `Ok(None)` if the account does not exist.
/// [`get_account_with_commitment`]: RpcClient::get_account_with_commitment
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getAccountInfo`] RPC method.
/// [`getAccountInfo`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::{self, RpcClient},
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # pubkey::Pubkey,
/// # };
/// # use std::str::FromStr;
/// # let mocks = rpc_client::create_rpc_client_mocks();
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock_with_mocks("succeeds".to_string(), mocks);
/// let alice_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("BgvYtJEfmZYdVKiptmMjxGzv8iQoo4MWjsP3QsTkhhxa").unwrap();
/// let account = rpc_client.get_account(&alice_pubkey)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_account(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult<Account> {
/// Returns all information associated with the account of the provided pubkey.
/// If the account does not exist, this method returns `Ok(None)`.
/// To get multiple accounts at once, use the [`get_multiple_accounts_with_commitment`] method.
/// [`get_multiple_accounts_with_commitment`]: RpcClient::get_multiple_accounts_with_commitment
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getAccountInfo`] RPC method.
/// [`getAccountInfo`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::{self, RpcClient},
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # pubkey::Pubkey,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # use std::str::FromStr;
/// # let mocks = rpc_client::create_rpc_client_mocks();
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock_with_mocks("succeeds".to_string(), mocks);
/// let alice_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("BgvYtJEfmZYdVKiptmMjxGzv8iQoo4MWjsP3QsTkhhxa").unwrap();
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let account = rpc_client.get_account_with_commitment(
/// &alice_pubkey,
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// assert!(account.value.is_some());
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_account_with_commitment(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<Option<Account>> {
.get_account_with_commitment(pubkey, commitment_config),
/// Get the max slot seen from retransmit stage.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getMaxRetransmitSlot`] RPC
/// method.
/// [`getMaxRetransmitSlot`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let slot = rpc_client.get_max_retransmit_slot()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
pub fn get_max_retransmit_slot(&self) -> ClientResult<Slot> {
/// Get the max slot seen from after [shred]( insert.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the
/// [`getMaxShredInsertSlot`] RPC method.
/// [`getMaxShredInsertSlot`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let slot = rpc_client.get_max_shred_insert_slot()?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
pub fn get_max_shred_insert_slot(&self) -> ClientResult<Slot> {
/// Returns the account information for a list of pubkeys.
/// This method uses the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getMultipleAccounts`] RPC method.
/// [`getMultipleAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// let pubkeys = vec![alice.pubkey(), bob.pubkey()];
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_multiple_accounts(&pubkeys)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_multiple_accounts(&self, pubkeys: &[Pubkey]) -> ClientResult<Vec<Option<Account>>> {
/// Returns the account information for a list of pubkeys.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getMultipleAccounts`] RPC method.
/// [`getMultipleAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// let pubkeys = vec![alice.pubkey(), bob.pubkey()];
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_multiple_accounts_with_commitment(
/// &pubkeys,
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_multiple_accounts_with_commitment(
pubkeys: &[Pubkey],
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<Option<Account>>> {
.get_multiple_accounts_with_commitment(pubkeys, commitment_config),
/// Returns the account information for a list of pubkeys.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getMultipleAccounts`] RPC method.
/// [`getMultipleAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # rpc_config::RpcAccountInfoConfig,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # use solana_account_decoder::UiAccountEncoding;
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let bob = Keypair::new();
/// let pubkeys = vec![alice.pubkey(), bob.pubkey()];
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let config = RpcAccountInfoConfig {
/// encoding: Some(UiAccountEncoding::Base64),
/// commitment: Some(commitment_config),
/// .. RpcAccountInfoConfig::default()
/// };
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_multiple_accounts_with_config(
/// &pubkeys,
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_multiple_accounts_with_config(
pubkeys: &[Pubkey],
config: RpcAccountInfoConfig,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<Option<Account>>> {
.get_multiple_accounts_with_config(pubkeys, config),
/// Gets the raw data associated with an account.
/// This is equivalent to calling [`get_account`] and then accessing the
/// [`data`] field of the returned [`Account`].
/// [`get_account`]: RpcClient::get_account
/// [`data`]: Account::data
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getAccountInfo`] RPC method.
/// [`getAccountInfo`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::{self, RpcClient},
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # pubkey::Pubkey,
/// # };
/// # use std::str::FromStr;
/// # let mocks = rpc_client::create_rpc_client_mocks();
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock_with_mocks("succeeds".to_string(), mocks);
/// let alice_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("BgvYtJEfmZYdVKiptmMjxGzv8iQoo4MWjsP3QsTkhhxa").unwrap();
/// let account_data = rpc_client.get_account_data(&alice_pubkey)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_account_data(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult<Vec<u8>> {
/// Returns minimum balance required to make an account with specified data length rent exempt.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the
/// [`getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption`] RPC method.
/// [`getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// let data_len = 300;
/// let balance = rpc_client.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(data_len)?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(&self, data_len: usize) -> ClientResult<u64> {
/// Request the balance of the provided account pubkey.
/// This method uses the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBalance`] RPC method.
/// [`getBalance`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// let balance = rpc_client.get_balance(&alice.pubkey())?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_balance(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult<u64> {
/// Request the balance of the provided account pubkey.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getBalance`] RPC method.
/// [`getBalance`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// let commitment_config = CommitmentConfig::processed();
/// let balance = rpc_client.get_balance_with_commitment(
/// &alice.pubkey(),
/// commitment_config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_balance_with_commitment(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<u64> {
.get_balance_with_commitment(pubkey, commitment_config),
/// Returns all accounts owned by the provided program pubkey.
/// This method uses the configured [commitment level][cl].
/// [cl]:
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method corresponds directly to the [`getProgramAccounts`] RPC
/// method.
/// [`getProgramAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # };
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_program_accounts(&alice.pubkey())?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_program_accounts(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult<Vec<(Pubkey, Account)>> {
/// Returns all accounts owned by the provided program pubkey.
/// # RPC Reference
/// This method is built on the [`getProgramAccounts`] RPC method.
/// [`getProgramAccounts`]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use solana_client::{
/// # rpc_client::RpcClient,
/// # client_error::ClientError,
/// # rpc_config::{RpcAccountInfoConfig, RpcProgramAccountsConfig},
/// # rpc_filter::{MemcmpEncodedBytes, RpcFilterType, Memcmp},
/// # };
/// # use solana_sdk::{
/// # signature::Signer,
/// # signer::keypair::Keypair,
/// # commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,
/// # };
/// # use solana_account_decoder::{UiDataSliceConfig, UiAccountEncoding};
/// # let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
/// # let alice = Keypair::new();
/// # let base64_bytes = "\
/// let memcmp = RpcFilterType::Memcmp(Memcmp {
/// offset: 0,
/// bytes: MemcmpEncodedBytes::Base64(base64_bytes.to_string()),
/// encoding: None,
/// });
/// let config = RpcProgramAccountsConfig {
/// filters: Some(vec![
/// RpcFilterType::DataSize(128),
/// memcmp,
/// ]),
/// account_config: RpcAccountInfoConfig {
/// encoding: Some(UiAccountEncoding::Base64),
/// data_slice: Some(UiDataSliceConfig {
/// offset: 0,
/// length: 5,
/// }),
/// commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::processed()),
/// },
/// with_context: Some(false),
/// };
/// let accounts = rpc_client.get_program_accounts_with_config(
/// &alice.pubkey(),
/// config,
/// )?;
/// # Ok::<(), ClientError>(())
/// ```
pub fn get_program_accounts_with_config(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
config: RpcProgramAccountsConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<(Pubkey, Account)>> {
.get_program_accounts_with_config(pubkey, config),
/// Request the transaction count.
pub fn get_transaction_count(&self) -> ClientResult<u64> {
pub fn get_transaction_count_with_commitment(
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<u64> {
since = "1.9.0",
note = "Please use `get_latest_blockhash` and `get_fee_for_message` instead"
pub fn get_fees(&self) -> ClientResult<Fees> {
since = "1.9.0",
note = "Please use `get_latest_blockhash_with_commitment` and `get_fee_for_message` instead"
pub fn get_fees_with_commitment(&self, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig) -> RpcResult<Fees> {
#[deprecated(since = "1.9.0", note = "Please use `get_latest_blockhash` instead")]
pub fn get_recent_blockhash(&self) -> ClientResult<(Hash, FeeCalculator)> {
since = "1.9.0",
note = "Please use `get_latest_blockhash_with_commitment` instead"
pub fn get_recent_blockhash_with_commitment(
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<(Hash, FeeCalculator, Slot)> {
#[deprecated(since = "1.9.0", note = "Please `get_fee_for_message` instead")]
pub fn get_fee_calculator_for_blockhash(
blockhash: &Hash,
) -> ClientResult<Option<FeeCalculator>> {
since = "1.9.0",
note = "Please `get_latest_blockhash_with_commitment` and `get_fee_for_message` instead"
pub fn get_fee_calculator_for_blockhash_with_commitment(
blockhash: &Hash,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<Option<FeeCalculator>> {
.get_fee_calculator_for_blockhash_with_commitment(blockhash, commitment_config),
since = "1.9.0",
note = "Please do not use, will no longer be available in the future"
pub fn get_fee_rate_governor(&self) -> RpcResult<FeeRateGovernor> {
since = "1.9.0",
note = "Please do not use, will no longer be available in the future"
pub fn get_new_blockhash(&self, blockhash: &Hash) -> ClientResult<(Hash, FeeCalculator)> {
pub fn get_first_available_block(&self) -> ClientResult<Slot> {
pub fn get_genesis_hash(&self) -> ClientResult<Hash> {
pub fn get_health(&self) -> ClientResult<()> {
pub fn get_token_account(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult<Option<UiTokenAccount>> {
pub fn get_token_account_with_commitment(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<Option<UiTokenAccount>> {
.get_token_account_with_commitment(pubkey, commitment_config),
pub fn get_token_account_balance(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult<UiTokenAmount> {
pub fn get_token_account_balance_with_commitment(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<UiTokenAmount> {
.get_token_account_balance_with_commitment(pubkey, commitment_config),
pub fn get_token_accounts_by_delegate(
delegate: &Pubkey,
token_account_filter: TokenAccountsFilter,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<RpcKeyedAccount>> {
.get_token_accounts_by_delegate(delegate, token_account_filter),
pub fn get_token_accounts_by_delegate_with_commitment(
delegate: &Pubkey,
token_account_filter: TokenAccountsFilter,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<RpcKeyedAccount>> {
pub fn get_token_accounts_by_owner(
owner: &Pubkey,
token_account_filter: TokenAccountsFilter,
) -> ClientResult<Vec<RpcKeyedAccount>> {
.get_token_accounts_by_owner(owner, token_account_filter),
pub fn get_token_accounts_by_owner_with_commitment(
owner: &Pubkey,
token_account_filter: TokenAccountsFilter,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<RpcKeyedAccount>> {
pub fn get_token_supply(&self, mint: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult<UiTokenAmount> {
pub fn get_token_supply_with_commitment(
mint: &Pubkey,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> RpcResult<UiTokenAmount> {
.get_token_supply_with_commitment(mint, commitment_config),
pub fn request_airdrop(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.request_airdrop(pubkey, lamports))
pub fn request_airdrop_with_blockhash(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
lamports: u64,
recent_blockhash: &Hash,
) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
pub fn request_airdrop_with_config(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
lamports: u64,
config: RpcRequestAirdropConfig,
) -> ClientResult<Signature> {
.request_airdrop_with_config(pubkey, lamports, config),
pub fn poll_get_balance_with_commitment(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<u64> {
.poll_get_balance_with_commitment(pubkey, commitment_config),
pub fn wait_for_balance_with_commitment(
pubkey: &Pubkey,
expected_balance: Option<u64>,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> Option<u64> {
/// Poll the server to confirm a transaction.
pub fn poll_for_signature(&self, signature: &Signature) -> ClientResult<()> {
/// Poll the server to confirm a transaction.
pub fn poll_for_signature_with_commitment(
signature: &Signature,
commitment_config: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<()> {
.poll_for_signature_with_commitment(signature, commitment_config),
/// Poll the server to confirm a transaction.
pub fn poll_for_signature_confirmation(
signature: &Signature,
min_confirmed_blocks: usize,
) -> ClientResult<usize> {
.poll_for_signature_confirmation(signature, min_confirmed_blocks),
pub fn get_num_blocks_since_signature_confirmation(
signature: &Signature,
) -> ClientResult<usize> {
pub fn get_latest_blockhash(&self) -> ClientResult<Hash> {
pub fn get_latest_blockhash_with_commitment(
commitment: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<(Hash, u64)> {
pub fn is_blockhash_valid(
blockhash: &Hash,
commitment: CommitmentConfig,
) -> ClientResult<bool> {
self.invoke(self.rpc_client.is_blockhash_valid(blockhash, commitment))
pub fn get_fee_for_message(&self, message: &Message) -> ClientResult<u64> {
pub fn get_new_latest_blockhash(&self, blockhash: &Hash) -> ClientResult<Hash> {
pub fn get_transport_stats(&self) -> RpcTransportStats {
fn invoke<T, F: std::future::Future<Output = ClientResult<T>>>(&self, f: F) -> ClientResult<T> {
// `block_on()` panics if called within an asynchronous execution context. Whereas
// `block_in_place()` only panics if called from a current_thread runtime, which is the
// lesser evil.
tokio::task::block_in_place(move || self.runtime.as_ref().expect("runtime").block_on(f))
/// Mocks for documentation examples
pub fn create_rpc_client_mocks() -> crate::mock_sender::Mocks {
let mut mocks = std::collections::HashMap::new();
let get_account_request = RpcRequest::GetAccountInfo;
let get_account_response = serde_json::to_value(Response {
context: RpcResponseContext { slot: 1 },
value: {
let pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("BgvYtJEfmZYdVKiptmMjxGzv8iQoo4MWjsP3QsTkhhxa").unwrap();
let account = Account {
lamports: 1_000_000,
data: vec![],
owner: pubkey,
executable: false,
rent_epoch: 0,
UiAccount::encode(&pubkey, &account, UiAccountEncoding::Base64, None, None)
mocks.insert(get_account_request, get_account_response);
mod tests {
use {
crate::{client_error::ClientErrorKind, mock_sender::PUBKEY},
jsonrpc_core::{futures::prelude::*, Error, IoHandler, Params},
jsonrpc_http_server::{AccessControlAllowOrigin, DomainsValidation, ServerBuilder},
serde_json::{json, Number},
signature::{Keypair, Signer},
std::{io, thread},
fn test_send() {
#[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")]
#[should_panic(expected = "can call blocking only when running on the multi-threaded runtime")]
async fn test_send_async_current_thread() {
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn test_send_async_multi_thread() {
fn _test_send() {
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded();
thread::spawn(move || {
let rpc_addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let mut io = IoHandler::default();
// Successful request
io.add_method("getBalance", |_params: Params| {
// Failed request
io.add_method("getRecentBlockhash", |params: Params| {
if params != Params::None {
} else {
let server = ServerBuilder::new(io)
.expect("Unable to start RPC server");
let rpc_addr = receiver.recv().unwrap();
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_socket(rpc_addr);
let balance: u64 = rpc_client
assert_eq!(balance, 50);
let blockhash: String = rpc_client
.send(RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, Value::Null)
assert_eq!(blockhash, "deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhx");
// Send erroneous parameter
let blockhash: ClientResult<String> =
rpc_client.send(RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, json!(["parameter"]));
fn test_send_transaction() {
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
let key = Keypair::new();
let to = solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand();
let blockhash = Hash::default();
let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&key, &to, 50, blockhash);
let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx);
assert_eq!(signature.unwrap(), tx.signatures[0]);
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("fails".to_string());
let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx);
// Test bad signature returned from rpc node
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("malicious".to_string());
let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx);
fn test_get_recent_blockhash() {
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
let expected_blockhash: Hash = PUBKEY.parse().unwrap();
let blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash().expect("blockhash ok");
assert_eq!(blockhash, expected_blockhash);
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("fails".to_string());
let result = rpc_client.get_recent_blockhash();
fn test_custom_request() {
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
let slot = rpc_client.get_slot().unwrap();
assert_eq!(slot, 0);
let custom_slot = rpc_client
.send::<Slot>(RpcRequest::Custom { method: "getSlot" }, Value::Null)
assert_eq!(slot, custom_slot);
fn test_get_signature_status() {
let signature = Signature::default();
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status(&signature).unwrap();
assert_eq!(status, Some(Ok(())));
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("sig_not_found".to_string());
let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status(&signature).unwrap();
assert_eq!(status, None);
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("account_in_use".to_string());
let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status(&signature).unwrap();
assert_eq!(status, Some(Err(TransactionError::AccountInUse)));
fn test_send_and_confirm_transaction() {
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
let key = Keypair::new();
let to = solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand();
let blockhash = Hash::default();
let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&key, &to, 50, blockhash);
let result = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx);
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("account_in_use".to_string());
let result = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx);
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("instruction_error".to_string());
let result = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx);
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("sig_not_found".to_string());
let result = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx);
if let ClientErrorKind::Io(err) = result.unwrap_err().kind() {
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);
fn test_rpc_client_thread() {
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
thread::spawn(move || rpc_client);
// Regression test that the get_block_production_with_config
// method internally creates the json params array correctly.
fn get_block_production_with_config_no_error() -> ClientResult<()> {
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
let config = RpcBlockProductionConfig {
identity: Some(Keypair::new().pubkey().to_string()),
range: None,
commitment: None,
let prod = rpc_client.get_block_production_with_config(config)?.value;
fn test_get_latest_blockhash() {
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string());
let expected_blockhash: Hash = PUBKEY.parse().unwrap();
let blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash().expect("blockhash ok");
assert_eq!(blockhash, expected_blockhash);
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("fails".to_string());
let is_err = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash().is_err();