diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0e8e593..c30136d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,8 +1,16 @@ -

Flatten Map Plugin


Loops though each of the entitys on the server and turns them in to prefabs.
Then saves the map in the servers rust root folder.





Copy the map and .sav files from your main server to a seperate one.
Install plugin as usual.
Start the server up and run command from either chat or console.




Console: flattenmap "newmapname"
Chat: /flatten "newmapname"

Options you can provide after the new map name in order they can be provided.


true/false wipe maps prefabs before flatten (useful if you only want player bases)
true/false apply building grade to players bases. (will be twig if false)
true/false filter out base players / npcs from maps. (if false piles of loot from players/npcs will be where players/npcs would of been)
true/false filter out entitys at 0,0,0 (will be server scripts and junk collection)
true/false filter out code/key locks
true/false replace players/npcs with place holders/spawners
true/false try process IO data.


(default mode)
/flatten "mapdump"
(dump map using options)
/flatten "mapdump" false true true true true false true


About FlattenMap


This is a tool/plugin that lets you flatten the entitys from your server into the .map file.
So basically takes the place of having to use copypaste plugin for each base then import them into rust edit.

Do Note: You shouldnt be using this on your live server unless you plan to restart it afterwards.
The best option is to make a copy of the .sav files are fire up a server locally, This will also prevent any folder permission errors that hosts could have.



Copy your map and .sav files to a seperate server, Recommended one on your local machine.
Install Oxide and this plugin as usual.
Start the server up.
Send chat or console command with or without optinal settings.
It will create a new map file within the servers root folder with the entitys flattened into it.
And No this wont bypass map passwords or break custom prefabs down.



Must be admin to call from chat or command must be called from console.



Console: flattenmap "newmapname"
Chat: /flatten "newmapname"

Options you can provide after the new map name in order they can be provided. If they arnt provided then best defaults will be used.
true/false wipe maps prefabs before flatten (useful if you only want player bases)
true/false apply building grade to players bases. (will all be twig if false)
true/false apply entity filter (will remove a lot of the junk stuff like spawned trees/ore/ect)
true/false filter out base players / npcs from maps. (if false piles of loot that was on players/npcs will be where players/npcs would of been)
true/false filter out entitys at 0,0,0 (will be server scripts and junk collection)
true/false filter out code/key locks
true/false replace players/npcs with place holders/spawners
true/false try process IO data.


(default mode)
/flatten "mapdump"
(dump map using options as default would of)
/flatten "mapdump" false true true true true true false true

Videos of usage:


Known issues:

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