updated memory file

This commit is contained in:
bouletmarc 2015-05-30 03:24:35 -04:00
parent 0015e08e2a
commit 750aeeaff6
1 changed files with 39 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ local Memory = {}
local memoryNames = {
setting = {
text_speed = 0x04E8, --247=1 // 248=2 // 249=3 ###### 139-136-128
battle_animation = 0x0510, --141=no // 142=yes ###### 141=on 133=off
battle_style = 0x0538, --130=shift // 131=set ##### 135=shift 132=set
sound_style = 0x0562, --132=stereo // 141=mono ##### 142=mono 145=stereo
text_speed = 0x04E8, --139-136-128
battle_animation = 0x0510, --141=on 133=off
battle_style = 0x0538, --135=shift 132=set
sound_style = 0x0562, --142=mono 145=stereo
print_style = 0x0FD0, --64=normal // 96=darker // 127=darkest // 0=lightest // 32=lighter
account_style = 0x0FD1, --0=no // 1=yes
windows_style = 0x0FCE, --0 to 7
@ -20,27 +20,31 @@ local memoryNames = {
menu = {
row = 0x0F88,
pc_row = 0x0B2B,
input_row = 0x0FA9,
settings_row = 0x0F63,
hours_row = 0x061C, --(0-23)
minutes_row = 0x0626, --(0-59)
days_row = 0x1002, --(0-6)
item_row = 0x110C,
item_row_size = 0x110D,
column = 0x0F65,
current = 0x00DF, --32=off 79=on instead of 20=on
size = 0x0FA3,
option_current = 0x0F84,--used while settings options (5=startmenu, 7=optionmenu)
shop_current = 0x0F87, --95=main 94=buy 80=ammount 30=accept 74=sell instead of 32=main 158/161=amount 20=buy/accept 248=sell
selection = 0x0F78, --going like 1 or 2 or 4 etc...
option_current = 0x0F84,
shop_current = 0x0F87,
selection = 0x0F78,
text_input = 0x0F69, --65=inputing
text_length = 0x06D2,
main = 0x04AA, --21=open
main = 0x04AA,
--pokemon = 0x0C51, --TO DO, USED WHILE EVOLVING
--selection_mode = 0x0C35, --TO DO, USED WHEN SWAPING MOVE
--transaction_current = 0x0F8B,--TODO, USED FOR SHOPPING
--main_current = 0x0C27, --NOT USED??
--scroll_offset = 0x0C36, --NOT USED
--scroll_offset = 0x0C36, --NOT USED IN GEN2
player = {
@ -57,14 +61,12 @@ local memoryNames = {
map = 0x1CB6,
map2 = 0x1CB5,
battle = 0x122D, --1=wild 2=trainer
battle_type = 0x1230, --ex:7=shiny/cant escape
battle_type = 0x1230, --ex:7=shiny/cant escape (not used yet)
ingame = 0x02CE,
textbox = 0x10ED, --1=false 65=On
--textbox = 0x0FA4, --or 0x0FAA
--inside_area = 0x02D0, --can be used while inside a area we can use escape_rope?
textbox = 0x10ED, --1=false 64/65=On
time = {
hours = 0x14C4, --or 0xD4C5
hours = 0x14C4,
minutes = 0x14C6,
seconds = 0x14C7,
frames = 0x14C8,
@ -74,62 +76,52 @@ local memoryNames = {
battle = {
text = 0x0FCF, --1=11(texting) // 3=1(not)
menu = 0x0FB6, --106=106(att) // 186=94(free) // 128=233(item) // 145=224(pkmon)
menuX = 0x0FAA, --used for battle Row-X
menuY = 0x0FA9, --used for battle Row-Y
menu = 0x0FB6, --106=106(att) // 186=94(main) // 128=233(item) // 145=224(pkmon)
menuX = 0x0FAA, --used for battle menu Row-X
menuY = 0x0FA9, --used for battle menu Row-Y
battle_turns = 0x06DD, --USED FOR DSUM ESCAPE??
opponent_id = 0x1206, --or 0x1204
opponent_id = 0x1206, --or 0x1204??
opponent_level = 0x1213,
opponent_type1 = 0x1224,
opponent_type2 = 0x1225,
--opponent_move_id = 0x1208, --used to get opponent moves ID
--opponent_move_pp = 0x120E, --used to get opponent moves PP
--opponent_move_id = 0x1208, --used to get opponent moves ID's
--opponent_move_pp = 0x120E, --used to get opponent moves PP's
our_id = 0x1205, --old=1014
our_id = 0x1205,
our_status = 0x063A,
our_level = 0x0639,
our_type1 = 0x064A,
our_type2 = 0x064B,
--our_move_id = 0x062E, --used to get our moves ID
--our_move_pp = 0x0634, --used to get our moves PP
--our_move_id = 0x062E, --used to get our moves ID's
--our_move_pp = 0x0634, --used to get our moves PP's
--our_pokemon_list = 0x1288 --used to retract any of our pokemon values (slot 1-6)
--our_pokemon_list = 0x1288 --used to retract any of our Pokemons values (slot 1-6)
--attack_turns = 0x06DC, --NOT USED??
--accuracy = 0x0D1E,
--x_accuracy = 0x1063,
--disabled = 0x0CEE,
--paralyzed = 0x1018,
--critical = 0x105E,
--miss = 0x105F,
--our_turn = 0x1FF1,
--accuracy = 0x0D1E, --NOT DONE YET
--x_accuracy = 0x1063, --NOT DONE YET
--disabled = 0x0CEE, --NOT DONE YET
--paralyzed = 0x1018, --NOT DONE YET
--critical = 0x105E, --NOT DONE YET
--miss = 0x105F, --NOT DONE YET
--our_turn = 0x1FF1, --NOT DONE YET
--POISONED STATUS = 8-15 or 24-31 or 40-47 or 56-63 or 72-79 or 88-95 or 104-111 or 120-127 or 136-143 or 152-159 or 168-175 or 184-191 or 200-207 or 216-223 or 232-239 or 248-255
--BURN STATUS = 16-23 or 48-55 or 80-87 or 112-119 or 144-151 or 176-183 or 208-215 or 240-247
--FREEZE STATUS = 32-39 or 96-103 or 160-167 or 224-231
--PARALIZED STATUS = 64-71 or 192-199
--NOTHING STATUS = 128-135
--opponent_next_move = 0x0CDD, --C6E4 ?? NOT USED?
--opponent_last_move = 0x0FCC,
--opponent_bide = 0x106F,
--opponent_next_move = 0xC6E4, --NOT USED??
--opponent_last_move = 0x0FCC, --NOT DONE YET AND NOT USED??
--opponent_bide = 0x106F, --NOT DONE YET AND NOT USED??
--[[pokemon = {
exp1 = 0x1179,
exp2 = 0x117A, --NOT DONE YET
exp3 = 0x117B,
local doubleNames = {
battle = {
opponent_hp = 0x1216, --10FF index +278? //
opponent_hp = 0x1216,
opponent_max_hp = 0x1218,
opponent_attack = 0x121A,
opponent_defense = 0x121C,
@ -148,7 +140,7 @@ local doubleNames = {
--[[pokemon = {
attack = 0x117E,
defense = 0x1181, --NOT USED AT ALL??
defense = 0x1181, --NOT DONE YET
speed = 0x1183,
special = 0x1185,
@ -157,10 +149,6 @@ local doubleNames = {
--local yellow = YELLOW
local function raw(address)
--local function raw(address, forYellow)
--if yellow and not forYellow and address > 0x0F12 and address < 0x1F00 then
-- address = address - 1
return memory.readbyte(address)
Memory.raw = raw
@ -184,13 +172,11 @@ function Memory.double(section, key)
return raw(first) + raw(first + 1)
--function Memory.value(section, key, forYellow)
function Memory.value(section, key)
local memoryAddress = memoryNames[section]
if key then
memoryAddress = memoryAddress[key]
--return raw(memoryAddress, forYellow)
return raw(memoryAddress)