using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Security.Claims; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Xml.Linq; using static app.Enums; using static app.EnumsStates; using static app.MapAreaStruc; using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream; using static System.Windows.Forms.AxHost; namespace app { public class PlayerScan { Form1 Form1_0; public long PlayerPointer = 0; public long PlayerNamePointer = 0; public long actAddress = 0; public long mapSeedAddress = 0; public Int64 pathAddress = 0; public bool FoundPlayer = false; public bool PlayerDead = false; public long pAct = 0; public uint mapSeedValue = 0; public ushort xPos = 0; public ushort yPos = 0; public ushort xPosOffset = 0; public ushort yPosOffset = 0; public int xPosOffsetPercent = 0; public int yPosOffsetPercent = 0; public ushort xPosFinal = 0; public ushort yPosFinal = 0; public string pName = ""; public long pRoom1Address = 0; public long pRoom2Address = 0; public long pLevelAddress = 0; public long levelNo = 0; public long pStatsListEx = 0; public long statPtr = 0; public long statCount = 0; public Enums.PlayerClass CurrentPlayerClass; public Enums.Skill LeftSkill; public Enums.Skill RightSkill; public long PlayerGoldInventory = 0; public long PlayerGoldInStash = 0; public long PlayerHP = 0; public long PlayerMaxHP = 0; public long PlayerMana = 0; public long PlayerMaxMana = 0; public ushort difficulty = 0; public uint lastdwInitSeedHash1 = 0; public uint lastdwInitSeedHash2 = 0; public string sFile = ""; public int PlayerSkillLeft = 0; public int PlayerSkillRight = 0; public int PlayerStrucCount = 0; public uint unitId = 0; public uint LeechPlayerUnitID = 0; public long LeechPlayerPointer = 0; public int LeechPosX = 0; public int LeechPosY = 0; public long LeechlevelNo = 0; public ushort xPosFinalOtherP = 0; public ushort yPosFinalOtherP = 0; public bool IsCorpse = false; public string pNameOther = ""; public uint unitIdOther = 0; public int HPFromEquippedItems = 0; public int ManaFromEquippedItems = 0; public int VitalityFromEquippedItems = 0; public int EnergyFromEquippedItems = 0; public int HPPercentFromEquippedItems = 0; public int ManaPercentFromEquippedItems = 0; public long HPFromPlayer = 0; public long ManaFromPlayer = 0; public long VitalityFromPlayer = 0; public long EnergyFromPlayer = 0; public long HPPercentFromPlayer = 0; public long ManaPercentFromPlayer = 0; public bool PrintedLeechFoundInfo = false; public bool HasBattleOrderState = false; public long MaxHPValueWithBO = 0; List PlayerStates = new List(); public int[] RoomExit = new int[2]; // REQUIRED METHODS //[DllImport("checkmem.dll")] //public static extern uint get_seed(uint InitSeedHash1, uint InitSeedHash2, uint EndSeedHash1); public void SetForm1(Form1 form1_1) { Form1_0 = form1_1; } public void GetPositions() { Form1_0.SetProcessingTime(); pathAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr) (PlayerPointer + 0x38)); xPos = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr) (pathAddress + 0x02)); yPos = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr) (pathAddress + 0x06)); xPosOffset = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr) (pathAddress + 0x00)); yPosOffset = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr) (pathAddress + 0x04)); xPosOffsetPercent = (xPosOffset / 65536); //get percentage yPosOffsetPercent = (yPosOffset / 65536); //get percentage xPosFinal = (ushort)(xPos + xPosOffsetPercent); yPosFinal = (ushort)(yPos + yPosOffsetPercent); //Console.WriteLine("X: " + xPos); //Console.WriteLine("Off: " + Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadByteRaw((IntPtr)(pathAddress + 0x02)).ToString("X2")); //Console.WriteLine("Off: " + Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadByteRaw((IntPtr)(pathAddress + 0x03)).ToString("X2")); //Console.WriteLine("Off: " + Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadByteRaw((IntPtr)(pathAddress + 0x04)).ToString("X2")); //Console.WriteLine("Off: " + Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadByteRaw((IntPtr)(pathAddress + 0x05)).ToString("X2")); //byte[] bytee = new byte[2] { 0x76, 0x1e }; //Form1_0.Mem_0.WriteRawMemory((IntPtr)(pathAddress + 0x02), bytee, bytee.Length); pStatsListEx = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x88)); statPtr = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pStatsListEx + 0x30)); statCount = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pStatsListEx + 0x38)); PlayerStates = GetStates(pStatsListEx); HasBattleOrderState = HasState(EnumsStates.State.Battleorders); byte[] buffer = new byte[statCount * 8]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(statPtr + 0x2, ref buffer, (int) (statCount * 8)); if (Form1_0.Town_0.IsInTown) { PlayerHP = PlayerMaxHP; if (PlayerHP == 0) PlayerHP = 100; } else { //reset player hp PlayerHP = 0; } if (!Form1_0.GameStruc_0.IsInGame()) PlayerHP = PlayerMaxHP; for (int i = 0; i < statCount; i++) { int offset = i * 8; ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset); uint statValue = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 0x2); //Console.WriteLine((Enums.Attribute) statEnum + " - " + statValue); if (statEnum == (ushort) Enums.Attribute.Life) { PlayerHP = statValue >> 8; } if (statEnum == (ushort) Enums.Attribute.Mana) { PlayerMana = statValue >> 8; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.GoldInPlayer) { PlayerGoldInventory = statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.GoldInStash) { PlayerGoldInStash = statValue; } //##### /*if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.Vitality) { VitalityFromPlayer = statValue; HPFromPlayer = statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.LifeMax) { HPFromPlayer = (statValue >> 8); } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.MaxHPPercent) { HPPercentFromPlayer = statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.Energy) { EnergyFromPlayer = statValue; ManaFromPlayer = statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.ManaMax) { ManaFromPlayer = (statValue >> 8); } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.MaxManaPercent) { ManaPercentFromPlayer = statValue; }*/ //##### } //Console.WriteLine("gold: " + PlayerGoldInventory); if (PlayerHP == 0) PlayerDead = true; else PlayerDead = false; //; get the level number pRoom1Address = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pathAddress + 0x20)); pRoom2Address = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pRoom1Address + 0x18)); pLevelAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pRoom2Address + 0x90)); levelNo = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pLevelAddress + 0x1F8)); RoomExit[0] = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(pRoom1Address + 0x10)); RoomExit[1] = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(pRoom1Address + 0x14)); //; get/check for bad pointer if (levelNo == 0 && xPosFinal == 0 && yPosFinal == 0) { Form1_0.HasPointers = false; } //##################################################################################################### //##################################################################################################### //##################################################################################################### //; get the difficulty actAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x20)); long aActUnk2 = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(actAddress + 0x78)); difficulty = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(aActUnk2 + 0x830)); //; get the map seed long actMiscAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(actAddress + 0x78)); //0x0000023a64ed4780; 2449824630656 uint dwInitSeedHash1 = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(actMiscAddress + 0x840)); uint dwInitSeedHash2 = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(actMiscAddress + 0x844)); uint dwEndSeedHash1 = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(actMiscAddress + 0x868)); /*byte[] buffData = new byte[0x100]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(actMiscAddress + 0x800, ref buffData, buffData.Length); string SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpHashStruc"; File.Create(SavePathh).Dispose(); File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, buffData);*/ var mapSeed = GetMapSeed((uint)dwInitSeedHash1, (uint)dwEndSeedHash1); if (!mapSeed.Item2) { throw new Exception("Error calculating map seed"); } mapSeedValue = mapSeed.Item1; //Form1_0.method_1("SEED: " + mapSeed.Item1.ToString(), Color.Red); //Form1_0.method_1("Difficulty: " + ((Difficulty) difficulty).ToString(), Color.Red); //Form1_0.GetMapData(mapSeed.Item1.ToString(), (Difficulty) difficulty); //##################################################################################################### //##################################################################################################### //##################################################################################################### // Skills long skillListPtr = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x100)); //var skills = GetSkills(skillListPtr); long leftSkillPtr = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(skillListPtr + 0x08)); long leftSkillTxtPtr = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)leftSkillPtr); ushort leftSkillId = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)leftSkillTxtPtr); LeftSkill = (Enums.Skill)leftSkillId; long rightSkillPtr = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(skillListPtr + 0x10)); long rightSkillTxtPtr = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)rightSkillPtr); ushort rightSkillId = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)rightSkillTxtPtr); RightSkill = (Enums.Skill)rightSkillId; // Class uint classValue = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x174)); CurrentPlayerClass = (Enums.PlayerClass)classValue; //##################################################################################################### //##################################################################################################### //##################################################################################################### //get player name PlayerNamePointer = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x10)); pName = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadMemString(PlayerNamePointer); //Form1_0.Potions_0.CheckHPAndManaMax(); //not used here SetMaxHPAndMana(); Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Cords", xPosFinal + "," + yPosFinal); Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Life", PlayerHP + "/" + PlayerMaxHP); Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Mana", PlayerMana + "/" + PlayerMaxMana); Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Map Level", levelNo.ToString() + " " + (Enums.Area) levelNo); //Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Room Exit", RoomExit[0].ToString() + ", " + RoomExit[1].ToString()); //Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Seed", mapSeed.ToString()); //Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Difficulty", difficulty.ToString()); //Form1_0.method_1("URL: " + GetImageURL()); //DownloadImage(GetImageURL()); } private const int MapHashDivisor = 1 << 16; // Logic stolen from MapAssist, credits to them public static (uint, bool) GetMapSeed(uint initHashSeed, uint endHashSeed) { uint gameSeedXor = 0; var (seed, found) = ReverseMapSeedHash(endHashSeed); if (found) { gameSeedXor = initHashSeed ^ seed; } if (gameSeedXor == 0) { return (0, false); } return (seed, true); } private static (uint, bool) ReverseMapSeedHash(uint hash) { uint incrementalValue = 1; for (uint startValue = 0; startValue < uint.MaxValue; startValue += incrementalValue) { uint seedResult = (startValue * 0x6AC690C5 + 666) & 0xFFFFFFFF; if (seedResult == hash) { return (startValue, true); } if (incrementalValue == 1 && (seedResult % MapHashDivisor) == (hash % MapHashDivisor)) { incrementalValue = (uint)MapHashDivisor; } } return (0, false); } public bool ShouldSeeShopForHP() { if (((Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.PlayerHP * 100) / Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.PlayerMaxHP) <= 80) { return true; } return false; } public void SetMaxHPAndMana() { byte[] buffer = new byte[statCount * 8]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(statPtr + 0x2, ref buffer, (int)(statCount * 8)); for (int i = 0; i < statCount; i++) { int offset = i * 8; ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, offset); uint statValue = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, offset + 0x2); if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.LifeMax) { PlayerMaxHP = (statValue >> 8); } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.ManaMax) { PlayerMaxMana = (statValue >> 8); } } //Console.WriteLine("added mana percent: " + ManaPercentFromEquippedItems); double PercentHPAdd = Math.Ceiling(((double)HPPercentFromEquippedItems * (double)PlayerMaxHP) / 100); double PercentManaAdd = Math.Ceiling(((double)ManaPercentFromEquippedItems * (double)PlayerMaxMana) / 100); PlayerMaxHP = PlayerMaxHP + HPFromEquippedItems + (VitalityFromEquippedItems * 2) + (int)PercentHPAdd; //might be only for paladin PlayerMaxMana = PlayerMaxMana + ManaFromEquippedItems + (EnergyFromEquippedItems / 2) + (int)PercentManaAdd; //might be only for paladin /*double PercentHPAdd2 = Math.Ceiling(((double)HPPercentFromPlayer * (double)PlayerMaxHP) / 100); PlayerMaxHP = PlayerMaxHP + (int)PercentHPAdd2; double PercentManaAdd2 = Math.Ceiling(((double)ManaPercentFromPlayer * (double)PlayerMaxMana) / 100); PlayerMaxMana = PlayerMaxMana + (int)PercentManaAdd2;*/ if (PlayerHP > PlayerMaxHP) PlayerMaxHP = PlayerHP; if (PlayerMana > PlayerMaxMana) PlayerMaxMana = PlayerMana; //Set Max HP With BattleOrder State if (HasBattleOrderState) { if (MaxHPValueWithBO < PlayerMaxHP) { MaxHPValueWithBO = PlayerMaxHP; } else { PlayerMaxHP = MaxHPValueWithBO; } } else { MaxHPValueWithBO = 0; } } public bool HasAnyPlayerInArea(int ThisArea) { long UnitOffset = (long)Form1_0.BaseAddress + (long)Form1_0.offsets["rosterOffset"]; long partyStruct = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)UnitOffset); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ushort RosterlevelNo = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(partyStruct + 0x5C)); if (RosterlevelNo == ThisArea) { return true; } partyStruct = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(partyStruct + 0x148)); } return false; } public void GetLeechPositions() { LeechPosX = (int) Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr) (LeechPlayerPointer + 0x60)); LeechPosY = (int) Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr) (LeechPlayerPointer + 0x64)); LeechlevelNo = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(LeechPlayerPointer + 0x5C)); Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("LeechCords", LeechPosX + "," + LeechPosY); //plevel = + 0x58, "UShort"); //partyId = + 0x5A, "UShort"); //hostilePtr = + 0x70, "Int64"); } public void ScanForLeecher() { long UnitOffset = (long)Form1_0.BaseAddress + (long)Form1_0.offsets["rosterOffset"]; long partyStruct = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)UnitOffset); LeechPlayerPointer = 0; LeechPlayerUnitID = 0; string LeeeechName = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.GameOwnerName; if (CharConfig.IsRushing) LeeeechName = CharConfig.RushLeecherName; if (LeeeechName == "") { Form1_0.method_1("Leecher name is empty!", Color.Red); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { string name = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadMemString(partyStruct); if (name.ToLower() == LeeeechName.ToLower()) { if (!PrintedLeechFoundInfo) { Form1_0.method_1("Leecher pointer found!", Color.DarkViolet); PrintedLeechFoundInfo = true; } LeechPlayerUnitID = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(partyStruct + 0x48)); LeechPlayerPointer = partyStruct; break; } else { partyStruct = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(partyStruct + 0x148)); } } } public void scanForPlayer(bool QuickScan) //scanning for self { FoundPlayer = false; int SizeArray = 0; int SizeIncrement = 0; byte[] unitTableBufferT = new byte[] { }; if (QuickScan) { SizeArray = (128 + 516) * 8; SizeIncrement = 8; unitTableBufferT = new byte[SizeArray]; long UnitOffset = (long)Form1_0.BaseAddress + (long)Form1_0.offsets["unitTable"] + Form1_0.UnitStrucOffset; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(UnitOffset, ref unitTableBufferT, SizeArray); } else { Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.scanForUnitsPointer("player"); SizeArray = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllPlayersPointers.Count; SizeIncrement = 1; } PlayerStrucCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < SizeArray; i += SizeIncrement) { long UnitPointerLocation = 0; if (QuickScan) { UnitPointerLocation = BitConverter.ToInt64(unitTableBufferT, i); } else { UnitPointerLocation = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllPlayersPointers[i]; } if (UnitPointerLocation > 0) { byte[] itemdatastruc = new byte[144]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(UnitPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, 144); // Do ONLY UnitType:0 && TxtFileNo:3 //if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4) == 3) if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0) == 0) { PlayerStrucCount++; //Form1_0.method_1("PPointerLocation: 0x" + (UnitPointerLocation).ToString("X")); long pUnitDataPtr = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x10); byte[] pUnitData = new byte[144]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(pUnitDataPtr, ref pUnitData, 144); string name = ""; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++) { if (pUnitData[i2] != 0x00) { name += (char)pUnitData[i2]; } } //name = name.Replace("?", ""); //Form1_0.method_1("PNAME: " + name, Color.Red); //Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0)); //Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4)); long ppath = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x38); byte[] ppathData = new byte[144]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(ppath, ref ppathData, 144); //if posX equal not zero if (BitConverter.ToInt16(ppathData, 2) != 0 && name == CharConfig.PlayerCharName) { Form1_0.method_1("------------------------------------------", Color.DarkBlue); PlayerPointer = UnitPointerLocation; Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Pointer", "0x" + PlayerPointer.ToString("X")); FoundPlayer = true; unitId = BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0x08); Form1_0.method_1("Player ID: 0x" + unitId.ToString("X"), Color.DarkBlue); /*string SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpPlayerStruc"; File.Create(SavePathh).Dispose(); File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, itemdatastruc); SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpPlayerUnitData"; File.Create(SavePathh).Dispose(); File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, pUnitData); SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpPlayerPath"; File.Create(SavePathh).Dispose(); File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, ppathData);*/ return; } } } } } public bool ScanForOthersPlayers(long ThisUnitID, string ThisPlayerName, bool GetCorpseOnly) { //this can be used to get self corpse?? Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.scanForUnitsPointer("player"); for (int i = 0; i < Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllPlayersPointers.Count; i++) { long UnitPointerLocation = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllPlayersPointers[i]; if (UnitPointerLocation > 0) { byte[] itemdatastruc = new byte[0x98]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(UnitPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, itemdatastruc.Length); long pInventory = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x90); if (pInventory > 0) { unitIdOther = BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0x08); long OtherpathAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x38)); long OtherxPos = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(OtherpathAddress + 0x02)); long OtheryPos = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(OtherpathAddress + 0x06)); long OtherxPosOffset = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(OtherpathAddress + 0x00)); long OtheryPosOffset = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(OtherpathAddress + 0x04)); long OtherxPosOffsetPercent = (OtherxPosOffset / 65536); //get percentage long OtheryPosOffsetPercent = (OtheryPosOffset / 65536); //get percentage xPosFinalOtherP = (ushort)(OtherxPos + OtherxPosOffsetPercent); yPosFinalOtherP = (ushort)(OtheryPos + OtheryPosOffsetPercent); long pUnitDataPtr = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x10); byte[] pUnitData = new byte[144]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(pUnitDataPtr, ref pUnitData, 144); string name = ""; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++) { if (pUnitData[i2] != 0x00) { name += (char)pUnitData[i2]; } else { break; } } pNameOther = name; IsCorpse = false; if (Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadByteRaw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x1A6)) == 1) { IsCorpse = true; } if (xPosFinalOtherP > 1 && yPosFinalOtherP > 1) { if (unitIdOther != 0) { if (unitIdOther == ThisUnitID) { if (!GetCorpseOnly || (GetCorpseOnly && IsCorpse)) { return true; } } } if (ThisPlayerName != "") { //Form1_0.method_1("TEST player corpse scan name: " + ThisPlayerName + "|" + IsCorpse, Color.OrangeRed); if (pNameOther == ThisPlayerName) { if (!GetCorpseOnly || (GetCorpseOnly && IsCorpse)) { return true; } } } } } } } return false; } public void GetHPAndManaOnThisEquippedItem() { int AddedHP = 0; int AddedMana = 0; int AddedVit = 0; int AddedEnergy = 0; int AddedHPPercent = 0; int AddedManaPercent = 0; //item_maxmana_percent ln34 item_maxhp_percent ln34 skill_staminapercent if (Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statCount; i++) { int offset = i * 8; //short statLayer = BitConverter.ToInt16(Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statBuffer, offset); ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statBuffer, offset + 0x2); int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statBuffer, offset + 0x4); if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.Vitality) { AddedVit += statValue; AddedHP += statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.LifeMax) { AddedHP += (statValue >> 8); } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.MaxHPPercent) { AddedHPPercent += statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.Energy) { AddedEnergy += statValue; AddedMana += statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.ManaMax) { AddedMana += (statValue >> 8); } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.MaxManaPercent) { AddedManaPercent += statValue; } } } if (Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statExCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statExCount; i++) { int offset = i * 8; //short statLayer = BitConverter.ToInt16(Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statBufferEx, offset); ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statBufferEx, offset + 0x2); int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.statBufferEx, offset + 0x4); if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.Vitality) { AddedVit += statValue; AddedHP += statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.LifeMax) { AddedHP += (statValue >> 8); } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.MaxHPPercent) { AddedHPPercent += statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.Energy) { AddedEnergy += statValue; AddedMana += statValue; } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.ManaMax) { AddedMana += (statValue >> 8); } if (statEnum == (ushort)Enums.Attribute.MaxManaPercent) { AddedManaPercent += statValue; } } } HPFromEquippedItems += AddedHP; ManaFromEquippedItems += AddedMana; VitalityFromEquippedItems += AddedVit; EnergyFromEquippedItems += AddedEnergy; HPPercentFromEquippedItems += AddedHPPercent; ManaPercentFromEquippedItems += AddedManaPercent; } public bool HasState(EnumsStates.State state) { foreach (EnumsStates.State st in PlayerStates) { if (st == state) { return true; } } return false; } public List GetStates(long statsListExPtr) { List states = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int offset = i * 4; byte stateByte = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadByteRaw((IntPtr)(statsListExPtr + 0xAD0 + (uint)offset)); offset = (32 * i) - 1; states.AddRange(CalculateStates(stateByte, (uint)offset)); } return states; } // Assuming you have a Process class with a ReadUInt method private Process Process = new Process(); private List CalculateStates(byte stateByte, uint offset) { List states = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((stateByte & (1 << i)) != 0) { states.Add((EnumsStates.State)(offset + i + 1)); } } return states; } } }