> **IMPORTANT**: If you find a security issue, you can contact our team directly at
security@tendermint.com, or report it to our [bug bounty program](https://hackerone.com/tendermint) on HackerOne. *DO NOT* open a public issue on the repository.
We are interested in bugs in other modules, however the above are most likely to
have significant vulnerabilities, due to the complexity / nuance involved. We
also recommend you to read the [specification](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/master/docs/building-modules/README.md) of each module before digging into
the code.
### How we process Tx parameters
- Integer operations on tx parameters, especially `sdk.Int` / `sdk.Dec`
- Gas calculation & parameter choices
- Tx signature verification (see [`x/auth/ante`](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/tree/master/x/auth/ante))
- Possible Node DoS vectors (perhaps due to gas weighting / non constant timing)