test SendTx to IBC packet
This commit is contained in:
@ -102,6 +102,15 @@ func SaveNewIBCPacket(state types.KVStore, src, dst string, payload Payload) {
save(state, packetKey, packet)
func GetIBCPacket(state types.KVStore, src, dst string, seq uint64) (Packet, error) {
packetKey := toKey(_IBC, _EGRESS, src, dst, cmn.Fmt("%v", seq))
packetBytes := state.Get(packetKey)
var packet Packet
err := wire.ReadBinaryBytes(packetBytes, &packet)
return packet, err
const (
@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ import (
abci "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
@ -33,11 +35,6 @@ func (et *execTest) signTx(tx *types.SendTx, accsIn ...types.PrivAccount) {
types.SignTx(et.chainID, tx, accsIn...)
// make tx from accsIn to et.accOut
func (et *execTest) getTx(seq int, accOut types.PrivAccount, accsIn ...types.PrivAccount) *types.SendTx {
return types.GetTx(seq, accOut, accsIn...)
// returns the final balance and expected balance for input and output accounts
func (et *execTest) exec(tx *types.SendTx, checkTx bool) (res abci.Result, inGot, inExp, outGot, outExp types.Coins) {
initBalIn := et.state.GetAccount(et.accIn.Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
@ -85,19 +82,19 @@ func TestGetInputs(t *testing.T) {
//test getInputs for registered, non-registered account
txs := types.Accs2TxInputs(1, et.accIn)
acc, res = getInputs(et.state, txs)
inputs := types.Accs2TxInputs(1, et.accIn)
acc, res = getInputs(et.state, inputs)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "getInputs: expected error when using getInput with non-registered Input")
acc, res = getInputs(et.state, txs)
acc, res = getInputs(et.state, inputs)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "getInputs: expected to getInput from registered Input")
//test sending duplicate accounts
et.acc2State(et.accIn, et.accIn, et.accIn)
txs = types.Accs2TxInputs(1, et.accIn, et.accIn, et.accIn)
acc, res = getInputs(et.state, txs)
inputs = types.Accs2TxInputs(1, et.accIn, et.accIn, et.accIn)
acc, res = getInputs(et.state, inputs)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "getInputs: expected error when sending duplicate accounts")
@ -112,24 +109,24 @@ func TestGetOrMakeOutputs(t *testing.T) {
//test sending duplicate accounts
txs := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accIn, et.accIn, et.accIn)
_, res = getOrMakeOutputs(et.state, nil, txs)
outputs := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accIn, et.accIn, et.accIn)
_, res = getOrMakeOutputs(et.state, nil, outputs)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "getOrMakeOutputs: expected error when sending duplicate accounts")
//test sending to existing/new account
txs1 := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accIn)
txs2 := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accOut)
outputs1 := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accIn)
outputs2 := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accOut)
_, res = getOrMakeOutputs(et.state, nil, txs1)
_, res = getOrMakeOutputs(et.state, nil, outputs1)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "getOrMakeOutputs: error when sending to existing account")
mapRes2, res := getOrMakeOutputs(et.state, nil, txs2)
mapRes2, res := getOrMakeOutputs(et.state, nil, outputs2)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "getOrMakeOutputs: error when sending to new account")
//test the map results
_, map2ok := mapRes2[string(txs2[0].Address)]
_, map2ok := mapRes2[string(outputs2[0].Address)]
assert.True(map2ok, "getOrMakeOutputs: account output does not contain new account map item")
@ -139,12 +136,12 @@ func TestValidateInputsBasic(t *testing.T) {
et := newExecTest()
//validate input basic
txs := types.Accs2TxInputs(1, et.accIn)
res := validateInputsBasic(txs)
inputs := types.Accs2TxInputs(1, et.accIn)
res := validateInputsBasic(inputs)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "validateInputsBasic: expected no error on good tx input. Error: %v", res.Error())
txs[0].Coins[0].Amount = 0
res = validateInputsBasic(txs)
inputs[0].Coins[0].Amount = 0
res = validateInputsBasic(inputs)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "validateInputsBasic: expected error on bad tx input")
@ -159,28 +156,28 @@ func TestValidateInputsAdvanced(t *testing.T) {
accIn3 := types.MakeAcc("fooz")
//validate inputs advanced
txs := et.getTx(1, et.accOut, accIn1, accIn2, accIn3)
tx := types.MakeSendTx(1, et.accOut, accIn1, accIn2, accIn3)
et.acc2State(accIn1, accIn2, accIn3, et.accOut)
accMap, res := getInputs(et.state, txs.Inputs)
accMap, res := getInputs(et.state, tx.Inputs)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "validateInputsAdvanced: error retrieving accMap. Error: %v", res.Error())
signBytes := txs.SignBytes(et.chainID)
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(et.chainID)
//test bad case, unsigned
totalCoins, res := validateInputsAdvanced(accMap, signBytes, txs.Inputs)
totalCoins, res := validateInputsAdvanced(accMap, signBytes, tx.Inputs)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "validateInputsAdvanced: expected an error on an unsigned tx input")
//test good case sgined
et.signTx(txs, accIn1, accIn2, accIn3, et.accOut)
totalCoins, res = validateInputsAdvanced(accMap, signBytes, txs.Inputs)
et.signTx(tx, accIn1, accIn2, accIn3, et.accOut)
totalCoins, res = validateInputsAdvanced(accMap, signBytes, tx.Inputs)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "validateInputsAdvanced: expected no error on good tx input. Error: %v", res.Error())
txsTotalCoins := txs.Inputs[0].Coins.
txTotalCoins := tx.Inputs[0].Coins.
"ValidateInputsAdvanced: transaction total coins are not equal: got %v, expected %v", txsTotalCoins, totalCoins)
"ValidateInputsAdvanced: transaction total coins are not equal: got %v, expected %v", txTotalCoins, totalCoins)
func TestValidateInputAdvanced(t *testing.T) {
@ -188,31 +185,31 @@ func TestValidateInputAdvanced(t *testing.T) {
et := newExecTest()
//validate input advanced
txs := et.getTx(1, et.accOut, et.accIn)
tx := types.MakeSendTx(1, et.accOut, et.accIn)
et.acc2State(et.accIn, et.accOut)
signBytes := txs.SignBytes(et.chainID)
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(et.chainID)
//unsigned case
res := validateInputAdvanced(&et.accIn.Account, signBytes, txs.Inputs[0])
res := validateInputAdvanced(&et.accIn.Account, signBytes, tx.Inputs[0])
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "validateInputAdvanced: expected error on tx input without signature")
//good signed case
et.signTx(txs, et.accIn, et.accOut)
res = validateInputAdvanced(&et.accIn.Account, signBytes, txs.Inputs[0])
et.signTx(tx, et.accIn, et.accOut)
res = validateInputAdvanced(&et.accIn.Account, signBytes, tx.Inputs[0])
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "validateInputAdvanced: expected no error on good tx input. Error: %v", res.Error())
//bad sequence case
et.accIn.Sequence = 1
et.signTx(txs, et.accIn, et.accOut)
res = validateInputAdvanced(&et.accIn.Account, signBytes, txs.Inputs[0])
et.signTx(tx, et.accIn, et.accOut)
res = validateInputAdvanced(&et.accIn.Account, signBytes, tx.Inputs[0])
assert.Equal(abci.CodeType_BaseInvalidSequence, res.Code, "validateInputAdvanced: expected error on tx input with bad sequence")
et.accIn.Sequence = 0 //restore sequence
//bad balance case
et.accIn.Balance = types.Coins{{"mycoin", 2}}
et.signTx(txs, et.accIn, et.accOut)
res = validateInputAdvanced(&et.accIn.Account, signBytes, txs.Inputs[0])
et.signTx(tx, et.accIn, et.accOut)
res = validateInputAdvanced(&et.accIn.Account, signBytes, tx.Inputs[0])
assert.Equal(abci.CodeType_BaseInsufficientFunds, res.Code,
"validateInputAdvanced: expected error on tx input with insufficient funds %v", et.accIn.Sequence)
@ -222,12 +219,12 @@ func TestValidateOutputsAdvanced(t *testing.T) {
et := newExecTest()
txs := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accIn)
res := validateOutputsBasic(txs)
tx := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accIn)
res := validateOutputsBasic(tx)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "validateOutputsBasic: expected no error on good tx output. Error: %v", res.Error())
txs[0].Coins[0].Amount = 0
res = validateOutputsBasic(txs)
tx[0].Coins[0].Amount = 0
res = validateOutputsBasic(tx)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "validateInputBasic: expected error on bad tx output. Error: %v", res.Error())
@ -236,9 +233,9 @@ func TestSumOutput(t *testing.T) {
et := newExecTest()
txs := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accIn, et.accOut)
total := sumOutputs(txs)
assert.True(total.IsEqual(txs[0].Coins.Plus(txs[1].Coins)), "sumOutputs: total coins are not equal")
tx := types.Accs2TxOutputs(et.accIn, et.accOut)
total := sumOutputs(tx)
assert.True(total.IsEqual(tx[0].Coins.Plus(tx[1].Coins)), "sumOutputs: total coins are not equal")
func TestAdjustBy(t *testing.T) {
@ -271,23 +268,23 @@ func TestAdjustBy(t *testing.T) {
func TestExecTx(t *testing.T) {
func TestSendTx(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
et := newExecTest()
txs := et.getTx(1, et.accOut, et.accIn)
tx := types.MakeSendTx(1, et.accOut, et.accIn)
et.signTx(txs, et.accIn)
et.signTx(tx, et.accIn)
//Bad Balance
et.accIn.Balance = types.Coins{{"mycoin", 2}}
res, _, _, _, _ := et.exec(txs, true)
res, _, _, _, _ := et.exec(tx, true)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "ExecTx/Bad CheckTx: Expected error return from ExecTx, returned: %v", res)
res, balIn, balInExp, balOut, balOutExp := et.exec(txs, false)
res, balIn, balInExp, balOut, balOutExp := et.exec(tx, false)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), "ExecTx/Bad DeliverTx: Expected error return from ExecTx, returned: %v", res)
"ExecTx/Bad DeliverTx: balance shouldn't be equal for accIn: got %v, expected: %v", balIn, balInExp)
@ -298,17 +295,59 @@ func TestExecTx(t *testing.T) {
res, _, _, _, _ = et.exec(txs, true)
res, _, _, _, _ = et.exec(tx, true)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "ExecTx/Good CheckTx: Expected OK return from ExecTx, Error: %v", res)
//Regular DeliverTx
res, balIn, balInExp, balOut, balOutExp = et.exec(txs, false)
res, balIn, balInExp, balOut, balOutExp = et.exec(tx, false)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "ExecTx/Good DeliverTx: Expected OK return from ExecTx, Error: %v", res)
"ExecTx/good DeliverTx: unexpected change in input balance, got: %v, expected: %v", balIn, balInExp)
"ExecTx/good DeliverTx: unexpected change in output balance, got: %v, expected: %v", balOut, balOutExp)
func TestSendTxIBC(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
et := newExecTest()
chainID2 := "otherchain"
tx := types.MakeSendTx(1, et.accOut, et.accIn)
dstAddress := tx.Outputs[0].Address
tx.Outputs[0].Address = []byte(chainID2 + "/" + string(tx.Outputs[0].Address))
et.signTx(tx, et.accIn)
//Regular DeliverTx
initBalIn := et.state.GetAccount(et.accIn.Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
res := ExecTx(et.state, nil, tx, false, nil)
balIn := et.state.GetAccount(et.accIn.Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
decrBalInExp := tx.Outputs[0].Coins.Plus(types.Coins{tx.Fee}) //expected decrease in balance In
balInExp := initBalIn.Minus(decrBalInExp)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), "ExecTx/Good DeliverTx: Expected OK return from ExecTx, Error: %v", res)
"ExecTx/good DeliverTx: unexpected change in input balance, got: %v, expected: %v", balIn, balInExp)
packet, err := ibc.GetIBCPacket(et.state, et.chainID, chainID2, 0)
assert.Equal(packet.SrcChainID, et.chainID)
assert.Equal(packet.DstChainID, chainID2)
assert.Equal(packet.Sequence, uint64(0))
assert.Equal(packet.Type, "coin")
coins, ok := packet.Payload.(ibc.CoinsPayload)
assert.Equal(coins.Coins, tx.Outputs[0].Coins)
assert.EqualValues(coins.Address, dstAddress)
@ -86,15 +86,15 @@ func Accs2TxOutputs(accs ...PrivAccount) []TxOutput {
return txs
func GetTx(seq int, accOut PrivAccount, accsIn ...PrivAccount) *SendTx {
txs := &SendTx{
func MakeSendTx(seq int, accOut PrivAccount, accsIn ...PrivAccount) *SendTx {
tx := &SendTx{
Gas: 0,
Fee: Coin{"mycoin", 1},
Inputs: Accs2TxInputs(seq, accsIn...),
Outputs: Accs2TxOutputs(accOut),
return txs
return tx
func SignTx(chainID string, tx *SendTx, accs ...PrivAccount) {
Reference in New Issue