#!/usr/bin/env bash # this script is used by Github CI to tranverse all modules an run module tests. # the script expects a diff to be generated in order to skip some modules. # Executes go module tests and merges the coverage profile. # If GIT_DIFF variable is set then it's used to test if a module has any file changes - if # it doesn't have any file changes then we will ignore the module tests. execute_mod_tests() { go_mod=$1; mod_dir=$(dirname "$go_mod"); mod_dir=${mod_dir:2}; # remove "./" prefix root_dir=$(pwd); # TODO: in the future we will need to disable it once we go into multi module setup, because # we will have cross module dependencies. if [ -n "$GIT_DIFF" ] && ! grep $mod_dir <<< $GIT_DIFF; then echo ">>> ignoring module $mod_dir - no changes in the module"; return; fi; echo ">>> running $go_mod tests" cd $mod_dir; go test -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -coverprofile=${root_dir}/${coverage_file}.tmp -covermode=atomic -tags='norace ledger test_ledger_mock rocksdb_build' ./... local ret=$? echo "test return: " $ret; cd -; # strip mode statement tail -n +1 ${coverage_file}.tmp >> ${coverage_file} rm ${coverage_file}.tmp; return $ret; } # GIT_DIFF=`git status --porcelain` echo "GIT_DIFF: " $GIT_DIFF coverage_file=coverage-go-submod-profile.out return_val=0; for f in $(find -name go.mod -not -path "./go.mod"); do execute_mod_tests $f; if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then return_val=2; fi; done exit $return_val;