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PersonalVaultDoor.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;
using ProtoBuf;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
namespace Oxide.Plugins
[Info("Personal Vault Door", "bmgjet", "1.0.3")]
[Description("Lets you place a vault door")]
public class PersonalVaultDoor : RustPlugin
private Plugin ServerRewards, Economics;
#region Configuration
private Configuration config;
private class Configuration
[JsonProperty("Vault Max Health")]
public static float VaultMaxHealth = 2000;
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Vault health name color")]
public static string vaulthealthcolor = "#00FF00";
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Range to show health")]
public static float vaultrange = 3f;
[JsonProperty("Repair Delay")]
public float RepairDelay = 60;
[JsonProperty("Repair Ammount")]
public int RepairAmmount = 25;
[JsonProperty("Spawn Cost type (serverrewards,economics,resources)")]
public string Costtype = "resources";
[JsonProperty("Repair Cost type (serverrewards,economics,resources)")]
public string RepairCosttype = "resources";
[JsonProperty("Spawn Cost for (serverrewards,economics)")]
public float Spawncost = 2000;
[JsonProperty("Repair Cost for (serverrewards,economics)")]
public float Repaircost = 50;
[JsonProperty("Currency Symbol for (serverrewards,economics)")]
public string CurrencySymbol = "$";
[JsonProperty("Charge to craft")]
public bool craftcosts = true;
[JsonProperty("Repair Cost")]
//Items and quanity needed to repair
public Dictionary<string, int> RepairCost = new Dictionary<string, int>
{"scrap", 1},
{"metal.fragments", 100},
{"metal.refined", 10},
[JsonProperty("Craft Cost")]
//Items and quanity needed per craft
public Dictionary<string, int> CraftCost = new Dictionary<string, int>
{"scrap", 10},
{"metal.fragments", 1000},
{"metal.refined", 100},
public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this);
public Dictionary<string, object> ToDictionary() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(ToJson());
protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => config = new Configuration();
protected override void LoadConfig()
config = Config.ReadObject<Configuration>();
if (config == null)
throw new JsonException();
if (!config.ToDictionary().Keys.SequenceEqual(Config.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value).Keys))
PrintWarning("Configuration appears to be outdated; updating and saving");
PrintWarning($"Configuration file {Name}.json is invalid; using defaults");
protected override void SaveConfig()
PrintWarning($"Configuration changes saved to {Name}.json");
Config.WriteObject(config, true);
#endregion Configuration
#region Vars
//Offset from door slot position to move lock.
Vector3 codeoffset = new Vector3(0.71f, -0.1f, -0.3f); //Puts it on flat pannel, On handles was too far for it to trigger on door still.
//Skin of Icon
private const ulong skinID = 2643584466;
//Replacement prefab
private const string prefab = "assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/asset_store/bankheist_package/bankheist_vol03/prefabs/door.vault.static.prefab";
private const string permUse = "PersonalVaultDoor.use";
//Show Debug Info
private bool showDebug = false;
//Sound Effects to play on vault break.
static List<string> effects = new List<string>
private List<Vector3> REPlaced = new List<Vector3>();
private static PersonalVaultDoor plugin;
#region Language
protected override void LoadDefaultMessages()
lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Name", "Vault Door"},
{"Pickup", "You picked up Vault Door!"},
{"Receive", "You received Vault Door!"},
{"Repair", "You need more resources:\n{0}"},
{"Wait", "You must wait: {0} before you can repair."},
{"Permission", "You need permission to do that!"}
}, this);
private static string HexToRustFormat(string hex)
Color color;
return ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(hex, out color) ? $"{color.r:F2} {color.g:F2} {color.b:F2} {color.a:F2}" : "false";
//Send player message
private void message(BasePlayer player, string key, params object[] args)
if (player == null) { return; }
var message = string.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, player.UserIDString), args);
#region Oxide Hooks
private void OnServerInitialized(bool initial)
plugin = this;
Fstartup(initial ? 30 : 1);
private void Fstartup(int delay)
//Wait to start up vault door componant for slow servers.
timer.Once(delay, () =>
private void Init()
//Setup Permissions
permission.RegisterPermission(permUse, this);
private void Unload()
//Clear Vault Door Health CUI
foreach (BasePlayer player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList.ToArray())
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VaultHealth");
int VDS = DestroyVaultDoorScript();
if (showDebug) Puts("Destroyed " + VDS.ToString() + " VaultDoor Scripts");
//Unload Statics
effects = null;
plugin = null;
void OnEntityKill(BaseNetworkable entity)
if (entity == null) return;
//Check if vault door
if (entity.ShortPrefabName == "door.vault.static")
VaultDoor VD = entity.GetComponent<VaultDoor>();
if (VD == null) return;
//Remove Door Frame
NextTick(() =>
if (VD.Frame != null)
if (VD.PlayersCUIed == null) return;
//Remove CUI
foreach (BasePlayer player in VD.PlayersCUIed)
if (player != null)
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VaultHealth");
//Code and KeyLock position Fix
void OnEntitySpawned(BaseEntity cl)
if (Rust.Application.isLoading) return;
if (cl == null) { return; }
//Checks if codelock/keylock
if (cl is CodeLock || cl is KeyLock)
//Checks if its a vault door
BaseEntity Door = cl.GetParentEntity();
if (Door != null && Door.ToString().Contains("door.vault.static"))
//Moves codelock and update
cl.transform.localPosition += codeoffset;
//Add component in spawn here so Copypaste can Work with vaultdoors.
if (cl is Door && cl.ToString().Contains("door.vault.static"))
if (cl.GetComponent<VaultDoor>() == null)
if (REPlaced.Contains(cl.transform.position))
if (showDebug) Puts("Skipping Rust Edit Placed Vault Door");
if (showDebug) Puts("Adding VaultDoor Component");
//Delay since copypaste might not of spawn door frame yet.
timer.Once(2f, () =>
catch { };
//Hook vault placement to switch in.
private void OnEntityBuilt(Planner plan, GameObject go) { CheckDeploy(go.ToBaseEntity()); }
//Hooks if should pickup
private void OnHammerHit(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) { CheckHit(player, info?.HitEntity); }
#region Core
List<Door> FindVaultDoors(Vector3 pos, float radius)
//Casts a sphere at given position and find all doors there
var hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(pos, radius,;
var x = new List<Door>();
foreach (var hit in hits)
var entity = hit.GetEntity()?.GetComponent<Door>();
if (entity && !x.Contains(entity))
return x;
void DestroyGroundComp(BaseEntity ent)
//Stops Decay
void DestroyMeshCollider(BaseEntity ent)
foreach (var mesh in ent.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshCollider>())
//Resets the component after server restart
private void CheckVaultDoor()
//Build list of VaultDoors In Map File
for (int i = - 1; i >= 0; i--)
PrefabData prefabdata =[i];
if ( == 3595032872)
//Check its still there and fix if not
if (FindVaultDoors(prefabdata.position, 4f).Count == 0)
Door replacement = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(StringPool.Get(, prefabdata.position, prefabdata.rotation) as Door;
if (replacement == null) return;
replacement.transform.position = prefabdata.position;
replacement.transform.rotation = prefabdata.rotation;
replacement.pickup.enabled = false;
if (showDebug) Puts("Founded " + REPlaced.Count.ToString() + " Map Placed Vault Doors");
int VaultsUpdated = 0;
foreach (var vaultdoor in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<BaseEntity>())
//Skip Servers Vault Doors
if (REPlaced.Contains(vaultdoor.transform.position))
if (showDebug) Puts("Skipping Map Placed Vault Door @ " + vaultdoor.transform.position.ToString());
if (vaultdoor.ShortPrefabName == "door.vault.static" && vaultdoor.GetComponent<VaultDoor>() == null)
if (showDebug) Puts("Found vaultdoor " + vaultdoor.ToString() + " " + vaultdoor.OwnerID.ToString() + " Adding Component");
Puts("Updated " + VaultsUpdated.ToString() + " VaultDoors");
//Gives player vault door
private void GiveVaultDoor(BasePlayer player, bool pickup = false)
var item = CreateItem();
if (item != null && player != null)
message(player, pickup ? "Pickup" : "Receive");
bool ChargePlayer(BasePlayer player)
object result = null;
if (!config.craftcosts)
return true;
if (config.Costtype == "serverrewards" && ServerRewards != null)
result = ServerRewards.Call("TakePoints", player.UserIDString, (int)config.Spawncost);
else if (config.Costtype == "economics" && Economics != null)
result = Economics.Call("Withdraw", player.UserIDString, (double)config.Spawncost);
// No supported rewards plugin loaded or configured
message(player, "Currency Type Not supported on this server");
return false;
if (result == null || (result is bool && (bool)result == false))
message(player, "Looks like you can not afford to buy this");
return false;
message(player, "Charged {amount} {currency} for Vault Door".Replace("{amount}", config.Spawncost.ToString()).Replace("{currency}", config.CurrencySymbol));
return true;
bool CanaffordFix(BasePlayer player, Door VD)
object result = null;
if (VD.SecondsSinceAttacked < config.RepairDelay)
message(player, "Wait", (config.RepairDelay - VD.SecondsSinceAttacked).ToString("#.#"));
return false;
if (config.RepairCosttype == "serverrewards" && ServerRewards != null)
result = ServerRewards.Call("TakePoints", player.UserIDString, (int)config.Repaircost);
else if (config.RepairCosttype == "economics" && Economics != null)
result = Economics.Call("Withdraw", player.UserIDString, (double)config.Repaircost);
// No supported rewards plugin loaded or configured
message(player, "Currency Type Not supported on this server");
return false;
if (result == null || (result is bool && (bool)result == false))
message(player, "Looks like you can not afford to repair this");
return false;
message(player, "Charged {amount} {currency} for repairing Vault Door".Replace("{amount}", config.Repaircost.ToString()).Replace("{currency}", config.CurrencySymbol));
return true;
//Checks if has the correct permission
private bool CanCraft(BasePlayer player)
if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, permUse))
message(player, "Permission");
return false;
return CanFix(player, null, true);
//Creates vault door
private Item CreateItem()
var item = ItemManager.CreateByName("wall.frame.garagedoor", 1, skinID);
if (item != null)
item.text = "Vault Door"; = item.text;
return item;
//Checks if its a vault door when hit with hammer
private void CheckHit(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity)
if (entity == null) { return; }
if (!IsVaultDoor(entity.skinID)) { return; }
//Check if door is open and has no lock to remove Otherwise heal door
Door VD = entity as Door;
if (VD.GetSlot(0) == null && VD.IsOpen())
if (VD._health < VD._maxHealth)
if (config.RepairCosttype != "resources")
if (CanaffordFix(player, VD))
Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/repair_full_metal.prefab", VD.transform.position); += config.RepairAmmount;
if (CanFix(player, VD))
Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/repair_full_metal.prefab", VD.transform.position); += config.RepairAmmount;
message(player, "Vault Door Is full health");
//Checks if can fix
private bool CanFix(BasePlayer player, Door VD, bool craft = false)
Dictionary<string, int> Needed = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, int> Parts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
if (!craft)
Parts = config.RepairCost;
//Check repair delay
if (VD.SecondsSinceAttacked < config.RepairDelay)
message(player, "Wait", (config.RepairDelay - VD.SecondsSinceAttacked).ToString("#.#"));
return false;
if (!config.craftcosts) return true;
Parts = config.CraftCost;
//Check has needed meterials
foreach (var component in Parts)
string name = component.Key;
if (player.inventory.GetAmount(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(component.Key).itemid) < component.Value)
if (!Needed.ContainsKey(name))
Needed.Add(name, 0);
Needed[name] += component.Value;
//Has everything needed so remove from player and send can fix.
if (Needed.Count == 0)
foreach (var item in Parts)
player.inventory.Take(null, ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(item.Key).itemid, item.Value);
return true;
//Doesnt have everything needed to build list and message use. Send cant fix
string text = "";
foreach (var item in Needed)
text += $" * {item.Key} x{item.Value}\n";
message(player, "Repair", text);
return false;
private bool IsVaultDoor(ulong skin) { return skin != 0 && skin == skinID; }
//Checks if vault door should be swapped in
private void CheckDeploy(BaseEntity entity)
if (entity == null) { return; }
//Checks if is using vault door skin
if (!IsVaultDoor(entity.skinID)) { return; }
//Creates Doorway
var doorway = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/building core/wall.doorway/wall.doorway.prefab", entity.transform.position, entity.transform.rotation);
if (doorway == null)
//Something Failed
doorway.OwnerID = entity.OwnerID;
//sets up door frame to fill in gaps around vault door
var buildingBlock = doorway as BuildingBlock;
if (buildingBlock != null)
//Upgrade HQM
//Grounded so doesnt fall apart
buildingBlock.grounded = false;
//Sets health as max = buildingBlock.MaxHealth();
//Rotate from Door Way
Vector3 rot = buildingBlock.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
rot = new Vector3(rot.x, rot.y + 180, rot.z);
//Create Vault Door
Door vaultdoor = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(prefab, buildingBlock.transform.position, buildingBlock.transform.rotation) as Door;
if (vaultdoor == null) { return; }
//Stupid rotation based move stuff
Vector3 movepos = buildingBlock.transform.position;
movepos += buildingBlock.transform.forward * 1.0f;
movepos += buildingBlock.transform.right * -0.54f;
movepos += buildingBlock.transform.up * 0.2f;
//Sets door way as creator so can destory vault on door way being destroyed
vaultdoor.creatorEntity = doorway;
vaultdoor.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
vaultdoor.transform.position = movepos;
//Set skin and owner
vaultdoor.skinID = skinID;
vaultdoor.OwnerID = entity.OwnerID;
//Delay setting Max health and health other wise it defaults to 800
timer.Once(1f, () =>
//Sets up functions
//Cleans out placeholder
NextTick(() => { entity?.Kill(); });
//Removes script on unload incase some ones restarting plugin but not restarted server
int DestroyVaultDoorScript()
int killed = 0;
foreach (var vaultdoor in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Door>())
foreach (var vd in vaultdoor.GetComponentsInChildren<VaultDoor>())
return killed;
#region Commands
//Chat command
private void Craft(BasePlayer player)
if (config.Costtype != "resources")
if (ChargePlayer(player)) { GiveVaultDoor(player); }
if (CanCraft(player)) { GiveVaultDoor(player); }
//Console command
private void Cmd(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
if (arg.IsAdmin && arg.Args?.Length > 0)
var player = BasePlayer.Find(arg.Args[0]) ?? BasePlayer.FindSleeping(arg.Args[0]);
if (player == null)
PrintWarning($"Can't find player with that name/ID! {arg.Args[0]}");
#region Scripts
public class VaultDoor : MonoBehaviour
//Hold doors info
public Door vdoor = null;
//Holds Position that can be used after Vdoors destroyed.
public Vector3 Position;
//Hold door frames info
public BaseEntity Frame = null;
//List of players that have CUI active
public List<BasePlayer> PlayersCUIed = new List<BasePlayer>();
private void Awake()
vdoor = this.GetComponent<Door>();
if (vdoor == null) return;
Position = vdoor.transform.position;
//Set Custom Health
Frame = vdoor.creatorEntity;
//If no creatorEntity most likey a server restart so find it.
if (Frame == null)
//Offsets scan position since where vault shows isnt where its position is.
Vector3 scanpos = Position;
scanpos += vdoor.transform.forward * 1.0f;
scanpos += vdoor.transform.right * -0.54f;
scanpos += vdoor.transform.up * 0.0f;
if (plugin.showDebug) foreach (BasePlayer BP in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (BP.IsAdmin) BP.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.sphere", 8f,, scanpos, 0.5f); }
List<BaseEntity> BuildingBlock = new List<BaseEntity>();
//Scans area for players
Vis.Entities<BaseEntity>(scanpos, 0.5f, BuildingBlock);
foreach (BaseEntity doorframe in BuildingBlock)
if (doorframe.ShortPrefabName == "wall.doorway")
if (plugin.showDebug) plugin.Puts("Found Creator Doorway " + doorframe.ToString());
Frame = doorframe;
//Setup checking if door frame has been destroyed
InvokeRepeating("CheckFrame", 5, 8);
InvokeRepeating("VaultHealthBar", 1, 1);
void VaultHealthBar()
List<BasePlayer> PlayersInRange = new List<BasePlayer>();
//Scans area for players
Vis.Entities<BasePlayer>(vdoor.transform.position, Configuration.vaultrange, PlayersInRange);
//Logic to remove CUI from players that have left area
foreach (BasePlayer bp in PlayersCUIed.ToArray())
if (!PlayersInRange.Contains(bp))
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(bp, "VaultHealth");
//Shows CUI to each player in range
if (PlayersInRange.Count != 0)
foreach (BasePlayer player in PlayersInRange.ToArray())
if (!player.IsSleeping())
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VaultHealth");
var elements = new CuiElementContainer();
elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = "Vault Health " + vdoor._health.ToString("#.##") + "/" + vdoor._maxHealth.ToString(), FontSize = 16, Color = HexToRustFormat(Configuration.vaulthealthcolor), Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.806 0.955", AnchorMax = "0.99 0.989" } }, "Overlay", "VaultHealth");
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements);
if (!PlayersCUIed.Contains(player))
void CheckFrame()
//Frame has been destoryed so destroy vault
if (Frame == null && vdoor != null)
foreach (var effect in effects) { Effect.server.Run(effect, Position); }
catch { }
public void TryPickup(BasePlayer player)
//Owner has hit with hammer, Destroy frame and vault door and refund them one.
if (vdoor.OwnerID == player.userID)
if (Frame != null)
plugin.GiveVaultDoor(player, true);