This ADR defines an address format for all addressable SDK accounts. That includes: new public key algorithms, multisig public keys, and module accounts.
address spaces are currently overlapping. We confirmed that it significantly decreases security of Cosmos SDK.
### Problem
An attacker can control an input for an address generation function. This leads to a birthday attack, which significantly decreases the security space.
To overcome this, we need to separate the inputs for different kind of account types:
a security break of one account type shouldn't impact the security of other account types.
### Initial proposals
One initial proposal was extending the address length and
@ethanfrey explained an alternate approach originally used in
> I spent quite a bit of time thinking about this issue while building weave... The other cosmos Sdk.
> Basically I define a condition to be a type and format as human readable string with some binary data appended. This condition is hashed into an Address (again at 20 bytes). The use of this prefix makes it impossible to find a preimage for a given address with a different condition (eg ed25519 vs secp256k1).
> This is explained in depth here
> And the code is here, look mainly at the top where we process conditions.
And explained how this approach should be sufficiently collision resistant:
> Yeah, AFAIK, 20 bytes should be collision resistance when the preimages are unique and not malleable. A space of 2^160 would expect some collision to be likely around 2^80 elements (birthday paradox). And if you want to find a collision for some existing element in the database, it is still 2^160. 2^80 only is if all these elements are written to state.
> The good example you brought up was eg. a public key bytes being a valid public key on two algorithms supported by the codec. Meaning if either was broken, you would break accounts even if they were secured with the safer variant. This is only as the issue when no differentiating type info is present in the preimage (before hashing into an address).
> I would like to hear an argument if the 20 bytes space is an actual issue for security, as I would be happy to increase my address sizes in weave. I just figured cosmos and ethereum and bitcoin all use 20 bytes, it should be good enough. And the arguments above which made me feel it was secure. But I have not done a deeper analysis.
This led to the first proposal (which we proved to be not good enough):
we concatenate a key type with a public key, hash it and take the first 20 bytes of that hash, summarized as `sha256(keyTypePrefix || keybytes)[:20]`.
### Review and Discussions
In [\#5694]( we discussed various solutions.
We agreed that 20 bytes it's not future proof, and extending the address length is the only way to allow addresses of different types, various signature types, etc.
+ Move the prefix out of the hash function: `keyTypePrefix + sha256(keybytes)[:20]` [post-hash-prefix-proposal].
+ Use double hashing: `sha256(keyTypePrefix + sha256(keybytes)[:20])`.
+ Increase to keybytes hash slice from 20 byte to 32 or 40 bytes. We concluded that 32 bytes, produced by a good hash functions is future secure.
### Requirements
+ Support currently used tools - we don't want to break an ecosystem, or add a long adaptation period. Ref:
+ Try to keep the address length small - addresses are widely used in state, both as part of a key and object value.
### Scope
This ADR only defines a process for the generation of address bytes. For end-user interactions with addresses (through the API, or CLI, etc.), we still use bech32 to format these addresses as strings. This ADR doesn't change that.
We start with defining a base hash algorithm for generating addresses. Notably, it's used for accounts represented by a single key pair. For each public key schema we have to have an associated `typ` string, which we discuss in a section below. `hash` is the cryptographic hash function defined in the previous section.
For simple composed accounts (like new naive multisig), we generalize the `address.Hash`. The address is constructed by recursively creating addresses for the sub accounts, sorting the addresses and composing them into a single address. It ensures that the ordering of keys doesn't impact the resulting address.
// We don't need a PubKey interface - we need anything which is addressable.
The `typ` parameter should be a schema descriptor, containing all significant attributes with deterministic serialization (eg: utf8 string).
`LengthPrefix` is a function which prepends 1 byte to the address. The value of that byte is the length of the address bits before prepending. The address must be at most 255 bits long.
We are using `LengthPrefix` to eliminate conflicts - it assures, that for 2 lists of addresses: `as = {a1, a2, ..., an}` and `bs = {b1, b2, ..., bm}` such that every `bi` and `ai` is at most 255 long, `concatenate(map(as, \a -> LengthPrefix(a))) = map(bs, \b -> LengthPrefix(b))` iff `as = bs`.
Implementation Tip: account implementations should cache addresses.
For new multisig public keys, we define the `typ` parameter not based on any encoding scheme (amino or protobuf). This avoids issues with non-determinism in the encoding scheme.
We use `"module"` as a schema type for all module derived addresses. Module accounts can have sub accounts. The derivation process has a defined order: module name, submodule key, subsubmodule key.
Module account addresses are heavily used in the SDK so it makes sense to optimize the derivation process: instead of using of using `LengthPrefix` for the module name, we use a null byte (`'\x00'`) as a separator. This works, because null byte is not a part of a valid module name.
We must be able to cryptographically derive one address from another one. The derivation process must guarantee hash properties, hence we use the already defined `Hash` function:
- a simple algorithm for generating addresses for new public keys, complex accounts and modules
- the algorithm generalizes _native composed keys_
- increased security and collision resistance of addresses
- the approach is extensible for future use-cases - one can use other address types, as long as they don't conflict with the address length specified here (20 or 32 bytes).
Some accounts can have a fixed name or may be constructed in other way (eg: modules). We were discussing an idea of an account with a predefined name (eg: `me.regen`), which could be used by institutions.
Without going into details, these kinds of addresses are compatible with the hash based addresses described here as long as they don't have the same length.
More specifically, any special account address must not have a length equal to 20 or 32 bytes.
## Appendix: Consulting session
End of Dec 2020 we had a session with [Alan Szepieniec]( to consult the approach presented above.
+ Alan is pretty confident about the current security analysis of the blake hash algorithm. It was a finalist, and the author is well known in security analysis.
+ Alan recommends to hash the prefix: `address(pub_key) = hash(hash(key_type) + pub_key)[:32]`, main benefits:
+ we are free to user arbitrary long prefix names
+ we still don’t risk collisions
+ switch tables
+ discussion about penalization -> about adding prefix post hash
+ Aaron asked about post hash prefixes (`address(pub_key) = key_type + hash(pub_key)`) and differences. Alan noted that this approach has longer address space and it’s stronger.
+ Problem: much bigger risk because we don’t know much techniques and history of crypto-analysis of arithmetic constructions. It’s still a new ground and area of active research.
+ Alan suggestion: Falcon: speed / size ration - very good.
+ Aaron - should we think about it?
Alan: based on early extrapolation this thing will get able to break EC cryptography in 2050 . But that’s a lot of uncertainty. But there is magic happening with recurions / linking / simulation and that can speedup the progress.
+ Let’s say we use same key and two different address algorithms for 2 different use cases. Is it still safe to use it? Alan: if we want to hide the public key (which is not our use case), then it’s less secure but there are fixes.