# Messages and Queries `Msg`s and `Queries` are the two primary objects handled by modules. Most of the core components defined in a module, like `Msg` services, `keeper`s and `Query` services, exist to process `message`s and `queries`. {synopsis} ## Pre-requisite Readings * [Introduction to Cosmos SDK Modules](./intro.md) {prereq} ## Messages `Msg`s are objects whose end-goal is to trigger state-transitions. They are wrapped in [transactions](../core/transactions.md), which may contain one or more of them. When a transaction is relayed from the underlying consensus engine to the Cosmos SDK application, it is first decoded by [`BaseApp`](../core/baseapp.md). Then, each message contained in the transaction is extracted and routed to the appropriate module via `BaseApp`'s `MsgServiceRouter` so that it can be processed by the module's [`Msg` service](./msg-services.md). For a more detailed explanation of the lifecycle of a transaction, click [here](../basics/tx-lifecycle.md). ### `Msg` Services Starting from v0.40, defining Protobuf `Msg` services is the recommended way to handle messages. A Protobuf `Msg` service should be created for each module, typically in `tx.proto` (see more info about [conventions and naming](../core/encoding.md#faq)). It must have an RPC service method defined for each message in the module. See an example of a `Msg` service definition from `x/bank` module: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.40.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx.proto#L10-L17 Each `Msg` service method must have exactly one argument, which must implement the `sdk.Msg` interface, and a Protobuf response. The naming convention is to call the RPC argument `Msg` and the RPC response `MsgResponse`. For example: ```protobuf rpc Send(MsgSend) returns (MsgSendResponse); ``` `sdk.Msg` interface is a simplified version of the Amino `LegacyMsg` interface described [below](#legacy-amino-msgs) with only `ValidateBasic()` and `GetSigners()` methods. For backwards compatibility with [Amino `LegacyMsg`s](#legacy-amino-msgs), existing `LegacyMsg` types should be used as the request parameter for `service` RPC definitions. Newer `sdk.Msg` types, which only support `service` definitions, should use canonical `Msg...` name. The Cosmos SDK uses Protobuf definitions to generate client and server code: * `MsgServer` interface defines the server API for the `Msg` service and its implementation is described as part of the [`Msg` services](./msg-services.md) documentation. * Structures are generated for all RPC request and response types. A `RegisterMsgServer` method is also generated and should be used to register the module's `MsgServer` implementation in `RegisterServices` method from the [`AppModule` interface](./module-manager.md#appmodule). In order for clients (CLI and grpc-gateway) to have these URLs registered, the Cosmos SDK provides the function `RegisterMsgServiceDesc(registry codectypes.InterfaceRegistry, sd *grpc.ServiceDesc)` that should be called inside module's [`RegisterInterfaces`](module-manager.md#appmodulebasic) method, using the proto-generated `&_Msg_serviceDesc` as `*grpc.ServiceDesc` argument. ### Legacy Amino `LegacyMsg`s The following way of defining messages is deprecated and using [`Msg` services](#msg-services) is preferred. Amino `LegacyMsg`s can be defined as protobuf messages. The messages definition usually includes a list of parameters needed to process the message that will be provided by end-users when they want to create a new transaction containing said message. A `LegacyMsg` is typically accompanied by a standard constructor function, that is called from one of the [module's interface](./module-interfaces.md). `message`s also need to implement the `sdk.Msg` interface: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/4a1b2fba43b1052ca162b3a1e0b6db6db9c26656/types/tx_msg.go#L10-L33 It extends `proto.Message` and contains the following methods: * `Route() string`: Name of the route for this message. Typically all `message`s in a module have the same route, which is most often the module's name. * `Type() string`: Type of the message, used primarly in [events](../core/events.md). This should return a message-specific `string`, typically the denomination of the message itself. * [`ValidateBasic() error`](../basics/tx-lifecycle.md#ValidateBasic). * `GetSignBytes() []byte`: Return the canonical byte representation of the message. Used to generate a signature. * `GetSigners() []AccAddress`: Return the list of signers. The Cosmos SDK will make sure that each `message` contained in a transaction is signed by all the signers listed in the list returned by this method. See an example implementation of a `message` from the `gov` module: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.40.0-rc1/x/gov/types/msgs.go#L77-L125 ## Queries A `query` is a request for information made by end-users of applications through an interface and processed by a full-node. A `query` is received by a full-node through its consensus engine and relayed to the application via the ABCI. It is then routed to the appropriate module via `BaseApp`'s `queryrouter` so that it can be processed by the module's query service (./query-services.md). For a deeper look at the lifecycle of a `query`, click [here](../basics/query-lifecycle.md). ### gRPC Queries Starting from v0.40, the prefered way to define queries is by using [Protobuf services](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#services). A `Query` service should be created per module in `query.proto`. This service lists endpoints starting with `rpc`. Here's an example of such a `Query` service definition: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/d55c1a26657a0af937fa2273b38dcfa1bb3cff9f/proto/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/query.proto#L12-L23 As `proto.Message`s, generated `Response` types implement by default `String()` method of [`fmt.Stringer`](https://golang.org/pkg/fmt/#Stringer). A `RegisterQueryServer` method is also generated and should be used to register the module's query server in the `RegisterServices` method from the [`AppModule` interface](./module-manager.md#appmodule). ### Legacy Queries Before the introduction of Protobuf and gRPC in the Cosmos SDK, there was usually no specific `query` object defined by module developers, contrary to `message`s. Instead, the Cosmos SDK took the simpler approach of using a simple `path` to define each `query`. The `path` contains the `query` type and all the arguments needed in order to process it. For most module queries, the `path` should look like the following: ```text queryCategory/queryRoute/queryType/arg1/arg2/... ``` where: * `queryCategory` is the category of the `query`, typically `custom` for module queries. It is used to differentiate between different kinds of queries within `BaseApp`'s [`Query` method](../core/baseapp.md#query). * `queryRoute` is used by `BaseApp`'s [`queryRouter`](../core/baseapp.md#query-routing) to map the `query` to its module. Usually, `queryRoute` should be the name of the module. * `queryType` is used by the module's [`querier`](./query-services.md#legacy-queriers) to map the `query` to the appropriate `querier function` within the module. * `args` are the actual arguments needed to process the `query`. They are filled out by the end-user. Note that for bigger queries, you might prefer passing arguments in the `Data` field of the request `req` instead of the `path`. The `path` for each `query` must be defined by the module developer in the module's [command-line interface file](./module-interfaces.md#query-commands).Overall, there are 3 mains components module developers need to implement in order to make the subset of the state defined by their module queryable: * A [`querier`](./query-services.md#legacy-queriers), to process the `query` once it has been [routed to the module](../core/baseapp.md#query-routing). * [Query commands](./module-interfaces.md#query-commands) in the module's CLI file, where the `path` for each `query` is specified. * `query` return types. Typically defined in a file `types/querier.go`, they specify the result type of each of the module's `queries`. These custom types must implement the `String()` method of [`fmt.Stringer`](https://golang.org/pkg/fmt/#Stringer). ### Store Queries Store queries query directly for store keys. They use `clientCtx.QueryABCI(req abci.RequestQuery)` to return the full `abci.ResponseQuery` with inclusion Merkle proofs. See following examples: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/080fcf1df25ccdf97f3029b6b6f83caaf5a235e4/x/ibc/core/client/query.go#L36-L46 +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/080fcf1df25ccdf97f3029b6b6f83caaf5a235e4/baseapp/abci.go#L722-L749 ## Next {hide} Learn about [`Msg` services](./msg-services.md) {hide}