syntax = "proto3"; package cosmos.nft.v1beta1; import "cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nft.proto"; option go_package = ""; // Msg defines the nft Msg service. service Msg { // Send defines a method to send a nft from one account to another account. rpc Send(MsgSend) returns (MsgSendResponse); } // MsgSend represents a message to send a nft from one account to another account. message MsgSend { // class_id defines the unique identifier of the nft classification, similar to the contract address of ERC721 string class_id = 1; // id defines the unique identification of nft string id = 2; // sender is the address of the owner of nft string sender = 3; // receiver is the receiver address of nft string receiver = 4; } // MsgSendResponse defines the Msg/Send response type. message MsgSendResponse {}