144 lines
3.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer
144 lines
3.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package solana.storage.ConfirmedBlock;
option go_package = "github.com/rpcpool/solana-geyser-grpc/golang/proto";
message ConfirmedBlock {
string previous_blockhash = 1;
string blockhash = 2;
uint64 parent_slot = 3;
repeated ConfirmedTransaction transactions = 4;
repeated Reward rewards = 5;
UnixTimestamp block_time = 6;
BlockHeight block_height = 7;
message ConfirmedTransaction {
Transaction transaction = 1;
TransactionStatusMeta meta = 2;
message Transaction {
repeated bytes signatures = 1;
Message message = 2;
message Message {
MessageHeader header = 1;
repeated bytes account_keys = 2;
bytes recent_blockhash = 3;
repeated CompiledInstruction instructions = 4;
bool versioned = 5;
repeated MessageAddressTableLookup address_table_lookups = 6;
message MessageHeader {
uint32 num_required_signatures = 1;
uint32 num_readonly_signed_accounts = 2;
uint32 num_readonly_unsigned_accounts = 3;
message MessageAddressTableLookup {
bytes account_key = 1;
bytes writable_indexes = 2;
bytes readonly_indexes = 3;
message TransactionStatusMeta {
TransactionError err = 1;
uint64 fee = 2;
repeated uint64 pre_balances = 3;
repeated uint64 post_balances = 4;
repeated InnerInstructions inner_instructions = 5;
bool inner_instructions_none = 10;
repeated string log_messages = 6;
bool log_messages_none = 11;
repeated TokenBalance pre_token_balances = 7;
repeated TokenBalance post_token_balances = 8;
repeated Reward rewards = 9;
repeated bytes loaded_writable_addresses = 12;
repeated bytes loaded_readonly_addresses = 13;
ReturnData return_data = 14;
bool return_data_none = 15;
// Sum of compute units consumed by all instructions.
// Available since Solana v1.10.35 / v1.11.6.
// Set to `None` for txs executed on earlier versions.
optional uint64 compute_units_consumed = 16;
message TransactionError {
bytes err = 1;
message InnerInstructions {
uint32 index = 1;
repeated InnerInstruction instructions = 2;
message InnerInstruction {
uint32 program_id_index = 1;
bytes accounts = 2;
bytes data = 3;
// Invocation stack height of an inner instruction.
// Available since Solana v1.14.6
// Set to `None` for txs executed on earlier versions.
optional uint32 stack_height = 4;
message CompiledInstruction {
uint32 program_id_index = 1;
bytes accounts = 2;
bytes data = 3;
message TokenBalance {
uint32 account_index = 1;
string mint = 2;
UiTokenAmount ui_token_amount = 3;
string owner = 4;
string program_id = 5;
message UiTokenAmount {
double ui_amount = 1;
uint32 decimals = 2;
string amount = 3;
string ui_amount_string = 4;
message ReturnData {
bytes program_id = 1;
bytes data = 2;
enum RewardType {
Unspecified = 0;
Fee = 1;
Rent = 2;
Staking = 3;
Voting = 4;
message Reward {
string pubkey = 1;
int64 lamports = 2;
uint64 post_balance = 3;
RewardType reward_type = 4;
string commission = 5;
message Rewards {
repeated Reward rewards = 1;
message UnixTimestamp {
int64 timestamp = 1;
message BlockHeight {
uint64 block_height = 1;