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title: Redelegation
msgServer -> keeper : BeginRedelegation(delAddr, valSrcAddr, valDstAddr, sharesAmount)
participant "keeper (staking)" as keeper
keeper -> keeper : get number of sharew
note left: If the delegator has more shares than the total shares in the validator\n(due to rounding errors), then just withdraw the max number of shares.
keeper -> keeper : check the redelegation uses correct denom
alt valSrcAddr == valDstAddr
keeper - -> msgServer : error
alt transitive redelegation
keeper - -> msgServer : error
alt already has max redelegations
keeper - -> msgServer : error
note left : this is the number of redelegations for a specific (del, valSrc, valDst) triple\ndefault : 7
keeper -> keeper : Unbond(del, valSrc) returns returnAmount
note left : See unbonding diagram
alt returnAmount is zero
keeper -> msgServer : error
keeper -> keeper : Delegate(del, returnAmount, status := valSrc.status, valDst, subtractAccount := false)
note left : See delegation diagram
alt validator is unbonded
keeper -> msgServer : current time
alt unbonding not complete, or just started
database store
keeper -> store : create redelegation object
keeper -> store : insert redelegation in queue, to be processed at the appropriate time
msgServer <- - keeper : completion time of the redelegation
msgServer -> msgServer : emit event: delegator, valSrc, valSrc,\nsharesAmount, completionTime
title: Redelegation
msgServer -> keeper : BeginRedelegation(delAddr, valSrcAddr, valDstAddr, sharesAmount)
participant "keeper (staking)" as keeper
keeper -> keeper : get number of sharew
note left: If the delegator has more shares than the total shares in the validator\n(due to rounding errors), then just withdraw the max number of shares.
keeper -> keeper : check the redelegation uses correct denom
alt valSrcAddr == valDstAddr
keeper - -> msgServer : error
alt transitive redelegation
keeper - -> msgServer : error
alt already has max redelegations
keeper - -> msgServer : error
note left : this is the number of redelegations for a specific (del, valSrc, valDst) triple\ndefault : 7
keeper -> keeper : Unbond(del, valSrc) returns returnAmount
note left : See unbonding diagram
alt returnAmount is zero
keeper -> msgServer : error
keeper -> keeper : Delegate(del, returnAmount, status := valSrc.status, valDst, subtractAccount := false)
note left : See delegation diagram
alt validator is unbonded
keeper -> msgServer : current time
alt unbonding not complete, or just started
database store
keeper -> store : create redelegation object
keeper -> store : insert redelegation in queue, to be processed at the appropriate time
msgServer <- - keeper : completion time of the redelegation
msgServer -> msgServer : emit event: delegator, valSrc, valSrc,\nsharesAmount, completionTime
PlantUML version 1.2021.5beta3(Unknown compile time)
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JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
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Language: en
Country: US