
272 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using static app.Enums;
using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream;
using static System.Windows.Forms.AxHost;
namespace app
public class PlayerScan
Form1 Form1_0;
public long PlayerPointer = 0;
public long PlayerNamePointer = 0;
public long actAddress = 0;
public long mapSeedAddress = 0;
public Int64 pathAddress = 0;
public bool FoundPlayer = false;
public long pAct = 0;
public uint mapSeedValue = 0;
public ushort xPos = 0;
public ushort yPos = 0;
public ushort xPosOffset = 0;
public ushort yPosOffset = 0;
public int xPosOffsetPercent = 0;
public int yPosOffsetPercent = 0;
public ushort xPosFinal = 0;
public ushort yPosFinal = 0;
public string pName = "";
public long pRoom1Address = 0;
public long pRoom2Address = 0;
public long pLevelAddress = 0;
public long levelNo = 0;
public ushort difficulty = 0;
public uint lastdwInitSeedHash1 = 0;
public uint lastdwInitSeedHash2 = 0;
public string sFile = "";
public uint unitId = 0;
public string pNameOther = "";
public uint unitIdOther = 0;
public void SetForm1(Form1 form1_1)
Form1_0 = form1_1;
public void GetPositions()
pathAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr) (PlayerPointer + 0x38));
xPos = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr) (pathAddress + 0x02));
yPos = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr) (pathAddress + 0x06));
xPosOffset = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr) (pathAddress + 0x00));
yPosOffset = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr) (pathAddress + 0x04));
xPosOffsetPercent = (xPosOffset / 65536); //get percentage
yPosOffsetPercent = (yPosOffset / 65536); //get percentage
xPosFinal = (ushort)(xPos + xPosOffsetPercent);
yPosFinal = (ushort)(yPos + yPosOffsetPercent);
//; get the level number
pRoom1Address = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pathAddress + 0x20));
pRoom2Address = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pRoom1Address + 0x18));
pLevelAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pRoom2Address + 0x90));
levelNo = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pLevelAddress + 0x1F8));
//; get/check for bad pointer
if (levelNo == 0 && xPosFinal == 0 && yPosFinal == 0)
Form1_0.HasPointers = false;
//; get the difficulty
actAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x20));
long aActUnk2 = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(actAddress + 0x78));
difficulty = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(aActUnk2 + 0x830));
//; get the map seed
long actMiscAddress = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(actAddress + 0x78)); //0x0000023a64ed4780; 2449824630656
uint dwInitSeedHash1 = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(actMiscAddress + 0x840));
uint dwInitSeedHash2 = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(actMiscAddress + 0x844));
uint dwEndSeedHash1 = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(actMiscAddress + 0x868));
/*byte[] buffData = new byte[0x100];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(actMiscAddress + 0x800, ref buffData, buffData.Length);
string SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpHashStruc";
File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, buffData);*/
var mapSeed = GetMapSeed((uint)dwInitSeedHash1, (uint)dwEndSeedHash1);
if (!mapSeed.Item2)
throw new Exception("Error calculating map seed");
mapSeedValue = mapSeed.Item1;
//Form1_0.method_1("SEED: " + mapSeed.Item1.ToString(), Color.Red);
//Form1_0.method_1("Difficulty: " + ((Difficulty) difficulty).ToString(), Color.Red);
//Form1_0.GetMapData(mapSeed.Item1.ToString(), (Difficulty) difficulty);
//get player name
PlayerNamePointer = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(PlayerPointer + 0x10));
pName = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadMemString(PlayerNamePointer);
private const int MapHashDivisor = 1 << 16;
// Logic stolen from MapAssist, credits to them
public static (uint, bool) GetMapSeed(uint initHashSeed, uint endHashSeed)
uint gameSeedXor = 0;
var (seed, found) = ReverseMapSeedHash(endHashSeed);
if (found)
gameSeedXor = initHashSeed ^ seed;
if (gameSeedXor == 0)
return (0, false);
return (seed, true);
private static (uint, bool) ReverseMapSeedHash(uint hash)
uint incrementalValue = 1;
for (uint startValue = 0; startValue < uint.MaxValue; startValue += incrementalValue)
uint seedResult = (startValue * 0x6AC690C5 + 666) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (seedResult == hash)
return (startValue, true);
if (incrementalValue == 1 && (seedResult % MapHashDivisor) == (hash % MapHashDivisor))
incrementalValue = (uint)MapHashDivisor;
return (0, false);
public void scanForPlayer(bool QuickScan) //scanning for self
FoundPlayer = false;
int SizeArray = 0;
int SizeIncrement = 0;
byte[] unitTableBufferT = new byte[] { };
if (QuickScan)
SizeArray = (128 + 516) * 8;
SizeIncrement = 8;
unitTableBufferT = new byte[SizeArray];
long UnitOffset = (long)Form1_0.BaseAddress + (long)Form1_0.offsets["unitTable"] + Form1_0.UnitStrucOffset;
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(UnitOffset, ref unitTableBufferT, SizeArray);
SizeArray = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllPlayersPointers.Count;
SizeIncrement = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < SizeArray; i += SizeIncrement)
long UnitPointerLocation = 0;
if (QuickScan)
UnitPointerLocation = BitConverter.ToInt64(unitTableBufferT, i);
UnitPointerLocation = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllPlayersPointers[i];
if (UnitPointerLocation > 0)
byte[] itemdatastruc = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(UnitPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, 144);
// Do ONLY UnitType:0 && TxtFileNo:3
//if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4) == 3)
if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0) == 0)
//Form1_0.method_1("PPointerLocation: 0x" + (UnitPointerLocation).ToString("X"));
long pUnitDataPtr = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x10);
byte[] pUnitData = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(pUnitDataPtr, ref pUnitData, 144);
string name = "";
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++)
if (pUnitData[i2] != 0x00)
name += (char)pUnitData[i2];
//name = name.Replace("?", "");
//Form1_0.method_1("PNAME: " + name, Color.Red);
//Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0));
//Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4));
long ppath = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x38);
byte[] ppathData = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(ppath, ref ppathData, 144);
//if posX equal not zero
if (BitConverter.ToInt16(ppathData, 2) != 0 && name == Form1_0.textBoxCharName.Text)
Form1_0.method_1("------------------------------------------", Color.DarkBlue);
PlayerPointer = UnitPointerLocation;
//Form1_0.Grid_SetInfos("Pointer", "0x" + PlayerPointer.ToString("X"));
FoundPlayer = true;
unitId = BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0x08);
Form1_0.method_1("Player ID: 0x" + unitId.ToString("X"), Color.DarkBlue);
/*string SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpPlayerStruc";
File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, itemdatastruc);
SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpPlayerUnitData";
File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, pUnitData);
SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpPlayerPath";
File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, ppathData);*/