Re-implement counter plugin
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ import (
var StartCmd = &cobra.Command{
@ -42,6 +40,12 @@ const (
FlagWithoutTendermint = "without-tendermint"
var (
// use a global to store the handler, so we can set it in main.
// TODO: figure out a cleaner way to register plugins
Handler basecoin.Handler
func init() {
flags := StartCmd.Flags()
flags.String(FlagAddress, "tcp://", "Listen address")
@ -51,22 +55,6 @@ func init() {
// TODO: setup handler instead of Plugins
func getHandler() basecoin.Handler {
// use the default stack
h := coin.NewHandler()
app := stack.NewDefault().Use(h)
return app
// register IBC plugn
// basecoinApp.RegisterPlugin(NewIBCPlugin())
// register all other plugins
// for _, p := range plugins {
// basecoinApp.RegisterPlugin(p.newPlugin())
// }
func startCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
rootDir := viper.GetString(cli.HomeFlag)
meyes := viper.GetString(FlagEyes)
@ -85,8 +73,7 @@ func startCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// Create Basecoin app
h := app.DefaultHandler()
basecoinApp := app.NewBasecoin(h, eyesCli, logger.With("module", "app"))
basecoinApp := app.NewBasecoin(Handler, eyesCli, logger.With("module", "app"))
// if chain_id has not been set yet, load the genesis.
// else, assume it's been loaded
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package main
import (
@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ import (
func main() {
rt := commands.RootCmd
commands.Handler = app.DefaultHandler()
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -18,6 +19,9 @@ func main() {
Short: "demo plugin for basecoin",
// TODO: register the counter here
commands.Handler = app.DefaultHandler()
@ -1,16 +1,31 @@
package counter
import (
rawerr "errors"
abci ""
type CounterPluginState struct {
Counter int
TotalFees types.Coins
// CounterTx
// register the tx type with it's validation logic
// make sure to use the name of the handler as the prefix in the tx type,
// so it gets routed properly
const (
NameCounter = "cntr"
ByteTx = 0x21
TypeTx = NameCounter + "/count"
func init() {
basecoin.TxMapper.RegisterImplementation(CounterTx{}, TypeTx, ByteTx)
type CounterTx struct {
@ -18,81 +33,130 @@ type CounterTx struct {
Fee types.Coins
func NewCounterTx(valid bool, fee types.Coins) basecoin.Tx {
return CounterTx{
Valid: valid,
Fee: fee,
func (c CounterTx) Wrap() basecoin.Tx {
return basecoin.Tx{c}
// ValidateBasic just makes sure the Fee is a valid, non-negative value
func (c CounterTx) ValidateBasic() error {
if !c.Fee.IsValid() {
return coin.ErrInvalidCoins()
if !c.Fee.IsNonnegative() {
return coin.ErrInvalidCoins()
return nil
// Custom errors
type CounterPlugin struct {
var (
errInvalidCounter = rawerr.New("Counter Tx marked invalid")
// This is a custom error class
func ErrInvalidCounter() error {
return errors.WithCode(errInvalidCounter, abci.CodeType_BaseInvalidInput)
func IsInvalidCounterErr(err error) bool {
return errors.IsSameError(errInvalidCounter, err)
func (cp *CounterPlugin) Name() string {
return "counter"
// This is just a helper function to return a generic "internal error"
func ErrDecoding() error {
return errors.ErrInternal("Error decoding state")
func (cp *CounterPlugin) StateKey() []byte {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("CounterPlugin.State"))
// CounterHandler
type CounterHandler struct {
func New() *CounterPlugin {
return &CounterPlugin{}
var _ basecoin.Handler = CounterHandler{}
func (_ CounterHandler) Name() string {
return NameCounter
func (cp *CounterPlugin) SetOption(store types.KVStore, key, value string) (log string) {
return ""
func (cp *CounterPlugin) RunTx(store types.KVStore, ctx types.CallContext, txBytes []byte) (res abci.Result) {
// Decode tx
var tx CounterTx
err := wire.ReadBinaryBytes(txBytes, &tx)
if err != nil {
return abci.ErrBaseEncodingError.AppendLog("Error decoding tx: " + err.Error()).PrependLog("CounterTx Error: ")
// Validate tx
if !tx.Valid {
return abci.ErrInternalError.AppendLog("CounterTx.Valid must be true")
if !tx.Fee.IsValid() {
return abci.ErrInternalError.AppendLog("CounterTx.Fee is not sorted or has zero amounts")
if !tx.Fee.IsNonnegative() {
return abci.ErrInternalError.AppendLog("CounterTx.Fee must be nonnegative")
// Did the caller provide enough coins?
if !ctx.Coins.IsGTE(tx.Fee) {
return abci.ErrInsufficientFunds.AppendLog("CounterTx.Fee was not provided")
// TODO If there are any funds left over, return funds.
// e.g. !ctx.Coins.Minus(tx.Fee).IsZero()
// ctx.CallerAccount is synced w/ store, so just modify that and store it.
// Load CounterPluginState
var cpState CounterPluginState
cpStateBytes := store.Get(cp.StateKey())
if len(cpStateBytes) > 0 {
err = wire.ReadBinaryBytes(cpStateBytes, &cpState)
if err != nil {
return abci.ErrInternalError.AppendLog("Error decoding state: " + err.Error())
// Update CounterPluginState
cpState.Counter += 1
cpState.TotalFees = cpState.TotalFees.Plus(tx.Fee)
// Save CounterPluginState
store.Set(cp.StateKey(), wire.BinaryBytes(cpState))
return abci.OK
func (cp *CounterPlugin) InitChain(store types.KVStore, vals []*abci.Validator) {
func (cp *CounterPlugin) BeginBlock(store types.KVStore, hash []byte, header *abci.Header) {
func (cp *CounterPlugin) EndBlock(store types.KVStore, height uint64) (res abci.ResponseEndBlock) {
// CheckTx checks if the tx is properly structured
func (h CounterHandler) CheckTx(ctx basecoin.Context, store types.KVStore, tx basecoin.Tx) (res basecoin.Result, err error) {
_, err = checkTx(ctx, tx)
// DeliverTx executes the tx if valid
func (h CounterHandler) DeliverTx(ctx basecoin.Context, store types.KVStore, tx basecoin.Tx) (res basecoin.Result, err error) {
ctr, err := checkTx(ctx, tx)
if err != nil {
return res, err
// note that we don't assert this on CheckTx (ValidateBasic),
// as we allow them to be writen to the chain
if !ctr.Valid {
return res, ErrInvalidCounter()
// TODO: handle coin movement.... ugh, need sequence to do this, right?
// update the counter
state, err := LoadState(store)
if err != nil {
return res, err
state.Counter += 1
state.TotalFees = state.TotalFees.Plus(ctr.Fee)
err = StoreState(store, state)
return res, err
func checkTx(ctx basecoin.Context, tx basecoin.Tx) (ctr CounterTx, err error) {
ctr, ok := tx.Unwrap().(CounterTx)
if !ok {
return ctr, errors.ErrInvalidFormat(tx)
err = ctr.ValidateBasic()
if err != nil {
return ctr, err
return ctr, nil
// CounterStore
type CounterPluginState struct {
Counter int
TotalFees types.Coins
func StateKey() []byte {
return []byte(NameCounter + "/state")
func LoadState(store types.KVStore) (state CounterPluginState, err error) {
bytes := store.Get(StateKey())
if len(bytes) > 0 {
err = wire.ReadBinaryBytes(bytes, &state)
if err != nil {
return state, errors.ErrDecoding()
return state, nil
func StoreState(store types.KVStore, state CounterPluginState) error {
bytes := wire.BinaryBytes(state)
store.Set(StateKey(), bytes)
return nil
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
eyescli ""
@ -18,10 +19,15 @@ import (
// TODO: actually handle the counter here...
func CounterHandler() basecoin.Handler {
func NewCounterHandler() basecoin.Handler {
// use the default stack
h := coin.NewHandler()
return stack.NewDefault().Use(h)
coin := coin.NewHandler()
counter := CounterHandler{}
dispatcher := stack.NewDispatcher(
return stack.NewDefault().Use(dispatcher)
func TestCounterPlugin(t *testing.T) {
@ -30,8 +36,11 @@ func TestCounterPlugin(t *testing.T) {
// Basecoin initialization
eyesCli := eyescli.NewLocalClient("", 0)
chainID := "test_chain_id"
bcApp := app.NewBasecoin(CounterHandler(), eyesCli,
log.TestingLogger().With("module", "app"))
bcApp := app.NewBasecoin(
log.TestingLogger().With("module", "app"),
bcApp.SetOption("base/chain_id", chainID)
// t.Log(bcApp.Info())
@ -43,68 +52,32 @@ func TestCounterPlugin(t *testing.T) {
test1Acc.Balance = types.Coins{{"", 1000}, {"gold", 1000}}
accOpt, err := json.Marshal(test1Acc)
require.Nil(t, err)
bcApp.SetOption("base/account", string(accOpt))
log := bcApp.SetOption("coin/account", string(accOpt))
require.Equal(t, "Success", log)
// Deliver a CounterTx
DeliverCounterTx := func(gas int64, fee types.Coin, inputCoins types.Coins, inputSequence int, appFee types.Coins) abci.Result {
// Construct an AppTx signature
tx := &types.AppTx{
Gas: gas,
Fee: fee,
Name: "counter",
Input: types.NewTxInput(test1Acc.PubKey, inputCoins, inputSequence),
Data: wire.BinaryBytes(CounterTx{Valid: true, Fee: appFee}),
// Sign request
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(chainID)
// t.Logf("Sign bytes: %X\n", signBytes)
tx.Input.Signature = test1PrivAcc.Sign(signBytes)
// t.Logf("Signed TX bytes: %X\n", wire.BinaryBytes(struct{ types.Tx }{tx}))
// Write request
txBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(struct{ types.Tx }{tx})
DeliverCounterTx := func(valid bool, counterFee types.Coins, inputSequence int) abci.Result {
tx := NewCounterTx(valid, counterFee)
tx = txs.NewChain(chainID, tx)
stx := txs.NewSig(tx)
txs.Sign(stx, test1PrivAcc.PrivKey)
txBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(stx.Wrap())
return bcApp.DeliverTx(txBytes)
// REF: DeliverCounterTx(gas, fee, inputCoins, inputSequence, appFee) {
// Test a basic send, no fee
res := DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{}, types.Coins{{"", 1}}, 1, types.Coins{})
res := DeliverCounterTx(true, types.Coins{}, 1)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), res.String())
// Test fee prevented transaction
res = DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{"", 2}, types.Coins{{"", 1}}, 2, types.Coins{})
// Test an invalid send, no fee
res = DeliverCounterTx(false, types.Coins{}, 1)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), res.String())
// Test input equals fee
res = DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{"", 2}, types.Coins{{"", 2}}, 2, types.Coins{})
// Test the fee
res = DeliverCounterTx(true, types.Coins{{"gold", 100}}, 2)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), res.String())
// Test more input than fee
res = DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{"", 2}, types.Coins{{"", 3}}, 3, types.Coins{})
assert.True(res.IsOK(), res.String())
// Test input equals fee+appFee
res = DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{"", 1}, types.Coins{{"", 3}, {"gold", 1}}, 4, types.Coins{{"", 2}, {"gold", 1}})
assert.True(res.IsOK(), res.String())
// Test fee+appFee prevented transaction, not enough ""
res = DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{"", 1}, types.Coins{{"", 2}, {"gold", 1}}, 5, types.Coins{{"", 2}, {"gold", 1}})
assert.True(res.IsErr(), res.String())
// Test fee+appFee prevented transaction, not enough "gold"
res = DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{"", 1}, types.Coins{{"", 3}, {"gold", 1}}, 5, types.Coins{{"", 2}, {"gold", 2}})
assert.True(res.IsErr(), res.String())
// Test more input than fee, more ""
res = DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{"", 1}, types.Coins{{"", 4}, {"gold", 1}}, 6, types.Coins{{"", 2}, {"gold", 1}})
assert.True(res.IsOK(), res.String())
// Test more input than fee, more "gold"
res = DeliverCounterTx(0, types.Coin{"", 1}, types.Coins{{"", 3}, {"gold", 2}}, 7, types.Coins{{"", 2}, {"gold", 1}})
assert.True(res.IsOK(), res.String())
// REF: DeliverCounterTx(gas, fee, inputCoins, inputSequence, appFee) {w
// TODO: Test unsupported fee
// res = DeliverCounterTx(true, types.Coins{{"silver", 100}}, 3)
// assert.True(res.IsErr(), res.String())
Reference in New Issue