syntax = "proto3"; package; option go_package = ""; import "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; import "cosmos_proto/cosmos.proto"; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import "cosmos/group/v1beta1/types.proto"; // Msg is the Msg service. service Msg { // CreateGroup creates a new group with an admin account address, a list of members and some optional metadata. rpc CreateGroup(MsgCreateGroup) returns (MsgCreateGroupResponse); // UpdateGroupMembers updates the group members with given group id and admin address. rpc UpdateGroupMembers(MsgUpdateGroupMembers) returns (MsgUpdateGroupMembersResponse); // UpdateGroupAdmin updates the group admin with given group id and previous admin address. rpc UpdateGroupAdmin(MsgUpdateGroupAdmin) returns (MsgUpdateGroupAdminResponse); // UpdateGroupMetadata updates the group metadata with given group id and admin address. rpc UpdateGroupMetadata(MsgUpdateGroupMetadata) returns (MsgUpdateGroupMetadataResponse); // CreateGroupPolicy creates a new group policy using given DecisionPolicy. rpc CreateGroupPolicy(MsgCreateGroupPolicy) returns (MsgCreateGroupPolicyResponse); // UpdateGroupPolicyAdmin updates a group policy admin. rpc UpdateGroupPolicyAdmin(MsgUpdateGroupPolicyAdmin) returns (MsgUpdateGroupPolicyAdminResponse); // UpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy allows a group policy's decision policy to be updated. rpc UpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy(MsgUpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy) returns (MsgUpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicyResponse); // UpdateGroupPolicyMetadata updates a group policy metadata. rpc UpdateGroupPolicyMetadata(MsgUpdateGroupPolicyMetadata) returns (MsgUpdateGroupPolicyMetadataResponse); // CreateProposal submits a new proposal. rpc CreateProposal(MsgCreateProposal) returns (MsgCreateProposalResponse); // Vote allows a voter to vote on a proposal. rpc Vote(MsgVote) returns (MsgVoteResponse); // Exec executes a proposal. rpc Exec(MsgExec) returns (MsgExecResponse); } // // Groups // // MsgCreateGroup is the Msg/CreateGroup request type. message MsgCreateGroup { // admin is the account address of the group admin. string admin = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // members defines the group members. repeated Member members = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; // metadata is any arbitrary metadata to attached to the group. bytes metadata = 3; } // MsgCreateGroupResponse is the Msg/CreateGroup response type. message MsgCreateGroupResponse { // group_id is the unique ID of the newly created group. uint64 group_id = 1; } // MsgUpdateGroupMembers is the Msg/UpdateGroupMembers request type. message MsgUpdateGroupMembers { // admin is the account address of the group admin. string admin = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // group_id is the unique ID of the group. uint64 group_id = 2; // member_updates is the list of members to update, // set weight to 0 to remove a member. repeated Member member_updates = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } // MsgUpdateGroupMembersResponse is the Msg/UpdateGroupMembers response type. message MsgUpdateGroupMembersResponse {} // MsgUpdateGroupAdmin is the Msg/UpdateGroupAdmin request type. message MsgUpdateGroupAdmin { // admin is the current account address of the group admin. string admin = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // group_id is the unique ID of the group. uint64 group_id = 2; // new_admin is the group new admin account address. string new_admin = 3 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; } // MsgUpdateGroupAdminResponse is the Msg/UpdateGroupAdmin response type. message MsgUpdateGroupAdminResponse {} // MsgUpdateGroupMetadata is the Msg/UpdateGroupMetadata request type. message MsgUpdateGroupMetadata { // admin is the account address of the group admin. string admin = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // group_id is the unique ID of the group. uint64 group_id = 2; // metadata is the updated group's metadata. bytes metadata = 3; } // MsgUpdateGroupMetadataResponse is the Msg/UpdateGroupMetadata response type. message MsgUpdateGroupMetadataResponse {} // // Group Policies // // MsgCreateGroupPolicy is the Msg/CreateGroupPolicy request type. message MsgCreateGroupPolicy { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; // admin is the account address of the group admin. string admin = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // group_id is the unique ID of the group. uint64 group_id = 2; // metadata is any arbitrary metadata attached to the group policy. bytes metadata = 3; // decision_policy specifies the group policy's decision policy. google.protobuf.Any decision_policy = 4 [(cosmos_proto.accepts_interface) = "DecisionPolicy"]; } // MsgCreateGroupPolicyResponse is the Msg/CreateGroupPolicy response type. message MsgCreateGroupPolicyResponse { // address is the account address of the newly created group policy. string address = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; } // MsgUpdateGroupPolicyAdmin is the Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyAdmin request type. message MsgUpdateGroupPolicyAdmin { // admin is the account address of the group admin. string admin = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // address is the account address of the group policy. string address = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // new_admin is the new group policy admin. string new_admin = 3 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; } // MsgUpdateGroupPolicyAdminResponse is the Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyAdmin response type. message MsgUpdateGroupPolicyAdminResponse {} // MsgUpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy is the Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy request type. message MsgUpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; // admin is the account address of the group admin. string admin = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // address is the account address of group policy. string address = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // decision_policy is the updated group policy's decision policy. google.protobuf.Any decision_policy = 3 [(cosmos_proto.accepts_interface) = "DecisionPolicy"]; } // MsgUpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicyResponse is the Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy response type. message MsgUpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicyResponse {} // MsgUpdateGroupPolicyMetadata is the Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyMetadata request type. message MsgUpdateGroupPolicyMetadata { // admin is the account address of the group admin. string admin = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // address is the account address of group policy. string address = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // metadata is the updated group policy metadata. bytes metadata = 3; } // MsgUpdateGroupPolicyMetadataResponse is the Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyMetadata response type. message MsgUpdateGroupPolicyMetadataResponse {} // // Proposals and Voting // // Exec defines modes of execution of a proposal on creation or on new vote. enum Exec { // An empty value means that there should be a separate // MsgExec request for the proposal to execute. EXEC_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Try to execute the proposal immediately. // If the proposal is not allowed per the DecisionPolicy, // the proposal will still be open and could // be executed at a later point. EXEC_TRY = 1; } // MsgCreateProposal is the Msg/CreateProposal request type. message MsgCreateProposal { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; // address is the account address of group policy. string address = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // proposers are the account addresses of the proposers. // Proposers signatures will be counted as yes votes. repeated string proposers = 2; // metadata is any arbitrary metadata to attached to the proposal. bytes metadata = 3; // msgs is a list of Msgs that will be executed if the proposal passes. repeated google.protobuf.Any msgs = 4; // exec defines the mode of execution of the proposal, // whether it should be executed immediately on creation or not. // If so, proposers signatures are considered as Yes votes. Exec exec = 5; } // MsgCreateProposalResponse is the Msg/CreateProposal response type. message MsgCreateProposalResponse { // proposal is the unique ID of the proposal. uint64 proposal_id = 1; } // MsgVote is the Msg/Vote request type. message MsgVote { // proposal is the unique ID of the proposal. uint64 proposal_id = 1; // voter is the voter account address. string voter = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; // choice is the voter's choice on the proposal. Choice choice = 3; // metadata is any arbitrary metadata to attached to the vote. bytes metadata = 4; // exec defines whether the proposal should be executed // immediately after voting or not. Exec exec = 5; } // MsgVoteResponse is the Msg/Vote response type. message MsgVoteResponse {} // MsgExec is the Msg/Exec request type. message MsgExec { // proposal is the unique ID of the proposal. uint64 proposal_id = 1; // signer is the account address used to execute the proposal. string signer = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"]; } // MsgExecResponse is the Msg/Exec request type. message MsgExecResponse {}