# chain_exporter Metrics exporter and alerter tools for cosmos-sdk ## chain_exporter Chain_exporter exports blockchain metadata, information about missed blocks and governance proposals from the lcd to Postgres. Environment: ``` "GAIA_URL" = "http://gaia-node1:26657" # gaia URL "DB_HOST" = "postgres-chain:5432" # Postgres host:port "DB_USER" = "postgres" # DB username "DB_PW"= "mypwd" # DB password "LCD_URL" = "https://gaia-lcd:1317" # gaia lcd URL ``` ## net_exporter Net_exporter periodically exports net_info from gaia to Postgres. This allows to get an extensive overview of the current network and connectivity status of the cosmos-sdk. Environment: ``` "GAIA_URLs" = "http://gaia-node0:26657,http://gaia-node1:26657" # gaia URLs (comma-separated) "DB_HOST" = "postgres-chain:5432" # Postgres host:port "DB_USER" = "postgres" # DB username "DB_PW"= "mypwd" # DB password "PERIOD" = "10" # Period to save data in seconds ``` ## alerter Alerter forwards missed block and governance alerts stored in postgres to Sentry. Environment: ``` "DB_HOST" = "postgres-chain:5432" # Postgres host:port "DB_USER" = "postgres" # DB username "DB_PW"= "mypwd" # DB password "RAVEN_DSN" = "http://xxxxxxx" # DSN_URL from Sentry (hosted or self-hosted) "ADDRESS" = "ABCDDED" # Address of the validator to alert on ```