# PLANETSIDE 2 - BM TOOLS - BY BOULETMARC This tool can be used to fix LaunchPad.exe error of PlanetSide2 OR it can modify the .pack contents of the game, to play with a modded game. # Download : [HERE][] ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bouletmarc/PlanetSide2_BM_Tools/master/GUI_Exemple.png) # HOW TO PLAY WITH MODS : 1. Start Launchpad 2. When the Green Play button is ready 3. Clic 'Make Modded' 4. Start the game 5. When the game is loaded 6. Clic 'Make Original' 7. ENJOY ! # WHERE TO PLACE MODS : - Modded Assets : 'Files/Modded_Assets/ - Original Assets : 'Files/Original_Assets/ - Pack Assets : 'Files/Pack_Assets/ # EXEMPLE OF MODS FOLDER : - Files/Modded_Assets/Assets_238/HUDIndicatorSettings.txt (Modified File) - Files/Modded_Assets/Assets_238/XXX_Any_Other_Files (Unmodified/Modified Files) - Files/Original_Assets/Assets_238/HUDIndicatorSettings.txt (Unmodified File) - Files/Original_Assets/Assets_238/XXX_Any_Other_Files (Unmodified Files) - Files/Pack_Assets/Assets_238.pack (Unmodified File) # WHY I HAVE CRITICAL ERROR : 1. Your Assets folders aren't properly named : 'Assets_XXX' ---> Capital are sensitive, XXX is your asset number 2. Your Assets aren't found in all 3 folders (modded/original/pack) # TERMS AND CONDITIONS : - This tool is free and it will always be free to use. - Modifying games files is same as hacking with external tool, such as dll injectors. - I extremly suggest to remake assets when you see any games updates. - You can probably get caught and be BANNED by doing this. - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! [HERE]: