# Client ## CLI A user can query and interact with the `group` module using the CLI. ### Query The `query` commands allow users to query `group` state. ```bash simd query group --help ``` #### group-info The `group-info` command allows users to query for group info by given group id. ```bash simd query group group-info [id] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group group-info 1 ``` Example Output: ```bash admin: cosmos1.. group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== total_weight: "3" version: "1" ``` #### group-policy-info The `group-policy-info` command allows users to query for group policy info by account address of group policy . ```bash simd query group group-policy-info [group-policy-account] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group group-policy-info cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" ``` #### group-members The `group-members` command allows users to query for group members by group id with pagination flags. ```bash simd query group group-members [id] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group group-members 1 ``` Example Output: ```bash members: - group_id: "1" member: address: cosmos1.. metadata: AQ== weight: "2" - group_id: "1" member: address: cosmos1.. metadata: AQ== weight: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "2" ``` #### groups-by-admin The `groups-by-admin` command allows users to query for groups by admin account address with pagination flags. ```bash simd query group groups-by-admin [admin] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group groups-by-admin cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash groups: - admin: cosmos1.. group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== total_weight: "3" version: "1" - admin: cosmos1.. group_id: "2" metadata: AQ== total_weight: "3" version: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "2" ``` #### group-policies-by-group The `group-policies-by-group` command allows users to query for group policies by group id with pagination flags. ```bash simd query group group-policies-by-group [group-id] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group group-policies-by-group 1 ``` Example Output: ```bash group_policies: - address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" - address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "2" ``` #### group-policies-by-admin The `group-policies-by-admin` command allows users to query for group policies by admin account address with pagination flags. ```bash simd query group group-policies-by-admin [admin] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group group-policies-by-admin cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash group_policies: - address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" - address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "2" ``` #### proposal The `proposal` command allows users to query for proposal by id. ```bash simd query group proposal [id] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group proposal 1 ``` Example Output: ```bash proposal: address: cosmos1.. executor_result: EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN group_policy_version: "1" group_version: "1" metadata: AQ== msgs: - '@type': /cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend amount: - amount: "100000000" denom: stake from_address: cosmos1.. to_address: cosmos1.. proposal_id: "1" proposers: - cosmos1.. result: RESULT_UNFINALIZED status: STATUS_SUBMITTED submitted_at: "2021-12-17T07:06:26.310638964Z" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s vote_state: abstain_count: "0" no_count: "0" veto_count: "0" yes_count: "0" ``` #### proposals-by-group-policy The `proposals-by-group-policy` command allows users to query for proposals by account address of group policy with pagination flags. ```bash simd query group proposals-by-group-policy [group-policy-account] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group proposals-by-group-policy cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash pagination: next_key: null total: "1" proposals: - address: cosmos1.. executor_result: EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN group_policy_version: "1" group_version: "1" metadata: AQ== msgs: - '@type': /cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend amount: - amount: "100000000" denom: stake from_address: cosmos1.. to_address: cosmos1.. proposal_id: "1" proposers: - cosmos1.. result: RESULT_UNFINALIZED status: STATUS_SUBMITTED submitted_at: "2021-12-17T07:06:26.310638964Z" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s vote_state: abstain_count: "0" no_count: "0" veto_count: "0" yes_count: "0" ``` #### vote The `vote` command allows users to query for vote by proposal id and voter account address. ```bash simd query group vote [proposal-id] [voter] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group vote 1 cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash vote: choice: CHOICE_YES metadata: AQ== proposal_id: "1" submitted_at: "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" voter: cosmos1.. ``` #### votes-by-proposal The `votes-by-proposal` command allows users to query for votes by proposal id with pagination flags. ```bash simd query group votes-by-proposal [proposal-id] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group votes-by-proposal 1 ``` Example Output: ```bash pagination: next_key: null total: "1" votes: - choice: CHOICE_YES metadata: AQ== proposal_id: "1" submitted_at: "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" voter: cosmos1.. ``` #### votes-by-voter The `votes-by-voter` command allows users to query for votes by voter account address with pagination flags. ```bash simd query group votes-by-voter [voter] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd query group votes-by-voter cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash pagination: next_key: null total: "1" votes: - choice: CHOICE_YES metadata: AQ== proposal_id: "1" submitted_at: "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" voter: cosmos1.. ``` ### Transactions The `tx` commands allow users to interact with the `group` module. ```bash simd tx group --help ``` #### create-group The `create-group` command allows users to create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account. ```bash simd tx group create-group [admin] [metadata] [members-json-file] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group create-group cosmos1.. "AQ==" members.json ``` #### update-group-admin The `update-group-admin` command allows users to update a group's admin. ```bash simd tx group update-group-admin [admin] [group-id] [new-admin] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group update-group-admin cosmos1.. 1 cosmos1.. ``` #### update-group-members The `update-group-members` command allows users to update a group's members. ```bash simd tx group update-group-members [admin] [group-id] [members-json-file] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group update-group-members cosmos1.. 1 members.json ``` #### update-group-metadata The `update-group-metadata` command allows users to update a group's metadata. ```bash simd tx group update-group-metadata [admin] [group-id] [metadata] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group update-group-metadata cosmos1.. 1 "AQ==" ``` #### create-group-policy The `create-group-policy` command allows users to create a group policy which is an account associated with a group and a decision policy. ```bash simd tx group create-group-policy [admin] [group-id] [metadata] [decision-policy] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group create-group-policy cosmos1.. 1 "AQ==" '{"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold":"1", "windows": {"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}' ``` #### create-group-with-policy The `create-group-with-policy` command allows users to create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account with decision policy. If the `--group-policy-as-admin` flag is set to `true`, the group policy address becomes the group and group policy admin. ```bash simd tx group create-group-with-policy [admin] [group-metadata] [group-policy-metadata] [members-json-file] [decision-policy] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group create-group-with-policy cosmos1.. "AQ==" "AQ==" members.json '{"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold":"1", "windows": {"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}' ``` #### update-group-policy-admin The `update-group-policy-admin` command allows users to update a group policy admin. ```bash simd tx group update-group-policy-admin [admin] [group-policy-account] [new-admin] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group update-group-policy-admin cosmos1.. cosmos1.. cosmos1.. ``` #### update-group-policy-metadata The `update-group-policy-metadata` command allows users to update a group policy metadata. ```bash simd tx group update-group-policy-metadata [admin] [group-policy-account] [new-metadata] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group update-group-policy-metadata cosmos1.. cosmos1.. "AQ==" ``` #### update-group-policy-decision-policy The `update-group-policy-decision-policy` command allows users to update a group policy's decision policy. ```bash simd tx group update-group-policy-decision-policy [admin] [group-policy-account] [decision-policy] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group update-group-policy-decision-policy cosmos1.. cosmos1.. '{"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold":"2", "windows": {"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}' ``` #### create-proposal The `create-proposal` command allows users to submit a new proposal. ```bash simd tx group create-proposal [group-policy-account] [proposer[,proposer]*] [msg_tx_json_file] [metadata] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group create-proposal cosmos1.. cosmos1.. msg_tx.json "AQ==" ``` #### withdraw-proposal The `withdraw-proposal` command allows users to withdraw a proposal. ```bash simd tx group withdraw-proposal [proposal-id] [group-policy-admin-or-proposer] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group withdraw-proposal 1 cosmos1.. ``` #### vote The `vote` command allows users to vote on a proposal. ```bash simd tx group vote proposal-id] [voter] [choice] [metadata] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group vote 1 cosmos1.. CHOICE_YES "AQ==" ``` #### exec The `exec` command allows users to execute a proposal. ```bash simd tx group exec [proposal-id] [flags] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group exec 1 ``` #### leave-group The `leave-group` command allows group member to leave the group. ```bash simd tx group leave-group [member-address] [group-id] ``` Example: ```bash simd tx group leave-group cosmos1... 1 ``` ## gRPC A user can query the `group` module using gRPC endpoints. ### GroupInfo The `GroupInfo` endpoint allows users to query for group info by given group id. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupInfo ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"group_id":1}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupInfo ``` Example Output: ```bash { "info": { "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "totalWeight": "3" } } ``` ### GroupPolicyInfo The `GroupPolicyInfo` endpoint allows users to query for group policy info by account address of group policy. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupPolicyInfo ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"address":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupPolicyInfo ``` Example Output: ```bash { "info": { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows": {"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, } } ``` ### GroupMembers The `GroupMembers` endpoint allows users to query for group members by group id with pagination flags. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupMembers ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"group_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupMembers ``` Example Output: ```bash { "members": [ { "groupId": "1", "member": { "address": "cosmos1..", "weight": "1" } }, { "groupId": "1", "member": { "address": "cosmos1..", "weight": "2" } } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } } ``` ### GroupsByAdmin The `GroupsByAdmin` endpoint allows users to query for groups by admin account address with pagination flags. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupsByAdmin ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"admin":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupsByAdmin ``` Example Output: ```bash { "groups": [ { "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "totalWeight": "3" }, { "groupId": "2", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "totalWeight": "3" } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } } ``` ### GroupPoliciesByGroup The `GroupPoliciesByGroup` endpoint allows users to query for group policies by group id with pagination flags. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupPoliciesByGroup ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"group_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupPoliciesByGroup ``` Example Output: ```bash { "GroupPolicies": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows":{"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows":{"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } } ``` ### GroupPoliciesByAdmin The `GroupPoliciesByAdmin` endpoint allows users to query for group policies by admin account address with pagination flags. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupPoliciesByAdmin ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"admin":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/GroupPoliciesByAdmin ``` Example Output: ```bash { "GroupPolicies": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows":{"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows":{"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } } ``` ### Proposal The `Proposal` endpoint allows users to query for proposal by id. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/Proposal ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/Proposal ``` Example Output: ```bash { "proposal": { "proposalId": "1", "address": "cosmos1..", "proposers": [ "cosmos1.." ], "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T07:06:26.310638964Z", "groupVersion": "1", "GroupPolicyVersion": "1", "status": "STATUS_SUBMITTED", "result": "RESULT_UNFINALIZED", "voteState": { "yesCount": "0", "noCount": "0", "abstainCount": "0", "vetoCount": "0" }, "windows": { "min_execution_period": "0s", "voting_period": "432000s" }, "executorResult": "EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN", "msgs": [ {"@type":"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend","amount":[{"denom":"stake","amount":"100000000"}],"fromAddress":"cosmos1..","toAddress":"cosmos1.."} ] } } ``` ### ProposalsByGroupPolicy The `ProposalsByGroupPolicy` endpoint allows users to query for proposals by account address of group policy with pagination flags. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/ProposalsByGroupPolicy ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"address":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/ProposalsByGroupPolicy ``` Example Output: ```bash { "proposals": [ { "proposalId": "1", "address": "cosmos1..", "proposers": [ "cosmos1.." ], "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T08:03:27.099649352Z", "groupVersion": "1", "GroupPolicyVersion": "1", "status": "STATUS_CLOSED", "result": "RESULT_ACCEPTED", "voteState": { "yesCount": "1", "noCount": "0", "abstainCount": "0", "vetoCount": "0" }, "windows": { "min_execution_period": "0s", "voting_period": "432000s" }, "executorResult": "EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN", "msgs": [ {"@type":"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend","amount":[{"denom":"stake","amount":"100000000"}],"fromAddress":"cosmos1..","toAddress":"cosmos1.."} ] } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } } ``` ### VoteByProposalVoter The `VoteByProposalVoter` endpoint allows users to query for vote by proposal id and voter account address. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/VoteByProposalVoter ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1","voter":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/VoteByProposalVoter ``` Example Output: ```bash { "vote": { "proposalId": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } } ``` ### VotesByProposal The `VotesByProposal` endpoint allows users to query for votes by proposal id with pagination flags. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/VotesByProposal ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/VotesByProposal ``` Example Output: ```bash { "votes": [ { "proposalId": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } } ``` ### VotesByVoter The `VotesByVoter` endpoint allows users to query for votes by voter account address with pagination flags. ```bash cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/VotesByVoter ``` Example: ```bash grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"voter":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1beta1.Query/VotesByVoter ``` Example Output: ```bash { "votes": [ { "proposalId": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } } ``` ## REST A user can query the `group` module using REST endpoints. ### GroupInfo The `GroupInfo` endpoint allows users to query for group info by given group id. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_info/{group_id} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_info/1 ``` Example Output: ```bash { "info": { "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "total_weight": "3" } } ``` ### GroupPolicyInfo The `GroupPolicyInfo` endpoint allows users to query for group policy info by account address of group policy. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_policy_info/{address} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_policy_info/cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash { "info": { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, } } ``` ### GroupMembers The `GroupMembers` endpoint allows users to query for group members by group id with pagination flags. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_members/{group_id} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_members/1 ``` Example Output: ```bash { "members": [ { "group_id": "1", "member": { "address": "cosmos1..", "weight": "1", "metadata": "AQ==" } }, { "group_id": "1", "member": { "address": "cosmos1..", "weight": "2", "metadata": "AQ==" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" } } ``` ### GroupsByAdmin The `GroupsByAdmin` endpoint allows users to query for groups by admin account address with pagination flags. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/groups_by_admin/{admin} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/groups_by_admin/cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash { "groups": [ { "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "total_weight": "3" }, { "group_id": "2", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "total_weight": "3" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" } } ``` ### GroupPoliciesByGroup The `GroupPoliciesByGroup` endpoint allows users to query for group policies by group id with pagination flags. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_policies_by_group/{group_id} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_policies_by_group/1 ``` Example Output: ```bash { "group_policies": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" } } ``` ### GroupPoliciesByAdmin The `GroupPoliciesByAdmin` endpoint allows users to query for group policies by admin account address with pagination flags. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_policies_by_admin/{admin} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/group_policies_by_admin/cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash { "group_policies": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1beta1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" } ``` ### Proposal The `Proposal` endpoint allows users to query for proposal by id. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/proposal/{proposal_id} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/proposal/1 ``` Example Output: ```bash { "proposal": { "proposal_id": "1", "address": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "proposers": [ "cosmos1.." ], "submitted_at": "2021-12-17T07:06:26.310638964Z", "group_version": "1", "group_policy_version": "1", "status": "STATUS_SUBMITTED", "result": "RESULT_UNFINALIZED", "vote_state": { "yes_count": "0", "no_count": "0", "abstain_count": "0", "veto_count": "0" }, "windows": { "min_execution_period": "0s", "voting_period": "432000s" }, "executor_result": "EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN", "msgs": [ { "@type": "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend", "from_address": "cosmos1..", "to_address": "cosmos1..", "amount": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "100000000" } ] } ] } } ``` ### ProposalsByGroupPolicy The `ProposalsByGroupPolicy` endpoint allows users to query for proposals by account address of group policy with pagination flags. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/proposals_by_group_policy/{address} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/proposals_by_group_policy/cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash { "proposals": [ { "proposal_id": "1", "address": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "proposers": [ "cosmos1.." ], "submitted_at": "2021-12-17T08:03:27.099649352Z", "group_version": "1", "group_policy_version": "1", "status": "STATUS_CLOSED", "result": "RESULT_ACCEPTED", "vote_state": { "yes_count": "1", "no_count": "0", "abstain_count": "0", "veto_count": "0" }, "windows": { "min_execution_period": "0s", "voting_period": "432000s" }, "executor_result": "EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN", "msgs": [ { "@type": "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend", "from_address": "cosmos1..", "to_address": "cosmos1..", "amount": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "100000000" } ] } ] } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "1" } } ``` ### VoteByProposalVoter The `VoteByProposalVoter` endpoint allows users to query for vote by proposal id and voter account address. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/vote_by_proposal_voter/{proposal_id}/{voter} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/vote_by_proposal_voter/1/cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash { "vote": { "proposal_id": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "metadata": "AQ==", "submitted_at": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } } ``` ### VotesByProposal The `VotesByProposal` endpoint allows users to query for votes by proposal id with pagination flags. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/votes_by_proposal/{proposal_id} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/votes_by_proposal/1 ``` Example Output: ```bash { "votes": [ { "proposal_id": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "metadata": "AQ==", "submitted_at": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "1" } } ``` ### VotesByVoter The `VotesByVoter` endpoint allows users to query for votes by voter account address with pagination flags. ```bash /cosmos/group/v1beta1/votes_by_voter/{voter} ``` Example: ```bash curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/votes_by_voter/cosmos1.. ``` Example Output: ```bash { "votes": [ { "proposal_id": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "metadata": "AQ==", "submitted_at": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "1" } } ```