# `Msg` Services A `Msg` Service processes [messages](./messages-and-queries.md#messages). `Msg` Services are specific to the module in which they are defined, and only process messages defined within the said module. They are called from `BaseApp` during [`DeliverTx`](../core/baseapp.md#delivertx). {synopsis} ## Pre-requisite Readings - [Module Manager](./module-manager.md) {prereq} - [Messages and Queries](./messages-and-queries.md) {prereq} ## Implementation of a module `Msg` service All `Msg` processing is done by a [`Msg`](messages-and-queries.md#msg-services) protobuf service. Each module should define a `Msg` service, which will be responsible for request and response serialization. As further described in [ADR 031](../architecture/adr-031-msg-service.md), this approach has the advantage of clearly specifying return types and generating server and client code. When possible, the existing module's [`Keeper`](keeper.md) should implement `MsgServer`, otherwise a `msgServer` struct that embeds the `Keeper` can be created, typically in `./keeper/msg_server.go`: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.40.0-rc1/x/bank/keeper/msg_server.go#L14-L16 `msgServer` methods can retrieve the `sdk.Context` from the `context.Context` parameter method using the `sdk.UnwrapSDKContext`: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.40.0-rc1/x/bank/keeper/msg_server.go#L27 `Msg` processing usually follows these 2 steps: - First, they perform *stateful* checks to make sure the `message` is valid. At this stage, the `message`'s `ValidateBasic()` method has already been called, meaning *stateless* checks on the message (like making sure parameters are correctly formatted) have already been performed. Checks performed in the `msgServer` method can be more expensive and require access to the state. For example, a `msgServer` method for a `transfer` message might check that the sending account has enough funds to actually perform the transfer. To access the state, the `msgServer` method needs to call the [`keeper`'s](./keeper.md) getter functions. - Then, if the checks are successful, the `msgServer` method calls the [`keeper`'s](./keeper.md) setter functions to actually perform the state transition. Before returning, `msgServer` methods generally emit one or more [events](../core/events.md) via the `EventManager` held in the `ctx`: ```go ctx.EventManager().EmitEvent( sdk.NewEvent( eventType, // e.g. sdk.EventTypeMessage for a message, types.CustomEventType for a custom event defined in the module sdk.NewAttribute(attributeKey, attributeValue), ), ) ``` These events are relayed back to the underlying consensus engine and can be used by service providers to implement services around the application. Click [here](../core/events.md) to learn more about events. The invoked `msgServer` method returns a `proto.Message` response and an `error`. These return values are then wrapped into an `*sdk.Result` or an `error` using `sdk.WrapServiceResult(ctx sdk.Context, res proto.Message, err error)`: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.40.0-rc2/baseapp/msg_service_router.go#L104 This method takes care of marshaling the `res` parameter to protobuf and attaching any events on the `ctx.EventManager()` to the `sdk.Result`. +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/d55c1a26657a0af937fa2273b38dcfa1bb3cff9f/proto/cosmos/base/abci/v1beta1/abci.proto#L81-L95 ## Legacy Amino `Msg`s ### `handler` type The `handler` type defined in the Cosmos SDK will be deprecated in favor of [`Msg` Services](#implementation-of-a-module-msg-service). Here is the typical structure of a `handler` function: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.40.0-rc2/types/handler.go#L4 Let us break it down: - The [`Msg`](./messages-and-queries.md#messages) is the actual object being processed. - The [`Context`](../core/context.md) contains all the necessary information needed to process the `msg`, as well as a cache-wrapped copy of the latest state. If the `msg` is succesfully processed, the modified version of the temporary state contained in the `ctx` will be written to the main state. - The [`*Result`] returned to `BaseApp` contains (among other things) information on the execution of the `handler` and [events](../core/events.md). Module `handler`s are typically implemented in a `./handler.go` file inside the module's folder. The [module manager](./module-manager.md) is used to add the module's `handler`s to the [application's `router`](../core/baseapp.md#message-routing) via the `Route()` method. Typically, the manager's `Route()` method simply constructs a Route that calls a `NewHandler()` method defined in `handler.go`. +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/228728cce2af8d494c8b4e996d011492139b04ab/x/gov/module.go#L143-L146 ### Implementation `NewHandler` function dispatches a `Msg` to appropriate handler function, usually by using a switch statement: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/d55c1a26657a0af937fa2273b38dcfa1bb3cff9f/x/bank/handler.go#L13-L29 First, `NewHandler` function sets a new `EventManager` to the context to isolate events per `msg`. Then, a simple switch calls the appropriate `handler` based on the `Msg` type. In this regard, `handler`s functions need to be implemented for each module `Msg`. This will also involve manual handler registration of `Msg` types. `handler`s functions should return a `*Result` and an `error`. ## Telemetry New [telemetry metrics](../core/telemetry.md) can be created from `msgServer` methods when handling messages. This is an example from the `x/auth/vesting` module: +++ https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.40.0-rc1/x/auth/vesting/msg_server.go#L73-L85 ## Next {hide} Learn about [query services](./query-services.md) {hide}