simplified TestProcessProvisions into 4 repeatable funcs. fixed a small bug in it
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,80 +61,111 @@ func TestGetInflation(t *testing.T) {
func TestProcessProvisions(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, false, 0)
params := defaultParams()
params.MaxValidators = 2
keeper.setParams(ctx, params)
pool := keeper.GetPool(ctx)
var tokenSupply int64 = 550000000
var bondedShares int64 = 150000000
var unbondedShares int64 = 400000000
var (
initialTotalTokens int64 = 550000000
initialBondedTokens int64 = 250000000
initialUnbondedTokens int64 = 300000000
cumulativeExpProvs int64
initialBondedShares = sdk.NewRat(250000000, 1)
initialUnbondedShares = sdk.NewRat(300000000, 1)
tokensForValidators = []int64{150000000, 100000000, 100000000, 100000000, 100000000}
bondedValidators uint16 = 2
// create some validators some bonded, some unbonded
var validators [5]Validator
validators[0] = NewValidator(addrs[0], pks[0], Description{})
validators[0], pool, _ = validators[0].addTokensFromDel(pool, 150000000)
keeper.setPool(ctx, pool)
validators[0] = keeper.updateValidator(ctx, validators[0])
pool = keeper.GetPool(ctx)
require.Equal(t, bondedShares, pool.BondedTokens, "%v", pool)
_, keeper, pool = setupTestValidators(pool, keeper, ctx, tokensForValidators, bondedValidators)
checkValidatorSetup(t, pool, initialTotalTokens, initialBondedTokens, initialUnbondedTokens)
validators[1] = NewValidator(addrs[1], pks[1], Description{})
validators[1], pool, _ = validators[1].addTokensFromDel(pool, 100000000)
keeper.setPool(ctx, pool)
validators[1] = keeper.updateValidator(ctx, validators[1])
validators[2] = NewValidator(addrs[2], pks[2], Description{})
validators[2], pool, _ = validators[2].addTokensFromDel(pool, 100000000)
keeper.setPool(ctx, pool)
validators[2] = keeper.updateValidator(ctx, validators[2])
validators[3] = NewValidator(addrs[3], pks[3], Description{})
validators[3], pool, _ = validators[3].addTokensFromDel(pool, 100000000)
keeper.setPool(ctx, pool)
validators[3] = keeper.updateValidator(ctx, validators[3])
validators[4] = NewValidator(addrs[4], pks[4], Description{})
validators[4], pool, _ = validators[4].addTokensFromDel(pool, 100000000)
keeper.setPool(ctx, pool)
validators[4] = keeper.updateValidator(ctx, validators[4])
assert.Equal(t, tokenSupply, pool.TokenSupply())
assert.Equal(t, bondedShares, pool.BondedTokens)
assert.Equal(t, unbondedShares, pool.UnbondedTokens)
// initial bonded ratio ~ 27%
assert.True(t, pool.bondedRatio().Equal(sdk.NewRat(bondedShares, tokenSupply)), "%v", pool.bondedRatio())
// test the value of validator shares
assert.True(t, pool.bondedShareExRate().Equal(sdk.OneRat()), "%v", pool.bondedShareExRate())
initialSupply := pool.TokenSupply()
initialUnbonded := pool.TokenSupply() - pool.BondedTokens
// process the provisions a year
// process the provisions for a year
for hr := 0; hr < 8766; hr++ {
pool := keeper.GetPool(ctx)
_, expProvisions, _ := checkAndProcessProvisions(t, keeper, pool, ctx, hr)
cumulativeExpProvs = cumulativeExpProvs + expProvisions
//get the pool and do the final value checks from checkFinalPoolValues
pool = keeper.GetPool(ctx)
checkFinalPoolValues(t, pool, initialTotalTokens,
initialUnbondedTokens, cumulativeExpProvs,
0, 0, initialBondedShares, initialUnbondedShares)
////////////////////////////////HELPER FUNCTIONS BELOW/////////////////////////////////////
// Final check on the global pool values for what the total tokens accumulated from each hour of provisions and other functions
// bondedAdjustment and unbondedAdjustment are the accumulated changes for the operations of the test (i.e. if three unbonds happened, their total value would be passed as unbondedAdjustment)
func checkFinalPoolValues(t *testing.T, pool Pool, initialTotalTokens, initialUnbondedTokens,
cumulativeExpProvs, bondedAdjustment, unbondedAdjustment int64, bondedShares, unbondedShares sdk.Rat) {
initialBonded := initialTotalTokens - initialUnbondedTokens
calculatedTotalTokens := initialTotalTokens + cumulativeExpProvs
calculatedBondedTokens := initialBonded + cumulativeExpProvs + bondedAdjustment
calculatedUnbondedTokens := initialUnbondedTokens + unbondedAdjustment
// test that the bonded ratio the pool has is equal to what we calculated for tokens
assert.True(t, pool.bondedRatio().Equal(sdk.NewRat(calculatedBondedTokens, calculatedTotalTokens)), "%v", pool.bondedRatio())
// test global supply
assert.Equal(t, calculatedTotalTokens, pool.TokenSupply())
assert.Equal(t, calculatedBondedTokens, pool.BondedTokens)
assert.Equal(t, calculatedUnbondedTokens, pool.UnbondedTokens)
// test the value of candidate shares
assert.True(t, pool.bondedShareExRate().Mul(bondedShares).Equal(sdk.NewRat(calculatedBondedTokens)), "%v", pool.bondedShareExRate())
assert.True(t, pool.unbondedShareExRate().Mul(unbondedShares).Equal(sdk.NewRat(calculatedUnbondedTokens)), "%v", pool.unbondedShareExRate())
// Checks provisions are added to the pool correctly every hour
// Returns expected Provisions, expected Inflation, and pool, to help with cumulative calculations back in main Tests
func checkAndProcessProvisions(t *testing.T, keeper Keeper, pool Pool, ctx sdk.Context, hr int) (sdk.Rat, int64, Pool) {
//If we are not doing a random operation, just check that normal provisions are working for each hour
expInflation := keeper.nextInflation(ctx)
expProvisions := (expInflation.Mul(sdk.NewRat(pool.TokenSupply())).Quo(hrsPerYrRat)).Evaluate()
startBondedTokens := pool.BondedTokens
startBondedPool := pool.BondedTokens
startTotalSupply := pool.TokenSupply()
pool = keeper.processProvisions(ctx)
keeper.setPool(ctx, pool)
//fmt.Printf("hr %v, startBondedTokens %v, expProvisions %v, pool.BondedTokens %v\n", hr, startBondedTokens, expProvisions, pool.BondedTokens)
require.Equal(t, startBondedTokens+expProvisions, pool.BondedTokens, "hr %v", hr)
//check provisions were added to pool
require.Equal(t, startBondedPool+expProvisions, pool.BondedTokens, "hr %v", hr)
require.Equal(t, startTotalSupply+expProvisions, pool.TokenSupply())
return expInflation, expProvisions, pool
// Deterministic setup of validators, which updates the pool and choose maxValidators to be bonded
// Allows you to decide how many validators to setup, and which ones you want bonded
// You choose bonded validators by setting params.MaxValidators. If you choose 2, the first 2 Validators in the arrray will be bonded, the rest unbonded
func setupTestValidators(pool Pool, keeper Keeper, ctx sdk.Context, validatorTokens []int64, maxValidators uint16) ([]Validator, Keeper, Pool) {
params := defaultParams()
params.MaxValidators = maxValidators //set to limit the amount of validators we want bonded
keeper.setParams(ctx, params)
numValidators := len(validatorTokens)
validators := make([]Validator, numValidators)
for i := 0; i < numValidators; i++ {
validators[i] = NewValidator(addrs[i], pks[i], Description{})
validators[i], pool, _ = validators[i].addTokensFromDel(pool, validatorTokens[i])
keeper.setPool(ctx, pool)
validators[i] = keeper.updateValidator(ctx, validators[i])
pool = keeper.GetPool(ctx)
assert.NotEqual(t, initialSupply, pool.TokenSupply())
assert.Equal(t, initialUnbonded, pool.UnbondedTokens)
//panic(fmt.Sprintf("debug total %v, bonded %v, diff %v\n", p.TotalSupply, p.BondedTokens, pool.TokenSupply()-pool.BondedTokens))
// initial bonded ratio ~ from 27% to 40% increase for bonded holders ownership of total supply
assert.True(t, pool.bondedRatio().Equal(sdk.NewRat(211813022, 611813022)), "%v", pool.bondedRatio())
// global supply
assert.Equal(t, int64(611813022), pool.TokenSupply())
assert.Equal(t, int64(211813022), pool.BondedTokens)
assert.Equal(t, unbondedShares, pool.UnbondedTokens)
// test the value of validator shares
assert.True(t, pool.bondedShareExRate().Mul(sdk.NewRat(bondedShares)).Equal(sdk.NewRat(211813022)), "%v", pool.bondedShareExRate())
return validators, keeper, pool
// Checks that the deterministic candidate setup you wanted matches the values in the pool
func checkValidatorSetup(t *testing.T, pool Pool, initialTotalTokens, initialBondedTokens, initialUnbondedTokens int64) {
assert.Equal(t, initialTotalTokens, pool.TokenSupply())
assert.Equal(t, initialBondedTokens, pool.BondedTokens)
assert.Equal(t, initialUnbondedTokens, pool.UnbondedTokens)
// test initial bonded ratio
assert.True(t, pool.bondedRatio().Equal(sdk.NewRat(initialBondedTokens, initialTotalTokens)), "%v", pool.bondedRatio())
// test the value of candidate shares
assert.True(t, pool.bondedShareExRate().Equal(sdk.OneRat()), "%v", pool.bondedShareExRate())
Reference in New Issue