Remove references to IBC from binaries
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ test_unit:
test_cli: tests/cli/shunit2
# sudo apt-get install jq
# @./tests/cli/
# @./tests/cli/
test_tutorial: docs/guide/shunit2
shelldown ${TUTORIALS}
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package commands
import ""
// import ""
// returns a new IBC plugin to be registered with Basecoin
func NewIBCPlugin() *ibc.IBCPlugin {
return ibc.New()
// // returns a new IBC plugin to be registered with Basecoin
// func NewIBCPlugin() *ibc.IBCPlugin {
// return ibc.New()
// }
@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
package commands
import (
// import (
// "fmt"
// "io/ioutil"
// "strconv"
// "time"
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// // ""
// // ""
// // ""
cmn ""
// ""
// ""
// cmn ""
tmtypes ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// tmtypes ""
// )
var RelayCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "relay",
Short: "Relay ibc packets between two chains",
// var RelayCmd = &cobra.Command{
// Use: "relay",
// Short: "Relay ibc packets between two chains",
// }
var RelayStartCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "start",
Short: "Start basecoin relayer to relay IBC packets between chains",
RunE: relayStartCmd,
// var RelayStartCmd = &cobra.Command{
// Use: "start",
// Short: "Start basecoin relayer to relay IBC packets between chains",
// RunE: relayStartCmd,
// }
var RelayInitCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "init",
Short: "Register both chains with each other, to prepare the relayer to run",
RunE: relayInitCmd,
// var RelayInitCmd = &cobra.Command{
// Use: "init",
// Short: "Register both chains with each other, to prepare the relayer to run",
// RunE: relayInitCmd,
// }
var (
chain1AddrFlag string
chain2AddrFlag string
// //flags
// var (
// chain1AddrFlag string
// chain2AddrFlag string
chain1IDFlag string
chain2IDFlag string
// chain1IDFlag string
// chain2IDFlag string
fromFileFlag string
// fromFileFlag string
genesisFile1Flag string
genesisFile2Flag string
// genesisFile1Flag string
// genesisFile2Flag string
// )
func init() {
flags := []Flag2Register{
{&chain1AddrFlag, "chain1-addr", "tcp://localhost:46657", "Node address for chain1"},
{&chain2AddrFlag, "chain2-addr", "tcp://localhost:36657", "Node address for chain2"},
{&chain1IDFlag, "chain1-id", "test_chain_1", "ChainID for chain1"},
{&chain2IDFlag, "chain2-id", "test_chain_2", "ChainID for chain2"},
{&fromFileFlag, "from", "key.json", "Path to a private key to sign the transaction"},
RegisterPersistentFlags(RelayCmd, flags)
// func init() {
// flags := []Flag2Register{
// {&chain1AddrFlag, "chain1-addr", "tcp://localhost:46657", "Node address for chain1"},
// {&chain2AddrFlag, "chain2-addr", "tcp://localhost:36657", "Node address for chain2"},
// {&chain1IDFlag, "chain1-id", "test_chain_1", "ChainID for chain1"},
// {&chain2IDFlag, "chain2-id", "test_chain_2", "ChainID for chain2"},
// {&fromFileFlag, "from", "key.json", "Path to a private key to sign the transaction"},
// }
// RegisterPersistentFlags(RelayCmd, flags)
initFlags := []Flag2Register{
{&genesisFile1Flag, "genesis1", "", "Path to genesis file for chain1"},
{&genesisFile2Flag, "genesis2", "", "Path to genesis file for chain2"},
RegisterFlags(RelayInitCmd, initFlags)
// initFlags := []Flag2Register{
// {&genesisFile1Flag, "genesis1", "", "Path to genesis file for chain1"},
// {&genesisFile2Flag, "genesis2", "", "Path to genesis file for chain2"},
// }
// RegisterFlags(RelayInitCmd, initFlags)
// RelayCmd.AddCommand(RelayStartCmd)
// RelayCmd.AddCommand(RelayInitCmd)
// }
func relayStartCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
go loop(chain1AddrFlag, chain2AddrFlag, chain1IDFlag, chain2IDFlag)
go loop(chain2AddrFlag, chain1AddrFlag, chain2IDFlag, chain1IDFlag)
// func relayStartCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// go loop(chain1AddrFlag, chain2AddrFlag, chain1IDFlag, chain2IDFlag)
// go loop(chain2AddrFlag, chain1AddrFlag, chain2IDFlag, chain1IDFlag)
cmn.TrapSignal(func() {
// TODO: Cleanup
return nil
// cmn.TrapSignal(func() {
// // TODO: Cleanup
// })
// return nil
// }
func relayInitCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
err := registerChain(chain1IDFlag, chain1AddrFlag, chain2IDFlag, genesisFile2Flag, fromFileFlag)
if err != nil {
return err
err = registerChain(chain2IDFlag, chain2AddrFlag, chain1IDFlag, genesisFile1Flag, fromFileFlag)
return err
// func relayInitCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// err := registerChain(chain1IDFlag, chain1AddrFlag, chain2IDFlag, genesisFile2Flag, fromFileFlag)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// err = registerChain(chain2IDFlag, chain2AddrFlag, chain1IDFlag, genesisFile1Flag, fromFileFlag)
// return err
// }
func registerChain(chainID, node, registerChainID, registerGenesis, keyFile string) error {
genesisBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(registerGenesis)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Error reading genesis file %v: %v\n", registerGenesis, err)
// func registerChain(chainID, node, registerChainID, registerGenesis, keyFile string) error {
// genesisBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(registerGenesis)
// if err != nil {
// return errors.Errorf("Error reading genesis file %v: %v\n", registerGenesis, err)
// }
ibcTx := ibc.IBCRegisterChainTx{
ChainID: registerChainID,
Genesis: string(genesisBytes),
// ibcTx := ibc.IBCRegisterChainTx{
// ibc.BlockchainGenesis{
// ChainID: registerChainID,
// Genesis: string(genesisBytes),
// },
// }
privKey, err := LoadKey(keyFile)
if err != nil {
return err
relay := newRelayer(privKey, chainID, node)
return relay.appTx(ibcTx)
// privKey, err := LoadKey(keyFile)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// relay := newRelayer(privKey, chainID, node)
// return relay.appTx(ibcTx)
// }
func loop(addr1, addr2, id1, id2 string) {
nextSeq := 0
// func loop(addr1, addr2, id1, id2 string) {
// nextSeq := 0
// load the priv key
privKey, err := LoadKey(fromFileFlag)
if err != nil {
// // load the priv key
// privKey, err := LoadKey(fromFileFlag)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error(err.Error())
// cmn.PanicCrisis(err.Error())
// }
// relay from chain1 to chain2
thisRelayer := newRelayer(privKey, id2, addr2)
// // relay from chain1 to chain2
// thisRelayer := newRelayer(privKey, id2, addr2)
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Relaying from chain %v on %v to chain %v on %v", id1, addr1, id2, addr2))
// logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Relaying from chain %v on %v to chain %v on %v", id1, addr1, id2, addr2))
httpClient := client.NewHTTP(addr1, "/websocket")
// httpClient := client.NewHTTP(addr1, "/websocket")
for {
// for {
// time.Sleep(time.Second)
// get the latest ibc packet sequence number
key := fmt.Sprintf("ibc,egress,%v,%v", id1, id2)
query, err := queryWithClient(httpClient, []byte(key))
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error querying for latest sequence", "key", key, "error", err.Error())
continue OUTER
if len(query.Value) == 0 {
// nothing yet
continue OUTER
// // get the latest ibc packet sequence number
// key := fmt.Sprintf("ibc,egress,%v,%v", id1, id2)
// query, err := queryWithClient(httpClient, []byte(key))
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error querying for latest sequence", "key", key, "error", err.Error())
// continue OUTER
// }
// if len(query.Value) == 0 {
// // nothing yet
// continue OUTER
// }
seq, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(query.Value), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error parsing sequence number from query", "query.Value", query.Value, "error", err.Error())
continue OUTER
seq -= 1 // seq is the packet count. -1 because 0-indexed
// seq, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(query.Value), 10, 64)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error parsing sequence number from query", "query.Value", query.Value, "error", err.Error())
// continue OUTER
// }
// seq -= 1 // seq is the packet count. -1 because 0-indexed
if nextSeq <= int(seq) {
logger.Info("Got new packets", "last-sequence", nextSeq-1, "new-sequence", seq)
// if nextSeq <= int(seq) {
// logger.Info("Got new packets", "last-sequence", nextSeq-1, "new-sequence", seq)
// }
// get all packets since the last one we relayed
for ; nextSeq <= int(seq); nextSeq++ {
key := fmt.Sprintf("ibc,egress,%v,%v,%d", id1, id2, nextSeq)
query, err := queryWithClient(httpClient, []byte(key))
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error querying for packet", "seqeuence", nextSeq, "key", key, "error", err.Error())
continue OUTER
// // get all packets since the last one we relayed
// for ; nextSeq <= int(seq); nextSeq++ {
// key := fmt.Sprintf("ibc,egress,%v,%v,%d", id1, id2, nextSeq)
// query, err := queryWithClient(httpClient, []byte(key))
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error querying for packet", "seqeuence", nextSeq, "key", key, "error", err.Error())
// continue OUTER
// }
var packet ibc.Packet
err = wire.ReadBinaryBytes(query.Value, &packet)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error unmarshalling packet", "key", key, "query.Value", query.Value, "error", err.Error())
continue OUTER
// var packet ibc.Packet
// err = wire.ReadBinaryBytes(query.Value, &packet)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error unmarshalling packet", "key", key, "query.Value", query.Value, "error", err.Error())
// continue OUTER
// }
proof := new(iavl.IAVLProof)
err = wire.ReadBinaryBytes(query.Proof, &proof)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error unmarshalling proof", "query.Proof", query.Proof, "error", err.Error())
continue OUTER
// proof := new(iavl.IAVLProof)
// err = wire.ReadBinaryBytes(query.Proof, &proof)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error unmarshalling proof", "query.Proof", query.Proof, "error", err.Error())
// continue OUTER
// }
// query.Height is actually for the next block,
// so wait a block before we fetch the header & commit
if err := waitForBlock(httpClient); err != nil {
logger.Error("Error waiting for a block", "addr", addr1, "error", err.Error())
continue OUTER
// // query.Height is actually for the next block,
// // so wait a block before we fetch the header & commit
// if err := waitForBlock(httpClient); err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error waiting for a block", "addr", addr1, "error", err.Error())
// continue OUTER
// }
// get the header and commit from the height the query was done at
res, err := httpClient.Commit(int(query.Height))
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error fetching header and commits", "height", query.Height, "error", err.Error())
continue OUTER
// // get the header and commit from the height the query was done at
// res, err := httpClient.Commit(int(query.Height))
// if err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error fetching header and commits", "height", query.Height, "error", err.Error())
// continue OUTER
// }
// update the chain state on the other chain
updateTx := ibc.IBCUpdateChainTx{
Header: *res.Header,
Commit: *res.Commit,
logger.Info("Updating chain", "src-chain", id1, "height", res.Header.Height, "appHash", res.Header.AppHash)
if err := thisRelayer.appTx(updateTx); err != nil {
logger.Error("Error creating/sending IBCUpdateChainTx", "error", err.Error())
continue OUTER
// // update the chain state on the other chain
// updateTx := ibc.IBCUpdateChainTx{
// Header: *res.Header,
// Commit: *res.Commit,
// }
// logger.Info("Updating chain", "src-chain", id1, "height", res.Header.Height, "appHash", res.Header.AppHash)
// if err := thisRelayer.appTx(updateTx); err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error creating/sending IBCUpdateChainTx", "error", err.Error())
// continue OUTER
// }
// relay the packet and proof
logger.Info("Relaying packet", "src-chain", id1, "height", query.Height, "sequence", nextSeq)
postTx := ibc.IBCPacketPostTx{
FromChainID: id1,
FromChainHeight: query.Height,
Packet: packet,
Proof: proof,
// // relay the packet and proof
// logger.Info("Relaying packet", "src-chain", id1, "height", query.Height, "sequence", nextSeq)
// postTx := ibc.IBCPacketPostTx{
// FromChainID: id1,
// FromChainHeight: query.Height,
// Packet: packet,
// Proof: proof,
// }
if err := thisRelayer.appTx(postTx); err != nil {
logger.Error("Error creating/sending IBCPacketPostTx", "error", err.Error())
// dont `continue OUTER` here. the error might be eg. Already exists
// TODO: catch this programmatically ?
// if err := thisRelayer.appTx(postTx); err != nil {
// logger.Error("Error creating/sending IBCPacketPostTx", "error", err.Error())
// // dont `continue OUTER` here. the error might be eg. Already exists
// // TODO: catch this programmatically ?
// }
// }
// }
// }
type relayer struct {
privKey *Key
chainID string
nodeAddr string
client *client.HTTP
// type relayer struct {
// privKey *Key
// chainID string
// nodeAddr string
// client *client.HTTP
// }
func newRelayer(privKey *Key, chainID, nodeAddr string) *relayer {
httpClient := client.NewHTTP(nodeAddr, "/websocket")
return &relayer{
privKey: privKey,
chainID: chainID,
nodeAddr: nodeAddr,
client: httpClient,
// func newRelayer(privKey *Key, chainID, nodeAddr string) *relayer {
// httpClient := client.NewHTTP(nodeAddr, "/websocket")
// return &relayer{
// privKey: privKey,
// chainID: chainID,
// nodeAddr: nodeAddr,
// client: httpClient,
// }
// }
func (r *relayer) appTx(ibcTx ibc.IBCTx) error {
acc, err := getAccWithClient(r.client, r.privKey.Address[:])
if err != nil {
return err
sequence := acc.Sequence + 1
// func (r *relayer) appTx(ibcTx ibc.IBCTx) error {
// acc, err := getAccWithClient(r.client, r.privKey.Address[:])
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// sequence := acc.Sequence + 1
data := []byte(wire.BinaryBytes(struct {
ibc.IBCTx `json:"unwrap"`
// data := []byte(wire.BinaryBytes(struct {
// ibc.IBCTx `json:"unwrap"`
// }{ibcTx}))
smallCoins := types.Coin{"mycoin", 1}
// smallCoins := types.Coin{"mycoin", 1}
input := types.NewTxInput(r.privKey.PubKey, types.Coins{smallCoins}, sequence)
tx := &types.AppTx{
Gas: 0,
Fee: smallCoins,
Name: "IBC",
Input: input,
Data: data,
// input := types.NewTxInput(r.privKey.PubKey, types.Coins{smallCoins}, sequence)
// tx := &types.AppTx{
// Gas: 0,
// Fee: smallCoins,
// Name: "IBC",
// Input: input,
// Data: data,
// }
tx.Input.Signature = r.privKey.Sign(tx.SignBytes(r.chainID))
txBytes := []byte(wire.BinaryBytes(struct {
types.Tx `json:"unwrap"`
// tx.Input.Signature = r.privKey.Sign(tx.SignBytes(r.chainID))
// txBytes := []byte(wire.BinaryBytes(struct {
// types.Tx `json:"unwrap"`
// }{tx}))
data, log, err := broadcastTxWithClient(r.client, txBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
_, _ = data, log
return nil
// data, log, err := broadcastTxWithClient(r.client, txBytes)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// _, _ = data, log
// return nil
// }
// broadcast the transaction to tendermint
func broadcastTxWithClient(httpClient *client.HTTP, tx tmtypes.Tx) ([]byte, string, error) {
res, err := httpClient.BroadcastTxCommit(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Errorf("Error on broadcast tx: %v", err)
// // broadcast the transaction to tendermint
// func broadcastTxWithClient(httpClient *client.HTTP, tx tmtypes.Tx) ([]byte, string, error) {
// res, err := httpClient.BroadcastTxCommit(tx)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, "", errors.Errorf("Error on broadcast tx: %v", err)
// }
if !res.CheckTx.Code.IsOK() {
r := res.CheckTx
return nil, "", errors.Errorf("BroadcastTxCommit got non-zero exit code: %v. %X; %s", r.Code, r.Data, r.Log)
// if !res.CheckTx.Code.IsOK() {
// r := res.CheckTx
// return nil, "", errors.Errorf("BroadcastTxCommit got non-zero exit code: %v. %X; %s", r.Code, r.Data, r.Log)
// }
if !res.DeliverTx.Code.IsOK() {
r := res.DeliverTx
return nil, "", errors.Errorf("BroadcastTxCommit got non-zero exit code: %v. %X; %s", r.Code, r.Data, r.Log)
// if !res.DeliverTx.Code.IsOK() {
// r := res.DeliverTx
// return nil, "", errors.Errorf("BroadcastTxCommit got non-zero exit code: %v. %X; %s", r.Code, r.Data, r.Log)
// }
return res.DeliverTx.Data, res.DeliverTx.Log, nil
// return res.DeliverTx.Data, res.DeliverTx.Log, nil
// }
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func startCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
basecoinApp.SetLogger(logger.With("module", "app"))
// register IBC plugn
// basecoinApp.RegisterPlugin(NewIBCPlugin())
// register all other plugins
for _, p := range plugins {
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ func main() {
// commands.RelayCmd,
Reference in New Issue