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## Description
Closes: #9361
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This PR is a forward-port of #9392 from `release/v0.42.x` to `master`.
It was initially decided in https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/pull/9392#issuecomment-865987655 that #9392 would be a temporary fix for 0.42, but as per @AdityaSripal's request we're actually foward-porting this to master too.
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## Description
Closes: #7517
ref: [comment](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/pull/9594#issuecomment-872859821)
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## Description
Closes: #9653
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closes: #9239
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## Description
ref: #7517
* [x] Remove the x/{module}/client/rest folder
* [x] Remove all glue code between simapp/modules and the REST server
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## Description
Closes: #8700
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## Description
Closes: #9502
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## Description
Closes: #9499
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## Description
ref: #9183
After some more recent conversations w/ @aaronc, I decided to go back to his original proposal of setting up a subcommand for running in-process testnets.
This PR splits the `simd testnet` command into two subcommands:
- `simd testnet start` which starts an in-process n-node testnet
- `simd testnet init-files` which sets up configuration & genesis files for an n-node testnet to be run as separate processes (one per node, most likely via Docker Compose)
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- [ ] Wrote unit and integration [tests](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#testing)
- [x] Updated relevant documentation (`docs/`) or specification (`x/<module>/spec/`) - **see #9411**
- [x] Added relevant `godoc` [comments](https://blog.golang.org/godoc-documenting-go-code).
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- [x] Re-reviewed `Files changed` in the Github PR explorer
- [ ] Review `Codecov Report` in the comment section below once CI passes
# Description
Adds a new gRPC method, `DenomOwners`, to the `x/bank` module. This method queries for all account addresses that own a particular token denomination (paginated). _Naming subject to change based on reviews._
closes: #9393
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- [ ] manually tested (if applicable)
## Description
Ref: zero balance check for v0.43
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- [ ] added a changelog entry to `CHANGELOG.md`
- [x] included comments for [documenting Go code](https://blog.golang.org/godoc)
- [x] updated the relevant documentation or specification
- [x] reviewed "Files changed" and left comments if necessary
- [ ] confirmed all CI checks have passed
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- [ ] confirmed `!` in the type prefix if API or client breaking change
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- [ ] reviewed state machine logic
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- [ ] reviewed documentation is accurate
- [ ] reviewed tests and test coverage
- [ ] manually tested (if applicable)
* chore(types): add sdk.Context.Codec and deprecate JSONCodec
* Use clientContext.Codec rather than JSONCodec everywhere
* update tests to use clientContext.Codec
* added a note that EncodingConfig.Marshaler will be renamed to Codec
* update changelog
* fix tests to use clientCtx.WithCodec instead of WithJSONCodec
* fix genutil build
* Update simapp/params/encoding.go
Co-authored-by: Amaury <1293565+amaurym@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Amaury <1293565+amaurym@users.noreply.github.com>
The speed is the same as old implementation, but the new one uses slightly
less memory and make the code easier to maintain.
name old time/op new time/op delta
SanitizeBalances500-8 933µs ± 1% 935µs ± 1% ~ (p=0.400 n=9+10)
SanitizeBalances1000-8 1.91ms ± 0% 1.92ms ± 0% +0.58% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
name old alloc/op new alloc/op delta
SanitizeBalances500-8 588kB ± 0% 556kB ± 0% -5.41% (p=0.000 n=9+9)
SanitizeBalances1000-8 1.18MB ± 0% 1.12MB ± 0% -5.37% (p=0.000 n=9+9)
name old allocs/op new allocs/op delta
SanitizeBalances500-8 5.02k ± 0% 4.02k ± 0% -19.94% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
SanitizeBalances1000-8 10.0k ± 0% 8.0k ± 0% -19.93% (p=0.000 n=9+10)
* Set proper default command output
* Removed duplicated cmd.SetErr(cmd.ErrOrStderr()) and cmd.SetOut(cmd.OutOrStdout())
* Moved command initialization and added CHANGELOG
* fix: groom all uses of cmd.Print*
* Ran make format
Co-authored-by: Michael FIG <mfig@agoric.com>
Co-authored-by: Alessio Treglia <alessio@tendermint.com>
Co-authored-by: Amaury <1293565+amaurym@users.noreply.github.com>
addrLen is encoded in a byte, so it's an uint8. The code in
AddressFromBalancesStore cast it to int for bound checking, but wrongly uses "addrLen+1", which can be overflow.
To fix this, just cast addrLen once and use it in all places.
Found by fuzzing added in #9060.
Delegations and undelegations calculations performed during
accounting operations for vesting accounts were correct but
were not written back to the account store.
closes: #8601closes: #8812
Co-authored-by: Alessio Treglia <alessio@tendermint.com>
Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Bezobchuk <alexanderbez@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan Gimeno <jgimeno@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Frojdi Dymylja <frojdi.dymylja@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Adam Bozanich <adam.boz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Amaury <1293565+amaurym@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: SaReN <sahithnarahari@gmail.com>
Currently, AddressFromBalancesStore uses the input key without any
validation, so an empty key or an invalid key length cause it panics.
This commit fixes the problem, by returning an error in case of invalid
key was passed.
Found by fuzzing added in #9060.
* First run
* Remove dead code
* Make test pass
* Proto gen
* Fix lint
* Add changelog
* Fix tests
* Fix test
* Update x/auth/tx/service.go
Co-authored-by: Marie Gauthier <marie.gauthier63@gmail.com>
* Remove protoTxProvider
* Add grpc-gateway test
* Add comment
* move to api breaking
* lesser diff
* remove conflict
* empty commit to rerun CI
* empty commit to rerun CI
Co-authored-by: Marie Gauthier <marie.gauthier63@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Alessio Treglia <alessio@tendermint.com>
Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>