$ go get -u -v github.com/tendermint/basecoin/cmd/baseserver
$ baseserver init
$ baseserver serve
A server that can be ran by default on port 8998
otherwise one can specify the port using flag `--port` like this:
$ baseserver serve --port 9999
to serve it on port 9999, accessible at http://localhost:9999
- [X] /keys POST -- generate a new key
- [X] /keys GET -- list all keys
- [X] /keys/{name} DELETE-- delete a named key
- [X] /keys/{name} GET -- get a named key
- [X] /keys/{name} POST, PUT -- update a named key
- [X] /sign POST -- sign a transaction
- [X] /build/send POST -- send money from one actor to another. However,
still needs testing and verification of output
- [X] /tx POST -- post a transaction to the blockchain. However, still
needs testing and verification of output
This base code to get the handlers starters was adapted from:
* https://github.com/tendermint/go-crypto/blob/master/keys/server
* https://github.com/tendermint/basecoin/blob/unstable/client/commands/proxy/root.go
Updates #186